The Dreaded 'Fearful Conversation"

Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Ann Coulter isn't a charlatan, she is a classic demagogue who has used her skills as a communicator to influence the loud minority to parrot her words. What she truly believes is hard to know, what we can surmise is her shtick provides her a comfortable income.

I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview.

Perhaps there were so very many that you didn't have time to list all of them.

I'd be more than satisfied if you could note...oh....five or six?

Queen Ann, now that's a joke.Why 5 or 6. If a person made 2 or 3 racist remarks or even just one does that mean they are exempt? Ann first states that Americans should fear immigrants more than Isis. When the interviewer states that most immigrants are not terrorists or murderers he is cut off by Ann. Ann Responds by saying if you don't want to get killed by Isis, don't go to Syria. Then Ann states if you don't want to be killed by a Mexican there is nothing you can do.The first thing Ann does is equate Mexicans with Isis. We all know anyone can be killed anywhere by anyone of any race at anytime. Ann also makes no distinstion between iilegal immigrants and legal immigrants. She then goes on to call some cultures defecient. Since they are talking about Mexico she is obviously directing this comment at Mexicans. She then goes on to grossly generalize by stating these cultures when you bring the people here you bring honour killings, Uncles raping nieces, not paying their taxes, paying bribes to government officials. Except for the honour killings which is only practiced by a very tiny percentage of less than .01% of Muslims in the US, the rest have all been committed by anglo americans also. I was going to say non-immigrant americans but unless you are a first Nations person, you are technically an immigrant. She is taking attributes present in all cultures and all races and is only making charges against mexicans (immigrants).

America is viewed all around the world as a racist nation and people like Ann Coulter are at the forefront.

This was your challenge:

"I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview."

Unfortunately, you were unable to do so.
You've failed.

The good news....your record remains unblemished.....never having even elevated your work to the level of 'imbecile.'

You may return to your blanket fort and coloring book now.
Did I provide evidence for Ann's racist comments? Of course I did. Did you rebute any of them? Hell no, What have we learned from the experince. That like every other thread you start, you issue challenges then ignore the replies with childish games. We also learned that you, like Ann Coulter are a racist.

You can run but you can't hide, you moron.

1. Coulter spoke of culture, not race.

BTW.....what 'race' are Mexicans?

2. Unlike you, Coulter backed up everything she claimed....with examples.

3. And here is the reason why you are lying scum who should never peek out from under your wrote:
"America is viewed all around the world as a racist nation....."
When a faux right winger on this forum is talking about blacks, it is invariably in the context of food stamps and Obamaphones and using EBT to buy liquor and crack.

When a faux right winger on this forum is talking about Muslims, it is invariably in the context of terrorism and death to Merka and Christians.

When a faux right winger on this forum is talking about Mexicans, it is invariably in the context of stealing jobs and welfare and illegal voting. And in this topic, it is uncles raping their nieces and littering.

When a faux right winger on this forum is talking about homosexuals, it is invariably in the context of pedophilia, incest, and bestiality.

And they actually BELIEVE we can be convinced by an old quote from LBJ that they loves themselves some minorities!!!

Holy SHIT, you tards are a real HOOT! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Tell you what, let's see what your current candidate had to say.....

Left-Wing Knockouts When Democrats Get Racist Complex

(This is actually a good site for pointing out Democrat racism)

QUOTE: "You fucking Jew Bastard." [Allegedly said to Bill Clinton's campaign manager Paul Fray the night Clinton lost the 1974 Arkansas congressional election ]

Top Racist Democrat Quotes

-Senator Hillary Clinton

Some junior high n*gger kicked Steve's ass while he was trying to help his brothers out; junior high or sophomore in high school. Whatever it was, Steve had the n*gger down. However it was, it was Steve's fault. He had the n*gger down, he let him up. The n*gger blindsided him."

Top 25 Racist Quotes From Liberals Leftists and Entertainers Downtrend

“I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station?”
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that
Gosh, I only have to wait one day to see 25 racist quotes from the Right on this forum...
Sorry, but a lot of Republicans have things to do.... They don't sit at a computer waiting on their welfare check....:badgrin:
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Actually the Stalinist-Marxist conspiracy started by Roosevelt in his secret underground lair 100 years ago prevents you from seeing rational posts. Right before Roosevelt invented the Nazi's so that Russia could take over the planet, he foresaw the creation of the internet and planted communist/marxist firewalls into the system before the system EVEN EXISTED. :eek:
Ann Coulter is a nativist. Her rhetoric is borrowed from the Know Nothing party of a century and a half ago.

Nothing new under the sun.
is she even a REAL blonde, as opposed to the bleach blonde newsreaders on Murdoch TV (AKA- GOP TV)?
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Actually the Stalinist-Marxist conspiracy started by Roosevelt in his secret underground lair 100 years ago prevents you from seeing rational posts. Right before Roosevelt invented the Nazi's so that Russia could take over the planet, he foresaw the creation of the internet and planted communist/marxist firewalls into the system before the system EVEN EXISTED. :eek:
Normally I'd take that as a joke but the OP :tinfoil: is well known for her threads posted from the Day Room
If anything this video shows how racist Ann Coulter is.

I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview.

Perhaps there were so very many that you didn't have time to list all of them.

I'd be more than satisfied if you could note...oh....five or six?

Queen Ann, now that's a joke.Why 5 or 6. If a person made 2 or 3 racist remarks or even just one does that mean they are exempt? Ann first states that Americans should fear immigrants more than Isis. When the interviewer states that most immigrants are not terrorists or murderers he is cut off by Ann. Ann Responds by saying if you don't want to get killed by Isis, don't go to Syria. Then Ann states if you don't want to be killed by a Mexican there is nothing you can do.The first thing Ann does is equate Mexicans with Isis. We all know anyone can be killed anywhere by anyone of any race at anytime. Ann also makes no distinstion between iilegal immigrants and legal immigrants. She then goes on to call some cultures defecient. Since they are talking about Mexico she is obviously directing this comment at Mexicans. She then goes on to grossly generalize by stating these cultures when you bring the people here you bring honour killings, Uncles raping nieces, not paying their taxes, paying bribes to government officials. Except for the honour killings which is only practiced by a very tiny percentage of less than .01% of Muslims in the US, the rest have all been committed by anglo americans also. I was going to say non-immigrant americans but unless you are a first Nations person, you are technically an immigrant. She is taking attributes present in all cultures and all races and is only making charges against mexicans (immigrants).

America is viewed all around the world as a racist nation and people like Ann Coulter are at the forefront.

This was your challenge:

"I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview."

Unfortunately, you were unable to do so.
You've failed.

The good news....your record remains unblemished.....never having even elevated your work to the level of 'imbecile.'

You may return to your blanket fort and coloring book now.
Did I provide evidence for Ann's racist comments? Of course I did. Did you rebute any of them? Hell no, What have we learned from the experince. That like every other thread you start, you issue challenges then ignore the replies with childish games. We also learned that you, like Ann Coulter are a racist.

You can run but you can't hide, you moron.

1. Coulter spoke of culture, not race.

BTW.....what 'race' are Mexicans?

2. Unlike you, Coulter backed up everything she claimed....with examples.

3. And here is the reason why you are lying scum who should never peek out from under your wrote:
"America is viewed all around the world as a racist nation....."
Now we are pulling out the semantics card. I guess you could go around spewing that all Mexicans are lazy slimy cockroaches and you would not consider that to be racist. The people of Mexico are considered Mestizo which is considered an ethnic/racial category. I know that you will argue that you are only being a ethnic bigot but I still see it as racist. It is widely acceped that the Latino/Hispanic people are a race. The term anti-semitic came about because Jews were not technically a race although today some consider them to be. Either way you slice it her comments are prejudiced bigotry, discriminating and full of hatred.

2. I countered her examples which you failed to even respond to. Can you give evidence of any of her examples that are not present in Anglo-america. You didn't because you can't.

3. Why America Is Still a Deeply Racist Country Alternet
United Nations watchdog blasts US for persistent racism Al Jazeera America
Top 12 Most Racist Countries in the World - Listovative
Does the United States as a whole still have a problem with racism
There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. I remember seeing a Tea Party video where Tea Party members were being interviewed. This was during the elections before Obama became President. A few people were actually frothing at the mouth screaming Obama is worse than Hitler while a few racist comments were yelled in the background. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of couse not. But many are.

So saying Obama is worse than Hitler is racist, but when the left said the same thing about Bush it wasn't?

Only crazy people claimed George W. Bush was worse than Hitler, and only extremists stated he was a fascist. The truth being most of us who criticized Bush & Co. did so for two reasons: The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a war of choice we did not need, and, we had zero confidence in his abilities.

Actually W. grew into the job, much too late, but he eventually closed his ears to Cheney and others whose agenda had nothing to do with Country First.
There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. I remember seeing a Tea Party video where Tea Party members were being interviewed. This was during the elections before Obama became President. A few people were actually frothing at the mouth screaming Obama is worse than Hitler while a few racist comments were yelled in the background. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of couse not. But many are.

So saying Obama is worse than Hitler is racist, but when the left said the same thing about Bush it wasn't?

Only crazy people claimed George W. Bush was worse than Hitler, and only extremists stated he was a fascist. The truth being most of us who criticized Bush & Co. did so for two reasons: The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a war of choice we did not need, and, we had zero confidence in his abilities.

Actually W. grew into the job, much too late, but he eventually closed his ears to Cheney and others whose agenda had nothing to do with Country First.

And the Tea Party group is the same.
They are just as diversified in views and you will have the crazies and extremists in both parties.
They had never protested in their entire lives so they made posters based on the ones that the left had done in the past against Bush.
It does not prove that all tea party are racists.
There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. I remember seeing a Tea Party video where Tea Party members were being interviewed. This was during the elections before Obama became President. A few people were actually frothing at the mouth screaming Obama is worse than Hitler while a few racist comments were yelled in the background. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of couse not. But many are.

So saying Obama is worse than Hitler is racist, but when the left said the same thing about Bush it wasn't?

Only crazy people claimed George W. Bush was worse than Hitler, and only extremists stated he was a fascist. The truth being most of us who criticized Bush & Co. did so for two reasons: The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a war of choice we did not need, and, we had zero confidence in his abilities.

Actually W. grew into the job, much too late, but he eventually closed his ears to Cheney and others whose agenda had nothing to do with Country First.

And the Tea Party group is the same.
They are just as diversified in views and you will have the crazies and extremists in both parties.
They had never protested in their entire lives so they made posters based on the ones that the left had done in the past against Bush.
It does not prove that all tea party are racists.

No, it does not make that claim, racism is as American as is baseball and apple pie.

What may be inferred from your post is that many members of the Tea Party - those who made such signs - aren't very bright and parrot ideas sans independent thinking.

Which is why I believe as a nation we are foolish to support the fiscally conservatives; they are neither conservative nor responsible.

A real conservative repairs the roof even if he or she must borrow to do so, a fiscal conservative won't borrow the money, and either takes from Peter to pay Paul or foregoes the repairs and soon the entire inside of the home is ruined.
There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. I remember seeing a Tea Party video where Tea Party members were being interviewed. This was during the elections before Obama became President. A few people were actually frothing at the mouth screaming Obama is worse than Hitler while a few racist comments were yelled in the background. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of couse not. But many are.

So saying Obama is worse than Hitler is racist, but when the left said the same thing about Bush it wasn't?
I have never seen anyone claim Bush was worse than Hitler and if I did I would remind that person that they are flat out wrong. Obama had yet to be President. He had yet to do anything. One who criticizes him this feverishly and with this much hatred can only stem from one thing. Also I didn't see them telling the supporters who were making the racist comments to keep quiet. Birds of a feather.
There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. I remember seeing a Tea Party video where Tea Party members were being interviewed. This was during the elections before Obama became President. A few people were actually frothing at the mouth screaming Obama is worse than Hitler while a few racist comments were yelled in the background. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of couse not. But many are.

So saying Obama is worse than Hitler is racist, but when the left said the same thing about Bush it wasn't?

Only crazy people claimed George W. Bush was worse than Hitler, and only extremists stated he was a fascist. The truth being most of us who criticized Bush & Co. did so for two reasons: The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a war of choice we did not need, and, we had zero confidence in his abilities.

Actually W. grew into the job, much too late, but he eventually closed his ears to Cheney and others whose agenda had nothing to do with Country First.

And the Tea Party group is the same.
They are just as diversified in views and you will have the crazies and extremists in both parties.
They had never protested in their entire lives so they made posters based on the ones that the left had done in the past against Bush.
It does not prove that all tea party are racists.
You are right, not all Tea Partyers are racist. I was pointing out the fact that some of Obama's critics are racially driven. That is all.
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Actually the Stalinist-Marxist conspiracy started by Roosevelt in his secret underground lair 100 years ago prevents you from seeing rational posts. Right before Roosevelt invented the Nazi's so that Russia could take over the planet, he foresaw the creation of the internet and planted communist/marxist firewalls into the system before the system EVEN EXISTED. :eek:
This is true.
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Actually the Stalinist-Marxist conspiracy started by Roosevelt in his secret underground lair 100 years ago prevents you from seeing rational posts. Right before Roosevelt invented the Nazi's so that Russia could take over the planet, he foresaw the creation of the internet and planted communist/marxist firewalls into the system before the system EVEN EXISTED. :eek:

This post can only be considered as a plaintive cry for the education you are so sorely lacking.... will be forthcoming.

You have prevailed on me to, in the near future, post another expose of the Roosevelt-Stalin-Hitler affair.

In the meantime, have you considered why, in a dozen or more such Roosevelt lap-dogs have not been able to find even a single error?

Have you?

There is an ineluctable conclusion to be drawn....

....I mean, beside the well-known fact that you are an imbecile.
Last edited:

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