The Earth was made for Human beings. There is no need for space travel.

We could talk about the thousands of everyday things that are in use that came out of the race to the moon.
We could talk about the overcrowding on earth and the fact that it could be eased.
We could talk about the fact that there is a need in humans to understand things we don't know and to see things, touch things that we have not done before.
We could talk about the numerous high paying jobs it would create.
We could talk about the numerous jobs that would be created as backup to the technical jobs.
But the biggest thing is there have been numerous mass extinction events in the past. There is a very high probability that there will be another. Do we really want to assure that the human race does not live on?

"Do we really want to assure that the human race does not live on?"


we're pretty fkn violent...

we all hate each other

war all over the planet

tyrannical ruthless dictators

the USA is embracing fascism.....

maybe extinction would be best for the universe....

I can't see humans ever becoming any better
And yet I feel there is hope. I tend to always hope for the best.
There have been predictions of the end of the world many times. During world wars, during times of financial stress and yet we are still here.
At numerous times the U.S. has had slavery in one form or another. Now it is slowly disappearing. We used atomic bombs at one time. They have not been used since. With a little bit of hope and a lot of time we seem to be able to slowly change for the better.
If we really have satellites in geocentric orbit 22,236 mi away, then give us high resolution pictures of the earth, and real time pictures of the earth from this distance
Agree OP, but don't worry if it was possible we'd have bases on the moon by now. But oops we 'lost' that tech haha
Moonbases are a bad idea.
Agreed. There is no Air or atmosphere on the Moon, no water. Where are you going to get air and water on the Moon.? have it all shipped from Earth. Bad idea. sounds insane to me.Fantasy.
It’s Official: Water Found on the Moon | Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
It also exists on several moons of the gas giants, asteroids and our occasional comet visitors.

Where the hell do you think Earth got it's elements moron?
From space.
Agree OP, but don't worry if it was possible we'd have bases on the moon by now. But oops we 'lost' that tech haha
Moonbases are a bad idea.
Agreed. There is no Air or atmosphere on the Moon, no water. Where are you going to get air and water on the Moon.? have it all shipped from Earth. Bad idea. sounds insane to me.Fantasy.
It’s Official: Water Found on the Moon | Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
It also exists on several moons of the gas giants, asteroids and our occasional comet visitors.

Where the hell do you think Earth got it's elements moron?
From space.
There is no water or air on the Moon. The water and air on Earth came from millions of asteroid impacts and from the internal rocks that formed and cooled right here on Earth.
Agree OP, but don't worry if it was possible we'd have bases on the moon by now. But oops we 'lost' that tech haha
Moonbases are a bad idea.
Agreed. There is no Air or atmosphere on the Moon, no water. Where are you going to get air and water on the Moon.? have it all shipped from Earth. Bad idea. sounds insane to me.Fantasy.
It’s Official: Water Found on the Moon | Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
It also exists on several moons of the gas giants, asteroids and our occasional comet visitors.

Where the hell do you think Earth got it's elements moron?
From space.
There is no water or air on the Moon. The water and air on Earth came from millions of asteroid impacts and from the internal rocks that formed and cooled right here on Earth.
Just showed you the link idiot.
Many more asteroids are still out on the belt containing the same elements.
Hydrogen for fuel and oxygen for breathing can be made from the presence of H2O.
You simply are looking foolish.
Right, like i thought then. You have no good reason as to why we shouldn't.
Why isn't that a good reason? Better to have moonbases in low orbit about the moon than on its surface. Feel free to explain yourself. This is the science section, not church.
Right, like i thought then. You have no good reason as to why we shouldn't.
Why isn't that a good reason? Better to have moonbases in low orbit about the moon than on its surface. Feel free to explain yourself. This is the science section, not church.

You seem to be the one with trouble explaining yourself.
Yes, we get it that you know your not in church, and that you prefer not to have a moon base. But you did not say why... only that you prefer another option. So, at least explain why? you dont like the idea of a moon base. The question was a simple one, and without judgement... but moon quakes is a bullshit answer. So bullshit is all you have to offer to a discussion, ok.
On the other hand, there may be possible pluses to having a base on the moon. For one.... depending on how much actual water is up there, it lessens the amount of water that needs to be brought up from earth itself. It could be used for making oxygen or more fuel. If humans at some later date in history want to launch deeper into space, it would be better to do so from the moon as, I hope you would be aware of, it has much lower gravity than earth. Our technology is probably not there yet, it takes time but the potential is there. A ship leaving the moon with lower gravity could be structured differently than one leaving from earth, it could also take less fuel. Potentially modular pieces of a craft to be launched later could be brought and assembled at the moon itself.

having a base on the moon could probably also attract international funding. We could make it an international moon base, for research, and WE could benefit by using it, for future launches into deeper space.

Another benefit, is it is closer to earth and would be a good practice for what we need to do on the surface of Mars.
Yes, we get it that you know your not in church, and that you prefer not to have a moon base.
No idea where you get this "preference". Seriously, you just made that up . I would love to have moonbases. But Moonquakes will all but prohibit that effort.

By the way, that was the explanation I gave. So you are also full of it, when you said I didn't explain myself.

Now, explain to us why that explanation I gave is not a good reason. All the reasons you have? Still all possible -- some, actually, even better -- from a station in orbit about the moon.

Have you read anything about moonquakes?
Yes, we get it that you know your not in church, and that you prefer not to have a moon base.
No idea where you get this "preference". Seriously, you just made that up . I would love to have moonbases. But Moonquakes will all but prohibit that effort.

By the way, that was the explanation I gave. So you are also full of it, when you said I didn't explain myself.

Now, explain to us why that explanation I gave is not a good reason. All the reasons you have? Still all possible -- some, actually, even better -- from a station in orbit about the moon.

Have you read anything about moonquakes?

Well, son of a gun! the moon quakes thing sounded to me like something far fetched, thought you were just being smart assed about it, so my apologies there!

Still, i dont know, i think eventually that is something that could be overcome. The Japanese for instance, have learned to put the foundations of buildings on rollers so the whole thing moves smoothly during a quake. There is probably a way. Not to take away from orbiting stations, but there must be some advantages to having some sort of structures on the moon itself. For one thing, having at least some gravity would be very useful if you wanted to grow plants in a biosphere, in order to create oxygen or even to grow food.
Please, lets focus with issues here on the Earth!!

Unpopular opinion, but I agree with this. The way we have screwed up this world, in so many ways, I think mankind is far too stupid and selfish to be trying to travel to other planets.
Yes, we get it that you know your not in church, and that you prefer not to have a moon base.
No idea where you get this "preference". Seriously, you just made that up . I would love to have moonbases. But Moonquakes will all but prohibit that effort.

By the way, that was the explanation I gave. So you are also full of it, when you said I didn't explain myself.

Now, explain to us why that explanation I gave is not a good reason. All the reasons you have? Still all possible -- some, actually, even better -- from a station in orbit about the moon.

Have you read anything about moonquakes?

Well, son of a gun! the moon quakes thing sounded to me like something far fetched, thought you were just being smart assed about it, so my apologies there!

Still, i dont know, i think eventually that is something that could be overcome. The Japanese for instance, have learned to put the foundations of buildings on rollers so the whole thing moves smoothly during a quake. There is probably a way. Not to take away from orbiting stations, but there must be some advantages to having some sort of structures on the moon itself. For one thing, having at least some gravity would be very useful if you wanted to grow plants in a biosphere, in order to create oxygen or even to grow food.
The working solution is, literally, inflatable buildings. But the people and tools and other objects inside won't be inflatable. And in the lower gravity, these objects can more easily become dangerous missiles.
Yes, we get it that you know your not in church, and that you prefer not to have a moon base.
No idea where you get this "preference". Seriously, you just made that up . I would love to have moonbases. But Moonquakes will all but prohibit that effort.

By the way, that was the explanation I gave. So you are also full of it, when you said I didn't explain myself.

Now, explain to us why that explanation I gave is not a good reason. All the reasons you have? Still all possible -- some, actually, even better -- from a station in orbit about the moon.

Have you read anything about moonquakes?

Well, son of a gun! the moon quakes thing sounded to me like something far fetched, thought you were just being smart assed about it, so my apologies there!

Still, i dont know, i think eventually that is something that could be overcome. The Japanese for instance, have learned to put the foundations of buildings on rollers so the whole thing moves smoothly during a quake. There is probably a way. Not to take away from orbiting stations, but there must be some advantages to having some sort of structures on the moon itself. For one thing, having at least some gravity would be very useful if you wanted to grow plants in a biosphere, in order to create oxygen or even to grow food.
The working solution is, literally, inflatable buildings. But the people and tools and other objects inside won't be inflatable. And in the lower gravity, these objects can more easily become dangerous missiles.

well, it looks like it would take a feat of engineering then to build a moon base, but probably both a land base and orbiting stations will happen together. I'm thinking if something was put on the moon itself, probably it would have to be done on a very small scale, or maybe something of honey combed design, maybe smaller units linked together. And then there was this

3D-Printed Home 'Marsha' Wins NASA Competition for Astronaut Dwellings on Mars

Maybe not the best thing to handle moon quakes, but it simply shows technology will eventually make things feasable that we think are impossible
All this talk about Moonbases and we must travel into outer space , and its our destiney to travel to other planets is pure insanity. If you people really listen to what you are saying, you will realize it is really very illogical and very unsound.You are all trying to send people to their death. Human beings will not be able to exist out in deep space.
I keep telling you people this fact.Wake up from your fantasy, come back to reality and scientific facts. Not speculation, and science fiction movies. Do the scientific analysis on deep space and interplanetary travel.!!
All this talk about Moonbases and we must travel into outer space , and its our destiney to travel to other planets is pure insanity. If you people really listen to what you are saying, you will realize it is really very illogical and very unsound.You are all trying to send people to their death. Human beings will not be able to exist out in deep space.
I keep telling you people this fact.Wake up from your fantasy, come back to reality and scientific facts. Not speculation, and science fiction movies. Do the scientific analysis on deep space and interplanetary travel.!!
Like a broken record.
A mission to Mars will be a suicide mission. Any deep space travel will be plagued with problems , and dangerous if not a suicide mission from the start. Lets spend the money here on Earth.

I think those who go live on the poles of the moon will get there first through Jeff Bezos. I used to think living on a space station would be okay, but don't think it will be sustainable. Bezos would gladly keep sending supplies to you with free shipping if you join his prime.

Blue Origin’s new rocket engine production facility opens on Monday – TechCrunch

Space companies to win billions from NASA's budget, including SpaceX, Blue Origin, Maxar & more


Has the money to do it. Just most expensive home properties on the planet Earth
Jeff Bezos drops $255 million in wild California real estate shopping spree
It is unnatural for us to venture into space.

It is unnatural for us to venture onto the sea ... and yet...


I was thinking more like a 3-hour tour of the moon...


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