The Founders on Religion What, you couldn't find a nice article from Mother Jones?

Can't dispute it so you attack the source? That's typical for a Trumptard, but weak for you.

Spurious Quotations

The quote is frequently misattributed to Washington, particularly in regards to his farewell address of 1796. The origin of the misquote is, perhaps, a mention of a similar statement in a biography of Washington first published in 1835. However, the quote that appeared in the biography has never been proven to have come from Washington.

Sorry, Charlie, but you have to EARN the right to be refuted by citing credible sources. The fact that you're blowing wind doesn't automatically mean it deserves to be taken seriously. If you want to waste time believing everything on the Internet (as long as it agrees with your worldview), that's your business, but it doesn't obligate ME to waste time on it. I also find it uproariously funny that you have your knickers in a knot about misquotes and faulty sourcing, and you argue your side by citing The irony is too delicious.

And trying to associate me with Trump supporters, even in passing, just makes you look even more illiterate.

So how does one earn this "right"? I've never seen you challenge any link provided anyone on the right (feel free to link to a post proving me wrong). actually cites their sources had you bothered to look. That you did not makes you seem Trumptard-like. What, you couldn't find a nice article from Mother Jones?

Can't dispute it so you attack the source? That's typical for a Trumptard, but weak for you.

Spurious Quotations

The quote is frequently misattributed to Washington, particularly in regards to his farewell address of 1796. The origin of the misquote is, perhaps, a mention of a similar statement in a biography of Washington first published in 1835. However, the quote that appeared in the biography has never been proven to have come from Washington.

Sorry, Charlie, but you have to EARN the right to be refuted by citing credible sources. The fact that you're blowing wind doesn't automatically mean it deserves to be taken seriously. If you want to waste time believing everything on the Internet (as long as it agrees with your worldview), that's your business, but it doesn't obligate ME to waste time on it. I also find it uproariously funny that you have your knickers in a knot about misquotes and faulty sourcing, and you argue your side by citing The irony is too delicious.

And trying to associate me with Trump supporters, even in passing, just makes you look even more illiterate.

So how does one earn this "right"? I've never seen you challenge any link provided anyone on the right (feel free to link to a post proving me wrong). actually cites their sources had you bothered to look. That you did not makes you seem Trumptard-like.

I just told you, Einstein. Is English not your first language?

You earn the right to be taken seriously by citing serious, credible sources. You know, the same thing you're demanding from your opponents.

I criticize people who believe themselves to be on the right all the time. The fact that you've been reading my posts all this time and still haven't picked up on the fact that I have no patience with idiots of any stripe is disturbingly indicative of how deep in the leftist echo chamber you've gone.

I DID bother to look at's sources. They cited Wiki-fucking-pedia. 'Nuff said. What, you couldn't find a nice article from Mother Jones?

Can't dispute it so you attack the source? That's typical for a Trumptard, but weak for you.

Spurious Quotations

The quote is frequently misattributed to Washington, particularly in regards to his farewell address of 1796. The origin of the misquote is, perhaps, a mention of a similar statement in a biography of Washington first published in 1835. However, the quote that appeared in the biography has never been proven to have come from Washington.

Sorry, Charlie, but you have to EARN the right to be refuted by citing credible sources. The fact that you're blowing wind doesn't automatically mean it deserves to be taken seriously. If you want to waste time believing everything on the Internet (as long as it agrees with your worldview), that's your business, but it doesn't obligate ME to waste time on it. I also find it uproariously funny that you have your knickers in a knot about misquotes and faulty sourcing, and you argue your side by citing The irony is too delicious.

And trying to associate me with Trump supporters, even in passing, just makes you look even more illiterate.

So how does one earn this "right"? I've never seen you challenge any link provided anyone on the right (feel free to link to a post proving me wrong). actually cites their sources had you bothered to look. That you did not makes you seem Trumptard-like.

I just told you, Einstein. Is English not your first language?

You earn the right to be taken seriously by citing serious, credible sources. You know, the same thing you're demanding from your opponents.

I criticize people who believe themselves to be on the right all the time. The fact that you've been reading my posts all this time and still haven't picked up on the fact that I have no patience with idiots of any stripe is disturbingly indicative of how deep in the leftist echo chamber you've gone.

I DID bother to look at's sources. They cited Wiki-fucking-pedia. 'Nuff said.

That was ONE of the sources, not the only one. Point is moot since I provided you an additional link. Washington cannot be credited with the quote.

Where is the post of you calling into question a link from a right leaning poster? Please, prove me wrong.
Oh sweetie...the internet continues to illustrate why it is the preferred tool of the simple minded. Google is not your friend. :laugh:

All Nations Should Pay Homage to GOD
“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.” — George Washington Thanksgiving Proclamation (1789.)

Excerpt From
The Real George Washington: The True Story of America's Most Indispensable Man
Jay A. Parry .This material may be protected by copyright.
And it proves what the world already knows - that the left lies about everything. It hasn’t long been the false narrative of the left that the founders were atheists who abhorred religion.

Hell, the phrase “separation of church and state” doesn’t even exist in the U.S. Constitution. It is not constitutional to keep faith out of government.
And it proves what the world already knows - that the left lies about everything. It hasn’t long been the false narrative of the left that the founders were atheists who abhorred religion.

Hell, the phrase “separation of church and state” doesn’t even exist in the U.S. Constitution. It is not constitutional to keep faith out of government.

I've never seen a poster here post the claim that the founders were atheists, or that they abhorred religion.
Oh sweetie...the internet continues to illustrate why it is the preferred tool of the simple minded. Google is not your friend. :laugh:

All Nations Should Pay Homage to GOD
“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.” — George Washington Thanksgiving Proclamation (1789.)

Excerpt From
The Real George Washington: The True Story of America's Most Indispensable Man
Jay A. Parry .This material may be protected by copyright.
How does that change the fact that the original quote about the bible was not George Washington, poodle puppy?
And it proves what the world already knows - that the left lies about everything. It hasn’t long been the false narrative of the left that the founders were atheists who abhorred religion.

Hell, the phrase “separation of church and state” doesn’t even exist in the U.S. Constitution. It is not constitutional to keep faith out of government.

Faith isn't. People of ALL faiths are welcome in it.
Oh sweetie...the internet continues to illustrate why it is the preferred tool of the simple minded. Google is not your friend. :laugh:

All Nations Should Pay Homage to GOD
“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.” — George Washington Thanksgiving Proclamation (1789.)

Excerpt From
The Real George Washington: The True Story of America's Most Indispensable Man
Jay A. Parry .This material may be protected by copyright.
How does that change the fact that the original quote about the bible was not George Washington, poodle puppy?
Because it’s paraphrased, sweetie. George Washington has hundreds of quotes about how God is required to guide a nation. What, you couldn't find a nice article from Mother Jones?

Can't dispute it so you attack the source? That's typical for a Trumptard, but weak for you.

Spurious Quotations

The quote is frequently misattributed to Washington, particularly in regards to his farewell address of 1796. The origin of the misquote is, perhaps, a mention of a similar statement in a biography of Washington first published in 1835. However, the quote that appeared in the biography has never been proven to have come from Washington.

Sorry, Charlie, but you have to EARN the right to be refuted by citing credible sources. The fact that you're blowing wind doesn't automatically mean it deserves to be taken seriously. If you want to waste time believing everything on the Internet (as long as it agrees with your worldview), that's your business, but it doesn't obligate ME to waste time on it. I also find it uproariously funny that you have your knickers in a knot about misquotes and faulty sourcing, and you argue your side by citing The irony is too delicious.

And trying to associate me with Trump supporters, even in passing, just makes you look even more illiterate.

So how does one earn this "right"? I've never seen you challenge any link provided anyone on the right (feel free to link to a post proving me wrong). actually cites their sources had you bothered to look. That you did not makes you seem Trumptard-like.

I just told you, Einstein. Is English not your first language?

You earn the right to be taken seriously by citing serious, credible sources. You know, the same thing you're demanding from your opponents.

I criticize people who believe themselves to be on the right all the time. The fact that you've been reading my posts all this time and still haven't picked up on the fact that I have no patience with idiots of any stripe is disturbingly indicative of how deep in the leftist echo chamber you've gone.

I DID bother to look at's sources. They cited Wiki-fucking-pedia. 'Nuff said.

That was ONE of the sources, not the only one. Point is moot since I provided you an additional link. Washington cannot be credited with the quote.

Where is the post of you calling into question a link from a right leaning poster? Please, prove me wrong.

It was the first source, and I discount anyone as serious and legitimate if they think it's a source AT ALL. That's completely aside from the fact that is itself barely more than a blog.

YOUR point is moot, since I never credited Washington with any quote. Your discussion with me is completely and totally about the fact that you presented your argument like an ignorant hypocrite by doing the exact same thing you were raging at others for doing.

I have no obligation to prove fuck-all to you, twerp. YOU made the accusation, YOU get to prove yourself right. You do NOT get to accuse me of things and then demand that I prove you wrong. It would also require me to give a damn what you think about me, and I don't.
Can't dispute it so you attack the source? That's typical for a Trumptard, but weak for you.

Spurious Quotations

The quote is frequently misattributed to Washington, particularly in regards to his farewell address of 1796. The origin of the misquote is, perhaps, a mention of a similar statement in a biography of Washington first published in 1835. However, the quote that appeared in the biography has never been proven to have come from Washington.

Sorry, Charlie, but you have to EARN the right to be refuted by citing credible sources. The fact that you're blowing wind doesn't automatically mean it deserves to be taken seriously. If you want to waste time believing everything on the Internet (as long as it agrees with your worldview), that's your business, but it doesn't obligate ME to waste time on it. I also find it uproariously funny that you have your knickers in a knot about misquotes and faulty sourcing, and you argue your side by citing The irony is too delicious.

And trying to associate me with Trump supporters, even in passing, just makes you look even more illiterate.

So how does one earn this "right"? I've never seen you challenge any link provided anyone on the right (feel free to link to a post proving me wrong). actually cites their sources had you bothered to look. That you did not makes you seem Trumptard-like.

I just told you, Einstein. Is English not your first language?

You earn the right to be taken seriously by citing serious, credible sources. You know, the same thing you're demanding from your opponents.

I criticize people who believe themselves to be on the right all the time. The fact that you've been reading my posts all this time and still haven't picked up on the fact that I have no patience with idiots of any stripe is disturbingly indicative of how deep in the leftist echo chamber you've gone.

I DID bother to look at's sources. They cited Wiki-fucking-pedia. 'Nuff said.

That was ONE of the sources, not the only one. Point is moot since I provided you an additional link. Washington cannot be credited with the quote.

Where is the post of you calling into question a link from a right leaning poster? Please, prove me wrong.

It was the first source, and I discount anyone as serious and legitimate if they think it's a source AT ALL. That's completely aside from the fact that is itself barely more than a blog.

YOUR point is moot, since I never credited Washington with any quote. Your discussion with me is completely and totally about the fact that you presented your argument like an ignorant hypocrite by doing the exact same thing you were raging at others for doing.

I have no obligation to prove fuck-all to you, twerp. YOU made the accusation, YOU get to prove yourself right. You do NOT get to accuse me of things and then demand that I prove you wrong. It would also require me to give a damn what you think about me, and I don't.

Your lack of a link is my proof. You're a partisan hack like the rest of us.

All a distraction from the FACT that Washington never said it.
I've never seen a poster here post the claim that the founders were atheists, or that they abhorred religion.
One of your many lies...

Show us a few of them.
I just did. For you to claim that you’ve “never” seen a poster on USMB claim that the founders were atheists or that they abhorred religion is an egregious lie. USMB is filled with that stuff from the left and I know you’ve seen it.
The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. ... But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding....~ Thomas Jefferson

Dear Seawytch
Jefferson was a DEIST, he edited and produced his own edition of the Bible
that kept all of Jesus teaching but removed references to mystical, miraculous or otherwise mythical sounding passages.
He believed in the Natural Law approach to God, or Nature's God.

My boyfriend also believes in God but isn't a Christian believer
but RESPECTS Christians. Jefferson did also and wrote the
original letter coining the term "wall of separation" between church and state
in DEFENSE of Baptists whose practice was deemed in conflict with local laws.

You are free to apply "free exercise of religion" to INCLUDE and DEFEND
equal beliefs and representation for nontheists, atheists, etc.

but even if Jefferson were opposed to mythical teachings or idolism of Jesus as deified,
that doesn't mean Govt can be abused to exclude Christians
or to justify harassing, judging or condemning Christian beliefs.

The Constitution itself was written after the leaders PRAYED TO GOD
in unity for the wisdom and words to put those principles in writing for
the sake of posterity.

These were Deists, and included Christians including
Quakers who were fundamental in establishing religious freedom
and later in abolishing slavery on moral grounds.

A lot of that groundwork is credited to Christians on both left and right.
Shame on you if you don't recognize this
but seek to twist things around for your own convenience
to tear down the work of Christians who built this country.

Including Quaker Christians who were instrumental in
abolishing slavery.

Sorry if you are jealous or fearful that such Christians
have more ability to invoke authority of law because of
faith in Christ.

I have also found this faith in Christ to be the difference
in why some people are able to empower themselves to
have equal authority to enforce laws and principles of govt,
while those like you who reject and refuse this authority
are left struggling with feeling oppressed by others with more power.

That's part of the reason why.

The people I've found who either embrace/embody the
spirit of Christian laws or the spirit of Constitutional laws
BY CONSCIENCE become one with these laws
and are thus able to invoke and enforce laws directly
instead of depending on people in govt to do that for them.

Until more liberals and Democrats start embracing
and invoking the same authority of laws by the Constitution
that Conservatives and Christians do, that's part of the reason
people are not equally empowered or represented.

So instead of you shunning, discrediting, demonizing
or downplaying this source of authority of the laws,
maybe you should try acknowledging and taking on
responsibility for the laws as Christians and Constitutionalists
do. It's amazing the difference it makes. Instead of feeling
like a powerless victim all the time, accepting equal responsibility
for living by and enforcing the laws makes people equal as government.

That's what I have found by experience
and I hope more liberals catch on to this
and start empowering the whole party to take charge
instead of whining like a bunch of victims
depending on other people to run govt for us!
Sorry, Charlie, but you have to EARN the right to be refuted by citing credible sources. The fact that you're blowing wind doesn't automatically mean it deserves to be taken seriously. If you want to waste time believing everything on the Internet (as long as it agrees with your worldview), that's your business, but it doesn't obligate ME to waste time on it. I also find it uproariously funny that you have your knickers in a knot about misquotes and faulty sourcing, and you argue your side by citing The irony is too delicious.

And trying to associate me with Trump supporters, even in passing, just makes you look even more illiterate.

So how does one earn this "right"? I've never seen you challenge any link provided anyone on the right (feel free to link to a post proving me wrong). actually cites their sources had you bothered to look. That you did not makes you seem Trumptard-like.

I just told you, Einstein. Is English not your first language?

You earn the right to be taken seriously by citing serious, credible sources. You know, the same thing you're demanding from your opponents.

I criticize people who believe themselves to be on the right all the time. The fact that you've been reading my posts all this time and still haven't picked up on the fact that I have no patience with idiots of any stripe is disturbingly indicative of how deep in the leftist echo chamber you've gone.

I DID bother to look at's sources. They cited Wiki-fucking-pedia. 'Nuff said.

That was ONE of the sources, not the only one. Point is moot since I provided you an additional link. Washington cannot be credited with the quote.

Where is the post of you calling into question a link from a right leaning poster? Please, prove me wrong.

It was the first source, and I discount anyone as serious and legitimate if they think it's a source AT ALL. That's completely aside from the fact that is itself barely more than a blog.

YOUR point is moot, since I never credited Washington with any quote. Your discussion with me is completely and totally about the fact that you presented your argument like an ignorant hypocrite by doing the exact same thing you were raging at others for doing.

I have no obligation to prove fuck-all to you, twerp. YOU made the accusation, YOU get to prove yourself right. You do NOT get to accuse me of things and then demand that I prove you wrong. It would also require me to give a damn what you think about me, and I don't.

Your lack of a link is my proof. You're a partisan hack like the rest of us.

All a distraction from the FACT that Washington never said it.

Link to WHAT, shitforbrains? I'm supposed to produce a link to a demand that you cite reasonable sources?!
Faith isn't. People of ALL faiths are welcome in it.

Dear Seawytch
Be consistent, if you are saying people are welcome but not their faith,
then why are LGBT beliefs being imposed on people through govt?

By your statement, the govt should be administering civil unions
and domestic partnerships, where all PEOPLE can participate in these,
but keep their BELIEFS or FAITH out of it. So this would equally preclude
govt from endorsing either same sex or opposite sex marriages and not
specify the social relationship between parties in a civil contract.

If the term "marriage" cannot be used without people dragging their
faith into, then remove this term and just agree to civil unions.

Do you agree Seawytch that civil unions would welcome all people
regardless of faith?
It's clear the founders didn't want religion interfering in government and vice versa regardless of their personal beliefs.
No my dear. It is clear that our founders didn't want the government in the church. But they absolutely wanted the church in government.

Dear P@triot and Seawytch
Sure the church/people can participate in govt,
but not abuse govt to impose THEIR beliefs on the rest of the nation.

Or else this DOES become govt either establishing or prohibiting
or otherwise regulating people on the basis of religion / faith based biases.

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