The Flintstones Would Be Impossible Today


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
What got me thinking about the Flintstones? A couple weeks ago, a local channel brought them back on the exact date they originally aired in 1960 and is showing the series again in the order made. They are great.


But it got me thinking that such a cartoon would be impossible today. Then I realized why there are no good cartoons anymore! Think about it:

  1. Fred weaves through lanes speeding in traffic to get home. This clearly promotes the wrong message to children and general recklessness. Would be banned by MADD.
  2. His car is made of stone. Everyone knows that stone gets very poor miles to the gallon. Would not get EPA approval.
  3. He brakes with his feet. Obviously a smear at the Middle Class who cannot afford real brakes or shoes. Would cause a lawsuit by the ACLU.
  4. No one wears seat belts. This would be frowned on by the DMV.
  5. He demands that supper be on the table when he walks in the door. Promotes a male dominant, misogynistic view sure to draw the ire of Women's Lib.
  6. Wilma keeps house. A clearly Chauvinistic promotion that would never fly with NOW.
  7. There are no minorities in the show. NAACP would have a field day filing discrimination lawsuits.
  8. Fred and Barney sneak out at every chance to get away from the wives. Bowling, pool, etc., every night while the wives stay home to cook and clean? Sponsors would be attacked. Toxic masculinity.
  9. All the appliances from the faucet to the shower to the vacuum cleaner to the duster and phonograph all use live, talking animals. Holy shit! PETA would have the show off the air for the enslavement and cruelty to animals!
  10. There is no glass in any of the windows. No glass, no insulation, bare stone walls and floors, the homes were a veritable environmental disaster of wasted energy, pollution, smoke, fire; the EPA would have to stop it at once.
  11. They eat 6 foot long brontoburgers. Cooking and eating all that meat on an open spit? Burning wood, cow farts, no protections for dinosaurs, a sure bet this is a poke in the eye to any civic-minded climate person. And don't get me started on the cholesterol.
  12. Fred works in a rock quarry. You just know that all that rock dust cannot be good for the climate and environment.
  13. The kids ride on the roof of the car. No baby carriers, no seat belts, this is a tragedy in the making.
  14. Pebbles is a girl and Bam Bam is a boy. Perhaps the worst offense of all, these poor children were never allowed to explore their sexuality much less gender choices. Unthinkable to the LGBT that Pebbles was made to wear a short dress and pony tail while Bam Bam smashed everything with super strength and a club.
Yes, without a doubt, not only does the Flintstones, a hugely successful cartoon so regarded as to be brought back in prime time 60 years after the fact break every taboo today, it could never and will never again be made today, would never pass muster with the networks, the government, the social and environmental groups, and would bring outrage from many parent's groups as well no doubt today for exposing children to dangerous ideas.

In fact, I'm just waiting for the station now to get so many complaints from parents that they are forced to remove it from the air to avoid lawsuits for promoting humor, accurate social situations, pointless violence with no underlying constructive social message other than to just be funny. And we all know that liberals just do not have any sense of humor, especially about themselves.

The Flintstones - Wikipedia

PS: Little known fact: The voice of the Great Gazoo was done by Harvey Korman of the Carol Burnett Show and the voice of Betty was done by Bea Benaderet who went on to become Jethro's mother (Pearl Bodine) on the Beverly Hillbillies and a regular on Petticoat Junction.

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What got me thinking about the Flintstones? A couple weeks ago, a local channel brought them back on the exact date they originally aired in 1960 and is showing the series again in the order made. They are great.

View attachment 283436
But it got me thinking that such a cartoon would be impossible today. Then I realized why there are no good cartoons anymore! Think about it:

  1. Fred weaves through lanes speeding in traffic to get home. This clearly promotes the wrong message to children and general recklessness. Would be banned by MADD.
  2. His car is made of stone. Everyone knows that stone gets very poor miles to the gallon. Would not get EPA approval.
  3. He brakes with his feet. Obviously a smear at the Middle Class who cannot afford real brakes or shoes. Would cause a lawsuit by the ACLU.
  4. No one wears seat belts. This would be frowned on by the DMV.
  5. He demands that supper be on the table when he walks in the door. Promotes a male dominant, misogynistic view sure to draw the ire of Women's Lib.
  6. Wilma keeps house. A clearly Chauvinistic promotion that would never fly with NOW.
  7. There are no minorities in the show. NAACP would have a field day filing discrimination lawsuits.
  8. Fred and Barney sneak out at every chance to get away from the wives. Bowling, pool, etc., every night while the wives stay home to cook and clean? Sponsors would be attacked. Toxic masculinity.
  9. All the appliances from the faucet to the shower to the vacuum cleaner to the duster and phonograph all use live, talking animals. Holy shit! PETA would have the show off the air for the enslavement and cruelty to animals!
  10. There is no glass in any of the windows. No glass, no insulation, bare stone walls and floors, the homes were a veritable environmental disaster of wasted energy, pollution, smoke, fire; the EPA would have to stop it at once.
  11. They eat 6 foot long brontoburgers. Cooking and eating all that meat on an open spit? Burning wood, cow farts, no protections for dinosaurs, a sure bet this is a poke in the eye to any civic-minded climate person. And don't get me started on the cholesterol.
  12. Fred works in a rock quarry. You just know that all that rock dust cannot be good for the climate and environment.
  13. The kids ride on the roof of the car. No baby carriers, no seat belts, this is a tragedy in the making.
  14. Pebbles is a girl and Bam Bam is a boy. Perhaps the worst offense of all, these poor children were never allowed to explore their sexuality much less gender choices. Unthinkable to the LGBT that Pebbles was made to wear a short dress and pony tail while Bam Bam smashed everything with super strength and a club.
Yes, without a doubt, not only does the Flintstones, a hugely successful cartoon so regarded as to be brought back in prime time 60 years after the fact break every taboo today, it could never and will never again be made today, would never pass muster with the networks, the government, the social and environmental groups, and would bring outrage from many parent's groups as well no doubt today for exposing children to dangerous ideas.

In fact, I'm just waiting for the station now to get so many complaints from parents that they are forced to remove it from the air to avoid lawsuits for promoting humor, accurate social situations, pointless violence with no underlying constructive social message other than to just be funny. And we all know that liberals just do not have any sense of humor, especially about themselves.


Flintstones were awesome! This was one of my favorite episodes.

There you guys go proving what a bad influence and dangerous idea the Flintstones were! Smoking, Drinking, Gambling, chauvinism, why the Flintstones no doubt sent both of you on a life of crime, debauchery and corruption and ruined the lives of millions! Oh the horror.
The Flintstones would be impossible since the masses like Rick and Morty more...

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
The Flintstones would be impossible since the masses like Rick and Morty more...

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

It reminds me of the series Monty Python in the early 1970's on PBS 99% of those in Jr High could never understand what the hell they were saying.
What got me thinking about the Flintstones? A couple weeks ago, a local channel brought them back on the exact date they originally aired in 1960 and is showing the series again in the order made. They are great.

View attachment 283436
But it got me thinking that such a cartoon would be impossible today. Then I realized why there are no good cartoons anymore! Think about it:

  1. Fred weaves through lanes speeding in traffic to get home. This clearly promotes the wrong message to children and general recklessness. Would be banned by MADD.
  2. His car is made of stone. Everyone knows that stone gets very poor miles to the gallon. Would not get EPA approval.
  3. He brakes with his feet. Obviously a smear at the Middle Class who cannot afford real brakes or shoes. Would cause a lawsuit by the ACLU.
  4. No one wears seat belts. This would be frowned on by the DMV.
  5. He demands that supper be on the table when he walks in the door. Promotes a male dominant, misogynistic view sure to draw the ire of Women's Lib.
  6. Wilma keeps house. A clearly Chauvinistic promotion that would never fly with NOW.
  7. There are no minorities in the show. NAACP would have a field day filing discrimination lawsuits.
  8. Fred and Barney sneak out at every chance to get away from the wives. Bowling, pool, etc., every night while the wives stay home to cook and clean? Sponsors would be attacked. Toxic masculinity.
  9. All the appliances from the faucet to the shower to the vacuum cleaner to the duster and phonograph all use live, talking animals. Holy shit! PETA would have the show off the air for the enslavement and cruelty to animals!
  10. There is no glass in any of the windows. No glass, no insulation, bare stone walls and floors, the homes were a veritable environmental disaster of wasted energy, pollution, smoke, fire; the EPA would have to stop it at once.
  11. They eat 6 foot long brontoburgers. Cooking and eating all that meat on an open spit? Burning wood, cow farts, no protections for dinosaurs, a sure bet this is a poke in the eye to any civic-minded climate person. And don't get me started on the cholesterol.
  12. Fred works in a rock quarry. You just know that all that rock dust cannot be good for the climate and environment.
  13. The kids ride on the roof of the car. No baby carriers, no seat belts, this is a tragedy in the making.
  14. Pebbles is a girl and Bam Bam is a boy. Perhaps the worst offense of all, these poor children were never allowed to explore their sexuality much less gender choices. Unthinkable to the LGBT that Pebbles was made to wear a short dress and pony tail while Bam Bam smashed everything with super strength and a club.
Yes, without a doubt, not only does the Flintstones, a hugely successful cartoon so regarded as to be brought back in prime time 60 years after the fact break every taboo today, it could never and will never again be made today, would never pass muster with the networks, the government, the social and environmental groups, and would bring outrage from many parent's groups as well no doubt today for exposing children to dangerous ideas.

In fact, I'm just waiting for the station now to get so many complaints from parents that they are forced to remove it from the air to avoid lawsuits for promoting humor, accurate social situations, pointless violence with no underlying constructive social message other than to just be funny. And we all know that liberals just do not have any sense of humor, especially about themselves.


Oh sure, bash the sacred institution of the Flintstones because they were sponsored by a cigarette company.
What got me thinking about the Flintstones? A couple weeks ago, a local channel brought them back on the exact date they originally aired in 1960 and is showing the series again in the order made. They are great.

View attachment 283436
But it got me thinking that such a cartoon would be impossible today. Then I realized why there are no good cartoons anymore! Think about it:

  1. Fred weaves through lanes speeding in traffic to get home. This clearly promotes the wrong message to children and general recklessness. Would be banned by MADD.
  2. His car is made of stone. Everyone knows that stone gets very poor miles to the gallon. Would not get EPA approval.
  3. He brakes with his feet. Obviously a smear at the Middle Class who cannot afford real brakes or shoes. Would cause a lawsuit by the ACLU.
  4. No one wears seat belts. This would be frowned on by the DMV.
  5. He demands that supper be on the table when he walks in the door. Promotes a male dominant, misogynistic view sure to draw the ire of Women's Lib.
  6. Wilma keeps house. A clearly Chauvinistic promotion that would never fly with NOW.
  7. There are no minorities in the show. NAACP would have a field day filing discrimination lawsuits.
  8. Fred and Barney sneak out at every chance to get away from the wives. Bowling, pool, etc., every night while the wives stay home to cook and clean? Sponsors would be attacked. Toxic masculinity.
  9. All the appliances from the faucet to the shower to the vacuum cleaner to the duster and phonograph all use live, talking animals. Holy shit! PETA would have the show off the air for the enslavement and cruelty to animals!
  10. There is no glass in any of the windows. No glass, no insulation, bare stone walls and floors, the homes were a veritable environmental disaster of wasted energy, pollution, smoke, fire; the EPA would have to stop it at once.
  11. They eat 6 foot long brontoburgers. Cooking and eating all that meat on an open spit? Burning wood, cow farts, no protections for dinosaurs, a sure bet this is a poke in the eye to any civic-minded climate person. And don't get me started on the cholesterol.
  12. Fred works in a rock quarry. You just know that all that rock dust cannot be good for the climate and environment.
  13. The kids ride on the roof of the car. No baby carriers, no seat belts, this is a tragedy in the making.
  14. Pebbles is a girl and Bam Bam is a boy. Perhaps the worst offense of all, these poor children were never allowed to explore their sexuality much less gender choices. Unthinkable to the LGBT that Pebbles was made to wear a short dress and pony tail while Bam Bam smashed everything with super strength and a club.
Yes, without a doubt, not only does the Flintstones, a hugely successful cartoon so regarded as to be brought back in prime time 60 years after the fact break every taboo today, it could never and will never again be made today, would never pass muster with the networks, the government, the social and environmental groups, and would bring outrage from many parent's groups as well no doubt today for exposing children to dangerous ideas.

In fact, I'm just waiting for the station now to get so many complaints from parents that they are forced to remove it from the air to avoid lawsuits for promoting humor, accurate social situations, pointless violence with no underlying constructive social message other than to just be funny. And we all know that liberals just do not have any sense of humor, especially about themselves.


Oh sure, bash the sacred institution of the Flintstones because they were sponsored by a cigarette company.

I bashed them?
What got me thinking about the Flintstones? A couple weeks ago, a local channel brought them back on the exact date they originally aired in 1960 and is showing the series again in the order made. They are great.

View attachment 283436
But it got me thinking that such a cartoon would be impossible today. Then I realized why there are no good cartoons anymore! Think about it:

  1. Fred weaves through lanes speeding in traffic to get home. This clearly promotes the wrong message to children and general recklessness. Would be banned by MADD.
  2. His car is made of stone. Everyone knows that stone gets very poor miles to the gallon. Would not get EPA approval.
  3. He brakes with his feet. Obviously a smear at the Middle Class who cannot afford real brakes or shoes. Would cause a lawsuit by the ACLU.
  4. No one wears seat belts. This would be frowned on by the DMV.
  5. He demands that supper be on the table when he walks in the door. Promotes a male dominant, misogynistic view sure to draw the ire of Women's Lib.
  6. Wilma keeps house. A clearly Chauvinistic promotion that would never fly with NOW.
  7. There are no minorities in the show. NAACP would have a field day filing discrimination lawsuits.
  8. Fred and Barney sneak out at every chance to get away from the wives. Bowling, pool, etc., every night while the wives stay home to cook and clean? Sponsors would be attacked. Toxic masculinity.
  9. All the appliances from the faucet to the shower to the vacuum cleaner to the duster and phonograph all use live, talking animals. Holy shit! PETA would have the show off the air for the enslavement and cruelty to animals!
  10. There is no glass in any of the windows. No glass, no insulation, bare stone walls and floors, the homes were a veritable environmental disaster of wasted energy, pollution, smoke, fire; the EPA would have to stop it at once.
  11. They eat 6 foot long brontoburgers. Cooking and eating all that meat on an open spit? Burning wood, cow farts, no protections for dinosaurs, a sure bet this is a poke in the eye to any civic-minded climate person. And don't get me started on the cholesterol.
  12. Fred works in a rock quarry. You just know that all that rock dust cannot be good for the climate and environment.
  13. The kids ride on the roof of the car. No baby carriers, no seat belts, this is a tragedy in the making.
  14. Pebbles is a girl and Bam Bam is a boy. Perhaps the worst offense of all, these poor children were never allowed to explore their sexuality much less gender choices. Unthinkable to the LGBT that Pebbles was made to wear a short dress and pony tail while Bam Bam smashed everything with super strength and a club.
Yes, without a doubt, not only does the Flintstones, a hugely successful cartoon so regarded as to be brought back in prime time 60 years after the fact break every taboo today, it could never and will never again be made today, would never pass muster with the networks, the government, the social and environmental groups, and would bring outrage from many parent's groups as well no doubt today for exposing children to dangerous ideas.

In fact, I'm just waiting for the station now to get so many complaints from parents that they are forced to remove it from the air to avoid lawsuits for promoting humor, accurate social situations, pointless violence with no underlying constructive social message other than to just be funny. And we all know that liberals just do not have any sense of humor, especially about themselves.

The Flintstones - Wikipedia

PS: Little known fact: The voice of the Great Gazoo was done by Harvey Korman of the Carol Burnett Show and the voice of Betty was done by Bea Benaderet who went on to become Jethro's mother (Pearl Bodine) on the Beverly Hillbillies and a regular on Petticoat Junction.

View attachment 283449

Not only those, but everyone knows how a caveman took a wife...

What got me thinking about the Flintstones? A couple weeks ago, a local channel brought them back on the exact date they originally aired in 1960 and is showing the series again in the order made. They are great.

View attachment 283436
But it got me thinking that such a cartoon would be impossible today. Then I realized why there are no good cartoons anymore! Think about it:

  1. Fred weaves through lanes speeding in traffic to get home. This clearly promotes the wrong message to children and general recklessness. Would be banned by MADD.
  2. His car is made of stone. Everyone knows that stone gets very poor miles to the gallon. Would not get EPA approval.
  3. He brakes with his feet. Obviously a smear at the Middle Class who cannot afford real brakes or shoes. Would cause a lawsuit by the ACLU.
  4. No one wears seat belts. This would be frowned on by the DMV.
  5. He demands that supper be on the table when he walks in the door. Promotes a male dominant, misogynistic view sure to draw the ire of Women's Lib.
  6. Wilma keeps house. A clearly Chauvinistic promotion that would never fly with NOW.
  7. There are no minorities in the show. NAACP would have a field day filing discrimination lawsuits.
  8. Fred and Barney sneak out at every chance to get away from the wives. Bowling, pool, etc., every night while the wives stay home to cook and clean? Sponsors would be attacked. Toxic masculinity.
  9. All the appliances from the faucet to the shower to the vacuum cleaner to the duster and phonograph all use live, talking animals. Holy shit! PETA would have the show off the air for the enslavement and cruelty to animals!
  10. There is no glass in any of the windows. No glass, no insulation, bare stone walls and floors, the homes were a veritable environmental disaster of wasted energy, pollution, smoke, fire; the EPA would have to stop it at once.
  11. They eat 6 foot long brontoburgers. Cooking and eating all that meat on an open spit? Burning wood, cow farts, no protections for dinosaurs, a sure bet this is a poke in the eye to any civic-minded climate person. And don't get me started on the cholesterol.
  12. Fred works in a rock quarry. You just know that all that rock dust cannot be good for the climate and environment.
  13. The kids ride on the roof of the car. No baby carriers, no seat belts, this is a tragedy in the making.
  14. Pebbles is a girl and Bam Bam is a boy. Perhaps the worst offense of all, these poor children were never allowed to explore their sexuality much less gender choices. Unthinkable to the LGBT that Pebbles was made to wear a short dress and pony tail while Bam Bam smashed everything with super strength and a club.
Yes, without a doubt, not only does the Flintstones, a hugely successful cartoon so regarded as to be brought back in prime time 60 years after the fact break every taboo today, it could never and will never again be made today, would never pass muster with the networks, the government, the social and environmental groups, and would bring outrage from many parent's groups as well no doubt today for exposing children to dangerous ideas.

In fact, I'm just waiting for the station now to get so many complaints from parents that they are forced to remove it from the air to avoid lawsuits for promoting humor, accurate social situations, pointless violence with no underlying constructive social message other than to just be funny. And we all know that liberals just do not have any sense of humor, especially about themselves.

The Flintstones - Wikipedia

PS: Little known fact: The voice of the Great Gazoo was done by Harvey Korman of the Carol Burnett Show and the voice of Betty was done by Bea Benaderet who went on to become Jethro's mother (Pearl Bodine) on the Beverly Hillbillies and a regular on Petticoat Junction.

View attachment 283449

Not only those, but everyone knows how a caveman took a wife...


I kinda liked this one:

Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 11.11.10 PM.png
What got me thinking about the Flintstones? A couple weeks ago, a local channel brought them back on the exact date they originally aired in 1960 and is showing the series again in the order made. They are great.

View attachment 283436
But it got me thinking that such a cartoon would be impossible today. Then I realized why there are no good cartoons anymore! Think about it:

  1. Fred weaves through lanes speeding in traffic to get home. This clearly promotes the wrong message to children and general recklessness. Would be banned by MADD.
  2. His car is made of stone. Everyone knows that stone gets very poor miles to the gallon. Would not get EPA approval.
  3. He brakes with his feet. Obviously a smear at the Middle Class who cannot afford real brakes or shoes. Would cause a lawsuit by the ACLU.
  4. No one wears seat belts. This would be frowned on by the DMV.
  5. He demands that supper be on the table when he walks in the door. Promotes a male dominant, misogynistic view sure to draw the ire of Women's Lib.
  6. Wilma keeps house. A clearly Chauvinistic promotion that would never fly with NOW.
  7. There are no minorities in the show. NAACP would have a field day filing discrimination lawsuits.
  8. Fred and Barney sneak out at every chance to get away from the wives. Bowling, pool, etc., every night while the wives stay home to cook and clean? Sponsors would be attacked. Toxic masculinity.
  9. All the appliances from the faucet to the shower to the vacuum cleaner to the duster and phonograph all use live, talking animals. Holy shit! PETA would have the show off the air for the enslavement and cruelty to animals!
  10. There is no glass in any of the windows. No glass, no insulation, bare stone walls and floors, the homes were a veritable environmental disaster of wasted energy, pollution, smoke, fire; the EPA would have to stop it at once.
  11. They eat 6 foot long brontoburgers. Cooking and eating all that meat on an open spit? Burning wood, cow farts, no protections for dinosaurs, a sure bet this is a poke in the eye to any civic-minded climate person. And don't get me started on the cholesterol.
  12. Fred works in a rock quarry. You just know that all that rock dust cannot be good for the climate and environment.
  13. The kids ride on the roof of the car. No baby carriers, no seat belts, this is a tragedy in the making.
  14. Pebbles is a girl and Bam Bam is a boy. Perhaps the worst offense of all, these poor children were never allowed to explore their sexuality much less gender choices. Unthinkable to the LGBT that Pebbles was made to wear a short dress and pony tail while Bam Bam smashed everything with super strength and a club.
Yes, without a doubt, not only does the Flintstones, a hugely successful cartoon so regarded as to be brought back in prime time 60 years after the fact break every taboo today, it could never and will never again be made today, would never pass muster with the networks, the government, the social and environmental groups, and would bring outrage from many parent's groups as well no doubt today for exposing children to dangerous ideas.

In fact, I'm just waiting for the station now to get so many complaints from parents that they are forced to remove it from the air to avoid lawsuits for promoting humor, accurate social situations, pointless violence with no underlying constructive social message other than to just be funny. And we all know that liberals just do not have any sense of humor, especially about themselves.


Oh sure, bash the sacred institution of the Flintstones because they were sponsored by a cigarette company.

I bashed them?

Hey I'm protective about my Flintstones.
The rotskin spotskin is motskin in the plotskin!

A judo - A chop chop chop!

Goggles Pizano!

Nice and slow see...that's the way to do it...nice...and...slow!

There's a place I know where the hipsters go called BEDROCK...twitch twitch :banana:

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