The End of Liberalism


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"From the very beginning of the Obama presidency Democrats have been acting like kids in a candy store - doubling down on the TARP bailout and the $787 billion stimulus/slush fund. The most recent 1.1 trillion spending bill and now the health care bill which, with a little accounting sleight-of-hand, comes in at under one trillion, the Democrats are spending like there are no more tomorrows.

What will be the results of all of this out of control spending?

The consequences will be many but one of the most surprising results could be the end of liberalism. At least that's the opinion of this editorial in the Washington Examiner. Which begins with this extraordinary statement: " With its most vigorous advocate in memory presiding in the White House and commanding Democratic majorities in Congress, it's difficult to believe that the end of liberalism may be within sight."

In other words, within the lifetimes of the vast majority of living Americans, government as we have known it since the New Deal will become paralyzed, unable to deliver even basic services, let alone the myriad of entitlements that politicians had promised would last forever. Liberalism will owe its undoing to its blind faith that government could forever be the inexhaustible provider of ever more spending, more benefits and more prosperity, with nary a day of reckoning."
American Thinker Blog: The end of liberalism?
This is great news

Since Conservatism is already in political exile...Liberalism will soon be joining them
A one party system, what a great idea.
The Conservative Manifesto (feel free to add on as you please)

1. All men are created equal, however, some men are more equal than others.
2. Liberty is a right, and each man is responsible for protecting his own liberty.
3. Laws are made by men, guns provide greater protection than any law made by man.
4. Marriage is God's law, and as such needs to be protected from heretics.
5. Taxes and government are evil artifacts and are hereby abolished.
6. Let the buyer beware
7. If God wants clean water and clean air HE will provide them
8. All lower animals were put on earth by God to serve man.
9. Women were created to serve man, equal rights for equal work is a threat to Gods work.
10. Poor health is a sign of moral lapse and of God's judgement.
A one party system, what a great idea.
The Conservative Manifesto (feel free to add on as you please)

1. All men are created equal, however, some men are more equal than others.
2. Liberty is a right, and each man is responsible for protecting his own liberty.
3. Laws are made by men, guns provide greater protection than any law made by man.
4. Marriage is God's law, and as such needs to be protected from heretics.
5. Taxes and government are evil artifacts and are hereby abolished.
6. Let the buyer beware
7. If God wants clean water and clean air HE will provide them
8. All lower animals were put on earth by God to serve man.
9. Women were created to serve man, equal rights for equal work is a threat to Gods work.
10. Poor health is a sign of moral lapse and of God's judgement.

I prefer a one time slogan that ecompasses all of that and that is:

The state never enters into our dealings pertaining to our relationships with other human beings. Once you do all that the stuff you mentioned comes pretty natural to every human being.
A one party system, what a great idea.
The Conservative Manifesto (feel free to add on as you please)

1. All men are created equal, however, some men are more equal than others.
2. Liberty is a right, and each man is responsible for protecting his own liberty.
3. Laws are made by men, guns provide greater protection than any law made by man.
4. Marriage is God's law, and as such needs to be protected from heretics.
5. Taxes and government are evil artifacts and are hereby abolished.
6. Let the buyer beware
7. If God wants clean water and clean air HE will provide them
8. All lower animals were put on earth by God to serve man.
9. Women were created to serve man, equal rights for equal work is a threat to Gods work.
10. Poor health is a sign of moral lapse and of God's judgement.

I'll see your 'Conservative Manifesto,' and raise you some "Liberal Characteristics:"

1. As Eric Hoffer wrote in “The True Believer,” “… the frustrated favor radical change.” Those common folks who are happy with their circumstances and do not see themselves as victims pose a serious threat. They must be re-educated, or humiliated, or eliminated.

2. In support of totalist ideologies, he fully recognizes the necessity of violence. When made aware of the hideous slaughter perpetrated by these ideologies, he will first deny the truth, then come up with an explanation of the mayhem, and, finally, justify it.

3. [Paul Hollander] is best known for his now-classic book Political Pilgrims, which examined the phenomenon of twentieth-century Western intellectuals who allowed themselves to be seduced and duped by radical revolutionary regimes of the most patent despotism and brutality.( Between Experience and Reflection by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal 27 April 2009) We see that leftist intellectuals have claimed to be the moral arbiters of our society, and yet gravitate toward support of genocidal movements, as in support for Communist China, North Vietnam, Saddam, and Stalin.

4. His basic maxim is that he stands up for victims of capitalism and American ‘imperialism.’ He tries to see himself as a victim of these offenses, but, unfortunately, in many cases, the believer is often one of privilege and material luxury, and this exacerbates the guilt which the turns into a hatred for the society that so rewarded him. He admires any his own society fears or disapproves of. As in Bill Ayers, Michael Moore and the Hollywood elite.

5. Hating what he sees, he admires the Rousseau ‘noble savage,’ imagining a better, purer, less corrupt society, and enamoring any methods that will bring this world to that, as long as the methods are violent and bloody. Che Guevara.

6. Anathema to American traditions such as the sanctity of the individual, the liberals view big all-inclusive government as consistent with their devotion to the collective and the state. As a reformed totalist himself, George Orwell showed the results of government attempts at dehumanization in 1984. And Bill
Ayers Weather Underground forced group sex to break up personal relationships and “smash monogamy.”

For more along these lines, consider reading "United in Hate," by Dr. J. Glazov
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Sorry dwiddle, liberals & progressives are not at all like lock-step conservatives; it's very difficult to honestly characterize liberals, progressives or Democrats - quite easy to frame the modern conservative: Avarice, Bigotry, Censorship, Fear, Hate and Sloganism. All you need to know.
Sorry dwiddle, liberals & progressives are not at all like lock-step conservatives; it's very difficult to honestly characterize liberals, progressives or Democrats - quite easy to frame the modern conservative: Avarice, Bigotry, Censorship, Fear, Hate and Sloganism. All you need to know.

None of these really have anything to do with politics since they are just personal attributes associated with a person. However, associating personal attributes to the politics of the state is almost like saying the state determins the person through its laws and authority which is a symptom of totalitarian thought.
A one party system, what a great idea.
The Conservative Manifesto (feel free to add on as you please)

1. All men are created equal, however, some men are more equal than others.
2. Liberty is a right, and each man is responsible for protecting his own liberty.
3. Laws are made by men, guns provide greater protection than any law made by man.
4. Marriage is God's law, and as such needs to be protected from heretics.
5. Taxes and government are evil artifacts and are hereby abolished.
6. Let the buyer beware
7. If God wants clean water and clean air HE will provide them
8. All lower animals were put on earth by God to serve man.
9. Women were created to serve man, equal rights for equal work is a threat to Gods work.
10. Poor health is a sign of moral lapse and of God's judgement.

I have bolden things that do not have anything to do with politics that belong in the realm of people's own personal beliefs which they are free to form on their own.
The country is more liberal than it was 20 years, 40 years ago, 80 years ago, 200 years ago. It will be more liberal 20 years from now. Progress always wins eventually.
The country is more liberal than it was 20 years, 40 years ago, 80 years ago, 200 years ago. It will be more liberal 20 years from now. Progress always wins eventually.

How is more progress towards human freedom served when government has expanded over the last 200 years? I'm kind of curious at what state do you have more freedom. Is it when there is no government or total government and to which one of these do you think we should "progress" towards?
The country is more liberal than it was 20 years, 40 years ago, 80 years ago, 200 years ago. It will be more liberal 20 years from now. Progress always wins eventually.

How is more progress towards human freedom served when government has expanded over the last 200 years? I'm kind of curious at what state do you have more freedom. Is it when there is no government or total government and to which one of these do you think we should "progress" towards?

Gee, I don't know. Black people aren't slaves anymore. Women can vote. Children don't work in the coal mines. Industry doesn't dump anything it wants into our air water and land. For starters...

And we have Medicare now! Even conservatives love Medicare!!!!:lol::lol:
Yeah, that part astounded me to find out that conservatives love Medicare! They are defending any cuts in it! That does not line up with my memory of earlier positions on Medicare all the way to its founding, when I thought they opposed it. Oh, well, how time revisions history. Hmmm.
The country is more liberal than it was 20 years, 40 years ago, 80 years ago, 200 years ago. It will be more liberal 20 years from now. Progress always wins eventually.

How is more progress towards human freedom served when government has expanded over the last 200 years? I'm kind of curious at what state do you have more freedom. Is it when there is no government or total government and to which one of these do you think we should "progress" towards?

Gee, I don't know. Black people aren't slaves anymore. Women can vote. Children don't work in the coal mines. Industry doesn't dump anything it wants into our air water and land. For starters...

And we have Medicare now! Even conservatives love Medicare!!!!:lol::lol:

None of these things you listed really were the byproduct of "less government" because the laws that made slavery a perminent institution that was inescapable were the product of government action such as the fugitive slave act, slaves could not be taught to read or write, and many more big government laws expanded a slaves subjugation from their owner to the entire society because without these laws a slave who ran away would have been beholden to no one but the person who believe they owned them. This would have meant that an escaped slave could interact within society without the fear of government removing their freedom due to big government laws that protected the rights of the slave owner over the freedom of the slave.

Women voting? Are you serious? That is not an expansion of government since no law was created that anyone had to obey. it was an amendment to the constitution which is a restraint on government not on the people.

There was never a time in American history when it was OK to dump nasty shit onto someone else land or air but I can find laws that don't permit me to dump old car oil onto my own land and air so those laws are a restriction of my liberty over my own property. mean the tax I am forced to pay so that I have to buy into a program that I never wanted...That sounds like freedom.
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Yeah, that part astounded me to find out that conservatives love Medicare! They are defending any cuts in it! That does not line up with my memory of earlier positions on Medicare all the way to its founding, when I thought they opposed it. Oh, well, how time revisions history. Hmmm.

Thanks for pointing that out. After we kill healthcare we plan on undoing that in about 25 years.
Sorry dwiddle, liberals & progressives are not at all like lock-step conservatives; it's very difficult to honestly characterize liberals, progressives or Democrats - quite easy to frame the modern conservative: Avarice, Bigotry, Censorship, Fear, Hate and Sloganism. All you need to know.

Actually, you're both more alike than you realize. That's what's so ironic.
Sorry dwiddle, liberals & progressives are not at all like lock-step conservatives; it's very difficult to honestly characterize liberals, progressives or Democrats - quite easy to frame the modern conservative: Avarice, Bigotry, Censorship, Fear, Hate and Sloganism. All you need to know.

:clap2: Awesome troll post!!! :clap2:
Did anyone point out that Liberalism was the ideology of the Founding Fathers and is very different from the big-government nanny state of the Democrats?

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