The GOP is Often Too Cozy With Big Business


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
An interesting piece from the National Review that rails against “Crony Capitalism” @ Middle-Class Heroes? | National Review Online I read enough of the piece to believe it presents a generally fair view of the situation. And, as to be expected, the Chamber of Commerce has vowed to support opponents of at least two “tea partiers who didn't want to go along with their demands.
That's like saying a nymphomaniac is a little too fond of sex. They always come down on the side of big business, always.

Good grief, "big business" contributes tons to the Democrats as well, and I don't see them giving the money back. Money has completely polluted and distorted our political system. It distorts the way politicians behave, the way they vote, the way they don't vote, the way they campaign, the whole system, through and through.

And as usual, the partisans can only point the finger at the other guy.

Not many mirrors in the homes of partisans, that's fer damn sure.

And I thought Congress reformed the election process by limiting the amount of money that could be contributed to parties and candidates. What happened?
And I thought Congress reformed the election process by limiting the amount of money that could be contributed to parties and candidates. What happened?

Had McCain been elected you may have seen that.

Direct Individual contributions are limited, but donations to PAC's or other political originations do not fall into that category.

Here is your money trail.

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012 | OpenSecrets

You will noticed that the tax exempt corporations known as unions dominate the top 25.
And I thought Congress reformed the election process by limiting the amount of money that could be contributed to parties and candidates. What happened?

Had McCain been elected you may have seen that.

Direct Individual contributions are limited, but donations to PAC's or other political originations do not fall into that category.

Here is your money trail.

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012 | OpenSecrets

You will noticed that the tax exempt corporations known as unions dominate the top 25.

Just how gullible do you have to be to believe that during the last 23 years the Koch bros have only donated a paltry $18 million? :cuckoo:
An interesting piece from the National Review that rails against “Crony Capitalism” @ Middle-Class Heroes? | National Review Online I read enough of the piece to believe it presents a generally fair view of the situation. And, as to be expected, the Chamber of Commerce has vowed to support opponents of at least two “tea partiers who didn't want to go along with their demands.

OFFICIAL GOP, the so-called "mainstream" one.

Yes, it is. That is the reason they are so pissed at the TP - the main obstacle in doing business as usual.
Both parties are equally bought and paid for. What's the difference?

the amount of the wiggle room left for the ordinary citizen.

Up to date the official republicans always were MORE of those described by "live and let live".

dimocraps are simply strangling the small businesses and the middle class - always, but the recent 5 years is dimocraps on steroids.

but BOTH had got to the point that the American people have had enough - and the TP was born.

And that is why they are smeared and hated from both sides of the isle.
And I thought Congress reformed the election process by limiting the amount of money that could be contributed to parties and candidates. What happened?

What happened?
People like you always blame the other party. As long as there are many like you - neither party feels the pressure to do anything to improve it.
[Flip]'s a blue button for you so everyone know you are a loyal sheep.
And I thought Congress reformed the election process by limiting the amount of money that could be contributed to parties and candidates. What happened?

Had McCain been elected you may have seen that.

Direct Individual contributions are limited, but donations to PAC's or other political originations do not fall into that category.

Here is your money trail.

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012 | OpenSecrets

You will noticed that the tax exempt corporations known as unions dominate the top 25.

Just how gullible do you have to be to believe that during the last 23 years the Koch bros have only donated a paltry $18 million? :cuckoo:

And the far left Obama drones come in and attack with their dud propaganda bombs.
And I thought Congress reformed the election process by limiting the amount of money that could be contributed to parties and candidates. What happened?

What happened?
People like you always blame the other party. As long as there are many like you - neither party feels the pressure to do anything to improve it.
[Flip]'s a blue button for you so everyone know you are a loyal sheep.

the problem is not him. There are enough GOP critics inside the segment of electorate which would preferably vote GOP than dimocraps.

there are no critics of dimocraps in the leftard loons electorate segment at all. They do not exist - dimocrap party is built nowadays on the principle of marxist party and anybody who is not with the main line - is discard, hushed and persecuted. The brainwashed mouthpieces are not thinking for themselves - only parroting the talking points.

So there is basically nobody on the other side to work with.
There's a difference between working together to innovate and government just giving billions to companies like GM. There's a difference between working together to create the best environment for business to flourish in and letting companies like ConAgra write regulations and putting executives in regulatory positions.
Had McCain been elected you may have seen that.

Direct Individual contributions are limited, but donations to PAC's or other political originations do not fall into that category.

Here is your money trail.

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012 | OpenSecrets

You will noticed that the tax exempt corporations known as unions dominate the top 25.

Just how gullible do you have to be to believe that during the last 23 years the Koch bros have only donated a paltry $18 million? :cuckoo:

And the far left Obama drones come in and attack with their dud propaganda bombs.

And Vox got shot down by Derideo_Te. As if big business gave only or less than $18 million dollars.

Far right reactionary drone Vox alert!
There's a difference between working together to innovate and government just giving billions to companies like GM. There's a difference between working together to create the best environment for business to flourish in and letting companies like ConAgra write regulations and putting executives in regulatory positions.

the left obama drones are too stupid to understand this.

and there is nobody not brainwashed to the point of leftard idiocy on the other side.
That's like saying the Roman Curia is too close to the Catholic Church. The Republican Party has been the political party of Big Business since the Civil War. Who do you think pays the bills?

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