The Full Transcript of Donnie's Awesome Email Adventure

Don jr. met with a private lawyer with no connection to Russian government. Was part of a political campaign and was promised damaging information on opposition. Part of politics. Did nothing wrong.

Not when that informant is a foreign country ...

Well how about the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who PAID Russian informants for that fake dossier?

How about the DNC working with the Ukrainian government and journalists to trash out Manafort and force him to resign when Ukrainian government said he was under investigation for corruption?

"A veteran DNC operative who previously worked in the Clinton White House, Alexandra Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort. She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, according to the Politico report.

Chalupa met with Ukrainian Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar, at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort’s Russian connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico. Four days later, Trump officially hired Manafort.

“The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation,” Politico reported."

Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.
Good stuff Tiny.

Thanks. The Ukrainian angle is most interesting as well with the Clinton Foundation. Oligarch Victor Pinchuk who has donated millions to the Foundation. And in return?

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
Clinton Foundation was a front organization for money laundering.
Why would he report it when she has no connection to Putin government?

I see that you are watching Fox news

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

“Veselnitskaya has been instrumental in rewriting the history of Sergei Magnitsky and fighting against laws that fight Russian corruption in his name. In early 2016, she played a key role in establishing the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation in Delaware, organizing screenings of a film rewriting Magnitsky’s story,” Newsweek reported.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.

" 'She's not just some private lawyer,' Mr. Browder said of Ms. Veselnitskaya. 'She is a tool of the Russian government.' "
State owned those that donated to Clinton Foundation and allowed Tony Podesta to make $$$ on investment? Who controls all "state owned" businesses in Russia? That would be Vlad.

Again trying to distract by bringing in the ol Clinton yes we know how Fox works..

This is not about Clinton, it is about Our president whose whole campaign was a big fat lie.

Yes it still is about Clinton. Her campaign worked with the Ukrainians. D's paid Russian informants for that fake dossier. The company that claimed the Russians hacked the DNC server is seriously anti Russian and Dmitri co founder of CrowdStrike sits on the Atlantic Council that is funded by the Ukrainian World Council who are virulently anti Russian.

Oh and a key player who also sits on the board at the Atlantic Council is none other than Victor Pinchuk.
Who Is Natalia Veselnitskaya?

Natalia Veselnitskaya is a Russian attorney who has represented several state-owned Russian businesses, according to the Times. In 2003, she launched her own law firm, Kamerton Consulting. Her clients have included Denis Katsyv, the President of Russian company Prevezon Holdings and the son of Pyotr Katsyv, who has served as Moscow's Regional Transport Minister.

Veselnitskaya is a leading opponent of the Magnitsky Act, which the U.S. Congress passed in 2012. The law was named after Sergei Magnitsky, who was arrested in Russia after accusing officials of $230 million in tax fraud. He was reportedly beaten and not provided with proper medical treatment before dying in prison in 2009. The law imposes sanctions on anyone implicated in his torture.

In May 2017, Prevezon Holdings, Katsyv's company, agreed to pay $6 million in a settlement with the Department of Justice over a money laundering lawsuit related to the scheme Magnitsky tried to bring to light.

Veselnitskaya filed an affidavit in New York's South District Court in January 2016, claiming that she had been denied a visa to the United States, but the country issued a parole letter for her to help defend him.

According to a complaint sent to the Justice Department from Hermitage Capital Management in July 2016, the asset management company Magnitsky represented as an attorney, part a lobbying campaign to repeal the law and "discredit the established version of events" surrounding Magnitsky's arrest and accusation of fraud. The letter alleged that Veselnitskaya was linked with the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation, an organization dedicated to overturning the adoption ban and one of the key players Hermitage cited in trying to repeal the Magnitsky act. (The other was Prevezon, Katsyv's company). Hermitage also claimed that Veselnitskaya was a key player in organizing screenings of a film rewriting Magnitsky's history.

What to Know About the Russian Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr.

And his meeting was part of a follow-up to Clinton's Russian connection.

Why the hell does Clintons name keep coming up ... Yes we know that Clinton had involvement too and she would be under investigation if she had won as well if she lied about having any involvement during the Campaign.

Failed Argument

Because that is where this whole thing begins. Podesta and Mook decided the day after election to smear Trump on supposed Russian connection.Why would Don jr. Meet with a Russian lawyer for potential dirt on Clinton campaign...unless they knew Clinton campaign was already taking $$$$ from the Russian s?

Trump Jr. should have gone to the FBI with that dirt...But it wasn't for ethical reasons that Junior was gathering dirt From A International Source
And then Lied about the meeting since then...
Along with Bashing the democrats for questioning it..

Why would he go to FBI when he did nothing wrong or unethical? I have managed political campaigns. All is fair game.
Don jr. met with a private lawyer with no connection to Russian government. Was part of a political campaign and was promised damaging information on opposition. Part of politics. Did nothing wrong.

Not when that informant is a foreign country ...

Well how about the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who PAID Russian informants for that fake dossier?

How about the DNC working with the Ukrainian government and journalists to trash out Manafort and force him to resign when Ukrainian government said he was under investigation for corruption?

"A veteran DNC operative who previously worked in the Clinton White House, Alexandra Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort. She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, according to the Politico report.

Chalupa met with Ukrainian Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar, at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort’s Russian connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico. Four days later, Trump officially hired Manafort.

“The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation,” Politico reported."

Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.
Good stuff Tiny.

Thanks. The Ukrainian angle is most interesting as well with the Clinton Foundation. Oligarch Victor Pinchuk who has donated millions to the Foundation. And in return?

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
Clinton Foundation was a front organization for money laundering.

Go make another thread about Clinton, it has nothing to do with this thread.
Not when that informant is a foreign country ...

Well how about the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who PAID Russian informants for that fake dossier?

How about the DNC working with the Ukrainian government and journalists to trash out Manafort and force him to resign when Ukrainian government said he was under investigation for corruption?

"A veteran DNC operative who previously worked in the Clinton White House, Alexandra Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort. She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, according to the Politico report.

Chalupa met with Ukrainian Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar, at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort’s Russian connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico. Four days later, Trump officially hired Manafort.

“The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation,” Politico reported."

Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.
Good stuff Tiny.

Thanks. The Ukrainian angle is most interesting as well with the Clinton Foundation. Oligarch Victor Pinchuk who has donated millions to the Foundation. And in return?

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
Clinton Foundation was a front organization for money laundering.

Go make another thread about Clinton, it has nothing to do with this thread.
Has 100% to do with whole Russian issue. Trump wants this investigation to run its course. Positive outcome for him.
Don jr. met with a private lawyer with no connection to Russian government. Was part of a political campaign and was promised damaging information on opposition. Part of politics. Did nothing wrong.

Not when that informant is a foreign country ...

Well how about the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who PAID Russian informants for that fake dossier?

How about the DNC working with the Ukrainian government and journalists to trash out Manafort and force him to resign when Ukrainian government said he was under investigation for corruption?

"A veteran DNC operative who previously worked in the Clinton White House, Alexandra Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort. She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, according to the Politico report.

Chalupa met with Ukrainian Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar, at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort’s Russian connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico. Four days later, Trump officially hired Manafort.

“The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation,” Politico reported."

Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.
Good stuff Tiny.

Thanks. The Ukrainian angle is most interesting as well with the Clinton Foundation. Oligarch Victor Pinchuk who has donated millions to the Foundation. And in return?

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
Clinton Foundation was a front organization for money laundering.

Money laundering and pay to play on steroids. Sheesh.
Why would he report it when she has no connection to Putin government?

I see that you are watching Fox news

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

“Veselnitskaya has been instrumental in rewriting the history of Sergei Magnitsky and fighting against laws that fight Russian corruption in his name. In early 2016, she played a key role in establishing the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation in Delaware, organizing screenings of a film rewriting Magnitsky’s story,” Newsweek reported.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.

" 'She's not just some private lawyer,' Mr. Browder said of Ms. Veselnitskaya. 'She is a tool of the Russian government.' "
State owned those that donated to Clinton Foundation and allowed Tony Podesta to make $$$ on investment? Who controls all "state owned" businesses in Russia? That would be Vlad.

Again trying to distract by bringing in the ol Clinton yes we know how Fox works..

This is not about Clinton, it is about Our president whose whole campaign was a big fat lie.

Yes it still is about Clinton. Her campaign worked with the Ukrainians. D's paid Russian informants for that fake dossier. The company that claimed the Russians hacked the DNC server is seriously anti Russian and Dmitri co founder of CrowdStrike sits on the Atlantic Council that is funded by the Ukrainian World Council who are virulently anti Russian.

Oh and a key player who also sits on the board at the Atlantic Council is none other than Victor Pinchuk.
Yep. Mueller will discover the whole thing...and liberals will wish they never pushed this bullshit as far as they did. Lmfao!
Not when that informant is a foreign country ...

Well how about the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who PAID Russian informants for that fake dossier?

How about the DNC working with the Ukrainian government and journalists to trash out Manafort and force him to resign when Ukrainian government said he was under investigation for corruption?

"A veteran DNC operative who previously worked in the Clinton White House, Alexandra Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort. She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, according to the Politico report.

Chalupa met with Ukrainian Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar, at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort’s Russian connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico. Four days later, Trump officially hired Manafort.

“The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation,” Politico reported."

Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.
Good stuff Tiny.

Thanks. The Ukrainian angle is most interesting as well with the Clinton Foundation. Oligarch Victor Pinchuk who has donated millions to the Foundation. And in return?

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
Clinton Foundation was a front organization for money laundering.

Money laundering and pay to play on steroids. Sheesh.
To the liberals..."Oh what a tangled web we weave..."
Imagine what this group of mobsters said that was never put on record through e-mails. The greatest coup in American history.

The Trumpies on this board will avoid this posting like the plague. They know their ass is grass. They just can't admit it yet.

Dream on as usual dipshit. It is just like all of the other shit It don't mean a thing!!!! but in the wet dreams of some idiotic liberals. HAHAHAHAHHAHA, More stupid shit, and more "THEY DID IT and that means they are BAAAAADDDDD!!" "We didn't do it" "Well we did it too BUT it's okay for us!!!!, we are special and have special laws just for liberals that keep us from having to answer for doing it."
Why would he report it when she has no connection to Putin government?

I see that you are watching Fox news

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

“Veselnitskaya has been instrumental in rewriting the history of Sergei Magnitsky and fighting against laws that fight Russian corruption in his name. In early 2016, she played a key role in establishing the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation in Delaware, organizing screenings of a film rewriting Magnitsky’s story,” Newsweek reported.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.

" 'She's not just some private lawyer,' Mr. Browder said of Ms. Veselnitskaya. 'She is a tool of the Russian government.' "
State owned those that donated to Clinton Foundation and allowed Tony Podesta to make $$$ on investment? Who controls all "state owned" businesses in Russia? That would be Vlad.

Again trying to distract by bringing in the ol Clinton yes we know how Fox works..

This is not about Clinton, it is about Our president whose whole campaign was a big fat lie.

Yes it still is about Clinton. Her campaign worked with the Ukrainians. D's paid Russian informants for that fake dossier. The company that claimed the Russians hacked the DNC server is seriously anti Russian and Dmitri co founder of CrowdStrike sits on the Atlantic Council that is funded by the Ukrainian World Council who are virulently anti Russian.

Oh and a key player who also sits on the board at the Atlantic Council is none other than Victor Pinchuk.

Thing is many didn't vote for Clinton because of her ties and scummy behavior..The Trumps along with the whole gang have been slamming the democrats and the media for months now..

1.They lied about meetings
2. You do not meet up with other countries to dig up political dirt on your opponent
Why would he report it when she has no connection to Putin government?

I see that you are watching Fox news

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

“Veselnitskaya has been instrumental in rewriting the history of Sergei Magnitsky and fighting against laws that fight Russian corruption in his name. In early 2016, she played a key role in establishing the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation in Delaware, organizing screenings of a film rewriting Magnitsky’s story,” Newsweek reported.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.

" 'She's not just some private lawyer,' Mr. Browder said of Ms. Veselnitskaya. 'She is a tool of the Russian government.' "
State owned those that donated to Clinton Foundation and allowed Tony Podesta to make $$$ on investment? Who controls all "state owned" businesses in Russia? That would be Vlad.

Again trying to distract by bringing in the ol Clinton yes we know how Fox works..

This is not about Clinton, it is about Our president whose whole campaign was a big fat lie.

Yes it still is about Clinton. Her campaign worked with the Ukrainians. D's paid Russian informants for that fake dossier. The company that claimed the Russians hacked the DNC server is seriously anti Russian and Dmitri co founder of CrowdStrike sits on the Atlantic Council that is funded by the Ukrainian World Council who are virulently anti Russian.

Oh and a key player who also sits on the board at the Atlantic Council is none other than Victor Pinchuk.

Thing is many didn't vote for Clinton because of her ties and scummy behavior..The Trumps along with the whole gang have been slamming the democrats and the media for months now..

1.They lied about meetings
2. You do not meet up with other countries to dig up political dirt on your opponent
Trump has been picking on the media? OMG! What planet are you on?
Imagine what this group of mobsters said that was never put on record through e-mails. The greatest coup in American history.

The Trumpies on this board will avoid this posting like the plague. They know their ass is grass. They just can't admit it yet.

Avoiding it?

He did nothing wrong much less illegal. Meeting with someone who promises dirt on your political opponent is hardly illegal or unethical in any way. You all dig for dirt on Trump, the most you've found so far is him talking with another guy about p*$$y.

Still waiting to hear from any liberal on what law was violated.

If they did nothing wrong their actions of lying about it for about a year now says differently.
Well how about the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who PAID Russian informants for that fake dossier?

How about the DNC working with the Ukrainian government and journalists to trash out Manafort and force him to resign when Ukrainian government said he was under investigation for corruption?

"A veteran DNC operative who previously worked in the Clinton White House, Alexandra Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort. She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, according to the Politico report.

Chalupa met with Ukrainian Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar, at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort’s Russian connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico. Four days later, Trump officially hired Manafort.

“The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation,” Politico reported."

Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.
Good stuff Tiny.

Thanks. The Ukrainian angle is most interesting as well with the Clinton Foundation. Oligarch Victor Pinchuk who has donated millions to the Foundation. And in return?

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
Clinton Foundation was a front organization for money laundering.

Go make another thread about Clinton, it has nothing to do with this thread.
Has 100% to do with whole Russian issue. Trump wants this investigation to run its course. Positive outcome for him.

You along with Hannity are only trying to derail the news as usual... People see right through that now, Hannity does it every night..

This thread is about Trump Jr. transcripts the title..
Good stuff Tiny.

Thanks. The Ukrainian angle is most interesting as well with the Clinton Foundation. Oligarch Victor Pinchuk who has donated millions to the Foundation. And in return?

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
Clinton Foundation was a front organization for money laundering.

Go make another thread about Clinton, it has nothing to do with this thread.
Has 100% to do with whole Russian issue. Trump wants this investigation to run its course. Positive outcome for him.

You along with Hannity are only trying to derail the news as usual... People see right through that now, Hannity does it every night..

This thread is about Trump Jr. transcripts the title..
Not derail...tell the truth. Why would Trump jr. assume that a Russian had dirt on Clinton campaign? Why? Think about it...

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