The Education of Tucker Carlson on the Fauci-Virus


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Wakey wake, Tucker. This deserves its own place in the Hall of Fame for news network personalities getting their minds blown. Tucker is here seen one thing he rarely is: speechless. By a frontline doctor who has treated hundreds of COVID patients.

Wakey wake, Tucker. This deserves its own place in the Hall of Fame for news network personalities getting their minds blown. Tucker is here seen one thing he rarely is: speechless. By a frontline doctor who has treated hundreds of COVID patients.

Tucker is always speechless, he sits there while people talk and forgets to close his mouth. It's sad
Where was the "front line doctor" when NY governor Cuomo issued an edict that doomed an estimated 10,000 nursing home patients?
Wakey wake, Tucker. This deserves its own place in the Hall of Fame for news network personalities getting their minds blown. Tucker is here seen one thing he rarely is: speechless. By a frontline doctor who has treated hundreds of COVID patients.

Actually Tuck and the Dr had a rather meaningful exchange

Tucker's a hack. Always has been. He plays to the captive crowd that eats the pablum up.
Progs have thousands and thousands and thousands more 'hacks". Since Deplorables and Dregs are somewhere near half the population or so, we are severely shortchanged. You name individuals. Most of TV talkers are Prog. That is influence. A lot of influence. Agendas can be good. Excessiveness is destructive. And many agendas are at different levels of just that.
Wakey wake, Tucker. This deserves its own place in the Hall of Fame for news network personalities getting their minds blown. Tucker is here seen one thing he rarely is: speechless. By a frontline doctor who has treated hundreds of COVID patients.

Speechless? That’s what you got from the interview?
Wakey wake, Tucker. This deserves its own place in the Hall of Fame for news network personalities getting their minds blown. Tucker is here seen one thing he rarely is: speechless. By a frontline doctor who has treated hundreds of COVID patients.

Speechless? That’s what you got from the interview?

He keeps saying this is my job I follow all this stuff and you are blowing my mind. He repeats that number of times.
Where was the "front line doctor" when NY governor Cuomo issued an edict that doomed an estimated 10,000 nursing home patients?

Not just Cuomo, also Whitmer, Murphy in NJ, Gov. Tom Wolf in PA, all of them stone cold grandma killers.

You might be interested MI Senate subpoenas Whitmer nursing home documents, funny these things never make fake news NBC:

If you are interested join Justice For COVID19 Eldercide
Time for Fauci to admit he goofed.
It is 16 months of "flattening the curve" and obviously it totally failed.
Clearly there are only 2 ways to end an epidemic.
It it is very lethal, you quarantine completely like with Ebola.
Otherwise you want to accelerate infection to achieve herd immunity and end it.
Covid could have been ended last March if we let the initial spike increase until it used up all the easy hosts.
Fauci estimated that would have 2.4 million dead, but he was wrong because most people are inherent immune, the asymptomatic, and those under 70 have 40 times less chance or dying than those over 70.

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