The Emperor is definitely wearing clothes


Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2022
The existence of racialism in the world=The Emperor is wearing no clothes. The reality is blatant to those unwilling to engage in political correctness and face saving. It's simply too uncomfortable to acknowledge, but everyone knows the truth deep down. I remember back in my uncle tom days, I would say racist things to make whites feel comfortable, and they would reciprocate by confided in me with their racism. Fast forward to 2022, I see some of those same people whining about how the woke people are the real racists and creating division. So most of the people whining about the woke, themselves, are racists. It's pure projection-the closeted gay pastor (Ted Haggard) who excoriates gay people in the public, but gets his back blown out by male prostitutes in Motels. That sort of thing. Race is fundamental to society and always has been, and always will be. Opposition to the woke is about maintaining that system because it benefits white people; maintain white privileges and white supremacy, resources for white people. Other groups will engage in the the same type of gaslighting if they ever come to a position of predominance. Likewise, a white minority will also shift towards the type of things you hear the woke saying, if they were to become a minority. We need a black box that keeps all racial factions in check, that's why I am a proponent of the death penalty for racial grievance and hate speech.


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The existence of racialism in the world=The Emperor is wearing no clothes. The reality is blatant to those unwilling to engage in political correctness and face saving. It's simply too uncomfortable to acknowledge, but everyone knows the truth deep down. I remember back in my uncle tom days, I would say racist things to make whites feel comfortable, and they would reciprocate by confided in me with their racism. Fast forward to 2022, I see some of those same people whining about how the woke people are the real racists and creating division. So most of the people whining about the woke, themselves, are racists. It's pure projection-the closeted gay pastor (Ted Haggard) who excoriates gay people in the public, but gets his back blown out by male prostitutes in Motels. That sort of thing. Race is fundamental to society and always has been, and always will be. Opposition to the woke is about maintaining that system because it benefits white people; maintain white privileges and white supremacy, resources for white people. Other groups will engage in the the same type of gaslighting if they ever come to a position of predominance. Likewise, a white minority will also shift towards the type of things you hear the woke saying, if they were to become a minority. We need a black box that keeps all racial factions in check, that's why I am a proponent of the death penalty for racial grievance and hate speech.
Bwaaaaahhaaaaaaa....Back in the day Democrats owned slaves, then they fought to keep slaves during the civil war. Then when the slaves were freed, the Democrats terrorized the ex slaves with the KKK, who not only burned their businesses but murdered blacks along with white republicans. Woodrow Wilson segregated water fountains and the government after 30 years of reconstruction, FDR segregated the military and put Japanese Americans into camps. Then in the 50s the KKK showed up again, like Al Gore's father and Senator Robert KKK recruiter Byrd and sicked dogs and fire hoses on blacks, and today BLM/ANTIFA are burning black businesses again and murdering blacks in the 1000s. Nothing has changed with the Democrat party...
.......We need a black box that keeps all racial factions in check, that's why I am a proponent of the death penalty for racial grievance and hate speech.


So you would put someone to death because they might offend your sensibilities but not harm you physically.

That's very 1984ish of you.


Bwaaaaahhaaaaaaa....Back in the day Democrats owned slaves, then they fought to keep slaves during the civil war. Then when the slaves were freed, the Democrats terrorized the ex slaves with the KKK, who not only burned their businesses but murdered blacks along with white republicans. Woodrow Wilson segregated water fountains and the government after 30 years of reconstruction, FDR segregated the military and put Japanese Americans into camps. Then in the 50s the KKK showed up again, like Al Gore's father and Senator Robert KKK recruiter Byrd and sicked dogs and fire hoses on blacks, and today BLM/ANTIFA are burning black businesses again and murdering blacks in the 1000s. Nothing has changed with the Democrat party...
You are wrong about all that, furthermore, today's Republican party is the old democratic party. It's ridiculous to read the white doublespeak. Nobody today was alive during slavery but the democratic party is the party of slavery today. Reconstruction didn't last 30 years, a republican ended it in 1877.

Point number 1: Republicans authored an amendment making slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican party is the party of the Corwin Amendment that would have made slavery constitutional.

Point number 2: A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Point number 3: Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans that worked to purge blacks from the party.

Point number 4: Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. When blacks got Civil Rights, the Republican Party did not believe that was civil or right and decided that extremism in defense of liberty was no vice. In 1964 the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly 100 years of black support.

Point number 5: Today’s Republican Party is controlled by a racist Anti-Black base.
After thinking it over, I've decided that I am a black man. From now on, I'll be telling every white I meet he's a racist.
The existence of racialism in the world=The Emperor is wearing no clothes. The reality is blatant to those unwilling to engage in political correctness and face saving. It's simply too uncomfortable to acknowledge, but everyone knows the truth deep down. I remember back in my uncle tom days, I would say racist things to make whites feel comfortable, and they would reciprocate by confided in me with their racism. Fast forward to 2022, I see some of those same people whining about how the woke people are the real racists and creating division. So most of the people whining about the woke, themselves, are racists. It's pure projection-the closeted gay pastor (Ted Haggard) who excoriates gay people in the public, but gets his back blown out by male prostitutes in Motels. That sort of thing. Race is fundamental to society and always has been, and always will be. Opposition to the woke is about maintaining that system because it benefits white people; maintain white privileges and white supremacy, resources for white people. Other groups will engage in the the same type of gaslighting if they ever come to a position of predominance. Likewise, a white minority will also shift towards the type of things you hear the woke saying, if they were to become a minority. We need a black box that keeps all racial factions in check, that's why I am a proponent of the death penalty for racial grievance and hate speech.
You are a genuine idiot, poor thang.

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