The GOP is About to Collapse

The First Amendment allows people to criticize politicians, even Hillary.
Indeed, it does. It does not allow berserkers to satisfy the mob mentality that makes them screech "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!" with no charges, no indictments, no trial, and no sentencing. To do so would be repugnant to American values.
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.
The economy is about to re-open and boom at a grand scale with Biden's stimulus.
Republicans have contributed nothing to this recovery at all, AND they have scum like Gaetz and Majorie Greene, and Trump still leading the way.
I think the Dems are going to really outperform while the GOP implodes due to stupidity and scandal. I look for big Dem gains next election because the country will be very very strong.

Covid isn't finally losing. At least not in some areas of the nation. It's starting to infect more people and infections are on the rise in some states. States that have declared that it's over and removed all the safety measures to combat the virus.

I agree that the Republican Party is nothing but a joke and is very dangerous to our nation and world.

The republicans aren't about to collapse. We all thought that the bush boy's administration had exposed the Republican Party for what it is and they would either make positive changes or die.

That didn't happen. They just ramped up their voting suppression tactics.

Never underestimate the republican party's ability to lie, cheat and steal an election. We've seen it many times in the past. There is no reason to believe they will clean up their party to start being real Americans who actually care about America and our people.
... OOOOOPs....
Rewriting the past and brooding about that revisionist version affords scant comfort. The GOP would do well to stop sniveling and consider its future, if any.
WASHINGTON (AP) — For more than a half-century, the voice emerging from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s monolithic, Beaux Arts-styled building near the White House was predictable: It was the embodiment of American business and, more specifically, a shared set of interests with the Republican Party.
The party's bond with corporate America, however, is fraying.
Fissures have burst open over the GOP’s embrace of conspiracy theories and climate change denialism, as well as its rejection of the 2020 election outcome. ...
Business interests are particularly incompatible with crackpot notions.

When the Loser's goons attacked the U.S. Congress to prevent the will of the People being certified, it was bad for business.


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The First Amendment even allows screeching.
Indeed, as long as the screechers don't act out and actually try to realize their threat, "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Even if it means making a movie critical of Hillary.
Even if that movie makes you cry.
The First Amendment even allows screeching.
Indeed, as long as the screechers don't act out and actually try to realize their threat, "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Even if it means making a movie critical of Hillary.
Even if that movie makes you cry.
What the Left really want is a permanent ONE PARTY STATE. Their idea of an "opposition party" is one of token only. They think the ONLY real Republicans are those of the likes of John McShitstain, Lizardbreath Cheney, Susan Collins, and other far Left RINOs who've done nothing but undermine the Conservative base of the GOP. Sorry little Libbies, but the idea of the opposition is to OPPOSE! Not agree, not negotiate, never compromise.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
All that, people can do. This, clearly not.

And yet you will excuse the summer of death committed by Black Lies Matter and Antifa because they are your team.
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.
The economy is about to re-open and boom at a grand scale with Biden's stimulus.
Republicans have contributed nothing to this recovery at all, AND they have scum like Gaetz and Majorie Greene, and Trump still leading the way.
I think the Dems are going to really outperform while the GOP implodes due to stupidity and scandal. I look for big Dem gains next election because the country will be very very strong.

Rino retards are collapsing. The country is spiraling into depravity, economic collapse, debt. The invalid in chief is contributing to these problems at an increased rate.
The First Amendment even allows screeching.
Indeed, as long as the screechers don't act out and actually try to realize their threat, "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Even if it means making a movie critical of Hillary.
Even if that movie makes you cry.
What the Left really want is a permanent ONE PARTY STATE. Their idea of an "opposition party" is one of token only. They think the ONLY real Republicans are those of the likes of John McShitstain, Lizardbreath Cheney, Susan Collins, and other far Left RINOs who've done nothing but undermine the Conservative base of the GOP. Sorry little Libbies, but the idea of the opposition is to OPPOSE! Not agree, not negotiate, never compromise.
What the Left really want is a permanent ONE PARTY STATE.
No one is preventing the GOP from actually accomplishing something for the American people and widening their base with good ideas except the GOP. Being a perpetual, whiny victim will never change that.
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.
The economy is about to re-open and boom at a grand scale with Biden's stimulus.
Republicans have contributed nothing to this recovery at all, AND they have scum like Gaetz and Majorie Greene, and Trump still leading the way.
I think the Dems are going to really outperform while the GOP implodes due to stupidity and scandal. I look for big Dem gains next election because the country will be very very strong.


Idiot-gram ^^^
The First Amendment even allows screeching.
Indeed, as long as the screechers don't act out and actually try to realize their threat, "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Even if it means making a movie critical of Hillary.
Even if that movie makes you cry.
What the Left really want is a permanent ONE PARTY STATE. Their idea of an "opposition party" is one of token only. They think the ONLY real Republicans are those of the likes of John McShitstain, Lizardbreath Cheney, Susan Collins, and other far Left RINOs who've done nothing but undermine the Conservative base of the GOP. Sorry little Libbies, but the idea of the opposition is to OPPOSE! Not agree, not negotiate, never compromise.
What the Left really want is a permanent ONE PARTY STATE.
No one is preventing the GOP from actually accomplishing something for the American people and widening their base with good ideas except the GOP. Being a perpetual, whiny victim will never change that.
And we have been widening our base, knucklehead. The problem is the Communist Left don't want any competition to their sick, diseased ideology.
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.
The economy is about to re-open and boom at a grand scale with Biden's stimulus.
Republicans have contributed nothing to this recovery at all, AND they have scum like Gaetz and Majorie Greene, and Trump still leading the way.
I think the Dems are going to really outperform while the GOP implodes due to stupidity and scandal. I look for big Dem gains next election because the country will be very very strong.


Idiot-gram ^^^

yes you are
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.
The economy is about to re-open and boom at a grand scale with Biden's stimulus.
Republicans have contributed nothing to this recovery at all, AND they have scum like Gaetz and Majorie Greene, and Trump still leading the way.
I think the Dems are going to really outperform while the GOP implodes due to stupidity and scandal. I look for big Dem gains next election because the country will be very very strong.

Rino retards are collapsing. The country is spiraling into depravity, economic collapse, debt. The invalid in chief is contributing to these problems at an increased rate.

Do you promise to go away when your claims are proved to be not only wrong but absurd?
What the Left really want is a permanent ONE PARTY STATE.
What the left really wants is to let people from shit hole countries into America. Immigration will ruin America.

Damn lie ^^^ and another effort to support a Conspiracy Story.
What the Left really want is a permanent ONE PARTY STATE. Their idea of an "opposition party" is one of token only. They think the ONLY real Republicans are those of the likes of John McShitstain, Lizardbreath Cheney, Susan Collins, and other far Left RINOs who've done nothing but undermine the Conservative base of the GOP. Sorry little Libbies, but the idea of the opposition is to OPPOSE! Not agree, not negotiate, never compromise.
Such a squalid, incorrigible, hyper-partisan attitude has resulted in the People's being repulsed by and rejecting Trumpery, the empirical reality of their opting for Democratic control of the Executive, Senate, and House, and their increasingly aligning with the Democratic Party:

Nationwide Voter Registration Data by Party
Posted on October 24, 2020
In the 32 jurisdictions that have registration by party, here are the number of registered voters in each party and the number of independents:

Democratic: 47,106,084
Republican: 35,041,482
ind & misc: 33,696,700
Of course, Trump's goons attacking Congress and the Loser's being too morally feeble to honestly accept his loss has only increased the damage to the Trumped GOP.
Obviously, previously-allied corporate interests have been similarly disgusted.
What the Left really want is a permanent ONE PARTY STATE. Their idea of an "opposition party" is one of token only. They think the ONLY real Republicans are those of the likes of John McShitstain, Lizardbreath Cheney, Susan Collins, and other far Left RINOs who've done nothing but undermine the Conservative base of the GOP. Sorry little Libbies, but the idea of the opposition is to OPPOSE! Not agree, not negotiate, never compromise.
Such a squalid, incorrigible, hyper-partisan attitude has resulted in the People's being repulsed by and rejecting Trumpery, the empirical reality of their opting for Democratic control of the Executive, Senate, and House, and their increasingly aligning with the Democratic Party:

Nationwide Voter Registration Data by Party
Posted on October 24, 2020
In the 32 jurisdictions that have registration by party, here are the number of registered voters in each party and the number of independents:

Democratic: 47,106,084
Republican: 35,041,482
ind & misc: 33,696,700
Of course, Trump's goons attacking Congress and the Loser's being too morally feeble to honestly accept his loss has only increased the damage to the Trumped GOP.
Obviously, previously-allied corporate interests have been similarly disgusted.
So a one party state is what you want
Thanks for admitting az such.
You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate, QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing of your failed party. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...

We warned them that Trump would kill the GOPQ. And we were not wrong! :)

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