The Fed

Gender studies in Pakistan will hardly bankrupt us. What’s important to know is that is being used as propaganda that would end other more important initiatives. Some are trying to force a neo-isolationism that could lead to the kinds of wars we saw in the 20th century.

The propaganda that gender studies in Pakistan won't bankrupt is just that. Propaganda. But it's not just that one thing. It's the hundreds of thousands of other things that's been paid for since at least the 80, like those gender studies. Things like funding political opposition campaigns in foreign countries.

A couple million here, a few billion there, over 50 years ads up to trillions.
Doesn’t just printing money instead of borrowing lead to runaway inflation?

I could if they did it.

Are you refusing to answer the question? Or do you just not know?

If the government has the authority to create money, interest free, why do they borrow it?
Was never a good system....It allowed banksters to create money out of thin air, lend it out, then collect interest on that which cost them nothing to create.

lt has been a huge scam from the jump....Needs to be done away with post haste.
True enough. But out of that money from thin air, a house was build and bought. A company was started up and hired employees. Bridges and roads got built of enormous proportion. It helped put people through college. And a trillion other good things occurred because of that system.

Without the Federal Reserve system, our country wouldn't be any better than Mexico right now. It takes money to start a business. If companies has to wait around on capital to build, they'd hardly ever expand.
Isn't it ironic that AOC wants to do the same thing. Have congress and the potus in charge of how much money we create AND interest rates. It makes simplistic sense, but no thanks, because it'd be worse than what we have now. (see next paragraph)

I'm not calling for the end of the fed right away. Baby steps.
First we have to have a fiscal conservative government that knows how to live within it's means. Then phase out the fed over time.
A drastic end to the fed would create a shit ton of enemies out of our allies, because it would devastate their economies too.
You can't have a banking system private or public without honor discipline and morality... that comes from religion and faith.... without that no system will function fairly and equitably...
Without the Federal Reserve system, our country wouldn't be any better than Mexico right now. It takes money to start a business. If companies has to wait around on capital to build, they'd hardly ever expand.
Nobody can say that for certain.

We certainly may not have been dragged through a slew of idiotic foreign wars over the last century.
Inflation will always be with us. We’re the strongest economy in the world and the ups and downs have been less severe. Debt will also always be a thing. The answer is growth, technology and education, not going back to the 19th century.
Where we get the money has no bearing on inflation.
Because creating say $1T in new currency would cause a massive inflationary spiral (Think Germany, Brazil, Italy) causing the currency to become nearly worthless bringing on an economic collapse.

Trumps first appropriations bill was $1.4 trillion. Bidens first was $1.7 trillion. And there's been a bunch of trillions in between. This is why the USD has lost over 80% of its buying power since 1980.
Let's say we get rid of the debt by printing $32T. the current currency supply is about $2.3T so we'd be increasing the supply of money by 1500%. The inflation caused by this would increase that gallon of milk's cost from $2.50 to around $30.

Not necessarily. Because the $32 trillion would go to the Federal Reserve. It's different if the Fed loans it to us. The only way that money would go into the economy is through US banks. Banks don't just hand it out like candy to the general public.
The Fed serves to ensure the money supply is enough to keep the economy moving but not so much that inflation becomes a problem.

It's not so much the fed. Again, it's the big spending politicians that are paying for everything under the sun. Here and so many other countries.
Just to give an example of how deeply corrupted our system of government is, here's a question about the fed that opened my eye's several years ago.

The US constitution grants the congress the authority to create money without interest. So why does it borrow from the Federal Reserve, with interest. This was a question a 12yr old asked a politician several years ago. It's on Youtube. I've spent over and hour trying to find it. But it's either buried or they've removed it.
Update: I think this is the girl. (She's Canadian. But their system is about like ours)

The Federal Reserve is the biggest scam in US history.
Nobody can say that for certain.

We certainly may not have been dragged through a slew of idiotic foreign wars over the last century.

I can say with about 90% certainty. (Believe it or not). Unless there's something I'm missing.
But I've thought about how the money gets into the economy. How the banks loan out money. How the government hands it out like candy to for a million retarded things. (here and abroad) How our country was constantly growing up until the government started using the fed like a free money machine.
And several other fine details.

Remember, Reagan was a life long democrat. So when he started in on his spending spree, it was in true democrat fashion.
The Federal Reserve is the biggest scam in US history.

That scam helped to create the worlds largest economy. The world largest middle class. And oil industry that put on on the production map.
It helped companies like Ford, Harley Davidson, General Motors, General Electric and so many others become global.
It helped me start my first business. And millions upon millions just like me.

This scam you call it, helped make America great & prosperous.
That scam helped to create the worlds largest economy. The world largest middle class. And oil industry that put on on the production map.
It helped companies like Ford, Harley Davidson, General Motors, General Electric and so many others become global.
It helped me start my first business. And millions upon millions just like me.

This scam you call it, helped make America great & prosperous.
That scam helped to create the worlds largest economy.
No it didn't.
I can say with about 90% certainty. (Believe it or not). Unless there's something I'm missing.
But I've thought about how the money gets into the economy. How the banks loan out money. How the government hands it out like candy to for a million retarded things. (here and abroad) How our country was constantly growing up until the government started using the fed like a free money machine.
And several other fine details.

Remember, Reagan was a life long democrat. So when he started in on his spending spree, it was in true democrat fashion.
He also planned on reeling the debt back in once the recession was over and tax receipts were headed back in the right direction, but allowed himself to get sandbagged, yet again, by the same people who promised him that they'd control spending.

That's not making any excuses for his gullibility, that's just the way it happened.

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