The Failure Of “Trickle Down”, and The Generation That Understands This

That is not an op-ed. It is a graph plotting post world war recessions based on changes in GDP and Employment.

Do you have any idea where to find economic data?

Would you like me to tell you?

You posted a link to a liberal op-ed which takes data and manipulates it into a graphic in order to push a left-wing narrative. If you wish to try and claim otherwise, you're just a fucking liar.

No, I don't need you to tell me where to find statistics and data pertaining to our economy. Our government spends billions of our tax dollars on website resources to make this information available to the public. If you want to research any aspect, it's not that hard to do.

If you want to refute my statement pertaining to 97 consecutive months of economic prosperity, you'll need to provide official government data from their websites. I don't accept manipulated bullshit cobbled together by left-wing hacks who want to revise history. Sorry!
It has become a regular habit for some media contributors to blame millennials for the death of many businesses and other profitable institutions. This blame focuses on millennials because they refuse to spend there limited incomes to benefit the billionaires and other corporate fat cats.

The American people have listened to conservatives tout the benefits of Reagan’s snake oil known as “Trickle Down” for the last four decades. Reliable numbers charting the success of Reagan’s snake oil have proven consistently, that during these years, the wealthiest top 0.1% (that’s one tenth of one percent) have flourished beyond all expectations.

Unfortunately, those same reliable numbers prove the bottom 90%, and especially the lowest half of American families haven’t fared well, at all.

But, in the years when Reagan first started selling his snake oil, in younger, baby boomer families, both spouses began working, so the negative impact of his trickle-down-snake-oil was slow to be noticed by the masses. The generation that fought in WWII and produced the baby-boomers were already established financially, so they too were also slow to notice as their buying power decreased.

The WWII generation did have one advantage (if you can call it that) over the baby boomers they bore. The WWII generation lived through the Great Depression. Their families were forced to learn to make do with less, appreciate the value of money, and live within their limited means.

This was not the case with the “boomers”. As conservative policies slowly began to strangle wages, destroy unions, and create an environment hostile to working people, easy credit became available to provide the money needed by the boomers to buy the trappings of middle class, which were rapidly becoming more and more expensive.

Living expenses, whether for necessities or luxuries, increased at a rate much more quickly than incomes. The bubble burst in the middle of 2008, the final year of Dubya’s tax-cuts-for-the-very-rich, and borrow-money-for-two-needless-wars administration.

During the initial months of the Great Republican Recession, countless baby boomers lost their jobs, homes, cars, life savings, retirement accounts, etc. The following years of slow economic recovery resulting from the congressional Republicans many efforts to make Obama a one-term-president, saw economic conditions so bad, many of these boomers would never recover.

All this financial tragedy had little effect on the wealthiest top 0.1%, but it was a lesson to the millennial generation. Like their grandparents during the Great Depression, they watched while their parents [boomers] struggled financially. Savings ran out, as did long-term unemployment benefits, and eventually, the income from part-time jobs was barely enough to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

This generation-wide experience forced most millennials to develop a financial mindset that is currently being blamed for the dying retail industry, the slowing restaurant business, the bind being felt by automakers, unimpressive sales of new homes, and the loss of many jobs.

But blaming all this on millennials is Bullsh!t.

Unlike the suckers who believe in Reagan’s snake oil, these young people refuse to spend their meager incomes on the billionaires' over-priced crap. The same over-priced crap their boomer parents went deeply into debt to own, so as to live the middle class lifestyle, which was beyond the financial means of most.

No, the blame for the economic catastrophe of Reagan’s snake oil falls squarely on the suckers in the baby boomer generation. For four decades, they happily handed the vast majority of the wealth to the top 0.1%, in the mistaken belief the billionaires’ massive profits from ever-rising prices, substantial Republican tax cuts, the outsourcing these tax cuts helped finance, and the stagnant wages enjoyed by low and middle income families would finally be trickled down upon them.

That ain’t happened yet, and millennials know it never will. They understand they must live for the moment, and the few enjoyable experiences they are able to afford. Fu*k the businesses that are dying. The millennials are not to blame for the CEO baby boomers who were too stupid to understand Reagan’s snake oil would eventually cause their worlds to come crashing down around them.

Millennials can read the handwriting on the wall. They know Reagan’s “Trickle Down” snake oil is a scam to keep wealth moving upward, and always has been. They can also understand that, until the stupid, conservative baby boomers die out, there is little they can do to help themselves. The stupid members of the boomer generation still have too much power. “Trickle Down” will continue, for now.

'Psychologically scarred' millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it's their parents' fault


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Pretty simple formula .... if you don't contribute, you don't get anything.

Quit whining about what everybody else gets and get off your ass and get your own. You, and your ilk, spend so much time being jealous of what others have, you don't have any time to earn your own.

Ain't nothing in life that's free ....
That is not an op-ed. It is a graph plotting post world war recessions based on changes in GDP and Employment.

Do you have any idea where to find economic data?

Would you like me to tell you?

You posted a link to a liberal op-ed which takes data and manipulates it into a graphic in order to push a left-wing narrative. If you wish to try and claim otherwise, you're just a fucking liar.

No, I don't need you to tell me where to find statistics and data pertaining to our economy. Our government spends billions of our tax dollars on website resources to make this information available to the public. If you want to research any aspect, it's not that hard to do.

If you want to refute my statement pertaining to 97 consecutive months of economic prosperity, you'll need to provide official government data from their websites. I don't accept manipulated bullshit cobbled together by left-wing hacks who want to revise history. Sorry!

You posted a link to a liberal op-ed which takes data and manipulates it into a graphic in order to push a left-wing narrative. If you wish to try and claim otherwise, you're just a fucking liar.

Unless you can demonstrate that the numbers in question, sourced from BLS and BEA, are incorrect, the liar is you.....

And you can't....... cause you are just a big mouth.

If you want to refute my statement pertaining to 97 consecutive months of economic prosperity, you'll need to provide official government data from their websites

No, I don't..... I challenged YOU to support YOUR claim...that doesn't oblige me to do shit, except to wait for you to get the job done.......for which you, apparently, lack the essentials.

Here.....find me your "record" 97 months

Fucking dumbass.
Schumer and tbe Democrats have made it clear they are not committed to anything other than shutting down and blocking everything the GOP and Trump try to accomplish in the next 4 years. They declared this publicly.

Until the Russia stuff is sorted out, nothing the GOP or Trump wants should be allowed to go through. If they were involved with Russia, it de-legitimizes everything they're doing now.
We can't get any support from the right wing, to actually solve any problems; tax cuts regardless of which side of the curve we are on, is all the right wing is willing to advance.
Schumer and tbe Democrats have made it clear they are not committed to anything other than shutting down and blocking everything the GOP and Trump try to accomplish in the next 4 years. They declared this publicly.

Are you saying liberals are looking for support from Conservatives to torpedo any action taken for the benefit of the nation iver the next 4 years?

No thanks....that's all you snowflakes.
we need, more than just, repeal and tax cuts from the right wing; for equal pay purposes.
That is not an op-ed. It is a graph plotting post world war recessions based on changes in GDP and Employment.

Do you have any idea where to find economic data?

Would you like me to tell you?

You posted a link to a liberal op-ed which takes data and manipulates it into a graphic in order to push a left-wing narrative. If you wish to try and claim otherwise, you're just a fucking liar.

No, I don't need you to tell me where to find statistics and data pertaining to our economy. Our government spends billions of our tax dollars on website resources to make this information available to the public. If you want to research any aspect, it's not that hard to do.

If you want to refute my statement pertaining to 97 consecutive months of economic prosperity, you'll need to provide official government data from their websites. I don't accept manipulated bullshit cobbled together by left-wing hacks who want to revise history. Sorry!
Bloomberg L.P. is a privately held financial software, data, and media company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.

Wikileaks can do better?
Until the Russia stuff is sorted out, nothing the GOP or Trump wants should be allowed to go through.

And therein lies the liberal strategy and justification for their publicly touted complete dedication to 100% obstructionism.

The FBI has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The CIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The NSA has declare 'No Collusion Evidence'
The DIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The House Intel Committee Chairman has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Fenistein, House Intel Committee Member has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Maxine Waters has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'

No criminal evidence has been found against Trump or any of his team.

The Liberal Progressives will keep this going, if possible, for the entire 4 years of Trump's Presidency just so they can declare what you stated - "Until the Russia stuff is sorted out, nothing the GOP or Trump wants should be allowed to go through".

What the Democrats are doing are justifying their un-American, Party-1st Obstructionism based on a complete lack of evidence of criminal activity and/or collusion...on basically nothing more than unsubstantiated accusations.

At some point it has to be said and heeded ' PUT UP or STFU'! 100% Obstructionism based on NO EVIDENCE can not be allowed to be dragged out 4 years.
And therein lies the liberal strategy and justification for their publicly touted complete dedication to 100% obstructionism.

If there is nothing to worry about why are there all these investigations? The point of investigations is to find evidence. Otherwise, an investigation would be unnecessary.
If there is nothing to worry about why are there all these investigations?
Perhaps to perpetuate / justify your statement, 'Nothing should go forward until this situation is settled'. As long as there is an investigation it is 'not settled'.

Honestly, can you imagine the Liberal reaction if Hillary would have won and months later the GOP had so many investigations going based on no evidence, they had publicly committed to obstructionism, and they were saying Nothing should go through until her server/ Influence Peddling / etc... scandals were concluded?!

The left would be going ape-shit.
And therein lies the liberal strategy and justification for their publicly touted complete dedication to 100% obstructionism.

You keep saying there's no evidence of collusion, but you can't make that conclusion because the investigations are ongoing. The point of investigations is to find evidence. So if you are calling for no investigations, that means you probably have something to hide. Why would Trump and his team lie about their meetings with Russian spies? Why would Trump and his team offer to return the compounds the Obama Administration seized from the Russians in December 2016? Trump is proposing giving them those compounds, from where spying has been confirmed, back to Russia while getting nothing in return. So he's either the worst negotiator of all time, or he's paying Russia back for something he's not telling us.

And because Reince Priebus is his chief of staff, and former head of the RNC, that throws the Republican Party into the same bucket as Trump when it comes to Russia.
Perhaps to perpetuate / justify your statement, 'Nothing should go forward until this situation is settled'. As long as there is an investigation it is 'not settled'.

And this is a pretty big investigation. If the President of the United States and the Republican Party are compromised by Russia then that throws into question every piece of legislation, every nominee that these people are putting forward. How do we know what they're proposing and who they're nominating are in America's best interests and not Russia's? How do you know? The RNC chair became Trump's chief of staff, so the RNC had to know what was going on too. The RNC was giving money to all those down-ballot Republicans. Could it be Russian money that Karen Handel is getting, for instance? We don't know and until we do, their entire agenda should be shut down until we can figure out what the hell is going on!

Honestly, can you imagine the Liberal reaction if Hillary would have won and months later the GOP had so many investigations going based on no evidence, they had publicly committed to obstructionism, and they were saying Nothing should go through until her server/ Influence Peddling / etc... scandals were concluded?!

We already lived through that with the 7+ Benghazi hearings that uncovered nothing. Not even circumstantial evidence.
Until the Russia stuff is sorted out, nothing the GOP or Trump wants should be allowed to go through.

And therein lies the liberal strategy and justification for their publicly touted complete dedication to 100% obstructionism.

The FBI has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The CIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The NSA has declare 'No Collusion Evidence'
The DIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The House Intel Committee Chairman has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Fenistein, House Intel Committee Member has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Maxine Waters has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'

No criminal evidence has been found against Trump or any of his team.

The Liberal Progressives will keep this going, if possible, for the entire 4 years of Trump's Presidency just so they can declare what you stated - "Until the Russia stuff is sorted out, nothing the GOP or Trump wants should be allowed to go through".

What the Democrats are doing are justifying their un-American, Party-1st Obstructionism based on a complete lack of evidence of criminal activity and/or collusion...on basically nothing more than unsubstantiated accusations.

At some point it has to be said and heeded ' PUT UP or STFU'! 100% Obstructionism based on NO EVIDENCE can not be allowed to be dragged out 4 years.
How much evidence of illegals voting?
You keep saying there's no evidence of collusion, but you can't make that conclusion because the investigations are ongoing.

'I' can't say it?

The FBI has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The CIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The NSA has declare 'No Collusion Evidence'
The DIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The House Intel Committee Chairman has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Fenistein, House Intel Committee Member has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Maxine Waters has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'

You and other snowflakes keep saying 'the investigations are ongoing'.

What you are REALLY saying is 'the DIGGING continues', and despite there being ZERO evidence after nearly 11 months, liberals are determined to KEEP DIGGING until they find something...even if that takes 4 years...or longer."

Zero evidence, un-substantiated accusations, and partisan hatred are not enough reason to continue investigations

Again, at some point it has to be said / enforced, 'Put Up or STFU - It's Over'.
'I' can't say it?

No, you can't. Because the investigations are currently ongoing. So you can't conclude that no evidence exists before the investigations have concluded. You're jumping the gun, otherwise. Which is suspicious.
You keep saying there's no evidence of collusion, but you can't make that conclusion because the investigations are ongoing.

'I' can't say it?

The FBI has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The CIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The NSA has declare 'No Collusion Evidence'
The DIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The House Intel Committee Chairman has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Fenistein, House Intel Committee Member has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Maxine Waters has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'

You and other snowflakes keep saying 'the investigations are ongoing'.

What you are REALLY saying is 'the DIGGING continues', and despite there being ZERO evidence after nearly 11 months, liberals are determined to KEEP DIGGING until they find something...even if that takes 4 years...or longer."

Zero evidence, un-substantiated accusations, and partisan hatred are not enough reason to continue investigations

Again, at some point it has to be said / enforced, 'Put Up or STFU - It's Over'.
Julian Sanchez: Trump’s Collusion with Russia was hiding in plain sight
We already lived through that with the 7+ Benghazi hearings that uncovered nothing. Not even circumstantial evidence.

Unlike the Trump investigation and despite what snowflakes continue to (lie) claim, evidence of incompetence / mistakes was revealed through the Benghazi investigations.

- Every other nation pulled their people out based on the growing terrorist violence in Benghazi, based on the growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, and based on the pending 9/11/12 terrorist attack. Neither Hillary or Obama pulled the Americans - he left them there.

- Ambassador Stevens' warnings of the growing Al Qaeda presence, of the number of terrorist training camps growing, of Al Qaeda flags flying on govt buildings, his pleas for more security personnel, and his warning that - after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound - that if there was a larger, more coordinated attack on 9/11/12 he would die all fell on deaf ears at the State Department.

- The State Department hired a Libyan militia that was connected to Al Qaeda to protect Ambassador Stevens and the Americans. During two attacks on the compound just prior to the one on 9/11/12 this militia NEVER made it to the compound in time to do anything. The militia quit just before 9/11/12, and the State Department did not provide any additional security to Ambassador Stevens.

- Terrorists attacked the compound, as mentioned, twice prior to 9/11/12. The last attack left a 4-foot hole in the Benghazi compound wall. (No mention of a video was made.)

- Ambassador Stevens asked for additional security forces over 50 (FIFTY) times, and every request was denied. The State Department even TOOK AWAY several security team members...after the 2 attacks on the compound BEFORE the 9/11/12 attack. Stevens warned if he did not have more he would DIE. None were given - Stevens became the 1st US ambassador in over 30 years to be murdered.

- While before Congress Hillary LAUGHED when asked about Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security, stating she thought his requests for additional security were a joke, part of his sense of humor. (Yeah, real funny - 4 dead Americans, the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be murdered after being denied additional security - more than 50 requests - AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound....what a 'funny' F*ing 'JOKE'!)

Yeah, according to snowflakes all this that came out of and was emphasized during the Benghazi hearings constitutes 'nothing'.

Laughing at a US Ambassador asking for additional security after 2 terrorist attacks - him saying he is going to die if you don't give him more, you refusing to give him more or to pull him and Americans out, and 4 Americans end up getting killed....snowflakes believe this is doing a 'good job', nothing 'incompetent' about it, certainly nothing to get fired over.

Good friggin' grief.
We already lived through that with the 7+ Benghazi hearings that uncovered nothing. Not even circumstantial evidence.

Unlike the Trump investigation and despite what snowflakes continue to (lie) claim, evidence of incompetence / mistakes was revealed through the Benghazi investigations.

- Every other nation pulled their people out based on the growing terrorist violence in Benghazi, based on the growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, and based on the pending 9/11/12 terrorist attack. Neither Hillary or Obama pulled the Americans - he left them there.

- Ambassador Stevens' warnings of the growing Al Qaeda presence, of the number of terrorist training camps growing, of Al Qaeda flags flying on govt buildings, his pleas for more security personnel, and his warning that - after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound - that if there was a larger, more coordinated attack on 9/11/12 he would die all fell on deaf ears at the State Department.

- The State Department hired a Libyan militia that was connected to Al Qaeda to protect Ambassador Stevens and the Americans. During two attacks on the compound just prior to the one on 9/11/12 this militia NEVER made it to the compound in time to do anything. The militia quit just before 9/11/12, and the State Department did not provide any additional security to Ambassador Stevens.

- Terrorists attacked the compound, as mentioned, twice prior to 9/11/12. The last attack left a 4-foot hole in the Benghazi compound wall. (No mention of a video was made.)

- Ambassador Stevens asked for additional security forces over 50 (FIFTY) times, and every request was denied. The State Department even TOOK AWAY several security team members...after the 2 attacks on the compound BEFORE the 9/11/12 attack. Stevens warned if he did not have more he would DIE. None were given - Stevens became the 1st US ambassador in over 30 years to be murdered.

- While before Congress Hillary LAUGHED when asked about Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security, stating she thought his requests for additional security were a joke, part of his sense of humor. (Yeah, real funny - 4 dead Americans, the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be murdered after being denied additional security - more than 50 requests - AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound....what a 'funny' F*ing 'JOKE'!)

Yeah, according to snowflakes all this that came out of and was emphasized during the Benghazi hearings constitutes 'nothing'.

Laughing at a US Ambassador asking for additional security after 2 terrorist attacks - him saying he is going to die if you don't give him more, you refusing to give him more or to pull him and Americans out, and 4 Americans end up getting killed....snowflakes believe this is doing a 'good job', nothing 'incompetent' about it, certainly nothing to get fired over.

Good friggin' grief.
Mr. Trump publicly asked for Russian assistance.
'I' can't say it?

No, you can't.

'I' don't have to say anything because...

The FBI has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The CIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The NSA has declare 'No Collusion Evidence'
The DIA has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
The House Intel Committee Chairman has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Fenistein, House Intel Committee Member has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'
D-Maxine Waters has declared 'No Collusion Evidence'

You keep trying to put the claim that there is no evidence on ME...while ignoring the fact that the EXPERTS, the investigators, have already declared it.

Not only did the FBI and NSA say there IS no evidence, they testified under oath that there was NEVER any evidence to support the un-substantiated accusations of Collusion from the very start.

The incidentally collected information had ZERO criminal evidence, did NOT support the false claim of collusion, and contained ZERO Intel worth...but from THIS the Trump Witch Hunt spawned.

Today, nearly 11 months later, the snowflakes have no more evidence (which is NONE) than when they 1st started their bogus butt-hurt investigations.

The only thing continued to be offered is 'well, the digging isn't over'. It will NEVER be over, if they can get away with it.

Again, at SOME point they have to be told to PUT UP or STFU without evidence.
Mr. Trump publicly asked for Russian assistance.
I jokingly stated I wished a bus would run over Hillary (not really) - if it happens, that does not mean I colluded with the bus driver, lil' snowflake. Obama himself stated foreign countries try to hack us and impact our elections all the time. You're REACHING.


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