The GOP’s manic obsession with Hillary Clinton grows


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
The Republicans are scarred shitless of Hillary Clinton and it shows... it shows! :D

The GOP's obsession with Hillary Clinton grows | MSNBC

First “brain damage,” now “failure to report for duty?

”Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday said Hillary Clinton should be “disqualified” from running for president because she declined to appear on five Sunday news shows days after the deadly 2012 attack at the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya

Then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on the shows in her place, explaining that Clinton was too exhausted to make an appearance after a “grueling” week.
They failed to mention the blood clot that she had.

You think that Republicans are afraid of Hillary?
The Democrats are afraid of Ted Cruz.
It's called politics. Each side demonizes the other.
The Republicans are obsessed with Hillary? LOL. She's all the socialists have talked about since Obama's reelection as their next great white hope and she's not even going to end up running.
They failed to mention the blood clot that she had.

You think that Republicans are afraid of Hillary?
The Democrats are afraid of Ted Cruz.
It's called politics. Each side demonizes the other.

Democrats afraid of Ted Cruz? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol:

Excuse me, but, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry.

Please, please, please, pretty please with sugar on top. PLEASE nominate and run Ted Cruz for POTUS... PLEASE! :smiliehug:
The Republicans are scarred shitless of Hillary Clinton and it shows... it shows! :D

The GOP's obsession with Hillary Clinton grows | MSNBC

First “brain damage,” now “failure to report for duty?

”Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday said Hillary Clinton should be “disqualified” from running for president because she declined to appear on five Sunday news shows days after the deadly 2012 attack at the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya

Then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on the shows in her place, explaining that Clinton was too exhausted to make an appearance after a “grueling” week.

MSNBC? Seriously? Of course they think the RNC is obsessed with Hillary. In truth, it's the left who are wetting their pants over the possibility of her running. To them, she is the foregone conclusion for next POTUS. Republicans aren't afraid. They are hoping you guys run her. Hell, they are praying that you run her. She has so many anchors tied around her neck, it will be easy to drown her. Run Hillary run!
The Republicans are obsessed with Hillary? LOL. She's all the socialists have talked about since Obama's reelection as their next great white hope and she's not even going to end up running.

Let us pray she does run... you better pray she doesn't. :eusa_pray:
The Republicans are scarred shitless of Hillary Clinton and it shows... it shows! :D

The GOP's obsession with Hillary Clinton grows | MSNBC

First “brain damage,” now “failure to report for duty?

”Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday said Hillary Clinton should be “disqualified” from running for president because she declined to appear on five Sunday news shows days after the deadly 2012 attack at the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya

Then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on the shows in her place, explaining that Clinton was too exhausted to make an appearance after a “grueling” week.

MSNBC? Seriously? Of course they think the RNC is obsessed with Hillary. In truth, it's the left who are wetting their pants over the possibility of her running. To them, she is the foregone conclusion for next POTUS. Republicans aren't afraid. They are hoping you guys run her. Hell, they are praying that you run her. She has so many anchors tied around her neck, it will be easy to drown her. Run Hillary run!

YES! Run Hillary run for POTUS! :eusa_pray:
The Republicans are obsessed with Hillary? LOL. She's all the socialists have talked about since Obama's reelection as their next great white hope and she's not even going to end up running.

Let us pray she does run... you better pray she doesn't. :eusa_pray:

You need someone new and fresh with no discernible Obama was in the beginning. Hillary has too much history. She couldn't get elected in 2008 and she certainly can't in 2016 with all that has happened since 2008. You're delusional.
The Republicans are scarred shitless of Hillary Clinton and it shows... it shows! :D

The GOP's obsession with Hillary Clinton grows | MSNBC


MSNBC? Seriously? Of course they think the RNC is obsessed with Hillary. In truth, it's the left who are wetting their pants over the possibility of her running. To them, she is the foregone conclusion for next POTUS. Republicans aren't afraid. They are hoping you guys run her. Hell, they are praying that you run her. She has so many anchors tied around her neck, it will be easy to drown her. Run Hillary run!

YES! Run Hillary run for POTUS! :eusa_pray:

The RNC agrees with you.
It will be like throwing meat to perahannas if she runs. She has no chance of winning at all. And 5 words would torpedo her campaign in its first day. "What difference does it make" would be on the bumper of every car. It would also be mentioned repeatedly that when the 3AM call she mentioned in her last attempt came she fell down and hit her head. And the sixty billion dollars that got lost under her watch will also be mentioned to. So it would be a blood bath. So much ammo that her own party will use against her.
It will be like throwing meat to perahannas if she runs. She has no chance of winning at all. And 5 words would torpedo her campaign in its first day. "What difference does it make" would be on the bumper of every car. It would also be mentioned repeatedly that when the 3AM call she mentioned in her last attempt came she fell down and hit her head. And the sixty billion dollars that got lost under her watch will also be mentioned to. So it would be a blood bath. So much ammo that her own party will use against her.

And as I mentioned above, she lost in 2008 to a virtually unknown quantity, mystery man with zero experience with a generic campaign slogan of hope and change. If she couldn't win then, what hope does she have after all the additional history she has accumulated?
[ame=]Rand Paul Destroys Hillary Clinton Over Benghazi-Gate During Capitol Hill Press Conference - YouTube[/ame]
Justified obsession anyway. People died while the president was eating pizza and making up an alibi and Hillary shrieked "what difference does it make". Umm, what was Watergate about again? A 3rd rate burglary?

More importantly....and no way to deny it...

She hired an individual who believed she had the right to deny extra security to an Ambassador who was stationed in a very volatile country during a very volatile time situated in the most volatile region in the world.....without going to anyone else for approval.

She has proven to not be a sound leader....for if she were, she would have fired that person ON THE SPOT.
We had a 50+ page thread not two weeks ago about how the Right was scared of Hillary. The only thing proven is that the Right is NOT scared of Hillary. We want her to run and get the nomination. She has nothing. She's done nothing. She is a liar with nothing new to offer the country. Did I mention she voted for the Iraq War? That wont play well with the lefty loons in the Democratic base.

Yeah, bring her on. The GOP has a stable of bright, accomplished pols, any one of whom will run circles around the old bag.
The Republicans are scarred shitless of Hillary Clinton and it shows... it shows! :D

The GOP's obsession with Hillary Clinton grows | MSNBC

First “brain damage,” now “failure to report for duty?

”Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday said Hillary Clinton should be “disqualified” from running for president because she declined to appear on five Sunday news shows days after the deadly 2012 attack at the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya

Then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on the shows in her place, explaining that Clinton was too exhausted to make an appearance after a “grueling” week.

MSNBC? Seriously? Of course they think the RNC is obsessed with Hillary. In truth, it's the left who are wetting their pants over the possibility of her running. To them, she is the foregone conclusion for next POTUS. Republicans aren't afraid. They are hoping you guys run her. Hell, they are praying that you run her. She has so many anchors tied around her neck, it will be easy to drown her. Run Hillary run!

What's not to like about Hillary's chances of running and winning the POTUS? Hillary will win the women vote hands down. She will capture the black vote 9 to 1 and the Latino voters easily. Young voters will flock to her side with ease.

The only detractors will be the the angry white males... you know, the old crackers, the good ole boys (the up and coming new minority).
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