The FBI Investigations Silver Lining.....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Well this is going to be interesting...

President Donald Trump signed an executive order for the FBI to investigate the accusations presented against Brett Kavanaugh.

This actually has a silver lining and here is why.. Trump ordered the FBI to interview all known witnesses to the alleged offenses. He also ordered that all crimes found are to be referred to the appropriate local agencies for prosecution. This is important, as now if they find the accusations to be frivolous they can be charged with entering a false claim to a federal agency or making a false claim to authorities. So not only will they collect evidence they will look at credibility and claims and refer it.

The left forgot that the sword of justice can cut both ways. Not only can Kavanaugh be held accountable but so can every accuser if they are found to be malicious and defamatory.

I hope your ready for some real blow back that the left didn't think they would have.. They asked for this and they may not like what comes to them.. While congress will get information and no recommendation, the FBI will refer obvious crimes to local authorities..

Here comes the boomerang....
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Essentially the FBI evidence collection will do nothing to the Senate process but now the investigation has real life meaning and accountability coming from local authorities..
I find it interesting that Dr. Ford hasn't reported a crime in the jurisdiction the alleged crime took place...there is no statuette of limitations with sex assaults...she may know she could be charged for filing a false report...
That seems reasonable except for the fact that the FBI has proven itself to be corrupted and biased. If it were operating as the independent intelligence agency it is supposed to be, then I would agree.
Man these democrat senators are beginning to scare me....what country do they think they live in?.....this isn't freaking China...its America.....and I can't wait till Flake and Corker are gone....McCain is out of the way and those two shits are out soon too.....
I find it interesting that Dr. Ford hasn't reported a crime in the jurisdiction the alleged crime took place...there is no statuette of limitations with sex assaults...she may know she could be charged for filing a false report...
That actually tells the tale doesn't it. But now that is a very real possibility because she made the accusation under oath.
Breaking: The FBI has secured interview times today for all parties in Ford's accusation claims made under oath and will be completed by Monday baring any other witnesses that may be found.

Transcripts will be distributed to Chairman Grassley no later than Tuesday Oct 2nd.

This thing is moving fast.
Man these democrat senators are beginning to scare me....what country do they think they live in?.....this isn't freaking China...its America.....and I can't wait till Flake and Corker are gone....McCain is out of the way and those two shits are out soon too.....

Feinstein may think it is China. Or at least have sympathies
I find it interesting that Dr. Ford hasn't reported a crime in the jurisdiction the alleged crime took place...there is no statuette of limitations with sex assaults...she may know she could be charged for filing a false report...

I doubt she would be charged with making a false report. The sheer lack of details would make the local department Unable to do anything.

Likely nothing would happen
Breaking: The FBI has secured interview times today for all parties in Ford's accusation claims made under oath and will be completed by Monday baring any other witnesses that may be found.

Transcripts will be distributed to Chairman Grassley no later than Tuesday Oct 2nd.

This thing is moving fast.

There is nothing to investigate. Judiciary committee already did most of it. All that’s left is to ask the people who already made statements if they have anything to add.

Also to interview the remaining Accusers

The FBI has determined that only the Ford accusation has any possible credibility.

"After review of sworn testimony obtained from the Judiciary Committee, the FBI will only review the claim made by Dr Ford and her four named witnesses. The other claims lack any credible witnesses, time, date and place facts with which to investigate them and will not be evaluated for the committee. However, two claims are potentially defamatory and will be referred to local authorities for follow up."

Ouch! That's going to leave a mark..

Press Releases — FBI
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Breaking: The FBI has secured interview times today for all parties in Ford's accusation claims made under oath and will be completed by Monday baring any other witnesses that may be found.

Transcripts will be distributed to Chairman Grassley no later than Tuesday Oct 2nd.

This thing is moving fast.

There is nothing to investigate. Judiciary committee already did most of it. All that’s left is to ask the people who already made statements if they have anything to add.

Also to interview the remaining Accusers
Yep! they have just released a statement...
I find it interesting that Dr. Ford hasn't reported a crime in the jurisdiction the alleged crime took place...there is no statuette of limitations with sex assaults...she may know she could be charged for filing a false report...

I doubt she would be charged with making a false report. The sheer lack of details would make the local department Unable to do anything.

Likely nothing would happen
Lack of detail goes to witness credibility. Ford has given names and everyone of them say the event never happened or they say she has made this up. Not sure how this is going to play out with her but charges won't happen as there is no corroborating evidence. Now if they find people who say she was being malicious and lying then all bets are off..

I expect Ford's attorneys will fight to keep her therapist records sealed as those could convict her. I am willing to bet they have obtained a subpoena/warrant for them already.
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Well this is going to be interesting...

President Donald Trump signed an executive order for the FBI to investigate the accusations presented against Brett Kavanaugh.

This actually has a silver lining and here is why.. Trump ordered the FBI to interview all known witnesses to the alleged offenses. He also ordered that all crimes found are to be referred to the appropriate local agencies for prosecution. This is important, as now if they find the accusations to be frivolous they can be charged with entering a false claim to a federal agency or making a false claim to authorities. So not only will they collect evidence they will look at credibility and claims and refer it.

The left forgot that the sword of justice can cut both ways. Not only can Kavanaugh be held accountable but so can every accuser if they are found to be malicious and defamatory.

I hope your ready for some real blow back that the left didn't think they would have.. They asked for this and they may not like what comes to them.. While congress will get information and no recommendation, the FBI will refer obvious crimes to local authorities..

Here comes the boomerang....

The FBI are going to haul Ford in for questioning and it won't be the fluffy pillow questioning she enjoyed this week. There are some very obviously convenient gaps in her memory the FBI will interrogate her on. Before its over I wouldn't be surprised if she pled the 5th.
That seems reasonable except for the fact that the FBI has proven itself to be corrupted and biased. If it were operating as the independent intelligence agency it is supposed to be, then I would agree.
^ This....fucking FBI is so corrupt they make Al Capone look good.
Well this is going to be interesting...

President Donald Trump signed an executive order for the FBI to investigate the accusations presented against Brett Kavanaugh.

This actually has a silver lining and here is why.. Trump ordered the FBI to interview all known witnesses to the alleged offenses. He also ordered that all crimes found are to be referred to the appropriate local agencies for prosecution. This is important, as now if they find the accusations to be frivolous they can be charged with entering a false claim to a federal agency or making a false claim to authorities. So not only will they collect evidence they will look at credibility and claims and refer it.

The left forgot that the sword of justice can cut both ways. Not only can Kavanaugh be held accountable but so can every accuser if they are found to be malicious and defamatory.

I hope your ready for some real blow back that the left didn't think they would have.. They asked for this and they may not like what comes to them.. While congress will get information and no recommendation, the FBI will refer obvious crimes to local authorities..

Here comes the boomerang....

The FBI are going to haul Ford in for questioning and it won't be the fluffy pillow questioning she enjoyed this week. There are some very obviously convenient gaps in her memory the FBI will interrogate her on. Before its over I wouldn't be surprised if she pled the 5th.

This will not be a softball questioning... They will drill down to obtain facts and her therapist records are the key to that. I'm betting her attorneys pull her from the questioning to keep her from exposing herself...
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That seems reasonable except for the fact that the FBI has proven itself to be corrupted and biased. If it were operating as the independent intelligence agency it is supposed to be, then I would agree.
^ This....fucking FBI is so corrupt they make Al Capone look good.
The upper levels yes... The rank and file...nope!
The FBI will have to question Di Fi...hope the snake is up for it....because she needs to feel some heat...fucking China spy.....
In this type of questioning...the FBI has no subpoena power and cannot
order anyone to testify. There have been no criminal charges filed and
no Federal Crime committed.

All they are going to do is question the folks that Ford named. Ford and then
Kavanaugh. All of them have already given statements under penalty of perjury
to Senate investigators. Thus they won't change their stories.

They could ask questions of other folks that might be suggested by the folks being interviewed but that's it.

The biggest interview will be of Ford, herself. She's gets her first FBI

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