Nothing wrong with teaparties or marchs on DC. Of course liberals like to believe its just the crazy right wing of the GOP. Kinda funny, all the marchs I saw included Dems, Reps and Independents if all the newscasters were to be believed. Just good ol'Americans exercising their civil rights to protest and try to save some of their hard earned money. Don't worry, as much as the liberals bitch about the right wing of the GOP, their left wiing does the exact same thing. Of course its not covered by our oh so great news media in quite the same way.
As for the GOP, they need to get it together and give the Dems a run for their money in 2010. I'm an Independent myself and alreay know who I will be voting for and it sure ain't gonna be anyone who supports that wingnut in the whithouse and his looney agenda. Guaranteed.