The Failure Of “Trickle Down”, and The Generation That Understands This

The Kennedy family is a shadow of what it was.
But the Gates family and the Walton family and the Lauder family and the Duncan family and the Cox family and the Pritzker family and the Koch family and the Jobs family and the Wozniak family are all doing fabulously better than they were 50 years ago.

Need I continue?

Need I?

God bless America and capitalism.
The Kennedy family is a shadow of what it was.
But the Gates family and the Walton family and the Lauder family and the Duncan family and the Cox family and the Pritzker family and the Koch family and the Jobs family and the Wozniak family are all doing fabulously better than they were 50 years ago.

Need I continue?

Need I?

God bless America and capitalism.

And in fifty more years they will be a bare shadow of what they are. The Waltons are already diluting the fund.

Let's say I make 100 million. I have two kids. Upon my death they each get fifty. They don't lose, and barely gain. They each have two kids. They die with 60 million. Their kids each inherit 30. Those kids lose because they aren't what granddad was.

It has been the case time and time again in history. It will be the case time and time again in the future. Give the family time and they will lose everything.
But the Gates family and the Walton family and the Lauder family and the Duncan family and the Cox family and the Pritzker family and the Koch family and the Jobs family and the Wozniak family are all doing fabulously better than they were 50 years ago.

Wealth is not finite. It is INFINITE. Wealth is created through individual talent, skill, labor, creativity, invention, investment, etc.

In the left-wing socialist's mind, wealth is finite and too much of it is being held by too few at the top. They fail to understand new wealth can be generated.
I started my career within 2 weeks of Reagan taking office. I came from a lower middle class family with no money and lots of debt. Mortgage interest rates were 18% car loans were over 20% thanks to Carternomics. 8 years later I was kicking ass and taking names thanks to the turnaround Reagan brought about. Call it whatever you want, Reaganomics worked for anyone willing to work.

The reason mortgage and car loan rates were that high wasn't because of Carter, it was because of Nixonian Fed Policy that jacked up interest rates. The Fed would lower interest rates through 1982. Reagan's first four years went from bad situation to utter disaster. His tax cuts, signed into law in August 1981 did not produce any of the jobs or growth promised, as the US entered a recession and stayed in one for close to a year. Unemployment, which was hovering around 7% for much of the first half of 1981, would start growing the same month Reagan's tax cuts were signed into law, and then proceeded to grow over the first 12 months of them being in effect, bringing unemployment to a post-WWII record of 10.8% by December 1982. What turned the economy around wasn't anything Reagan did, but rather the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates and Congress increasing much as 10% in 1983 alone. Nothing Reagan did caused the economy to grow, but he did plenty to hamstring it...whether it was by raising taxes on the middle class in 1982, forcing consumers to go into debt, and deregulating the housing and banking industry to give us the S&L Crisis which, until the Bush Mortgage Bubble popped, was the largest taxpayer-funded bailout of all time.

Your personal anecdotes notwithstanding, the average middle class worker saw their pay stagnate during Reagan, while seeing their household debt increase.

Trickle-down doesn't work, has never worked, and will never work.
So you have "Narratives" to compensate for your lack of data....

Don't see a lot of that.....You must be one of them Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbeciles I've been reading about....

Wow, not many quislings admit they read propaganda. Good for you!

The data is historic record, there is plenty of it. For starters, a record-setting 97 consecutive months of economic growth. That's nearly an entire decade and it follows a period of recession as miserable as anything since the Great Depression, aka: The Carter Malaise.
Do you have ANYTHING to back up the claim of "97 months"? Cause, even before seeing it, I'm calling TOTAL BULLSHIT on it....

and it follows a period of recession as miserable as anything since the Great Depression, aka: The Carter Malaise

What are you, 4? You're not even close....

Graphing the Recession’s Impact
I started my career within 2 weeks of Reagan taking office. I came from a lower middle class family with no money and lots of debt. Mortgage interest rates were 18% car loans were over 20% thanks to Carternomics. 8 years later I was kicking ass and taking names thanks to the turnaround Reagan brought about. Call it whatever you want, Reaganomics worked for anyone willing to work.

The reason mortgage and car loan rates were that high wasn't because of Carter, it was because of Nixonian Fed Policy that jacked up interest rates. The Fed would lower interest rates through 1982. Reagan's first four years went from bad situation to utter disaster. His tax cuts, signed into law in August 1981 did not produce any of the jobs or growth promised, as the US entered a recession and stayed in one for close to a year. Unemployment, which was hovering around 7% for much of the first half of 1981, would start growing the same month Reagan's tax cuts were signed into law, and then proceeded to grow over the first 12 months of them being in effect, bringing unemployment to a post-WWII record of 10.8% by December 1982. What turned the economy around wasn't anything Reagan did, but rather the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates and Congress increasing much as 10% in 1983 alone. Nothing Reagan did caused the economy to grow, but he did plenty to hamstring it...whether it was by raising taxes on the middle class in 1982, forcing consumers to go into debt, and deregulating the housing and banking industry to give us the S&L Crisis which, until the Bush Mortgage Bubble popped, was the largest taxpayer-funded bailout of all time.

Your personal anecdotes notwithstanding, the average middle class worker saw their pay stagnate during Reagan, while seeing their household debt increase.

Trickle-down doesn't work, has never worked, and will never work.
That's a bit Fact Intensive....

Do you have anything I can fit on this bumper sticker?

(In fairness, the 83 tax increase was primarily an adjustment of payroll taxes which had been recommended by a commission predating the Reagan Admin. - on the other hand, it served to appreciably camouflage the magnitude of his fiscal profligacy.....but not enough to keep his own Fed Chair in the dark. Easy Al's judgement was RUTHLESS.)
So you have "Narratives" to compensate for your lack of data....

Don't see a lot of that.....You must be one of them Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbeciles I've been reading about....

Wow, not many quislings admit they read propaganda. Good for you!

The data is historic record, there is plenty of it. For starters, a record-setting 97 consecutive months of economic growth. That's nearly an entire decade and it follows a period of recession as miserable as anything since the Great Depression, aka: The Carter Malaise.
Do you have ANYTHING to back up the claim of "97 months"? Cause, even before seeing it, I'm calling TOTAL BULLSHIT on it....

and it follows a period of recession as miserable as anything since the Great Depression, aka: The Carter Malaise

What are you, 4? You're not even close....

Graphing the Recession’s Impact

It's a matter of public record. At the time, it was the longest period of peacetime prosperity in American history. It came on the heels of the Carter Malaise where we had rampant inflation, double-digit inflation... skyrocketing interest rates, peaking at around 21% prime. You literally couldn't afford to take out a home loan. People were suffering across America and that's why Carter lost in a landslide. I didn't read about it in an op-ed from Bloomberg, I lived through it.
Anyone who believes "trickle down" (aka: Reaganomics) was a failure, doesn't understand "trickle down" and doesn't comprehend that ALL free market economies trickle down... that's how free markets work.

What you are basically saying is, free market capitalism is a failure. This is because you've been brainwashed by Socialist propaganda. If you want to see what happens when people abandon free market capitalism and adopt Socialism, take a look at Venezuela.

The stupidity is predicated on some rather bizarre statistical cherry-picking.... the top 0.1% are doing markedly better than anyone else.... well guess what? This is true regardless of what you're talking about. The top 0.1% of swimmers are the best swimmers in the world, they do better at swimming than everyone else. The top 0.1% monkey trainers can train monkeys better than anyone else in the world. So is it not surprising the top 0.1% of wealthy people are very good at ascertaining wealth.

The same can be said for the idiotic arguments about wealth acquisition at the top. There isn't a universe of reality where wealthy people lag behind poor people in gaining wealth. Otherwise, the wealthy would be poor and the poor wealthy.

Wealth disparity happens as the result of free enterprise in a free market with people who enjoy the freedom to prosper. This is turned into a "problem" by the Socialist when it's actually a symptom of free market economics. Do you know where you'll find wealth equality? North Korea. Aside from the dictator and his family, everyone in the country is equally poor and this is what happens in a Socialist system when your freedoms are removed.
No; what we are saying is that trickle down merely bails out the wealthiest, and then, trickles down.

It is the specific welfare, not the general welfare.
'Trickle Down'

The practice of taking money from the middle class and letting it 'trickle down' to those addicted to / stuck depending on Govt Provided Social programs designed to help the poor survive but never improve their status to the point they can someday get off of those Programs, such as Food Stamps, Welfare, etc...

These programs are designed to keep people dependent on the federal govt and the politicians who promise to keep that money long as you vote for them.

THAT'S the real 'Trickle Down' in this country....
Just typical, right wing, "hate on the poor"?

In 2007, the top 20% wealthiest possessed 80% of all financial assets.[18] In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 35% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 51%. Thus, the top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. In 2011, financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 43%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.[19] However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 35% to 37%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 88%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the top 1% and the bottom 99%.--
But the Gates family and the Walton family and the Lauder family and the Duncan family and the Cox family and the Pritzker family and the Koch family and the Jobs family and the Wozniak family are all doing fabulously better than they were 50 years ago.

Wealth is not finite. It is INFINITE. Wealth is created through individual talent, skill, labor, creativity, invention, investment, etc.

In the left-wing socialist's mind, wealth is finite and too much of it is being held by too few at the top. They fail to understand new wealth can be generated.
End the drug war, right wingers.
'Trickle Down'

The practice of taking money from the middle class and letting it 'trickle down' to those addicted to / stuck depending on Govt Provided Social programs designed to help the poor survive but never improve their status to the point they can someday get off of those Programs, such as Food Stamps, Welfare, etc...

These programs are designed to keep people dependent on the federal govt and the politicians who promise to keep that money long as you vote for them.

THAT'S the real 'Trickle Down' in this country....
Just typical, right wing, "hate on the poor"?

In 2007, the top 20% wealthiest possessed 80% of all financial assets.[18] In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 35% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 51%. Thus, the top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. In 2011, financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 43%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.[19] However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 35% to 37%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 88%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the top 1% and the bottom 99%.--
Why do liberals insist on funding social programs that do not provide a way to become more independent and get off those programs.

LBJ stated about minorities after Civil Rights passed, "We need to give them something, but not enough to make a difference."

What do you think he meant by 'not enough to make a difference'?

LBJ and Liberals sought to keep minorities 'down', to counter the power minorities had just won through the passage of Civil Rights.

LBJ went on to declare that as a result of what he and the Democrats sought to do "I'll have these ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

LBJ was clearly specifying that the purpose of offering minorities 'something but not enough to matter' was ... and still is ... economic slavery and dependence on govt handouts rather than actual assistance to become more independent.

There are entire generations of families who have been on these social programs / receiving handouts, dependent on the exchange for votes.

Keeping people so 'enslaved' is cruel.

There is a great story on Drudge about how a work mandate was applied to single recipients of food stamps...and the number of people on food stamps decreased by 85%. Liberals are against asking an able-bodied man/person to actually do a little work in order to get federal assistance. They think doing so is 'cruel'.

Every able-bodied person who receives government social program benefits should be required to contribute to society / work as best they can...IMO.

The govt should also give a hand UP, not just a hand OUT.
'Trickle Down'

The practice of taking money from the middle class and letting it 'trickle down' to those addicted to / stuck depending on Govt Provided Social programs designed to help the poor survive but never improve their status to the point they can someday get off of those Programs, such as Food Stamps, Welfare, etc...

These programs are designed to keep people dependent on the federal govt and the politicians who promise to keep that money long as you vote for them.

THAT'S the real 'Trickle Down' in this country....
Just typical, right wing, "hate on the poor"?

In 2007, the top 20% wealthiest possessed 80% of all financial assets.[18] In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 35% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 51%. Thus, the top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. In 2011, financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 43%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.[19] However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 35% to 37%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 88%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the top 1% and the bottom 99%.--
Why do liberals insist on funding social programs that do not provide a way to become more independent and get off those programs.

LBJ stated about minorities after Civil Rights passed, "We need to give them something, but not enough to make a difference."

What do you think he meant by 'not enough to make a difference'?

LBJ and Liberals sought to keep minorities 'down', to counter the power minorities had just won through the passage of Civil Rights.

LBJ went on to declare that as a result of what he and the Democrats sought to do "I'll have these ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

LBJ was clearly specifying that the purpose of offering minorities 'something but not enough to matter' was ... and still is ... economic slavery and dependence on govt handouts rather than actual assistance to become more independent.

There are entire generations of families who have been on these social programs / receiving handouts, dependent on the exchange for votes.

Keeping people so 'enslaved' is cruel.

There is a great story on Drudge about how a work mandate was applied to single recipients of food stamps...and the number of people on food stamps decreased by 85%. Liberals are against asking an able-bodied man/person to actually do a little work in order to get federal assistance. They think doing so is 'cruel'.

Every able-bodied person who receives government social program benefits should be required to contribute to society / work as best they can...IMO.

The govt should also give a hand UP, not just a hand OUT.
We can't get any support from the right wing, to actually solve any problems; tax cuts regardless of which side of the curve we are on, is all the right wing is willing to advance.
It has become a regular habit for some media contributors to blame millennials for the death of many businesses and other profitable institutions. This blame focuses on millennials because they refuse to spend there limited incomes to benefit the billionaires and other corporate fat cats.

The American people have listened to conservatives tout the benefits of Reagan’s snake oil known as “Trickle Down” for the last four decades. Reliable numbers charting the success of Reagan’s snake oil have proven consistently, that during these years, the wealthiest top 0.1% (that’s one tenth of one percent) have flourished beyond all expectations.

Unfortunately, those same reliable numbers prove the bottom 90%, and especially the lowest half of American families haven’t fared well, at all.

But, in the years when Reagan first started selling his snake oil, in younger, baby boomer families, both spouses began working, so the negative impact of his trickle-down-snake-oil was slow to be noticed by the masses. The generation that fought in WWII and produced the baby-boomers were already established financially, so they too were also slow to notice as their buying power decreased.

The WWII generation did have one advantage (if you can call it that) over the baby boomers they bore. The WWII generation lived through the Great Depression. Their families were forced to learn to make do with less, appreciate the value of money, and live within their limited means.

This was not the case with the “boomers”. As conservative policies slowly began to strangle wages, destroy unions, and create an environment hostile to working people, easy credit became available to provide the money needed by the boomers to buy the trappings of middle class, which were rapidly becoming more and more expensive.

Living expenses, whether for necessities or luxuries, increased at a rate much more quickly than incomes. The bubble burst in the middle of 2008, the final year of Dubya’s tax-cuts-for-the-very-rich, and borrow-money-for-two-needless-wars administration.

During the initial months of the Great Republican Recession, countless baby boomers lost their jobs, homes, cars, life savings, retirement accounts, etc. The following years of slow economic recovery resulting from the congressional Republicans many efforts to make Obama a one-term-president, saw economic conditions so bad, many of these boomers would never recover.

All this financial tragedy had little effect on the wealthiest top 0.1%, but it was a lesson to the millennial generation. Like their grandparents during the Great Depression, they watched while their parents [boomers] struggled financially. Savings ran out, as did long-term unemployment benefits, and eventually, the income from part-time jobs was barely enough to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

This generation-wide experience forced most millennials to develop a financial mindset that is currently being blamed for the dying retail industry, the slowing restaurant business, the bind being felt by automakers, unimpressive sales of new homes, and the loss of many jobs.

But blaming all this on millennials is Bullsh!t.

Unlike the suckers who believe in Reagan’s snake oil, these young people refuse to spend their meager incomes on the billionaires' over-priced crap. The same over-priced crap their boomer parents went deeply into debt to own, so as to live the middle class lifestyle, which was beyond the financial means of most.

No, the blame for the economic catastrophe of Reagan’s snake oil falls squarely on the suckers in the baby boomer generation. For four decades, they happily handed the vast majority of the wealth to the top 0.1%, in the mistaken belief the billionaires’ massive profits from ever-rising prices, substantial Republican tax cuts, the outsourcing these tax cuts helped finance, and the stagnant wages enjoyed by low and middle income families would finally be trickled down upon them.

That ain’t happened yet, and millennials know it never will. They understand they must live for the moment, and the few enjoyable experiences they are able to afford. Fu*k the businesses that are dying. The millennials are not to blame for the CEO baby boomers who were too stupid to understand Reagan’s snake oil would eventually cause their worlds to come crashing down around them.

Millennials can read the handwriting on the wall. They know Reagan’s “Trickle Down” snake oil is a scam to keep wealth moving upward, and always has been. They can also understand that, until the stupid, conservative baby boomers die out, there is little they can do to help themselves. The stupid members of the boomer generation still have too much power. “Trickle Down” will continue, for now.

'Psychologically scarred' millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it's their parents' fault


View attachment 131176

Sounds like you people need to run on redistribution of wealth.

We can't get any support from the right wing, to actually solve any problems; tax cuts regardless of which side of the curve we are on, is all the right wing is willing to advance.
Schumer and tbe Democrats have made it clear they are not committed to anything other than shutting down and blocking everything the GOP and Trump try to accomplish in the next 4 years. They declared this publicly.

Are you saying liberals are looking for support from Conservatives to torpedo any action taken for the benefit of the nation iver the next 4 years?

No thanks....that's all you snowflakes.
It has become a regular habit for some media contributors to blame millennials for the death of many businesses and other profitable institutions. This blame focuses on millennials because they refuse to spend there limited incomes to benefit the billionaires and other corporate fat cats.

The American people have listened to conservatives tout the benefits of Reagan’s snake oil known as “Trickle Down” for the last four decades. Reliable numbers charting the success of Reagan’s snake oil have proven consistently, that during these years, the wealthiest top 0.1% (that’s one tenth of one percent) have flourished beyond all expectations.

Unfortunately, those same reliable numbers prove the bottom 90%, and especially the lowest half of American families haven’t fared well, at all.

But, in the years when Reagan first started selling his snake oil, in younger, baby boomer families, both spouses began working, so the negative impact of his trickle-down-snake-oil was slow to be noticed by the masses. The generation that fought in WWII and produced the baby-boomers were already established financially, so they too were also slow to notice as their buying power decreased.

The WWII generation did have one advantage (if you can call it that) over the baby boomers they bore. The WWII generation lived through the Great Depression. Their families were forced to learn to make do with less, appreciate the value of money, and live within their limited means.

This was not the case with the “boomers”. As conservative policies slowly began to strangle wages, destroy unions, and create an environment hostile to working people, easy credit became available to provide the money needed by the boomers to buy the trappings of middle class, which were rapidly becoming more and more expensive.

Living expenses, whether for necessities or luxuries, increased at a rate much more quickly than incomes. The bubble burst in the middle of 2008, the final year of Dubya’s tax-cuts-for-the-very-rich, and borrow-money-for-two-needless-wars administration.

During the initial months of the Great Republican Recession, countless baby boomers lost their jobs, homes, cars, life savings, retirement accounts, etc. The following years of slow economic recovery resulting from the congressional Republicans many efforts to make Obama a one-term-president, saw economic conditions so bad, many of these boomers would never recover.

All this financial tragedy had little effect on the wealthiest top 0.1%, but it was a lesson to the millennial generation. Like their grandparents during the Great Depression, they watched while their parents [boomers] struggled financially. Savings ran out, as did long-term unemployment benefits, and eventually, the income from part-time jobs was barely enough to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

This generation-wide experience forced most millennials to develop a financial mindset that is currently being blamed for the dying retail industry, the slowing restaurant business, the bind being felt by automakers, unimpressive sales of new homes, and the loss of many jobs.

But blaming all this on millennials is Bullsh!t.

Unlike the suckers who believe in Reagan’s snake oil, these young people refuse to spend their meager incomes on the billionaires' over-priced crap. The same over-priced crap their boomer parents went deeply into debt to own, so as to live the middle class lifestyle, which was beyond the financial means of most.

No, the blame for the economic catastrophe of Reagan’s snake oil falls squarely on the suckers in the baby boomer generation. For four decades, they happily handed the vast majority of the wealth to the top 0.1%, in the mistaken belief the billionaires’ massive profits from ever-rising prices, substantial Republican tax cuts, the outsourcing these tax cuts helped finance, and the stagnant wages enjoyed by low and middle income families would finally be trickled down upon them.

That ain’t happened yet, and millennials know it never will. They understand they must live for the moment, and the few enjoyable experiences they are able to afford. Fu*k the businesses that are dying. The millennials are not to blame for the CEO baby boomers who were too stupid to understand Reagan’s snake oil would eventually cause their worlds to come crashing down around them.

Millennials can read the handwriting on the wall. They know Reagan’s “Trickle Down” snake oil is a scam to keep wealth moving upward, and always has been. They can also understand that, until the stupid, conservative baby boomers die out, there is little they can do to help themselves. The stupid members of the boomer generation still have too much power. “Trickle Down” will continue, for now.

'Psychologically scarred' millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it's their parents' fault


View attachment 131176


Your trump inspired solutions speak volumes. And it's all bad.
So you have "Narratives" to compensate for your lack of data....

Don't see a lot of that.....You must be one of them Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbeciles I've been reading about....

Wow, not many quislings admit they read propaganda. Good for you!

The data is historic record, there is plenty of it. For starters, a record-setting 97 consecutive months of economic growth. That's nearly an entire decade and it follows a period of recession as miserable as anything since the Great Depression, aka: The Carter Malaise.
Do you have ANYTHING to back up the claim of "97 months"? Cause, even before seeing it, I'm calling TOTAL BULLSHIT on it....

and it follows a period of recession as miserable as anything since the Great Depression, aka: The Carter Malaise

What are you, 4? You're not even close....

Graphing the Recession’s Impact

It's a matter of public record. At the time, it was the longest period of peacetime prosperity in American history. It came on the heels of the Carter Malaise where we had rampant inflation, double-digit inflation... skyrocketing interest rates, peaking at around 21% prime. You literally couldn't afford to take out a home loan. People were suffering across America and that's why Carter lost in a landslide. I didn't read about it in an op-ed from Bloomberg, I lived through it.
That is not an op-ed. It is a graph plotting post world war recessions based on changes in GDP and Employment.

Do you have any idea where to find economic data?

Would you like me to tell you?

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