The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
/—-/ Most of which can be easily manipulated by the gun grabbers. “Sorry, you failed the test by one question. Your answer to the muzzle velocity of a 1911 was off by 1/10 ft per second. No guns for you.”
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Here's an Idea..

In order to vote in an election, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on American History.

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed scoring 95%

03. Prove citizenship with an ID

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

Much better... And it uses 3 less steps.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
/—-/ Most of which can be easily manipulated by the gun grabbers. “Sorry, you failed the test by one question. Your answer to the muzzle velocity of a 1911 was off by 1/10 ft per second. No guns for you.”
That wasn't a serious post.

Clearly the objective is to nullify the 2nd Amendment. Fascists and other Totalitarians will do anything to achieve their goals.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
/—-/ Most of which can be easily manipulated by the gun grabbers. “Sorry, you failed the test by one question. Your answer to the muzzle velocity of a 1911 was off by 1/10 ft per second. No guns for you.”
Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
Only Fascists and other Totalitarians want gun control.

We have a complete Bill of Rights that prohibits government from evoking the tyranny you lust for.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
/—-/ Most of which can be easily manipulated by the gun grabbers. “Sorry, you failed the test by one question. Your answer to the muzzle velocity of a 1911 was off by 1/10 ft per second. No guns for you.”
Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
/——-/ You’ll grab them both. You don’t fool us.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
/—-/ Most of which can be easily manipulated by the gun grabbers. “Sorry, you failed the test by one question. Your answer to the muzzle velocity of a 1911 was off by 1/10 ft per second. No guns for you.”
Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
/——-/ You’ll grab them both. You don’t fool us.
The Fascist Left will grab everything it is allowed to grab.
300 civilians with guns in a Walmart. What could go wrong? They all pull out their weapons when they hear the shots. They see someone else with a weapon and think its the mass shooter and shoot them. You could have a dozen of these cases with that many people. The mass shooter will still kill a few before he gets shot because he has the initiative. You'll still have over 20 people dead, half of them killed by the armed civilians thinking their target was the mass shooter.
What a bunch of false bullshit and fantasy.

What kind of looney-toons cartoon world do you live in?

If a concealed handgun carrier does not initially see the shooter when shots begin, surely he/she will know the direction of the shots, and 99,999 times out of 100,000, the handgun carrier will FIRST try to escape, without pulling the weapon.

Your post is EVIDENCE that you are not living in reality and you buy into the bullshit. You MUST be a commie leftist because you clearly do NOT understand human nature.

In Fact, in Texas, LTC (license to carry) holders are trained to not intervene or act like police in those situations. We're trained to de-escalate, and only pull for SELF defense or defense of family members AFTER attempting to flee or hide. As if that were not enough, the Texas LTC requires an applicant to demonstrate, at the gun range, the ability to use the hand gun with a high level of precision at various ranges in different patterns of fire. The instructor will call out different shot combinations (double tap, three-round bursts, etc.) and distances of up to 45 feet, so any argument that there would be significant collateral damage is also fiction and fear-mongering, at best.

Most of the concealed-carry courses are dedicated to situations where the carrier does NOT pull the weapon.

The LTC course and other training I received is one of the reasons I support MANDATORY training for everyone as a condition for graduating from high school.

So, take your completely unrealistic, bullshit fantasy scenarios and shove them up your ass. You just proved that you're a gun-grabbing cuck without the ability to think for yourself.

Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
Only Fascists and other Totalitarians want gun control.

We have a complete Bill of Rights that prohibits government from evoking the tyranny you lust for.
Our Second Amendment is express, not implied by right wing fantasy in any way whatsoever.
...The political elite want us unarmed and subservient. You know they do. Don't give them SHIT!!!
And just how long do you think you will hold off the police or the military in the event you're right? Five minutes?

Metaphorically speaking, such thinking is akin to that of the children in this clip, intent on holding Berlin from the advancing Roooskies in April 1945...

The father, coming for his misguided son, had it right...

Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
Only Fascists and other Totalitarians want gun control.

We have a complete Bill of Rights that prohibits government from evoking the tyranny you lust for.
Our Second Amendment is express, not implied by right wing fantasy in any way whatsoever.
/——/ “express not implied????” How about shaken not stirred? You babbling idiot. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
Only Fascists and other Totalitarians want gun control.

We have a complete Bill of Rights that prohibits government from evoking the tyranny you lust for.
Our Second Amendment is express, not implied by right wing fantasy in any way whatsoever.
/——/ “express not implied????” How about shaken not stirred? You babbling idiot. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Y'all only get away that in these totally frivolous venues. Try that in a more superior venue, and see if you get away with it.
Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
Only Fascists and other Totalitarians want gun control.

We have a complete Bill of Rights that prohibits government from evoking the tyranny you lust for.
Our Second Amendment is express, not implied by right wing fantasy in any way whatsoever.
/——/ “express not implied????” How about shaken not stirred? You babbling idiot. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Y'all only get away that in these totally frivolous venues. Try that in a more superior venue, and see if you get away with it.
/——/ Try posting “express, not implied “ in a serious venue and get laughed out of the room.
Only the unorganized militia complain about gun control.

We have a Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.
Only Fascists and other Totalitarians want gun control.

We have a complete Bill of Rights that prohibits government from evoking the tyranny you lust for.
Our Second Amendment is express, not implied by right wing fantasy in any way whatsoever.
/——/ “express not implied????” How about shaken not stirred? You babbling idiot. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Y'all only get away that in these totally frivolous venues. Try that in a more superior venue, and see if you get away with it.
/——/ Try posting “express, not implied “ in a serious venue and get laughed out of the room.
lol. they understand the law there. get responsive or be frivolous, is what I am going to say.
Only Fascists and other Totalitarians want gun control.

We have a complete Bill of Rights that prohibits government from evoking the tyranny you lust for.
Our Second Amendment is express, not implied by right wing fantasy in any way whatsoever.
/——/ “express not implied????” How about shaken not stirred? You babbling idiot. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Y'all only get away that in these totally frivolous venues. Try that in a more superior venue, and see if you get away with it.
/——/ Try posting “express, not implied “ in a serious venue and get laughed out of the room.
lol. they understand the law there. get responsive or be frivolous, is what I am going to say.
/——/ But you don’t understand the difference between express and expressed.
Our Second Amendment is express, not implied by right wing fantasy in any way whatsoever.
/——/ “express not implied????” How about shaken not stirred? You babbling idiot. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Y'all only get away that in these totally frivolous venues. Try that in a more superior venue, and see if you get away with it.
/——/ Try posting “express, not implied “ in a serious venue and get laughed out of the room.
lol. they understand the law there. get responsive or be frivolous, is what I am going to say.
/——/ But you don’t understand the difference between express and expressed.
i understand you are more frivolous than i am.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
You forgot SAFETY Training. The 1st thing before you ever touch a firearm.

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