The Future


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Will our elites employ science to enslave and exterminate humanity?

They have tried before and I think they will try again.


Why the future doesn't need us.
Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.

Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims

Afghanistan: Hamid Karzai condemns NATO airstrike that 'killed 16 civilians'

Robot Economy Could Cause Up To 75 Percent Unemployment

The Population Control Holocaust

Just 30 firms dominate the Internet

The Pentagon Is Getting Closer To Robot Soldiers, Leading Roboticist Warns

Our Final Invention: How the Human Race Goes and Gets Itself Killed

A technocrat's fantasy of controlling and exterminating mankind: Childhood's End

According to Sam Harris free will is an illusion and we are just biochemical puppets:
Does Contemporary Neuroscience Support or Challenge the Reality of Free Will?
Quote about the Trinity test explosion: Physicist Isidor Rabi noticed Oppenheimer's disconcerting triumphalism: "I'll never forget his walk; I'll never forget the way he stepped out of the car ... his walk was like High Noon ... this kind of strut. He had done it."

Another quote: At an assembly at Los Alamos on August 6 (the evening of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima), Oppenheimer took to the stage and clasped his hands together "like a prize-winning boxer" while the crowd cheered.



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"I almost think it is the ultimate destiny of science to exterminate the human race." - Thomas Love Peacock

"Science is a magnificent force, but it is not a teacher of morals. It can perfect machinery, but it adds no moral restraints to protect society from the misuse of the machine. It can also build gigantic intellectual ships, but it constructs no moral rudders for the control of storm-tossed human vessel. It not only fails to supply the spiritual element needed but some of its unproven hypotheses rob the ship of its compass and thus endanger its cargo. In war, science has proven itself an evil genius; it has made war more terrible than it ever was before. Man used to be content to slaughter his fellowmen on a single plane, the earth's surface. Science has taught him to go down into the water and shoot up from below and to go up into the clouds and shoot down from above, thus making the battlefield three times as bloody as it was before; but science does not teach brotherly love. Science has made war so hellish that civilization was about to commit suicide; and now we are told that newly discovered instruments of destruction will make the cruelties of the late war seem trivial in comparison with the cruelties of wars that may come in the future. If civilization is to be saved from the wreckage threatened by intelligence not consecrated by love, it must be saved by the moral code of the meek and lowly Nazarene. His teachings, and His teachings alone, can solve the problems that vex the heart and perplex the world." - William Jennings Bryan
The real picture is that of one dominant age—let us suppose the hundredth century A.D.—which resists all previous ages most successfully and dominates all subsequent ages most irresistibly, and thus is the real master of the human species. But then within this master generation (itself an infinitesimal minority of the species) the power will be exercised by a minority smaller still. Man's conquest of Nature, if the dreams of some scientific planners are realized, means the rule of a few hundreds of men over billions upon billions of men. There neither is nor can be any simple increase of power on Man's side. Each new power won by man is a power over man as well. Each advance leaves him weaker as well as stronger. In every victory, besides being the general who triumphs, he is also the prisoner who follows the triumphal car.
The Abolition of Man

Let us consider three typical examples: the aeroplane, the wireless, and the contraceptive. In a civilized community, in peace-time, anyone who can pay for them may use these things. But it cannot strictly be said that when he does so he is exercising his own proper or individual power over Nature. If I pay you to carry me, I am not therefore myself a strong man. Any or all of the three things I have mentioned can be withheld from some men by other men—by those who sell, or those who allow the sale, or those who own the sources of production, or those who make the goods. What we call Man's power is, in reality, a power possessed by some men which they may, or may not, allow other men to profit by. Again, as regards the powers manifested in the aeroplane or the wireless, Man is as much the patient or subject as the possessor, since he is the target both for bombs and for propaganda. And as regards contraceptives, there is a paradoxical, negative sense in which all possible future generations are the patients or subjects of a power wielded by those already alive. By contraception simply, they are denied existence; by contraception used as a means of selective breeding, they are, without their concurring voice, made to be what one generation, for its own reasons, may choose to prefer. From this point of view, what we call Man's power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument.
The Abolition of Man
Will our elites employ science to enslave and exterminate humanity?

They have tried before and I think they will try again.


Yes. It is certain, the logic is simple and direct.

1. WW1 resolved and led to League of Nations (globalist world government foundation); 1919
2. WW2 resolved and led to United Nations second globalist advancement towards world government. 1945
3. Cold WW3 resolved and led to UN "New World Order" further globalist world government advancement. 1990

4. Now all we need is GWOT Phase 2 to go WW4 for real. And that will resolve into complete world government, for this is all engineered and guided to this outcome, and we can see it 1-2-3, as simple as that, it is guaranteed a fourth cycle must activate soon.

But here is the kicker.

1. That will mean world peace as well, according to globalist elite definition. NATO, or UN-NATO by that time true Global NATO, will be the sole military power under globalist elite sole control.

2. National wars will be no more, because (1) they will have no actual sovereignty for which to fight, (2) they will be subject to an even further expanded NATO system with Russian and Chinese globalist elite weapons systems assimilated.

Sounds good for some people, until we explore the massive military expansion real implications, the final ramifications.

After world peace, then what? It seems it is all leading to this outcome:

Then that NATO weapons element can be applied for final function: Controlled global depopulation over the following decade.

Advancements in directed energy and superwave technologies will also be employable to this end. The "war machine" it turns out, has a final "world peace machine" use.

It seems the whole scenario is already laid out, 1-2-3-4. This can't even really be called "conspiracy theory", geeez, it's plain as day, written on the wall, in broad daylight, everyone and his mother has been working on this for the last 200 years, 24/7/365.
And that will resolve into complete world government,
Distant unaccountable power with a controlled opposition.

The Whole 21st Century War Model is Entirely Different Than Today's Media Promoted War Model in it's Final Stage

I just want to explain the coming true mode of global war finalization is going to define a whole new 21st century technology backed war model that will be mostly not even human in application. The "boots on the ground" is a thing of the past, that must be phased out as this final world war climaxes that model, into the one that will resolve the final world war into the "Global NATO" global monopoly of earth and space. (Which is NATO's stated objective, global military uni-polar power - and they will succeed).

If we take time to envision the difference overall between the 1800s and the 1900s, we see things were affected by advanced industry and financing in ways the common people, and many educated among them, did not fully understand the meaning of in it's most basic objective: uni-polar power consolidation gradually but steadily. This is because information was selective in the schooling system and mostly of commercial and propaganda purposes predominating.

It is also so gradual in development, upon a dumbed down and programmed citizenry to make it all the more effective. The culturally programmed American "rich" (in general), who were trained to perceive "self worth" as "net worth", means dumbing down in one reality, is aided by over education, money, career and other cultural illusions and obsession in the counter illusional reality of the money and wealth temple, and it's main priests of western civilization going global in that model, one way or another. US Dollar global infusion greatly aided the process.

The meaning of the system is very simple, as is the engine concept of all of it's parts, and that is what all the distraction covers up with other concerns and information. Few boiled down the ultimate meaning. Hence to hide the needle, the national prop masters pour on the hay straws thoroughly.

I mean when a magician's trick is understood in it's fundamental operation, the "illusion" ceases to be an illusion, the trick becomes silly, the nature of the deception becomes more interesting, how the trick worked, the "truth" of what is really going on.

And the same thing with an illusion like the Federal Reserve, once one knows the two or three basics of that illusion it ceases to fool that person, but will continue to fool others, and has so much entrenched power, it can only remove itself for it's own "solution" replacement. Something that well designed and now globally systemic in the other national currency systems cannot be random and accidental, and it has an overall comprehensive objective of which it is just part of a greater global illusion.

But with that financial transformation, and world war scale weapons and strategic development, it all changed the 20th century gradually. The boiling the frog concept. And since we are at just the beginning of the 21st century a similar but far more powerful transformation, just like from 1800s to 1900s, is also logical and forecastable in basic objectives from the evidence and the logic. Meaning we are on the brink of another "new age" that will exponentially further apply advanced technology to at least the beginning of it's intended reality. And that will change the nature of warfare permanently.

We are seeing the [final stages] of what is merely glorified 20th century war techniques that have to be superceded by a technological application that is only limited by time and imagination in theory. But much of that artificial intelligence is going to be operable for the end of the final cycle. The idea of a "warrior" with super-energy weapons, "fighting" from a gaming console in the Nevada desert, or wherever, is taking drones to the next level of a new science applied more fully for warfare. Apply directed energy in it's myriad of forms, for final warfare and global military hegemony of the "Global NATO" "new world order" military system of the UN world government.

The nuclear war fear complex is for effect, they do not intend it to get out of control, and they will extend the 20th century warfare model of "boots on the ground" and other directly human controlled systems to the maximum "return on investment", and that is the story we see in the media of the various NATO wars now in expansion for that realm of application, as mostly distraction, for the "big stick" finale that will cause Russia and China to in time capitulate quickly in the overall scope, because they will be the pinnacle target of technologies at near spiritual forces scale of technological advancement already prepared for this finality over the next decade.

Meaning today's wars are merely glorified pictures of World War 1 and 2, but that whole paradigm is also passing away for things beyond human, that is orchestrated and advanced technologies that apply a power more fundamental than atomic, to whole regions with exact selective "destruction" or "salvation" capabilities. These things are already over their heads, literally, or can be placed there very quickly, or can be projected there in ways scientific fundamental structures can apply an analog to other realms of micro and macro spaces.

For example a biological or light "computer" or a plasma architecture based on principles demonstrated in physical systems but applied at nano or immense scale. I also mean just in concept, the nature of the 21st century true weapons systems is of a dimension as different as General Custer's armaments and WW1 and WW2 with even a greater exponentiation of development time and "improvement".

The globalist elite aligned elements of Russia's and China's super-rich, in the same model as guided by Anglo-American elites, were already playing the game in the Cold War, it is the game of world government formative development. At the top they were all being updated for world government, and at the top the "combatants" are actually all on the same page, because their national masses is what the "world war" nationalism controls, for the enrichment of the globalist network that includes the tops of all the top nations. Thus the masses enrich and aid ultimately world government development. They are all "in on it", because they have a common problem: the people and their power in national sovereign systems, and those two "problems" are what world government is to "solve" because it is in the minority of true pinnacle powers' interest.

Ironically the nation-state soldiers are aiding the ultimate deposition of their national sovereignty across the nation-state global board.

This is why the globalist super-system will do a small wave of "depopulation" "tests" and have been already doing that in world war itself and other forms of slow balancing in my opinion, but are saving the technologies application that actually define the 21st century final warfare model in potential of a true transformation, if they just proceeded as planned, the real meaning of "new world order" fully applied. Meaning the shift from 1899 to 1999 was in fact enormous if we take the time to really analyze the changes and a similar transformation impetus is already present also in initial form for the next transformation.

The next tribulation cycle will begin to apply some of these technologies and strategies to redefine reality for the world that was similar to the 1914 symphony or world war, industry and advanced international finance that empowered it all and was expanding all the time hidden and accumulating in the super-corporate "body", the main body of world government's formation globally. It is just interesting it may be kicking off around the 2014 psychological centennial marker, we do not know. The overall pattern of tribulation-to-world-government is present in 1914-1919 as WW1 resolved into the League of Nations "world peace" objective presentations. And that same pattern will unfold in the final cycle gearing up for the final phase of earnest deployment for some years. It will result in the finished product of actual world government.

The advantage of knowing this is formulaic is that one doesn't have to be subject to the fear and terror they already prep the masses with as many are uncertain what the final cycle means. It is a cycle that repeats the same elements as WW1, WW2 and Cold WW3. But now we know it is also ushering in a period of human history to in time become seen as unique. The removal of national sovereignty, is the removal of the basis of war that was necessary to expand and consolidate the globalist super-system of world governments components. So that is a world peace coming defined by a sole military power in the assimilation of the final "hold outs" into one mega military system.

And as wee can logically see, with no national wars to referee it can then achieve the final function of population control. If the "Georgia Guidestones" projected a 500 million population ceiling, that would be the maximum. It would mean the initial depopulation over say another ten years would go well below 500 million. That would be what the next generations were guided to, under a dominant technology system not requiring "boots on the ground" to control global populations. New generations would believe whatever it is they were told, the 1870 to present leaks of information would be fully removed, they were inevitable as the commercial system grew for their time.

I don't say they will ever achieve this, I say it is well beyond that in planning, we are seeing a snowball on the tip of the iceberg, the real picture is far more massive. The scale of globalization into every resource control dimension of this world is already so voluminous even the researchers and conspiracy theorists cannot really keep up with the whole thing, and the way it synthesizes in the final product of world government is naturally denied by many because of the element of psychological fear and denial. Some do take it to the maximum, but overall even the network of "enlightenment" is diffused light.

Another example of the scale we are dealing with is the legalized criminal rackets that were present in the sub-prime mortgage engine. It is so pervasive you could quadruple the FBI and SEC four times over again, and there is not enough "law enforcement" to even unwind that scams global proportions in the supporting criminal corporations. The scale of legalized criminal activity in high finance by the nation-state legislators that empowered it are now beyond the scale of enforcement power to curtail and reverse it, it is too late, the criminals designed the governments to be compromisable gradually. Thus that dimension of national government "scapegoat" is actually part of the "problem" many will be led to identify, and the masses will demand the "solution" in general, and that "solution" is world government.

Thus the globalists design the "solution" and the path by which the "solution" is accepted as part of identifying the "problem" itself. It is their interest to aid recognition of the problem, to get those post final World War masses to accept the "solution". An example is the "Zeitgeist" documentaries on the late-capitalist finance scam expose the current problem, and a Utopian solution "The Venus Project", an analog of the "new World Order". So there is an example where the "problem" is identified fully, and the "solution" is made to appear to be not from the same designers, but it is.

Both the problem and the solution are designed by the same system engineers. Identifying the problem aids the acceptance of the "solution" because world government will present itself as the human panacea to all mankind's problems it merely exacerbated to zenith their own system, and enrich it to fuel it's final functions. And the world government system, which is already the richest in actual wealth of all human history, will only get richer in the final cycle, so they can offer a "solution" they can back to play as many nations along, all of them, as they implement their post WW phasing and the acceptance will be logical, they do outline a valid solution, but they do not intend supporting the very "problem" again.

But world government is the crystallization that will also trigger the end of all prophecy, and they can find out if their is any other power, such as super-human, that has other designs for planet earth. That would be God and Christ. They will not arrive until world government is complete and has gotten final fair warning and has been exercising authority for a while. (1Thess5:1-3)

Currently the religious institutional dimension poses no threat, but aids, the world government development. But God is not a religion, He is a person, a spirit person, and religion does not define the actuality of who will rule planet Earth, religion fuses it with the "New World Order" as an "expression of God's Kingdom on earth".
Something additional to consider is the layout of urban and product design.

Are we streamlining goods and production so that they actually resemble our views on convenience consumption? For example, the number of convenient fast food Taco Bells (serving Americanized Mexican street food) in Washington D.C. creates a visual grid of consumerism culture.

Many visions of a cold and efficient factory-like futuristic world present ideas about cost-cutting lighting and geometrically rigid buildings. In fact, some products already distributed in the free market capture human curiosity about merging design with production efficiency 'attitude.'

Somewhere in between a Dark City and a city ruled by Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory perhaps lays a real blueprint for our hypothetical 'futuristic city' of streamlined neon.



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