The dumb have out smarted the intelligent in the USA

After the effects of
8 years of Slick Willey
8 years of W
8 years of Mulatto Obama
and you call Trump Supporters dumb

The wittle derpalerp is clearly out of his depth and needs to go back to the kiddie pool.

Dumb? Naw, lower educated rural folks addicted to opioids hoping that a pathetic manchild will save them.

So hopelessly stupid would be more accurate.
The talk about the "no college education white voter" being such a factor in the last election was because they were a source of votes that the Conventional Wisdom said was not there, at least not in numbers.

Trump was right that they were there, and everyone else was wrong.

The point of them being a group defined by their lack of college here, was not that there was anything "dumb" about them wanting their interests represented in government policy,

but that it had NOT been for quite some time.

Them jumping on a chance to actually have a President committed to serving THEM for a change, was not "dumb" but completely sensible.
I agree with your assessment of Trump identifying a large portion of the electorate that were being ignored.
But Trump conned this segment with false promises. You cannot bring back the 1960's. The world and USA economy has moved on. The key is to train the under employed with skills for 21st century jobs.
Trump is selling the trickle down economics. The immediate benefit goes to corporations and their share holders. The benefits to the middle class will be a trickle and a long time coming.

Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment we do.

Manufacturing is the back bone of any Middle Class and some of the best jobs for upward mobility.

Training for new jobs has been the supposed answer since the 80s. It has failed.

Time to adjust policy to reflect that failure.

It is not a scam. It can be done. It should be done. It needs to be done.
Time will tell. Manufacturing in the USA and throughout the world continues to employ less because of automation. The US must compete with very low labor rates throughout the world. Automation will continue to be a job killer.

We may want to rethink the economics...Automation could be used to humanities benefit with the right tax and benefit structure.

An basic income for all people paid for by an automation tax on the corporation would allow for most people to either live without working or enhance their education in order for them to seek better employment.

Maybe we could automation the food industry and make food a right that is provided with a feed back loop of tax to human back to corporation and around again...Doing something in the 19th century and doing something today is totatally different.

Why do loserterinas keep using ideas from the 18th century???

Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment that we have.

This is not the beginning of the Post Work Economy, this is US having shitty trade policy.

When the time comes for the Post Work Economy, I will join you in gloriously not working. We can sing and dance and have cake and eat it too.

But that time is not yet now.
The talk about the "no college education white voter" being such a factor in the last election was because they were a source of votes that the Conventional Wisdom said was not there, at least not in numbers.

Trump was right that they were there, and everyone else was wrong.

The point of them being a group defined by their lack of college here, was not that there was anything "dumb" about them wanting their interests represented in government policy,

but that it had NOT been for quite some time.

Them jumping on a chance to actually have a President committed to serving THEM for a change, was not "dumb" but completely sensible.
I agree with your assessment of Trump identifying a large portion of the electorate that were being ignored.
But Trump conned this segment with false promises. You cannot bring back the 1960's. The world and USA economy has moved on. The key is to train the under employed with skills for 21st century jobs.
Trump is selling the trickle down economics. The immediate benefit goes to corporations and their share holders. The benefits to the middle class will be a trickle and a long time coming.

Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment we do.

Manufacturing is the back bone of any Middle Class and some of the best jobs for upward mobility.

Training for new jobs has been the supposed answer since the 80s. It has failed.

Time to adjust policy to reflect that failure.

It is not a scam. It can be done. It should be done. It needs to be done.
Time will tell. Manufacturing in the USA and throughout the world continues to employ less because of automation. The US must compete with very low labor rates throughout the world. Automation will continue to be a job killer.

Who says we have to compete with third world labor? WHy? What is the benefit to US?

Germany does not have twice our level of manufacturing employment because they use out dated, labor intensive methods.
The consumer consistently buys the lowest cost goods, labor affects the cost of goods. Ask the Trump's why a majority of their products are manufactured outside the USA.
We can learn from Germany but there manufacturing growth is fueled by many mid-sized companies. The USA continues to be dominated by mega corporations. It is a mind set of corporate Germany and German consumers and workers that have more to do with the German manufacturing success than the government. They have a leading edge apprentice programs to teach the new skills required by new manufacturing.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”

This is the voice of economic nationalism. Where is ours?"

The difference in not in how good we are at it, but that they are playing to win jobs and wealth for their country, and we are not.
Actually, the dumb have outnumbered the intelligent in America – that’s how the idiot Trump got elected.

Wouldn't that be how Obama got elected too? Or was their a dramatic shift in demographics in the 4 years since the last election?

Do you lefties ever expect to be called on the shit you say? Are you surprised ever time it happens?
That those on the far left and the far right hate Trump only tells me that it was good to vote for him. :)
No Chris, it was not good to vote for Trump. As his results become known you will be the embarrassment of your family.
That those on the far left and the far right hate Trump only tells me that it was good to vote for him. :)
No Chris, it was not good to vote for Trump. As his results become known you will be the embarrassment of your family.

Sure it was. After all, you wouldn't want that criminal warhawk Clinton running the country, would you? Especially after all the wikileaks and all the corruption we learned of? Remember when she said she didn't know any better? Lol.
It was either going to be Hillary or Trump. There WERE no other candidates. That is what the crappy two party monopoly does, gives us the crappiest candidates with the lowest expectations.
It was either going to be Hillary or Trump. There WERE no other candidates. That is what the crappy two party monopoly does, gives us the crappiest candidates with the lowest expectations.

There were other candidates but everyone is so brainwashed with the two party system they will not even think about voting for them
Anyone that would give it all to the 1-2% at the top and crowd out all small business from an industry is dumb.

They're dumb as they're limiting their ability to move upwards.

This is your party. What kind of white person votes for that?

The dumb have out smarted the intelligent in the USA
The dumb of our nation have elected President Trump. The politics and values of the dumb are driving our nation through the leadership of Trump.
No one exemplifies the politics and morals of the dumb more than Judge Roy Moore.
The intelligent can learn from the dumb without becoming the dumb.

DNC campaign slogan for ‘18 and ‘20 ! Hell yes you can!
It was either going to be Hillary or Trump. There WERE no other candidates. That is what the crappy two party monopoly does, gives us the crappiest candidates with the lowest expectations.
We could do something about that, if we cared enough.

But the names of the guys the Kardashian girls are currently banging are a higher priority.

You can't really blame the people when the parties nominate bad candidates to begin with though! I would have loved to have voted for Gary Johnson, but he messed up BIGLY. A 3rd party candidate is going to have to be able to compete on the big stage. They have to have a solid plan that is realistic and logical. They have to be on their game at ALL times while campaigning. I was actually stunned that Johnson would make such big mistakes. He should have known better.

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