The Fed

then how come we never heard about all those horrible ones before the fed and live in fear of another great depression after the fed??

highs and lows are a normal act in a free market system,,

The only ones who were devistated by depressions were those who lived and worked around big companies, bankers and wall street. Most of Americans were pretty self sufficient back then.

But not anymore.

What BluesLegend is correct. If/when we have an actual depression, it'll be the mother of them all. And the government won't be able to do much about it, except try to borrow and spend their way out of it. Which is how we got into this mess to start with.

Economic ups and downs coincide with huge spending bills and debt ceiling increases. Not immediately though.

All that money that Trump, Pelosi and Ryan spent, showed it's head in Biden's first two years. Biden has done the same thing Trump did. Borrow and spend even more. So who ever is the next president, is going to get hit with the same thing.
He also planned on reeling the debt back in once the recession was over and tax receipts were headed back in the right direction, but allowed himself to get sandbagged, yet again, by the same people who promised him that they'd control spending.

That's not making any excuses for his gullibility, that's just the way it happened.

Reagan didn't veto enough spending bills for me to believe he was going to "reel back the debt." He was democrat, through and through. He only played a conservative on TV.
The only ones who were devistated by depressions were those who lived and worked around big companies, bankers and wall street. Most of Americans were pretty self sufficient back then.

But not anymore.

What BluesLegend is correct. If/when we have an actual depression, it'll be the mother of them all. And the government won't be able to do much about it, except try to borrow and spend their way out of it. Which is how we got into this mess to start with.

Economic ups and downs coincide with huge spending bills and debt ceiling increases. Not immediately though.

All that money that Trump, Pelosi and Ryan spent, showed it's head in Biden's first two years. Biden has done the same thing Trump did. Borrow and spend even more. So who ever is the next president, is going to get hit with the same thing.
it didnt start with trump,, I have to mention,, spending doesnt come from POTUS,, it all starts in the house where democrats and republicans work together to destroy this country,,
The only ones who were devistated by depressions were those who lived and worked around big companies, bankers and wall street. Most of Americans were pretty self sufficient back then.

But not anymore.

What BluesLegend is correct. If/when we have an actual depression, it'll be the mother of them all. And the government won't be able to do much about it, except try to borrow and spend their way out of it. Which is how we got into this mess to start with.

Economic ups and downs coincide with huge spending bills and debt ceiling increases. Not immediately though.

All that money that Trump, Pelosi and Ryan spent, showed it's head in Biden's first two years. Biden has done the same thing Trump did. Borrow and spend even more. So who ever is the next president, is going to get hit with the same thing.
We can't go on borrowing and spending forever, in fact not much longer. Get ready...devaluation of the currency is up next because government is not going to back off the borrowing and spending.
Ok, but explain why we need the fed to do that? Why can’t the government do the same thing as what the fed is doing ?
whats better is to let the economy run its natural course instead of trying to control it,,

as you said those little depressions didnt effect the everyday people at all and had little effect on the ones it did,,
Trumps first appropriations bill was $1.4 trillion. Bidens first was $1.7 trillion. And there's been a bunch of trillions in between. This is why the USD has lost over 80% of its buying power since 1980.

Not necessarily. Because the $32 trillion would go to the Federal Reserve. It's different if the Fed loans it to us. The only way that money would go into the economy is through US banks. Banks don't just hand it out like candy to the general public.

It's not so much the fed. Again, it's the big spending politicians that are paying for everything under the sun. Here and so many other countries.
The government BORROWED that money ...
No, the $32T would go to BOND HOLDERS who would then invest that money in stocks and other investments driving up their prices. The people receiving the money from the stock sals repeat the process on and on...

It is the Fed. that's why it was created.
The Fed is not why we are in debt

Another moron speaks

He ain't completely wrong. And he's definitely not a moron. But if it wasn't for all our big spending politicians, we wouldn't be so deep in debt. And if the Fed would tell the government, "Look, we'll loan you the money to keep the country going, but ONLY the necessities." You know, some sort of road block on the spending (since us Americans don't seem to care that we're constantly electing big spenders)
The government BORROWED that money ...
No, the $32T would go to BOND HOLDERS who would then invest that money in stocks and other investments driving up their prices. The people receiving the money from the stock sals repeat the process on and on...

It is the Fed. that's why it was created.

It's virtually the same thing as borrowing money. It's an IOU. Right now, China and Japan owns over $2 trillion of those IOU's.
it didnt start with trump,, I have to mention,, spending doesnt come from POTUS,, it all starts in the house where democrats and republicans work together to destroy this country,,

Any and all appropriation bill have to become LAW before a dime is spent. How does a bill become law? There's only two ways. A presidential signature or a veto override.
Since Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years, then all those spending bills are Trumps doing, except the one.

The reason he vetoed that one. "It didn't go far enough"<<<<<<<Trumps actual statement.
Any and all appropriation bill have to become LAW before a dime is spent. How does a bill become law? There's only two ways. A presidential signature or a veto override.
Since Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years, then all those spending bills are Trumps doing, except the one.

The reason he vetoed that one. "It didn't go far enough"<<<<<<<Trumps actual statement.
he OKed the bill,, not created it,, its on him just not 100%
he OKed the bill,, not created it,, its on him just not 100%

It doesn't matter who created it, who voted on it. How co sponsored it. None of that matters until it's turned into law.

That's like blaming a gun manufacture because someone shot someone. The president pulls the trigger.
Jesus you are an idiot. Yes it “creates money”. It also makes money disappear when those loans are paid back.

Bet ya didn’t know that did ya “Mr. Economics”
There's not a whole lot of decline in the money supply.


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