The Epidemic of White Supremacist Police


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Police have often been complicit in white supremacist violence.

In 2006, the FBI warned America about the infiltration of white supremacists into police departments. They were able to do so by using what are called ghost skins to apply for jobs in police departments. A ghost skin is a white supremacist who hides his/her white supremacist beliefs to blend into society and covertly help to further a racist agenda. These ghost skins operate in every occupation in America society, such is why claims of racism being in the past remains untrue. But the fact that white supremacists are wearing badges, are handed guns and given permission to end lives based on their discretion should concern all truly anti racist people.

“Although white supremacist groups have historically engaged in strategic efforts to infiltrate and recruit from law enforcement communities, current reporting on attempts reflects self-initiated efforts by individuals, particularly among those already within law enforcement ranks, to volunteer their professional resources to white supremacist causes with which they sympathize.”

What they saw in 2006 was that police were volunteering to help white supremacists. I had no idea I would ever see a day like January 6th, 2021. However, the reality of that day showed something to this country that should not be ignored or forgotten. Before I go there, it is important that we understand why a mob of white people were basically unopposed and allowed to run amok in the United States Capital building.

The death of George Floyd began a series of non stop daily protests nationwide. Those protests were heavily policed. People were arrested, detained, tear gassed, faced rubber bullets and in one instance used the military in the same city where the events on January 6th occurred. During the summer of 2020 the media and the administration tried presenting a narrative of Black Lives Matter violence in coordination with ANTIFA. Donald Trump sent secret police to a city claiming to be using them to protect federal property. He bellowed loudly about how he was not going to tolerate such rioting. He tried pressuring cities to increase police pressure or he would send in troops and he would set things straight with a quickness. This sounded good to the far right portion of the white community because the story was set that described the stereotype of the black looter, and in usual fashion there was ignorance to why blacks were angry.

But a funny thing happened, the protests were tracked and documented.

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds, September 5, 2020, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

Danielle Schulkin, White Supremacist Infiltration of US Police Forces: Fact-Checking National Security Advisor O’Brien, June 1, 2020,

Alice Speri, The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration Of Law Enforcement, The Intercept, January 31 2017,

Michael German, Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement, August 27, 2020, Brennan Center for Justice,

“White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement”, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 17 October 2006,

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: New Data for Summer 2020,
Replace White supremacy with Western Civilization. Hey Hotep if whites are supreme why give that up? Why should supreme people stop being supreme? There is no logic in that. What is the counter proposal, hunter gatherer societies?
Capitol protesters were maced, tear gassed, beaten and shot. But yeah go ahead and run with that "allowed to run amok with impunity" angle
The Cotton Picking OP wants to keep focus on RACE....and away from the real and substantial matters of the day.

It's also the tactic of the Establishment....keeping Americans at each others throats and away from focusing on them.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the OP was on Soros's payroll.
Replace White supremacy with Western Civilization. Hey Hotep if whites are supreme why give that up? Why should supreme people stop being supreme? There is no logic in that. What is the counter proposal, hunter gatherer societies?
Whites aren't supreme. I won't be replacing anything. Especially since "western civilization" was built by non whites and by wealth stolen from non whites.
Capitol protesters were maced, tear gassed, beaten and shot. But yeah go ahead and run with that "allowed to run amok with impunity" angle
The fact they were allowed to storm the nations capital over nothing is why I can say they were allowed to run amok with impunity.
The Cotton Picking OP wants to keep focus on RACE....and away from the real and substantial matters of the day.

It's also the tactic of the Establishment....keeping Americans at each others throats and away from focusing on them.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the OP was on Soros's payroll.
America has focused on race for 244 years. The matters of the day involve race. And the reason why a bunch of white people got to storm the nations capital for no true reason while police were taking selfies with them has everything to do with race.

And your last line proves you're an idiot.
Defund the police. Tell white people to defend themselves.
Shut your ass woman. A good backhand would send you to a hospital.
You should try it some time. Use your right hand. Your left will be trying to keep your intestines from falling on the floor.

It's blacks like you that give white supremacists a good name. What we need is a resurgence of the KKK. Bigger, stronger and far sneakier.
The Cotton Picking OP wants to keep focus on RACE....and away from the real and substantial matters of the day.

It's also the tactic of the Establishment....keeping Americans at each others throats and away from focusing on them.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the OP was on Soros's payroll.
Nah, black supremacists are not smart enough for a white like Soros.
Capitol protesters were maced, tear gassed, beaten and shot. But yeah go ahead and run with that "allowed to run amok with impunity" angle
The fact they were allowed to storm the nations capital over nothing is why I can say they were allowed to run amok with impunity.

Nothing says white privilege like a white woman getting shot in the face.
Capitol protesters were maced, tear gassed, beaten and shot. But yeah go ahead and run with that "allowed to run amok with impunity" angle
The fact they were allowed to storm the nations capital over nothing is why I can say they were allowed to run amok with impunity.

Nothing says white privilege like a white woman getting shot in the face.
White women are easy prey for blacks. So are the elderly. Why else does IM2 drool over his sex dreams of hitting me. He is fooling no one. Like many black men he fantasizes about beating white women while he jacks off.
Capitol protesters were maced, tear gassed, beaten and shot. But yeah go ahead and run with that "allowed to run amok with impunity" angle
The fact they were allowed to storm the nations capital over nothing is why I can say they were allowed to run amok with impunity.

Nothing says white privilege like a white woman getting shot in the face.
White women are easy prey for blacks. So are the elderly. Why else does IM2 drool over his sex dreams of hitting me. He is fooling no one. Like many black men he fantasizes about beating white women while he jacks off.

Ack! Now there's a mental image I could do without LOL
Those traffic cameras are racist because they catch twice the rate of black law breakers.

Neighborhood watch home security cameras always show Blacks stealing & robbing, just like on the evening news shows steady stream of black criminals.
Capitol protesters were maced, tear gassed, beaten and shot. But yeah go ahead and run with that "allowed to run amok with impunity" angle
The fact they were allowed to storm the nations capital over nothing is why I can say they were allowed to run amok with impunity.

Nothing says white privilege like a white woman getting shot in the face.
White women are easy prey for blacks. So are the elderly. Why else does IM2 drool over his sex dreams of hitting me. He is fooling no one. Like many black men he fantasizes about beating white women while he jacks off.
I don't hit women. But I said that to you in order for you to understand your place. You can't whip nobody and all you do is talk racist shit you would be too scared to walk up to a black female to say. I don't have to fantasize about women of any race. And you're the one talking about black men and sex. Apparently you fantasize about jacking off a black man.
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Capitol protesters were maced, tear gassed, beaten and shot. But yeah go ahead and run with that "allowed to run amok with impunity" angle
The fact they were allowed to storm the nations capital over nothing is why I can say they were allowed to run amok with impunity.

Nothing says white privilege like a white woman getting shot in the face.
Nothing says white privilege like an old dried up white ho talking racist shit online that she won't say to a black persons face. And nothing exemplifies white privilege more than a bunch of whites storming the capital because they are mad about something they imagined.
Those traffic cameras are racist because they catch twice the rate of black law breakers.

Neighborhood watch home security cameras always show Blacks stealing & robbing, just like on the evening news shows steady stream of black criminals.
And the Uniform Crime Reports show us every year that nationwide, whites are arrested 3 times more than everybody else.
Those traffic cameras are racist because they catch twice the rate of black law breakers.

Neighborhood watch home security cameras always show Blacks stealing & robbing, just like on the evening news shows steady stream of black criminals.
And the Uniform Crime Reports show us every year that nationwide, whites are arrested 3 times more than everybody else.
That's because there are 5 times more whites you idiot!!! Black crime rate is more than double!!! I see Blacks crimes on cameras every day!!!
Capitol protesters were maced, tear gassed, beaten and shot. But yeah go ahead and run with that "allowed to run amok with impunity" angle
The fact they were allowed to storm the nations capital over nothing is why I can say they were allowed to run amok with impunity.

Nothing says white privilege like a white woman getting shot in the face.
White women are easy prey for blacks. So are the elderly. Why else does IM2 drool over his sex dreams of hitting me. He is fooling no one. Like many black men he fantasizes about beating white women while he jacks off.
I don't hit women. But I said that to you in order for you to understand your place. You can't whip nobody and all you do is talk racist shit you would be too scared to walk up to a black female to say. I don't have to fantasize about women of any race. And you're the one talking about black men and sex. Apparently you fantasize about jacking off a black man.
You reveal yourself as if you drop your pants every day. What a worthless waste of skin you are. You and all your moaning buddies.

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