The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

01. Attend three month class on firearms
It does not take three months to learn firearm safety. It takes half a day.

This class is far more than just firearm safety. If a civilian is to be as knowledgeable and well trained as those in the military and police force on things pertaining to firearms, then the extra time is well deserved. Just as important, it will deter many civilians from getting a gun since many will not want to take a 3 month class on firearms. This serves the objective of reducing the number of firearms among the civilian population.
Not even the military gets a three month class on small arms. Again, half a day. Then some time on the firing range once in a while.

You could not create a three month class if you tried.

When I was at ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox in the summer of 1996, we had some classes every week for six weeks on various firearms mainly the M-16A2. A good bit of time at 4 or 5 different shooting ranges at Fort Knox as well which is apart of the class. I qualified as a sharpshooter, just one level below the highest of Expert. Only one person in my platoon got the Expert level.

I bet I can shoot better than you.

Why are you so pro-tyranny?

01. Attend three month class on firearms
It does not take three months to learn firearm safety. It takes half a day.

This class is far more than just firearm safety. If a civilian is to be as knowledgeable and well trained as those in the military and police force on things pertaining to firearms, then the extra time is well deserved. Just as important, it will deter many civilians from getting a gun since many will not want to take a 3 month class on firearms. This serves the objective of reducing the number of firearms among the civilian population.
Not even the military gets a three month class on small arms. Again, half a day. Then some time on the firing range once in a while.

You could not create a three month class if you tried.

When I was at ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox in the summer of 1996, we had some classes every week for six weeks on various firearms mainly the M-16A2. A good bit of time at 4 or 5 different shooting ranges at Fort Knox as well which is apart of the class. I qualified as a sharpshooter, just one level below the highest of Expert. Only one person in my platoon got the Expert level.

I bet I can shoot better than you.

Why are you so pro-tyranny?


'Cause he's a statist, that's why.
And they were correct in some ways. A sawed off shot gun has no use in both Military nor hunting. It's a device whose only use is to slaughter. While the ruling was correct, the reasoning was not. In those days, the Supreme Court made some pretty hinky rulings that were later overturned later by the Supreme Courts like the 3/5ths citizen ruling.

Yeah, you progressives always love to trot out that 3/5ths ruling ignoring the fact that the only alternative was that the slaves weren't counted as human. Funny how that works. And, according to the wording of the 2nd Amendment the SCOTUS ruling is the only way they COULD have ruled. The 2nd Amendment ain't about hunting, sunshine.

Well, cupcake, your bunch brought up McD V and I responded. Since you can't find fault in my message you attack the messenger. That means you don't have a thing. You are a loser.

Common Sense Gun Laws are coming fast. If the States won't do it, the Feds will. If the Feds refuse, the ones that block it will be off the gravy train. Doesn't make it right or wrong, just about power and when the voter ends up with more power than the Lobbyists for a change, remember, over 80% of the general population are in favor of the common sense gun laws I have already lain out. You know, the ones that keep you up at night and makes you keep cleaning your toys. Get used to it. We are not past the tipping point and even your Orange one know it and is swinging in that direction.

So you like to think. Trot out your laws that will do nothing, and then when they are universally ignored get ready for the ride of your life. Sweetcheeks!:laugh:

When it's universal at a Federal Level it just became a Class Federal Felony. Try ignoring it then. And it's coming fast. That train is just about ready to leave the station. There is enough interstate problems with the way it is now that the Feds are justified. When Universal Background Checks become federal then the Feds have the jurisdiction to arrest, try and convict on a felony with prison time. What's the matter, you worried that your part time Gun Running business might be affected, convict?

Wow, you don't know gun owners very well do you. A good friend of mine was head of the ATF office in Maine way back in 1968 when they did the machinegun amnesty. Care to guess how many guns got registered in maine? Over 36,000, in ONE month. And he figures they had about one third of them registered. That leaves another 60,000 in just Maine alone. Care to extrapolate that cross country?

Like I said, there is a vast underground pool of firearms up to and including artillery. And, most of the military will be on the side of the gun owners. You are barking up the wrong tree. And the fall is going to hurt.

If it goes like it did from 1934 to 1944, from 1968 to 1978, almost all illegal guns were all but gone just like the Thompson. If they disappear into private secret collections, they are off the streets and that is what the objective is. You keep coming up with the same BS but in the end, that's all it is. If a law is passed the severely regulates ANY firearm no matter now numerous it is, it's going out of manufacture, out of circulation and into the private collectors both legal and illegal. Even the Criminals will lose theirs as the guns are collected during crimes with no way to replace them. The Feds don't need to go door to door so you can stop that fear tactic right now. Time is on their side, convict.
If it goes like it did from 1934 to 1944, from 1968 to 1978, almost all illegal guns were all but gone just like the Thompson. If they disappear into private secret collections, they are off the streets and that is what the objective is. You keep coming up with the same BS but in the end, that's all it is. If a law is passed the severely regulates ANY firearm no matter now numerous it is, it's going out of manufacture, out of circulation and into the private collectors both legal and illegal. Even the Criminals will lose theirs as the guns are collected during crimes with no way to replace them. The Feds don't need to go door to door so you can stop that fear tactic right now. Time is on their side, convict.
And how is that any different that a ban and confiscation?

You're not making a good case.

...Let's restrict free speech like that...
Free speech does not kill... guns do.
People kill.

People do not kill using free speech.

People DO kill using guns.


Next batter, please.
People DO have free speech because individuals are armed.

If you think for one minute that the narcissists who seek power would not end your rights in a heartbeat to gain more power, I have a fucking bridge to sell you.

Quit being a useful idiot to the political elite who seek tyranny.

Yeah, you progressives always love to trot out that 3/5ths ruling ignoring the fact that the only alternative was that the slaves weren't counted as human. Funny how that works. And, according to the wording of the 2nd Amendment the SCOTUS ruling is the only way they COULD have ruled. The 2nd Amendment ain't about hunting, sunshine.

Well, cupcake, your bunch brought up McD V and I responded. Since you can't find fault in my message you attack the messenger. That means you don't have a thing. You are a loser.

Common Sense Gun Laws are coming fast. If the States won't do it, the Feds will. If the Feds refuse, the ones that block it will be off the gravy train. Doesn't make it right or wrong, just about power and when the voter ends up with more power than the Lobbyists for a change, remember, over 80% of the general population are in favor of the common sense gun laws I have already lain out. You know, the ones that keep you up at night and makes you keep cleaning your toys. Get used to it. We are not past the tipping point and even your Orange one know it and is swinging in that direction.

So you like to think. Trot out your laws that will do nothing, and then when they are universally ignored get ready for the ride of your life. Sweetcheeks!:laugh:

When it's universal at a Federal Level it just became a Class Federal Felony. Try ignoring it then. And it's coming fast. That train is just about ready to leave the station. There is enough interstate problems with the way it is now that the Feds are justified. When Universal Background Checks become federal then the Feds have the jurisdiction to arrest, try and convict on a felony with prison time. What's the matter, you worried that your part time Gun Running business might be affected, convict?

Wow, you don't know gun owners very well do you. A good friend of mine was head of the ATF office in Maine way back in 1968 when they did the machinegun amnesty. Care to guess how many guns got registered in maine? Over 36,000, in ONE month. And he figures they had about one third of them registered. That leaves another 60,000 in just Maine alone. Care to extrapolate that cross country?

Like I said, there is a vast underground pool of firearms up to and including artillery. And, most of the military will be on the side of the gun owners. You are barking up the wrong tree. And the fall is going to hurt.

If it goes like it did from 1934 to 1944, from 1968 to 1978, almost all illegal guns were all but gone just like the Thompson. If they disappear into private secret collections, they are off the streets and that is what the objective is. You keep coming up with the same BS but in the end, that's all it is. If a law is passed the severely regulates ANY firearm no matter now numerous it is, it's going out of manufacture, out of circulation and into the private collectors both legal and illegal. Even the Criminals will lose theirs as the guns are collected during crimes with no way to replace them. The Feds don't need to go door to door so you can stop that fear tactic right now. Time is on their side, convict.

You don't know shit. That is for sure. There are at least 1,000,000 unregistered machineguns out there. Funny how all of your laws don't stop drugs, or murders, or robberies. There are just an amazing amount of crimes that your laws don't seem to affect. How is that possible?
It does not take three months to learn firearm safety. It takes half a day.

This class is far more than just firearm safety. If a civilian is to be as knowledgeable and well trained as those in the military and police force on things pertaining to firearms, then the extra time is well deserved. Just as important, it will deter many civilians from getting a gun since many will not want to take a 3 month class on firearms. This serves the objective of reducing the number of firearms among the civilian population.
Not even the military gets a three month class on small arms. Again, half a day. Then some time on the firing range once in a while.

You could not create a three month class if you tried.

When I was at ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox in the summer of 1996, we had some classes every week for six weeks on various firearms mainly the M-16A2. A good bit of time at 4 or 5 different shooting ranges at Fort Knox as well which is apart of the class. I qualified as a sharpshooter, just one level below the highest of Expert. Only one person in my platoon got the Expert level.

I bet I can shoot better than you.

Why are you so pro-tyranny?


'Cause he's a statist, that's why.
Well, cupcake, your bunch brought up McD V and I responded. Since you can't find fault in my message you attack the messenger. That means you don't have a thing. You are a loser.

Common Sense Gun Laws are coming fast. If the States won't do it, the Feds will. If the Feds refuse, the ones that block it will be off the gravy train. Doesn't make it right or wrong, just about power and when the voter ends up with more power than the Lobbyists for a change, remember, over 80% of the general population are in favor of the common sense gun laws I have already lain out. You know, the ones that keep you up at night and makes you keep cleaning your toys. Get used to it. We are not past the tipping point and even your Orange one know it and is swinging in that direction.

So you like to think. Trot out your laws that will do nothing, and then when they are universally ignored get ready for the ride of your life. Sweetcheeks!:laugh:

When it's universal at a Federal Level it just became a Class Federal Felony. Try ignoring it then. And it's coming fast. That train is just about ready to leave the station. There is enough interstate problems with the way it is now that the Feds are justified. When Universal Background Checks become federal then the Feds have the jurisdiction to arrest, try and convict on a felony with prison time. What's the matter, you worried that your part time Gun Running business might be affected, convict?

Wow, you don't know gun owners very well do you. A good friend of mine was head of the ATF office in Maine way back in 1968 when they did the machinegun amnesty. Care to guess how many guns got registered in maine? Over 36,000, in ONE month. And he figures they had about one third of them registered. That leaves another 60,000 in just Maine alone. Care to extrapolate that cross country?

Like I said, there is a vast underground pool of firearms up to and including artillery. And, most of the military will be on the side of the gun owners. You are barking up the wrong tree. And the fall is going to hurt.

If it goes like it did from 1934 to 1944, from 1968 to 1978, almost all illegal guns were all but gone just like the Thompson. If they disappear into private secret collections, they are off the streets and that is what the objective is. You keep coming up with the same BS but in the end, that's all it is. If a law is passed the severely regulates ANY firearm no matter now numerous it is, it's going out of manufacture, out of circulation and into the private collectors both legal and illegal. Even the Criminals will lose theirs as the guns are collected during crimes with no way to replace them. The Feds don't need to go door to door so you can stop that fear tactic right now. Time is on their side, convict.

You don't know shit. That is for sure. There are at least 1,000,000 unregistered machineguns out there. Funny how all of your laws don't stop drugs, or murders, or robberies. There are just an amazing amount of crimes that your laws don't seem to affect. How is that possible?

And how many are being used in a crime today? How about ZERO. And in order to find them, they have to surface to be found. Secret Private Collections are secret for a reason. Now, about that number you just pulled out your rectum, convict.
...Let's restrict free speech like that...
Free speech does not kill... guns do.
People kill.

People do not kill using free speech.

People DO kill using guns.


Next batter, please.
People DO have free speech because individuals are armed.

If you think for one minute that the narcissists who seek power would not end your rights in a heartbeat to gain more power, I have a fucking bridge to sell you.

Quit being a useful idiot to the political elite who seek tyranny.

Stop drinking the NRA Kool-Aid and think for yourself.

Nobody is talking about banning guns.

They are talking about vetting, licensing, registration, transaction controls and similar common-sense precautions with such Killing Tools.
...Let's restrict free speech like that...
Free speech does not kill... guns do.
People kill.

People do not kill using free speech.

People DO kill using guns.


Next batter, please.
People DO have free speech because individuals are armed.

If you think for one minute that the narcissists who seek power would not end your rights in a heartbeat to gain more power, I have a fucking bridge to sell you.

Quit being a useful idiot to the political elite who seek tyranny.

Stop drinking the NRA Kool-Aid and think for yourself.

Nobody is talking about banning guns.

They are talking about vetting, licensing, registration, transaction controls and similar common-sense precautions with such Killing Tools.
I don't even fucking like the NRA. Stop acting like we can't/don't think for ourselves.

Any proposed legislation WILL NOT WORK, so what do you think the next step will be? It won't end there. So, YES. A ban is the goal. Quit trusting narcissist political twats. They lie their fucking asses off.

What guarantee do you have that vetting, licensing (a right), registration, transaction controls, and other "common-sense" precautions will be the end of it?

Look at where we started. Look where we are now. The slippery slope is PROVED. History is indicative of future conduct.

The political elite want us unarmed and subservient. You know they do. Don't give them SHIT!!!

...Let's restrict free speech like that...
Free speech does not kill... guns do.
People kill.

People do not kill using free speech.

People DO kill using guns.


Next batter, please.
People DO have free speech because individuals are armed.

If you think for one minute that the narcissists who seek power would not end your rights in a heartbeat to gain more power, I have a fucking bridge to sell you.

Quit being a useful idiot to the political elite who seek tyranny.

Stop drinking the NRA Kool-Aid and think for yourself.

Nobody is talking about banning guns.

They are talking about vetting, licensing, registration, transaction controls and similar common-sense precautions with such Killing Tools.
We already have background checks and the rest that you say we need has nothing to do with preventing gun deaths
...Let's restrict free speech like that...
Free speech does not kill... guns do.
People kill.

People do not kill using free speech.

People DO kill using guns.


Next batter, please.
People DO have free speech because individuals are armed.

If you think for one minute that the narcissists who seek power would not end your rights in a heartbeat to gain more power, I have a fucking bridge to sell you.

Quit being a useful idiot to the political elite who seek tyranny.

Stop drinking the NRA Kool-Aid and think for yourself.

Nobody is talking about banning guns.

They are talking about vetting, licensing, registration, transaction controls and similar common-sense precautions with such Killing Tools.
That's a lie and when an antigunner is caught in a lie it does nothing to advance their argument
Most of the presidential candidates have said they'll push for bans on semiautomatic firearms.
You can't disprove because you can use a gun in self-defense without having to shoot it and if you don't shoot it, it doesn't get reported. but do keep trying

Simply displaying a gun or pulling out a gun can get you reported. Several people who did not fire a shot were reported last week.

Bullshit! In my state, open carry has been the law for many years. Now, concealed carry is perfectly legal without a CCDW permit!

You'd piss yourself walking into a Walmart here! That is why no one shoots up a Walmart in this state! They don't like people shooting back!

What state do you live in?

Because of people like you, I live in the great state of confusion. How is it possible that someone so stupid can operate a computer?

I live in KY which recently passed Constitutional concealed carry. You could walk into a Walmart intending to shoot up the place and be outnumbered 300 to 1!

300 civilians with guns in a Walmart. What could go wrong? They all pull out their weapons when they hear the shots. They see someone else with a weapon and think its the mass shooter and shoot them. You could have a dozen of these cases with that many people. The mass shooter will still kill a few before he gets shot because he has the initiative. You'll still have over 20 people dead, half of them killed by the armed civilians thinking their target was the mass shooter.
Which is why citizens have the right to carry concealed firearms for the purpose of lawful self-defense – not to act in the capacity of law enforcement, or to deter crime, or to stop a mass shooting incident.
Shotguns and air rifles are EXACTLY what the Tyrant wants to limit to his subjects.


Why do you need something more than a shotgun or an Air Rifle?
Again, citizens aren't required to justify the exercising of a fundamental right.

How about a machine gun then? A grenade launcher? An Anti-Tank Guided Weapon? A Tank? A Howitzer? Where do you draw the line on this so called "Fundamental right"?

There is nothing in the second amendment that says you need more than a shotgun or Air Rifle. Both are more accurate and deadly than anything available in the late 18th century.
Those are all weapons considered to be dangerous and unusual, their possession is not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Handguns are considered to be in common use, their possession is entitled to Constitutional protections.

As such citizens are not required to justify possessing handguns; citizens are not required to justify exercising the right to self-defense.

And until such time as the Supreme Court makes a determination as to the status of AR 15s – in common use or dangerous and unusual – citizens are not required to justify possessing an AR 15, or using them pursuant to the right to self-defense.

The Virginia TECH mass shooter used a handgun to kill 30 people and injure 26 more in just 11 minutes from 9:40 AM to 9:51 AM back in 2007 in a class room building. He killed two people before he entered the classroom building. 32 dead, THIRD WORST MASS shooting in U.S. history! The weapon of choice was a HANDGUN!

Explain to me why a civilian needs a weapon that can KILL over 3 dozen people within minutes?
It’s incumbent upon government to justify why it seeks to place limits and restrictions on the exercising of a fundamental right, not the citizen whose right is being subject to those limits and restrictions.
01. Attend three month class on firearms
It does not take three months to learn firearm safety. It takes half a day.

This class is far more than just firearm safety. If a civilian is to be as knowledgeable and well trained as those in the military and police force on things pertaining to firearms, then the extra time is well deserved. Just as important, it will deter many civilians from getting a gun since many will not want to take a 3 month class on firearms. This serves the objective of reducing the number of firearms among the civilian population.
Your measures are therefore being proposed in bad faith; you’re not interested in public safety but instead of placing an undue – and un-Constitutional – burden on the Second Amendment right.

Indeed, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit recently struck down as un-Constitutional a District measure requiring gunowners to pass a test in order to register a firearm (“Heller II”).

Clearly a three-month ‘class’ would likewise fail to pass Constitutional muster.
...Let's restrict free speech like that...
Free speech does not kill... guns do.
People kill.

People do not kill using free speech.

People DO kill using guns.


Next batter, please.


You don't think speech results in killing?

There is a reason people say the pen is mightier than the sword

FYI people don't just kill with guns

People kill with anything they can get their hands on and if they can't get their hands on anything people will kill with their bare hands

The fact that human beings are the most violent and murderous animal to ever walk the planet is more reason to to be armed
...Let's restrict free speech like that...
Free speech does not kill... guns do.
People kill.

People do not kill using free speech.

People DO kill using guns.


Next batter, please.
People DO have free speech because individuals are armed.

If you think for one minute that the narcissists who seek power would not end your rights in a heartbeat to gain more power, I have a fucking bridge to sell you.

Quit being a useful idiot to the political elite who seek tyranny.

Stop drinking the NRA Kool-Aid and think for yourself.

Nobody is talking about banning guns.

They are talking about vetting, licensing, registration, transaction controls and similar common-sense precautions with such Killing Tools.

There is no reason to register guns but to know who has them so they can be confiscated in the future

And if you want all that for one right then you have to want it for all rights.

So you should get a separate license for all of your guaranteed rights.

No First Amendment license? Too bad you get thrown in jail for saying the wrong thing

No 4th Amendment license? Tough shit the cops can search you and your home any time they want

No 8th Amendment license? The cops can torture you while they are searching your house.

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