The End of 'Values' in Society


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. A philosophical Litmus test that distinguishes Liberals from conservatives is how they place humans in the world. For conservatives, and traditionalists, humans are set apart from the rest of the biosphere, different in both abilities and characteristics.

For the Left, we are simply one more organism, with neither expectations nor responsibilities that differentiate us from any other living thing.

2. The Left's beliefs, with Freud, Darwin, and Marx as the pillars of their philosophy, is certainly easier to live with, as it allows for unmitigated nor restrained behaviors, and allows the same morality found in the rest of the animal kingdom. This view reduces morality to personal taste: “Whatever works for you.”

Once "religion" is of this secular variety, morality becomes whatever the government says it is. Fine, unless one objects to the morality of the Nazis, the communists, or the American politicians who endorse infanticide, adultery and murder.

3. When morality became privatized and, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings become the arbiters of behavior.

Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
Melanie Phillips, "The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.

4. Consider how Liberal control of the schools and the media has changed outlooks.
"Although women have always been considered to be more devoted supporters of monogamy than men, is their support really that unconditional? ....while most woman prefer monogamy, is it possible there is a significant minority that sees it as a fundamental abridgment of their rights? And is that minority having a large and growing impact on what happens in American society?"
William Tucker," Marriage and Civilization: How Monogamy Made Us Human ," p. 224

a. Not a day goes by without some news item about "female high school teachers who seduce their students, neighborhood mothers who sleep with teenage boys, "groupies" who throw themselves at rock stars, and a whole variety of scenarios where women are the sexual aggressors."
Tucker, Op. Cit., p. 221-222

5. It wasn't always that way.

a. In America, the spirit of religion nourished the spirit of liberty. “Liberty…regards religion as the safeguard of morality, and morality as the best security of law and the surest pledge of the duration of freedom…”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol. I. p. 44.

b. “There are certain populations in Europe whose unbelief is only equaled by their ignorance and debasement; while in America, one of the freest and most enlightened nations in the world, the people fulfill with fervor all the outward duties of religion…”
Ibid., p. 308.

6. So....who benefits from monogamy? In "The Puzzle of Monogamous Marriage," []The puzzle of monogamous marriage that question is examined: it isn't high-status men, and this factor works against societal monogamy, as well. Women prefer higher status males as long-term pair-bonded partners, and it is low-status women who are constricted as to their choice of husbands. What can these women do?

Well....if the Liberal view is their guide, they can behave as other members of the animal kingdom do. Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, anthropologist and primatologist, takes a look at evolutionary psychology and sociobiology of chimps, in which the female mates with every male, and often steal away and mate with the males of neighboring groups as well.

7. Today, there is a dominant political philosophy that, it seems, encourages this primitive behavior via lack of condemnation, and even with government entitlements.

8. "She is the Welfare Mother, the woman who has a large brood of children by different men. (Of the women on welfare) 42% had only one child, and 30% had two. But the remainder- 4 million single mothers- consisted of women with sizable broods, almost always by multiple fathers."
Tucker, Op. Cit., p.227.

This would not be possible without Liberal welfare policies.
Tucker makes the following observations:

9. Once an advanced society removes the social norms that condemn illegitimacy, and provide financial support to unwed mothers....where is the surprise?
What result should anyone expect???

And, Liberal welfare policies also encouraged the irresponsible male who impregnated as many females as possible with no concern as to who was going to provide for and clothe them.

10. During the crime waves of the 80s and 90s, a group of researchers gave a battery of psychological tests to young African-American criminals, and found the following constellation of pathologies: impulsive, with short time horizons, and almost no sense of social obligation.

When the researchers gave the same test to young females....they found the same profiles fit single mothers.

The radicals of the 60's found that they couldn't burn down the colleges, or blow up the they took over the media and the schools.......

.....and the 60s has had its revenge.

Welcome to our brave new without social values.
What we are seeing is the elimination of voluntary "Civil Society" (in which values are a common bond that holds society together). Big Government has crowded out much of Civil Society, replacing values with a byzantine system of laws and regulations with which individuals can be rewarded and punished.

It's horrifying.
I suggest reading the Grapes of Wrath to see the true humanity of Conservatism.
Or perhaps check out the Great Depression.
The End of 'Values' in Society

Given the propensity of conservatives to lie and contrive ‘controversies’ where none exist, the right’s hostility toward the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, and minority voters, and republican administrations starting illegal wars predicated on lies, it is clear that conservative doctrine and dogma are responsible for an ‘end’ of values in society.
I suggest reading the Grapes of Wrath to see the true humanity of Conservatism.
Or perhaps check out the Great Depression.

I have, of course, read 'Grapes.'

Love Steinbeck.

But you disapprobation is misplaced: Liberals and Liberalism are the cause of the problem.

11. More pressure to end monogamy comes from another Liberal contingent, the feminists, whose dream is a world where childbearing is entirely separate from any nuclear family:
'A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.' Gloria Steinem.

Well, then, what to make of this experiment, done at the Yerkes Primate Research Center in the 70s...where researchers confined a mother and her offspring with an adult male, to see if the result would be a nuclear family of sorts.

"The male played very rough with them- batting them around, and treating them rougher than any female would do....The young chimps couldn't get enough of it. They kept coming back for more.....those youngsters turned out to be the bravest, most self-confident chimps we've ever raised here."
Turner, Op. Cit.

In humans, of course, the statistics of children growing up without fathers is well documented, as is the effects on family dissolution due to welfare.

There is no way- in the realm of honesty- can this be turned to indict conservatives or traditionalists.
The End of 'Values' in Society

Actual meaning,

"My way is the right way."

'A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.' Gloria Steinem.


If our bloodless Ann Coulter wannabe is gonna cite experiments with primates, I would suggest reading Harry Harlow followed by Robert J. White.

The End of 'Values' in Society

Actual meaning,

"My way is the right way."

'A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.' Gloria Steinem.


If our bloodless Ann Coulter wannabe is gonna cite experiments with primates, I would suggest reading Harry Harlow followed by Robert J. White.


"If our bloodless Ann Coulter wannabe is gonna cite experiments with primates,..."

Let's get this straight: as you are an uneducated, inarticulate simian-countenanced individual yourself.....

....thus explaining your sensitivity to any reference to primates.....

...are you actually questioning the conclusion, that children are better off in a family with both parents???

For, that was the conclusion of said experiment...and you have made that your current gripe.

Bet that, as usual, when I put you in your place, you will respond with silence.
Possibly your best endeavor.
I suggest reading the Grapes of Wrath to see the true humanity of Conservatism.
Or perhaps check out the Great Depression.
I suggest freeing your mind from your leftist prison.
Given the propensity of conservatives to lie and contrive ‘controversies’ where none exist, the right’s hostility toward the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, and minority voters, and republican administrations starting illegal wars predicated on lies, it is clear that conservative doctrine and dogma are responsible for an ‘end’ of values in society.
No one divides and creates more drama than the left, it's how they do business. They also voted and funded those wars but it isn't in your talking points bulletin so it doesn't exit for you. Gays have had civil liberties since sodomy laws fell out of favor, not many were prosecuted for it anyway.

The steady stream of your type of misinformation is what hurts this society, many live their lives based on the lies and propaganda your side promotes with the help of the main stream media outlets.
And, the veritable nexus of Liberalism and the feminists, Hillary Clinton.

12. And, right there, ahead of the curve for collectivist parenting is Hillary Clinton, propounding it in her best-seller "It Takes A Village."

While she advises all to study Africa to see this phenomenon in action, selecting one of the most dysfunctional regions in the world, she soon transposes the idea to big government: government in the role of father, the welfare system to support single mothers.

a. "... the feminist movement has carried on a strenuous campaign to move all homemakers out of the home ("a comfortable concentration camp," in Betty Friedan's words), and into the workplace on the argument that caring for babies is not a worthy occupation for an educated woman. Feminists have even propagated the myth that expecting mothers to care for their own babies is an example of the oppression of women by the patriarchy." The High Costs of Marriage Absence

Liberalism, feminism, anti-family values.....and it's not over yet.
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What a society values speaks volumes about it. A society that values God, family, children, work, education - is a society that will flourish. A society that doesn't value God, family, children, hard work, education is a society that has lost its way and is doomed. imo.
What a society values speaks volumes about it. A society that values God, family, children, work, education - is a society that will flourish. A society that doesn't value God, family, children, hard work, education is a society that has lost its way and is doomed. imo.

Diagnosis and prognosis.

What you note is, of course, the truth....but one difficult to see if one can only view life through the prism of one's own existence.

Only through the prism of human existence, i.e., history, and the myriad exchanges that folks have had....memorialized in the lessons that include the Bible, can one see where we are going.

My view is that western civilization has consciously or inadvertently, given up values for material rewards. That is the reason why the religiosity of the Founders has given way to the views of Karl Marx, that acquisition of 'things' is more important.

It may, in fact, be the central friction between Christianity and Islam at this point in time.
Societies will always have "values".

And over time those "values" are likely to change in response to changing conditions both within the society and in the world outside of that society.

As to the points that PC is trying to make?

Well she clearly objects to those values (ones that she is comdemning as liberal) because they LIBERATE human beings from the VALUES of her religion.

Today's self proclaiming CONS seem to hate secular society.

That is what they are calling LIBERAL.
Societies will always have "values".

And over time those "values" are likely to change in response to changing conditions both within the society and in the world outside of that society.

As to the points that PC is trying to make?

Well she clearly objects to those values (ones that she is comdemning as liberal) because they LIBERATE human beings from the VALUES of her religion.

Today's self proclaiming CONS seem to hate secular society.

That is what they are calling LIBERAL.
No, the COMS have been steadily replacing values with moral relativism. The is a benefit to a society sharing values but when values are subjective they are not commonly shared. All values are acceptable and up to the individual to define except, as your post indicates, those that disagree with liberalism. Go figure.
Societies will always have "values".

And over time those "values" are likely to change in response to changing conditions both within the society and in the world outside of that society.

As to the points that PC is trying to make?

Well she clearly objects to those values (ones that she is comdemning as liberal) because they LIBERATE human beings from the VALUES of her religion.

Today's self proclaiming CONS seem to hate secular society.

That is what they are calling LIBERAL.

One should evaluate the results of changing values and behaviors, promoted by secularists and leftists, on society. When one does, it is difficult to conclude that these new values are effective. In fact, it is rather clear that they are most detrimental to society, but they continue unabated and those who criticize these 'new' values are roundly condemned by the Left...evidenced by responses to this thread.

Irony...secularists and liberals claim to be tolerant, but they are most intolerant of anyone who criticizes their beliefs. Rather than debate the consequences, they condemn.

Could it be that the movement behind the imposition of these 'new' values has ulterior motives?
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What a society values speaks volumes about it. A society that values God, family, children, work, education - is a society that will flourish. A society that doesn't value God, family, children, hard work, education is a society that has lost its way and is doomed. imo.

Diagnosis and prognosis.

What you note is, of course, the truth....but one difficult to see if one can only view life through the prism of one's own existence.

Only through the prism of human existence, i.e., history, and the myriad exchanges that folks have had....memorialized in the lessons that include the Bible, can one see where we are going.

My view is that western civilization has consciously or inadvertently, given up values for material rewards. That is the reason why the religiosity of the Founders has given way to the views of Karl Marx, that acquisition of 'things' is more important.

It may, in fact, be the central friction between Christianity and Islam at this point in time.

One of the declines of our society has been falling into the immediate gratification trap. If we are hungry we drive through Burger King - where we are told we can "have it our way" - if our wait is over a few minutes we are complaining, we have become a microwave society that wants everything now. We've demanded our own way and against the better consciences of some in office the people have been given what they demanded. A King.

It reminds me of the story of Samuel. Up until then the LORD had ruled Israel through His Prophets. But the people wanted to go modern - give us a King they cried! Samuel was grieved. God told him these people will be put under a heavy burden by this King they ask for, their sons and daughters will pay that price also, nevertheless, if that is what they want give it to them. Just tell them not to complain once it is done.

The rest of the history of Saul is not good. This brings us to now:

Back in 08' the people cried, Give us a King! Isn't that what happened? Yes, it was.

Now we've got the 5th year of this Rehoboam and things are not looking too bright as the Assyrians gather round about. The temple has been plundered, the gold is gone & the split of the kingdom / invasion looks imminent from where I'm sitting... that is as close a lesson from history as we can get on where its going. This is only my point of view and time will prove whether or not it is accurate. I have always found the history of the bible as the most reliable source to learn good lessons.
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Societies will always have "values".

And over time those "values" are likely to change in response to changing conditions both within the society and in the world outside of that society.

As to the points that PC is trying to make?

Well she clearly objects to those values (ones that she is comdemning as liberal) because they LIBERATE human beings from the VALUES of her religion.

Today's self proclaiming CONS seem to hate secular society.

That is what they are calling LIBERAL.

Your secular religion, Liberalism, clearly objects to what made this nation great, the values of the Founders.

These could be summarized as individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

And the reverse of those values, with bowing to the 'god' of big government, is far from LIBERATING human beings.....

...unless you describe the hundred million human beings slaughtered under the big government imprimatur, communism, as having been LIBERATED.'

Now, if you feel that you can come up with some counter to this post....please feel free to do so....and I will shred it.

If you realize how fallacious your post is.....simply remain silent.
And have a good day.
Did you know the enemies within Israel could not bring her to her knees until they removed the worship to the LORD and replaced it with idol worship! Sound like a familiar strategy? It should!

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