The Great Love Affair


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….between the Democrats and illegal aliens.

It brings to mind that of John Kerry and the widow Heinz….
In both cases there is the real love: power, in the former, money in the latter.

1.“House Democrats Just Voted in Support of Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote
Democrats in the House of Representatives have voted in support of local municipalities who allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections.

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)…

…San Francisco, Texas Democrats, according to complaints filed with state and federal officials, were accused of asking non-citizens to register and vote in the 2018 midterms, even going so far as to send out applications with the citizenship box pre-marked ‘Yes.’” Democrats Just VOTED to Allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to VOTE!

2. And where will the overwhelming political power come from? “We owe them, we owe them,” Biden said, referring to illegal aliens…

Remember, without even waiting to give the illegals driver’s licenses, Obama told them to go an vote.

3. Let’s review why the Democrats ‘owe’ our country to illegal aliens.

Since the 1965 immigration reform, the Democrat Party has worked tirelessly to replace Americans who were less and less ready to vote for them, with a more malleable substitute.
They’ve told you that there are 11 million, a drop in the bucket in our population…..but it’s one of the basic lies the Democrats tell.

There are between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens living, working, committing more crime than Americans, and taking untold amounts of welfare.
But….they do what they were brought here to do: vote Democrat.

4. Illegal aliens increase unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decrease the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation.
But we 'owe' them?
Nay, nay.....Americans don't....Democrats do.

Democrats…..they’re not on our side.
….between the Democrats and illegal aliens.

It brings to mind that of John Kerry and the widow Heinz….
In both cases there is the real love: power, in the former, money in the latter.

1.“House Democrats Just Voted in Support of Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote
Democrats in the House of Representatives have voted in support of local municipalities who allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections.

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)…

…San Francisco, Texas Democrats, according to complaints filed with state and federal officials, were accused of asking non-citizens to register and vote in the 2018 midterms, even going so far as to send out applications with the citizenship box pre-marked ‘Yes.’” Democrats Just VOTED to Allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to VOTE!

2. And where will the overwhelming political power come from? “We owe them, we owe them,” Biden said, referring to illegal aliens…

Remember, without even waiting to give the illegals driver’s licenses, Obama told them to go an vote.

3. Let’s review why the Democrats ‘owe’ our country to illegal aliens.

Since the 1965 immigration reform, the Democrat Party has worked tirelessly to replace Americans who were less and less ready to vote for them, with a more malleable substitute.
They’ve told you that there are 11 million, a drop in the bucket in our population…..but it’s one of the basic lies the Democrats tell.

There are between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens living, working, committing more crime than Americans, and taking untold amounts of welfare.
But….they do what they were brought here to do: vote Democrat.

4. Illegal aliens increase unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decrease the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation.
But we 'owe' them?
Nay, nay.....Americans don't....Democrats do.

Democrats…..they’re not on our side.
Ah, I thought this was gonna be about tRump, conspiracy theory whack-jobs, and white supremacists.

My bad.
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".

You democrat hypocrites need to STOP describing ALL people by skin color.
….between the Democrats and illegal aliens.

It brings to mind that of John Kerry and the widow Heinz….
In both cases there is the real love: power, in the former, money in the latter.

1.“House Democrats Just Voted in Support of Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote
Democrats in the House of Representatives have voted in support of local municipalities who allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections.

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)…

…San Francisco, Texas Democrats, according to complaints filed with state and federal officials, were accused of asking non-citizens to register and vote in the 2018 midterms, even going so far as to send out applications with the citizenship box pre-marked ‘Yes.’” Democrats Just VOTED to Allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to VOTE!

2. And where will the overwhelming political power come from? “We owe them, we owe them,” Biden said, referring to illegal aliens…

Remember, without even waiting to give the illegals driver’s licenses, Obama told them to go an vote.

3. Let’s review why the Democrats ‘owe’ our country to illegal aliens.

Since the 1965 immigration reform, the Democrat Party has worked tirelessly to replace Americans who were less and less ready to vote for them, with a more malleable substitute.
They’ve told you that there are 11 million, a drop in the bucket in our population…..but it’s one of the basic lies the Democrats tell.

There are between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens living, working, committing more crime than Americans, and taking untold amounts of welfare.
But….they do what they were brought here to do: vote Democrat.

4. Illegal aliens increase unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decrease the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation.
But we 'owe' them?
Nay, nay.....Americans don't....Democrats do.

Democrats…..they’re not on our side.
Ah, I thought this was gonna be about tRump, conspiracy theory whack-jobs, and white supremacists.

My bad.
Rent free
….between the Democrats and illegal aliens.

It brings to mind that of John Kerry and the widow Heinz….
In both cases there is the real love: power, in the former, money in the latter.

1.“House Democrats Just Voted in Support of Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote
Democrats in the House of Representatives have voted in support of local municipalities who allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections.

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)…

…San Francisco, Texas Democrats, according to complaints filed with state and federal officials, were accused of asking non-citizens to register and vote in the 2018 midterms, even going so far as to send out applications with the citizenship box pre-marked ‘Yes.’” Democrats Just VOTED to Allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to VOTE!

2. And where will the overwhelming political power come from? “We owe them, we owe them,” Biden said, referring to illegal aliens…

Remember, without even waiting to give the illegals driver’s licenses, Obama told them to go an vote.

3. Let’s review why the Democrats ‘owe’ our country to illegal aliens.

Since the 1965 immigration reform, the Democrat Party has worked tirelessly to replace Americans who were less and less ready to vote for them, with a more malleable substitute.
They’ve told you that there are 11 million, a drop in the bucket in our population…..but it’s one of the basic lies the Democrats tell.

There are between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens living, working, committing more crime than Americans, and taking untold amounts of welfare.
But….they do what they were brought here to do: vote Democrat.

4. Illegal aliens increase unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decrease the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation.
But we 'owe' them?
Nay, nay.....Americans don't....Democrats do.

Democrats…..they’re not on our side.
But what about the Nazis? You forgot to compare the Dems to them. Is it because the Nazis didn't like immigrants either, just like the GOP?
….between the Democrats and illegal aliens.

It brings to mind that of John Kerry and the widow Heinz….
In both cases there is the real love: power, in the former, money in the latter.

1.“House Democrats Just Voted in Support of Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote
Democrats in the House of Representatives have voted in support of local municipalities who allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections.

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)…

…San Francisco, Texas Democrats, according to complaints filed with state and federal officials, were accused of asking non-citizens to register and vote in the 2018 midterms, even going so far as to send out applications with the citizenship box pre-marked ‘Yes.’” Democrats Just VOTED to Allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to VOTE!

2. And where will the overwhelming political power come from? “We owe them, we owe them,” Biden said, referring to illegal aliens…

Remember, without even waiting to give the illegals driver’s licenses, Obama told them to go an vote.

3. Let’s review why the Democrats ‘owe’ our country to illegal aliens.

Since the 1965 immigration reform, the Democrat Party has worked tirelessly to replace Americans who were less and less ready to vote for them, with a more malleable substitute.
They’ve told you that there are 11 million, a drop in the bucket in our population…..but it’s one of the basic lies the Democrats tell.

There are between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens living, working, committing more crime than Americans, and taking untold amounts of welfare.
But….they do what they were brought here to do: vote Democrat.

4. Illegal aliens increase unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decrease the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation.
But we 'owe' them?
Nay, nay.....Americans don't....Democrats do.

Democrats…..they’re not on our side.
Ah, I thought this was gonna be about tRump, conspiracy theory whack-jobs, and white supremacists.

My bad.
me too...
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".

And now for the truth:

"…repeated like a mantra by the Left: All immigrants are hard working and law abiding; they do jobs you wouldn't consider doing, and they do them cheerfully…and this is the last point, delivered with the confident satisfaction of someone shutting down debate with superior data…

…...undocumented immigrants actually commit fewer crimes on average than native born Americans!"

"In other words, not only are illegal immigrants more virtuous than you are….but they're safer to be around!"

Government ….Liberals/Democrats….didn't want you to know the truth.

Until now.

Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

“According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, New York City, Los Angeles County, Orange County, Harris County (TX), and Maricopa County (AZ) are incarcerating more than 110,000 criminal illegal aliens. Each arrested illegal alien had committed an average of twelve offenses. Based on the GAO’s estimate of offense types committed by criminal aliens, that would amount to approximately 2,750 drug arrests of immigrants in Israel, 5,500 motor vehicle violations, 2,750 assaults, 800 rapes, and 400 murders – and that is only counting illegal alien crimes.” Seven Shocking Statistics on Immigration

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.
But the sacrifice of innocent American lives is worth it to the, Democrat Party, if it gets the illegal alien vote.

Which party hid this from you????

Which party hates Americans?
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".

And now for the truth:

"…repeated like a mantra by the Left: All immigrants are hard working and law abiding; they do jobs you wouldn't consider doing, and they do them cheerfully…and this is the last point, delivered with the confident satisfaction of someone shutting down debate with superior data…

…...undocumented immigrants actually commit fewer crimes on average than native born Americans!"

"In other words, not only are illegal immigrants more virtuous than you are….but they're safer to be around!"

Government ….Liberals/Democrats….didn't want you to know the truth.

Until now.

Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

“According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, New York City, Los Angeles County, Orange County, Harris County (TX), and Maricopa County (AZ) are incarcerating more than 110,000 criminal illegal aliens. Each arrested illegal alien had committed an average of twelve offenses. Based on the GAO’s estimate of offense types committed by criminal aliens, that would amount to approximately 2,750 drug arrests of immigrants in Israel, 5,500 motor vehicle violations, 2,750 assaults, 800 rapes, and 400 murders – and that is only counting illegal alien crimes.” Seven Shocking Statistics on Immigration

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.
But the sacrifice of innocent American lives is worth it to the, Democrat Party, if it gets the illegal alien vote.

Which party hid this from you????

Which party hates Americans?

Republicans clearly hate Americans. They show it every day. Calling Covid a hoax...wanting to disenfranchise people based on skin color, dividing people by the way their state voted in a presidential election. t

Then there is the violence brought on by your fellow blob.

You hate immigrants because you're a hateful person. That is the bottom line.
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".
Trespassers are not immigrants.
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".

And now for the truth:

"…repeated like a mantra by the Left: All immigrants are hard working and law abiding; they do jobs you wouldn't consider doing, and they do them cheerfully…and this is the last point, delivered with the confident satisfaction of someone shutting down debate with superior data…

…...undocumented immigrants actually commit fewer crimes on average than native born Americans!"

"In other words, not only are illegal immigrants more virtuous than you are….but they're safer to be around!"

Government ….Liberals/Democrats….didn't want you to know the truth.

Until now.

Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

“According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, New York City, Los Angeles County, Orange County, Harris County (TX), and Maricopa County (AZ) are incarcerating more than 110,000 criminal illegal aliens. Each arrested illegal alien had committed an average of twelve offenses. Based on the GAO’s estimate of offense types committed by criminal aliens, that would amount to approximately 2,750 drug arrests of immigrants in Israel, 5,500 motor vehicle violations, 2,750 assaults, 800 rapes, and 400 murders – and that is only counting illegal alien crimes.” Seven Shocking Statistics on Immigration

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.
But the sacrifice of innocent American lives is worth it to the, Democrat Party, if it gets the illegal alien vote.

Which party hid this from you????

Which party hates Americans?

Republicans clearly hate Americans. They show it every day. Calling Covid a hoax...wanting to disenfranchise people based on skin color, dividing people by the way their state voted in a presidential election. t

Then there is the violence brought on by your fellow blob.

You hate immigrants because you're a hateful person. That is the bottom line.

You forgot to include the word 'racist'!!!

Your masters will be upset with you.

So the post I provided....fully documented, as always.....was too painful for you to even acknowledge?


I'd like to claim that I made you look like a fool.....but why should I take all the credit.
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".

And now for the truth:

"…repeated like a mantra by the Left: All immigrants are hard working and law abiding; they do jobs you wouldn't consider doing, and they do them cheerfully…and this is the last point, delivered with the confident satisfaction of someone shutting down debate with superior data…

…...undocumented immigrants actually commit fewer crimes on average than native born Americans!"

"In other words, not only are illegal immigrants more virtuous than you are….but they're safer to be around!"

Government ….Liberals/Democrats….didn't want you to know the truth.

Until now.

Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

“According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, New York City, Los Angeles County, Orange County, Harris County (TX), and Maricopa County (AZ) are incarcerating more than 110,000 criminal illegal aliens. Each arrested illegal alien had committed an average of twelve offenses. Based on the GAO’s estimate of offense types committed by criminal aliens, that would amount to approximately 2,750 drug arrests of immigrants in Israel, 5,500 motor vehicle violations, 2,750 assaults, 800 rapes, and 400 murders – and that is only counting illegal alien crimes.” Seven Shocking Statistics on Immigration

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.
But the sacrifice of innocent American lives is worth it to the, Democrat Party, if it gets the illegal alien vote.

Which party hid this from you????

Which party hates Americans?

Republicans clearly hate Americans. They show it every day. Calling Covid a hoax...wanting to disenfranchise people based on skin color, dividing people by the way their state voted in a presidential election. t

Then there is the violence brought on by your fellow blob.

You hate immigrants because you're a hateful person. That is the bottom line.

I left her speechless. Or perhaps, she is eating 3 or 4 donuts at once.
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".
Trespassers are not immigrants.

Trump supporters are not smart.

What is your point?
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".
Trespassers are not immigrants.

They are criminals....and welcomed by the Democrats with open arms.
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".
Trespassers are not immigrants.

Trump supporters are not smart.

What is your point?
Your ad hominem does not change the fact that Trespassers are not immigrants.
We've had essentially the same immigration policies since like 1960 or so.

In that same amount of time, American ideals have spread, American's standards of living have risen, American security has been secured....

The only reason people want to change what has been a largely mutually beneficial relationship is rooted in the simple right wing edit of "I don't like brown people".
Trespassers are not immigrants.

Trump supporters are not smart.

What is your point?
Telephone operators, such as yourself, are not smart.
If illegal aliens are allowed to vote, I believe that will signal the beginning of an actual civil war...

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