The Dreaded 'Fearful Conversation"


I'm just sick of the "race card". The left has worn it out.
Reminding us of that great Democrat institution?
That old Southern conservative religious extremist institution, yes.
But it's Democrat....

And I can even give you a quote from LBJ when he signed his legislation establishing welfare.... “I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.
And I can give you a quote from a Republican strategist talking about how they were going to get all the negrophobes to come over to the GOP.

The strategy worked beautifully. That's why you inbred ijits have to back more than 50 years to "prove" the Democratic party was (past tense) the racist party. It never occurs to you why that is.
Never heard of Biden's racist quotes, uh??? Is your Google broke?

Besides, the Democrats are still the party of racism... Just look at Obama's record with the riots and all.
I jist don't git why them unnatural deviant fags don't vote fer us. An them jihadi ragheads neither. Nor do I unnerstan why dem food stamp collecting, Obamaphone loving, lazy negroes don't vote Republican. It makes no sense! And how bout them job stealing, welfare collecting Mexicans? What's their problem? Can't they see it is the Democrat party that's racist? Here, lookee wut LBJ said a long, long time ago.
Did you actually watch the video.

Does it matter? I'm just sick of the "race card". The left has worn it out

Its all the lying lowlife scum left have left in their bag of tricks.

Well, that and now the dreaded and always stupid "BIGOT"!!!!! It's tiresome

It will blow up in their faces, like Baltimore.

But sadly they still won't learn the taught lessons.

When they fail they just blame others, that's a classic liberal reaction, zero accountability with those freaks.
It just completely stumps the tards why minorities won't vote for a party which so clearly hates them.


Ann Coulter just shit all over Mexican "culture". She said their culture is all about uncles raping their nieces, and litter. Gosh, that doesn't sound racist at all! That'll win their hearts and minds!

Coulter stated the Mexican culture is "deficient". Coulter's idea of Mexican culture is "honor killings, uncles raping their nieces, dumping litter all over..."

Nothing racist in that rant, right? She made Mexicans feel like the Right welcomes them with open arms, right? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Coulter stated the Mexican culture is "deficient". Coulter's idea of Mexican culture is "honor killings, uncles raping their nieces, dumping litter all over..."

Nothing racist in that rant, right? She made Mexicans feel like the Right welcomes them with open arms, right? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: are so full of hot air.

Drop a post card when you get settled in Ciudad Juárez.

See ya'

I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview.

Perhaps there were so very many that you didn't have time to list all of them.

I'd be more than satisfied if you could note...oh....five or six?

Ann Coulter is a nativist. Her rhetoric is borrowed from the Know Nothing party of a century and a half ago.

Nothing new under the sun.
I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview.

Perhaps there were so very many that you didn't have time to list all of them.

I'd be more than satisfied if you could note...oh....five or six?

We should all be thankful that nowadays Ann Coulter only shows her face when she's humping one of her stupid books.

I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview.

Perhaps there were so very many that you didn't have time to list all of them.

I'd be more than satisfied if you could note...oh....five or six?

Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it in 1984 and Atlas Shrugged. Thought control, banned speech, and here we are.
Your usual ignorant, ridiculous lies.

I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors....or lies... that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview.

Perhaps there were so very many that you didn't have time to list all of them.

I'd be more than satisfied if you could note...oh....five or six?

This is hardly political correctness, it is Ann who believes what she wants to believe. Note she has no answer to immigration. And how about the Russian and Asian illegals in the country, she focuses on certain groups because of her personal bigotry. Also, it's not Mexico that these Hispanic immigrants come from alone. How about the Puerto Ricons like my own family, bet she wouldn't know our grandchildren's background, as we have lots of real blonds not fake blonds like Ann. Listening to her hate speech is really not worth anyone's time. Diversity is the key factor in cultural and civilization development, Ann doesn't see that as she is bound up in fear and hatred as is PoliticalChic. Or maybe Ann and PC are jealous of Jennifer Lopez stealing all the lilly white guys. LOL I sometimes think Ann's negativity comes from within and may have something to do with her gay or confused person. Hatred comes from within people and is often a refusal to face life in all its complexity.

I've scoured your post, yet cannot seem to find any examples of errors that you uncovered in Queen Ann's statements in the interview.

Perhaps there were so very many that you didn't have time to list all of them.

I'd be more than satisfied if you could note...oh....five or six?

There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. I remember seeing a Tea Party video where Tea Party members were being interviewed. This was during the elections before Obama became President. A few people were actually frothing at the mouth screaming Obama is worse than Hitler while a few racist comments were yelled in the background. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of couse not. But many are.

Do you think that criticism of Obama, or any party leader, should be punishable under the law?

Of course opposing placing 1/6th of the economy under auspice of a corrupt bureaucracy is "racist," as is opposition to support the a coup by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt or opposition to using the IRS to harass enemies of the party.

Failure to obey the party without question is racism and must be harshly punished.

I'm just sick of the "race card". The left has worn it out.
Reminding us of that great Democrat institution?
Democrats History of Racism

In reference to their own party, Dems will likely say they led the fight for civil rights throughout the years, though a cursory review of the party will prove this assertion wrong. For instance, this was the party that established the Ku Klux Klan as its enforcement arm. Powerful Democrat politicians have appointed klansmen to high-ranking positions in American government for a century, yet have somehow convinced the vast majority of blacks that Republicans are the bad guys!

Again with the crap that happened last century. Yes, the Democrats did some bad things back at the first of the last century, and if anybody now supports the things that were done, they will not find a place in the DNC. The GOP is where they will be accepted.
I jist don't git why them unnatural deviant fags don't vote fer us. An them jihadi ragheads neither. Nor do I unnerstan why dem food stamp collecting, Obamaphone loving, lazy negroes don't vote Republican. It makes no sense! And how bout them job stealing, welfare collecting Mexicans? What's their problem? Can't they see it is the Democrat party that's racist? Here, lookee wut LBJ said a long, long time ago.

They just don't understand why their motto isn't more widely appreciated by minorities.


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