The Geography Of WWIII


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There is an old saying: "War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."
Ambrose Bierce

And today's geography lesson will introduce the ineluctable lead-up to WWIII.

Just as blood keeps the human organism alive, oil is the life's-blood of an industrial nation....imagine how absurd it would be for the leader of an modern nation to suggest...'Well, seeing as how much trouble and strife oil causes....our nation is going on a ten-year plan to wean ourselves off oil and all the other petroleum products.'
(Did somebody say 'Obama'??)

Contrary to the fables spread by Liberals....there are no alternatives to petroleum.

Here....the facts about oil, China, and the future.....WWIII.

1. "For China the problem was particularly acute: by the turn of the century, after years of an average growth of 7 percent in demand, it was faciang a shortfall in oil of 3,500,000 tons a year and this had to be met by imports. Its efforts to find oil in home waters had been to little avail: the East China Sea produced some modest gas finds but no oil to speak of.

The best find was a huge gas reservoir off the south coast of the Hainan Island at the northern end of the South China Sea, and an 800 km. sub-marine pipeline had been constructed to pipe 2,900,000 cubic meters of gas a day to fire a power station in Hong Kong."
From the novel "Dragon Strike," by Hawksley

a. " State media says China has found more than 100 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the politically volatile South China Sea.
The natural gas was discovered at the Lingshui 17-2 gas field, 150 kilometers south of southern Hainan island. "
China says natural gas found off Hainan s shores - The Standard

2. "Onshore, the application of new drilling techniques succeeded in extracting more oil from the Daqing field in the north-east, China's most productive- indeed the north-eastern oilfields accounted for 70 % of onshore production."
From the novel "Dragon Strike," by Hawksley

a. " Annual crude oil output at Daqing Oil Field, China's largest oil field, will fall to 30 million tons by 2010, a steep drop of 18.4 million tons from last year's level, Xinhua news agency reported yesterday.

Daqing's crude output will shrink by 7 percent yearly in the following seven years. Its crude output is expected to drop to 20 million tons by 2020, said Gai Ruyin, mayor of Daqing City in Heilongjiang Province.

The report also said there is only 500 million tons of recoverable oil reserve left in the country's largest oil field,..."
China s Daqing Oil Field Passes Peak

What to do....what to do...??
China's a big country...doesn't it have oil elsewhere???

3. "The Tarim basin in the far north-west proved prospective, but it was just about as far as you could get from where it was needed...transportation costs added $3 a barrel."
From the novel "Dragon Strike," by Hawksley

a."As of 26th Dec. 2002, the oil production in the oilfield was 5.006 ×106 t in the same year, the first time to breakthrough 5 ×106 t/a, becoming the sixth large onshore oilfield in China.."
welcome to oilchina

4. "China has quickly risen to the top ranks in global energy demand over the past few years. China is the world's second-largest oil consumer behind the United States and became the largest global energy consumer in 2010. The country was a net oil exporter until the early 1990s and became the world's second-largest net importer of crude oil and petroleum products in 2009. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that China will surpass the United States as the largest net oil importer by 2014, in part due to China's rising oil consumption. China's oil consumption growth accounted for one-third of the world's oil consumption growth in 2013, and EIA projects the same share in 2014." China - Analysis - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

See the problem?

5. Beijing looks primarily to the Persian Gulf, Africa, and Russia/Central Asia to satisfy its growing demand, with imported oil accounting for approximately 11 percent of China's total energy consumption.Jan 20, 2014
Where Does China Import Its Energy From (And What This ... China going to simply going to give up its 'superpower' ambitions?

Is it?

Or is there something it can do to ameliorate the problem?
A novel is being used as a source. Why can't the novelist change a few words around and create an abundance of oil for China?
A novel is being used as a source. Why can't the novelist change a few words around and create an abundance of oil for China?

I was soooo hoping one of the true imbeciles would post that, about a novel being used as a source.

That's why I provided links which backed up everything China-hand journalist Hawksley wrote.

Wow,,,,you really stuck your foot in your mouth again.
A novel is being used as a source. Why can't the novelist change a few words around and create an abundance of oil for China?

I was soooo hoping one of the true imbeciles would post that, about a novel being used as a source.

That's why I provided links which backed up everything China-hand journalist Hawksley wrote.

Wow,,,,you really stuck your foot in your mouth again.
The book was written in the late 1990's about what might happen in the very beginning of the 21st Century, 2001 to be exact. Drastic changes have occurred since the time the book was written. What he imagined never happened and factors have changed so much that his imaginary scenarios will never happen. His predictions for oil production and development were so far off as to make his story line obsolete.
To understand where China will look to solve it's energy problem,...


Paracel and Spratly Islands Forum The Cow Tongue China s Claims in the Eastern Sea South China Sea

6. " is not difficult to understand...of seizing the South China Sea, ...when briefing papers are telling them of untold riches of the sea. According to estimates...Nansha's ( the eighth largest island of Spratly Islands and the fourth largest among Philippine-occupied Spratly islands) oil reserves total over 10 billion tons..."
From the novel "Dragon Strike," by Hawksley

a. " In 1968, oil was discovered in the region.[4]The Geology and Mineral Resources Ministry of the People's Republic of China (PRC) has estimated that the Spratly area holds oil and natural gas reserves of 17.7 billion tons (1.60 × 1010kg),[citation needed]compared to the 13 billion tons (1.17 × 1010kg) held byKuwait, placing it as, potentially, the fourth largest reserve bed in the world. These large potential reserves have assisted in intensifying the territorial claims of the neighbouring countries." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7. " The Spratly Islands dispute is an ongoing territorial dispute between Brunei,China (People's Republic of China),Malaysia, the Philippines,Taiwan (Republic of China), and Vietnam, concerning ownership of the Spratly Islands, a group of islands and associated "maritime features"(reefs, banks, cays, etc.) located in the South China Sea. The dispute is characterised by diplomatic stalemate and the employment of low-level military pressure techniques (such as military occupation of disputed territory) in the advancement of national territorial claims. All except Brunei occupy some of the maritime features." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If it were to gain total control of the South China Sea, which includes the Spratly and Paracel Islands, China would not need to import a drop of oil for the foreseeable future.

As an emerging superpower......what do you suppose the future of the South China Sea indicates?
A novel is being used as a source. Why can't the novelist change a few words around and create an abundance of oil for China?

I was soooo hoping one of the true imbeciles would post that, about a novel being used as a source.

That's why I provided links which backed up everything China-hand journalist Hawksley wrote.

Wow,,,,you really stuck your foot in your mouth again.
The book was written in the late 1990's about what might happen in the very beginning of the 21st Century, 2001 to be exact. Drastic changes have occurred since the time the book was written. What he imagined never happened and factors have changed so much that his imaginary scenarios will never happen. His predictions for oil production and development were so far off as to make his story line obsolete.

As all have come to expect, you are never prepared to provide any more than hot air.

Never any documentation of you bloviations.....almost as though....and this is have some cachet that makes you an expert.

Of course, you have been embarrassed with metronomic regularity..... in point:
"The book was written in the late 1990's about what might happen ... Drastic changes have occurred since the time the book was written. What he imagined never happened and factors have changed so much..."

See what I mean?
You face the same fate as the dirigible Hindenburg, and for the same reason.

What factors have changed?

Certainly not that China faces an energy shortage....
Certainly not that the Spratly and Paracel Islands are rich in exactly what China needs...
Certainly not that the nations listed all claim the islands.....
Certainly not that you try and try, without success, to be relevant.

And, BTW....your abject ignorance is far from a 'drastic change.'
If a.i.'s are successfully created within the next 10-20 as predicted, and a kill switch is somehow overlooked or overcome - humanity is going to have a lot more to worry about than these small brained partisan conspiracy theories.
If a.i.'s are successfully created within the next 10-20 as predicted, and a kill switch is somehow overlooked or overcome - humanity is going to have a lot more to worry about than these small brained partisan conspiracy theories.'ve attempted to engage yet another topic well beyond your ken.

I try so hard to prevent you from embarrassing yourself, but it seems to be your manifest destiny.
Even if one is perceptive enough to see the significance of the South China Sea....the previous post only lists the interested parties as Brunei, China (People's Republic of China), Malaysia, thePhilippines, Taiwan (Republic of China), and Vietnam.

So they're the only ones to be involved in the coming war?
Sorry....not in this world.

8. Let not this irony be some point.....the United States may be an ally of Vietnam!

"Since 1987, when it ...allowed in foreign investment, Vietnam made the development of its offshore oil and gas industry is top priority. Fully one-quarter of all foreign investment was channeled into the industry. Hanoi had big plans. It set a target of annual production of 20,000,000 tons of oil by 2000- a target which it met with ease.It now set its sights higher and was aiming to extract 25,000,000 tons a year by 2009." From the novel "Dragon Strike," by Hawksley

a. " In 1958, the People's Republic of China, having taken over mainland China and having left the Republic of China with control over Taiwan,Penghu,Kinmen,Matsu, and some outlying islands, issued a declaration of a 12 nautical mile limit territorial waters that encompassed the Spratly Islands. North Vietnam's prime minister,Phạm Văn Đồng, sent a formal note to PRC's PremierZhou Enlaito recognise these claims; and stated that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) respects the decision on the 12 nautical mile limit territorial waters, although South Vietnam continued to claim sovereignty over the islands." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Case closed?

Not so fast.....

b. In May of 2011 PRC patrol boats attacked and cut the cables of Vietnamese oil exploration ships near the Spratly Islands. The incidents sparked several anti-China protests in Vietnam.

In June, the PLA navy conducted three days of exercises, including live fire drills, in the disputed waters. This was widely seen as a warning to Vietnam, which had also conducted live fire drills near the Spratly Islands. PRC patrol boats fired repeated rounds at a target on an apparently uninhabited island, as twin fighter jets streaked in tandem overhead.

14 vessels participated in the manoeuvres, staging antisubmarine and beach landing drills aimed at "defending atolls and protecting sea lanes." Ch nh s news Spratly Islands

A lesson for a previous poster: look closely.....this will not be a 'cyber war.'
A novel is being used as a source. Why can't the novelist change a few words around and create an abundance of oil for China?

I was soooo hoping one of the true imbeciles would post that, about a novel being used as a source.

That's why I provided links which backed up everything China-hand journalist Hawksley wrote.

Wow,,,,you really stuck your foot in your mouth again.
The book was written in the late 1990's about what might happen in the very beginning of the 21st Century, 2001 to be exact. Drastic changes have occurred since the time the book was written. What he imagined never happened and factors have changed so much that his imaginary scenarios will never happen. His predictions for oil production and development were so far off as to make his story line obsolete.

As all have come to expect, you are never prepared to provide any more than hot air.

Never any documentation of you bloviations.....almost as though....and this is have some cachet that makes you an expert.

Of course, you have been embarrassed with metronomic regularity..... in point:
"The book was written in the late 1990's about what might happen ... Drastic changes have occurred since the time the book was written. What he imagined never happened and factors have changed so much..."

See what I mean?
You face the same fate as the dirigible Hindenburg, and for the same reason.

What factors have changed?

Certainly not that China faces an energy shortage....
Certainly not that the Spratly and Paracel Islands are rich in exactly what China needs...
Certainly not that the nations listed all claim the islands.....
Certainly not that you try and try, without success, to be relevant.

And, BTW....your abject ignorance is far from a 'drastic change.'
Documentation? You are trying to pass off an 18 year old story line from an adventure novel as a thesis for reality in today's world, ignoring the changes that have occurred in global politics, energy production and distribution in those 18 years. There are far more worrisome areas of the world to be concerned about than the islands of the South China Sea being disputed with Vietnam and the Philippines or even the islands disputed with Japan.
A novel is being used as a source. Why can't the novelist change a few words around and create an abundance of oil for China?

I was soooo hoping one of the true imbeciles would post that, about a novel being used as a source.

That's why I provided links which backed up everything China-hand journalist Hawksley wrote.

Wow,,,,you really stuck your foot in your mouth again.
The book was written in the late 1990's about what might happen in the very beginning of the 21st Century, 2001 to be exact. Drastic changes have occurred since the time the book was written. What he imagined never happened and factors have changed so much that his imaginary scenarios will never happen. His predictions for oil production and development were so far off as to make his story line obsolete.

As all have come to expect, you are never prepared to provide any more than hot air.

Never any documentation of you bloviations.....almost as though....and this is have some cachet that makes you an expert.

Of course, you have been embarrassed with metronomic regularity..... in point:
"The book was written in the late 1990's about what might happen ... Drastic changes have occurred since the time the book was written. What he imagined never happened and factors have changed so much..."

See what I mean?
You face the same fate as the dirigible Hindenburg, and for the same reason.

What factors have changed?

Certainly not that China faces an energy shortage....
Certainly not that the Spratly and Paracel Islands are rich in exactly what China needs...
Certainly not that the nations listed all claim the islands.....
Certainly not that you try and try, without success, to be relevant.

And, BTW....your abject ignorance is far from a 'drastic change.'
Documentation? You are trying to pass off an 18 year old story line from an adventure novel as a thesis for reality in today's world, ignoring the changes that have occurred in global politics, energy production and distribution in those 18 years. There are far more worrisome areas of the world to be concerned about than the islands of the South China Sea being disputed with Vietnam and the Philippines or even the islands disputed with Japan.

"...., ignoring the changes that have occurred in global politics, energy production and distribution in those 18 years."

What changes, you sack of offal?

Certainly not that China faces an energy shortage....
Certainly not that the Spratly and Paracel Islands are rich in exactly what China needs...
Certainly not that the nations listed all claim the islands.....
Certainly not that you try and try, without success, to be relevant.

And, BTW....your abject ignorance is far from a 'drastic change.'
You couldnt embarrass this Legend, youre a mere mortal.

You, a mere marble.

I didn't say I embarrassed you.

I said you did....and a fine job, too.
Im the epicenter of what you strive and fail for.

I am a gladiator, you a mere peasant who washes the blood from my sword and sharpens its steel.

"Im the epicenter of what you strive and fail for."

You're a cannoli?????
You couldnt embarrass this Legend, youre a mere mortal.

You, a mere marble.

I didn't say I embarrassed you.

I said you did....and a fine job, too.
Im the epicenter of what you strive and fail for.

I am a gladiator, you a mere peasant who washes the blood from my sword and sharpens its steel.

"Im the epicenter of what you strive and fail for."

You're a cannoli?????
^ American Obesity at work.

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