The End Of Our Empire Approaches: History Is Clear On Where We're Headed...

No one should be forced into socialism
I agree, but by the same token, no one should be forced into Capitalism.
Who is forcing your sorry liberal ass into Capitalism? If you don't like it here, fucking move to Cuba, where you can live your Socialist Utopian Dream. Just leave your passport at the border on your way out. Problem is you are too chicken shit to leave, because as long as the United States is around, more people leave to come here to be free, their CHOICE, while leaving their oppressive governments that you so adore.
I'm not talking about here you fucking moron.

I'm talking about US domination of foreign economic decisions. It's called Empire.
please provide some examples of this domination of foreign economic decisions
  1. 1.
    an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress.
here are some more, broader definitions
the definition of empire
it appears domination of foreign economic decisions is NOT the definition of Empire
you have to be reaching very far for that to be seen as Empire
The Ukraine situation is a recent example. The US stepped into the middle of a domestic dispute about an economic association agreement to ensure that the Western banks won.
No one should be forced into socialism
I agree, but by the same token, no one should be forced into Capitalism.
Who is forcing your sorry liberal ass into Capitalism? If you don't like it here, fucking move to Cuba, where you can live your Socialist Utopian Dream. Just leave your passport at the border on your way out. Problem is you are too chicken shit to leave, because as long as the United States is around, more people leave to come here to be free, their CHOICE, while leaving their oppressive governments that you so adore.
I'm not talking about here you fucking moron.

I'm talking about US domination of foreign economic decisions. It's called Empire.
please provide some examples of this domination of foreign economic decisions
  1. 1.
    an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress.
here are some more, broader definitions
the definition of empire
it appears domination of foreign economic decisions is NOT the definition of Empire
you have to be reaching very far for that to be seen as Empire
The Ukraine situation is a recent example. The US stepped into a domestic dispute about an economic association agreement to ensure that the Western banks won.
--that doesn't fit the definition
please explain your theory on how it does
I agree, but by the same token, no one should be forced into Capitalism.
Who is forcing your sorry liberal ass into Capitalism? If you don't like it here, fucking move to Cuba, where you can live your Socialist Utopian Dream. Just leave your passport at the border on your way out. Problem is you are too chicken shit to leave, because as long as the United States is around, more people leave to come here to be free, their CHOICE, while leaving their oppressive governments that you so adore.
I'm not talking about here you fucking moron.

I'm talking about US domination of foreign economic decisions. It's called Empire.
please provide some examples of this domination of foreign economic decisions
  1. 1.
    an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress.
here are some more, broader definitions
the definition of empire
it appears domination of foreign economic decisions is NOT the definition of Empire
you have to be reaching very far for that to be seen as Empire
The Ukraine situation is a recent example. The US stepped into a domestic dispute about an economic association agreement to ensure that the Western banks won.
--that doesn't fit the definition
please explain your theory on how it does
Interfering in the political processes of a sovereign nation to affect the outcome of an economic decision does not fit the description of "dominating foreign economic decisions"?

We have nothing more to discuss.
Using the word, "Empire" with the United States is slanderous, false, and ignorant.

The U.S. has NEVER sought to create or maintain an empire. To those who claim we have, what countries are under our control? Name them.

Compare our history with the British imperial period. Compare with what the Europeans did and tried to do in Africa and Southeast Asia. In fact, there IS NO comparison.

When have we ever invaded a foreign country or declared war on a country, FOR OUR OWN BENEFIT? Never.
We are not an empire in the old traditional sense that you appear to be fixated on. What really constitutes a modern empire? Influence. Aspects of our culture, language and customs permeate a large portion of the world and what currency is the primary international currency of the world? The dollar. All of that is what makes us a modern empire.
Those that get in the game do well, those that don't end up like Venezuela.

Play ball or the US will make every attempt to destabilize you.
You really are an idiot? Don't answer that you want Socialism. We haven't done shit to Ven , they did it to themselves. Just like Cuba, East Germany, and the USSR.. Shame you have a few chromosomes short because the rest of US know how bad Socialism is. Did you know that Socialism was tried in the Land of Opportunity before but failed?
Who is forcing your sorry liberal ass into Capitalism? If you don't like it here, fucking move to Cuba, where you can live your Socialist Utopian Dream. Just leave your passport at the border on your way out. Problem is you are too chicken shit to leave, because as long as the United States is around, more people leave to come here to be free, their CHOICE, while leaving their oppressive governments that you so adore.
I'm not talking about here you fucking moron.

I'm talking about US domination of foreign economic decisions. It's called Empire.
please provide some examples of this domination of foreign economic decisions
  1. 1.
    an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress.
here are some more, broader definitions
the definition of empire
it appears domination of foreign economic decisions is NOT the definition of Empire
you have to be reaching very far for that to be seen as Empire
The Ukraine situation is a recent example. The US stepped into a domestic dispute about an economic association agreement to ensure that the Western banks won.
--that doesn't fit the definition
please explain your theory on how it does
Interfering in the political processes of a sovereign nation to affect the outcome of an economic decision does not fit the description of "dominating foreign economic decisions"?

We have nothing more to discuss.
Were you okay with Obama, interfering in the elections of Britain and Israel? Why was it a Socialist President who want to be the naked emperor meddled in the affairs of other nations, and you libtards adored him?
THIS is what's destroying our country.

Tragedy and Hope
A History of Banking and Money by Carroll Quigley
Tragedy and Hope

This is who wrote it.

"Carroll Quigley was a professor of history at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976. He also taught at Princeton and at Harvard, and lectured at the Brookings Institution. He was a frequent lecturer at the U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, the Foreign Service Institute, and the Naval College at Norfolk, Virginia. In 1958, he served as a consultant to the Congressional Select Committee which set up the National Space Agency. Below are key excerpts on the history of money and banking from Prof. Quigley's masterpiece Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time.

Note: The below excerpts are taken from chapters 5, 9, 20, 65, and 77 of Tragedy and Hope, with a focus on Prof. Quigley's excellent discussion of the role of money and banking in world history. This is a 10-page summary. To go directly to a more in-depth 40-page summary, click here."

He is one of them, he had direct access to all of their paperwork. I'd ask you to read the book but you won't, it's too much work and something that takes time to digest.
No one should be forced into socialism
I agree, but by the same token, no one should be forced into Capitalism.
Who is forcing your sorry liberal ass into Capitalism? If you don't like it here, fucking move to Cuba, where you can live your Socialist Utopian Dream. Just leave your passport at the border on your way out. Problem is you are too chicken shit to leave, because as long as the United States is around, more people leave to come here to be free, their CHOICE, while leaving their oppressive governments that you so adore.
I'm not talking about here you fucking moron.

I'm talking about US domination of foreign economic decisions. It's called Empire.

Yup, how's that tolerance working for ya, moron.
No one should be forced into socialism
I agree, but by the same token, no one should be forced into Capitalism.

Capitalism is the natural economic system. It has been practiced successfully, even before people knew what economics was. A serf trading two pigs for a cow was capitalism in action.
I agree that it is natural. I also know that things evolve and that evolution is massaged by contradictions. Contradictions like what we see in the capitalist system today.
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No one should be forced into socialism
I agree, but by the same token, no one should be forced into Capitalism.

Capitalism is the natural economic system. It has been practiced successfully, even before people knew what economics was. A serf trading two pigs for a cow was capitalism in action.

"The control of financial capitalism was used to integrate the industrial system into ever-larger units with interlinking financial controls. This made possible a reduction of competition with a resulting increase in profits. As a result, the industrial system soon found that it was again able to finance its own expansion from its own profits, and, with this achievement, financial controls were weakened, and the stage of monopoly capitalism arrived.

Capitalism, because it seeks profits as its primary goal, is never primarily seeking to achieve prosperity, high production, high consumption, political power, patriotic improvement, or moral uplift. Any of these may be achieved under capitalism, and any (or all) of them may he sacrificed and lost under capitalism, depending on this relationship to the primary goal of capitalist activity—the pursuit of profits. During the nine-hundred-year history of capitalism, it has, at various times, contributed both to the achievement and to the destruction of these other social goals.

Tragedy and Hope

Capitalism is a to edged sword. Left to the common man it is an amazing system, but since the Banker's control it, it is a weapon.
The many years of Empire-Building are beginning to haunt us. All Empires fall. We should have listened to our Founding Fathers' warnings on Empire-Building.

Interesting article by Chris Martenson

Do you have the nagging sense that our empire is in decline?

If so, don’t be embarrassed by it. Historically speaking, we’re in very good company. Far larger and longer-lived empires than ours have come and gone over the millennia.

This was hit home for me on a recent trip. I scored a major “dad win” by taking my youngest daughter, Grace, to England for her 18th birthday (we live in Massachusetts, USA).

All on her own, Grace developed an abiding love of mythology at a very young age: Greek, Roman, Norse, Native American, Aztec…you name it. She’s read the Iliad four times, a different version each time, as each has the biases of the translator subtly woven throughout.

Naturally, her dream mini-vacation involved going to the British Museum where the Rosetta stone lies, along with Viking horde treasures and every possible Roman, Greek and Egyptian artifact one could hope to see.

The British empire came of age at the perfect time to muscle in and “retrieve” the cultural treasures of many different countries. Such are the spoils of empire.

Who knows, perhaps one day we’ll see sliced off segments of the Palace of Westminster on display in Cairo’s main square. History ebbs and it flows. Back and forth. Victors and losers swapping places over and over again...

Read More:
The End Approaches - LewRockwell
Our demise has nothing to do with empire building. Greedy Americans who want to live off other productive Americans have lead us down this path.
The many years of Empire-Building are beginning to haunt us. All Empires fall. We should have listened to our Founding Fathers' warnings on Empire-Building.

Interesting article by Chris Martenson

Do you have the nagging sense that our empire is in decline?

If so, don’t be embarrassed by it. Historically speaking, we’re in very good company. Far larger and longer-lived empires than ours have come and gone over the millennia.

This was hit home for me on a recent trip. I scored a major “dad win” by taking my youngest daughter, Grace, to England for her 18th birthday (we live in Massachusetts, USA).

All on her own, Grace developed an abiding love of mythology at a very young age: Greek, Roman, Norse, Native American, Aztec…you name it. She’s read the Iliad four times, a different version each time, as each has the biases of the translator subtly woven throughout.

Naturally, her dream mini-vacation involved going to the British Museum where the Rosetta stone lies, along with Viking horde treasures and every possible Roman, Greek and Egyptian artifact one could hope to see.

The British empire came of age at the perfect time to muscle in and “retrieve” the cultural treasures of many different countries. Such are the spoils of empire.

Who knows, perhaps one day we’ll see sliced off segments of the Palace of Westminster on display in Cairo’s main square. History ebbs and it flows. Back and forth. Victors and losers swapping places over and over again...

Read More:
The End Approaches - LewRockwell
Our demise has nothing to do with empire building. Greedy Americans who want to live off other productive Americans have lead us down this path.
The bankers. Good point. The bankers definitely drive the empire.
The many years of Empire-Building are beginning to haunt us. All Empires fall. We should have listened to our Founding Fathers' warnings on Empire-Building.

Interesting article by Chris Martenson

Do you have the nagging sense that our empire is in decline?

If so, don’t be embarrassed by it. Historically speaking, we’re in very good company. Far larger and longer-lived empires than ours have come and gone over the millennia.

This was hit home for me on a recent trip. I scored a major “dad win” by taking my youngest daughter, Grace, to England for her 18th birthday (we live in Massachusetts, USA).

All on her own, Grace developed an abiding love of mythology at a very young age: Greek, Roman, Norse, Native American, Aztec…you name it. She’s read the Iliad four times, a different version each time, as each has the biases of the translator subtly woven throughout.

Naturally, her dream mini-vacation involved going to the British Museum where the Rosetta stone lies, along with Viking horde treasures and every possible Roman, Greek and Egyptian artifact one could hope to see.

The British empire came of age at the perfect time to muscle in and “retrieve” the cultural treasures of many different countries. Such are the spoils of empire.

Who knows, perhaps one day we’ll see sliced off segments of the Palace of Westminster on display in Cairo’s main square. History ebbs and it flows. Back and forth. Victors and losers swapping places over and over again...

Read More:
The End Approaches - LewRockwell
Where we differ, if it is any solice to you is our locaton on the planet! All those failed empires had rival empires close! If we pull back on the rains and realize our stratigic positioning again we can stop the decline!
The many years of Empire-Building are beginning to haunt us. All Empires fall. We should have listened to our Founding Fathers' warnings on Empire-Building.

Interesting article by Chris Martenson

Do you have the nagging sense that our empire is in decline?

If so, don’t be embarrassed by it. Historically speaking, we’re in very good company. Far larger and longer-lived empires than ours have come and gone over the millennia.

This was hit home for me on a recent trip. I scored a major “dad win” by taking my youngest daughter, Grace, to England for her 18th birthday (we live in Massachusetts, USA).

All on her own, Grace developed an abiding love of mythology at a very young age: Greek, Roman, Norse, Native American, Aztec…you name it. She’s read the Iliad four times, a different version each time, as each has the biases of the translator subtly woven throughout.

Naturally, her dream mini-vacation involved going to the British Museum where the Rosetta stone lies, along with Viking horde treasures and every possible Roman, Greek and Egyptian artifact one could hope to see.

The British empire came of age at the perfect time to muscle in and “retrieve” the cultural treasures of many different countries. Such are the spoils of empire.

Who knows, perhaps one day we’ll see sliced off segments of the Palace of Westminster on display in Cairo’s main square. History ebbs and it flows. Back and forth. Victors and losers swapping places over and over again...

Read More:
The End Approaches - LewRockwell
Where we differ, if it is any solice to you is our locaton on the planet! All those failed empires had rival empires close! If we pull back on the rains and realize our stratigic positioning again we can stop the decline!
Modern technology has made geographical proximity a moot point.
The many years of Empire-Building are beginning to haunt us. All Empires fall. We should have listened to our Founding Fathers' warnings on Empire-Building.

Interesting article by Chris Martenson

Do you have the nagging sense that our empire is in decline?

If so, don’t be embarrassed by it. Historically speaking, we’re in very good company. Far larger and longer-lived empires than ours have come and gone over the millennia.

This was hit home for me on a recent trip. I scored a major “dad win” by taking my youngest daughter, Grace, to England for her 18th birthday (we live in Massachusetts, USA).

All on her own, Grace developed an abiding love of mythology at a very young age: Greek, Roman, Norse, Native American, Aztec…you name it. She’s read the Iliad four times, a different version each time, as each has the biases of the translator subtly woven throughout.

Naturally, her dream mini-vacation involved going to the British Museum where the Rosetta stone lies, along with Viking horde treasures and every possible Roman, Greek and Egyptian artifact one could hope to see.

The British empire came of age at the perfect time to muscle in and “retrieve” the cultural treasures of many different countries. Such are the spoils of empire.

Who knows, perhaps one day we’ll see sliced off segments of the Palace of Westminster on display in Cairo’s main square. History ebbs and it flows. Back and forth. Victors and losers swapping places over and over again...

Read More:
The End Approaches - LewRockwell
Where we differ, if it is any solice to you is our locaton on the planet! All those failed empires had rival empires close! If we pull back on the rains and realize our stratigic positioning again we can stop the decline!
Modern technology has made geographical proximity a moot point.
You can not beat the the mathmatics of work. To move the weight of an army as far as it needs to go requires vast amounts of BTU;s. BTU's are not free. Wars also require a supply line the Atlantic and Pacific oceans offer more than a few opportunities to attack that supply line. Who has a navel force to stand against ours. The cost of defending our selves should be far smaller than any other nation that is relevant. We do not take advantage of this like we should!
No one should be forced into socialism
I agree, but by the same token, no one should be forced into Capitalism.

Capitalism is the natural economic system. It has been practiced successfully, even before people knew what economics was. A serf trading two pigs for a cow was capitalism in action.
I agree that it is natural. I also know that things evolve and that evolution is massaged by contradictions. Contradictions like what we see in the capitalist system today.
So you would like it for the government to tax successful hard working people more, so those less successful, lazy liberal fucks, can get more FREE STUFF?
Gloom and doom.

When is it going to happen? Please be specific, okay?
Yeah I am still waiting for the planet to burn up like Al Gore and the rest of you tards predicted....


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