The Four Gospels and the Post-Exilic 'Books'


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
Can anyone name cites of any of the post-exilic Prophets or verses from the post-exilic 'books' of the OT by Mathew, Mark, Luke, or John? How about anywhere else in the NT?
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi

Daniel could be termed post exilic. He was quoted by name by Jesus, ie Abomination of Desolation.

Thanks. Daniel is split between two languages and time periods; I'll try and find out which part' that quote was from. The reason I'm asking is an article claiming that none of the 'books' of the Apocrypha are cited in the NT, and that got me to wondering about the post-exilic prophets. Since I asked, I found this article:

" Also, Ezra & Nehemiah were on one scroll (in Hebrew) and were likely to be considered a single book with a unified literary structure. Thus, since Nehemiah is quoted (John 6:31), we could possibly take Ezra off this list."

Related Fun Facts, the Top 10 'books' cited here:

"It makes sense that the top few books are some of the long books in the OT. But the longest book (Jeremiah) is pretty far down. Also, long books such as 1&2 Samuel (3 quotes), 1&2 Kings (2 quotes), and 1&2 Chronicles (1 quote) are way down the list. For the raw data listing every quotation, see the resources page.

Also, I find it fascinating that Zechariah, probably the most obscure and inscrutable OT book, ranks higher than any other prophetic book except Isaiah."

Anyways, onward, if not necessarily upward.

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