The DPRK's nuclear arsenal


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
One remark I've seen on the news is that it's unclear whether the DPRK have developed their missiles to be accurate enough to hit a target.

In response to that, I ask: So what if they haven't?
  • If the DPRK's missiles aren't accurate enough to hit a specific target, that may be good for Guam because it's small place.
  • If the DPRK's missiles aren't accurate enough to hit a specific target and the target is somewhere in mainland USA, does it really really whether it explodes over, say, Des Moines or somewhere else in the U.S?
AFAIC, if the DPRK's missiles and warheads can survive reentry into Earth's atmosphere and show up over U.S. territory, it doesn't really matter where it explodes. For America firing at the DPRK, and specific targets in the DPRK, sure, it matters. For them firing at us, it doesn't matter at all.
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.

From the little reading I've done on the subject, there are a whole lot of variables involved in the potential effects of an EMP. The size of the device is a big one, as is the altitude at which it is detonated (although that is dependent on the device size to a large extent). A megaton yield weapon, for example, might be able to cause a large amount of EMP damage when detonated anywhere from 40-400 kms up, while a kiloton yield weapon would need to be detonated in a much smaller altitude window to be very effective, perhaps from 25-35 kms up.

I'm not saying EMP is a threat that should be dismissed, just that your scenario of a single EMP destroying the entire nation's infrastructure would require certain conditions which may not be likely at the moment.
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.

From the little reading I've done on the subject, there are a whole lot of variables involved in the potential effects of an EMP. The size of the device is a big one, as is the altitude at which it is detonated (although that is dependent on the device size to a large extent). A megaton yield weapon, for example, might be able to cause a large amount of EMP damage when detonated anywhere from 40-400 kms up, while a kiloton yield weapon would need to be detonated in a much smaller altitude window to be very effective, perhaps from 25-35 kms up.

I'm not saying EMP is a threat that should be dismissed, just that your scenario of a single EMP destroying the entire nation's infrastructure would require certain conditions which may not be likely at the moment.
Liberals want us to be hit. All you need do is read their hate threads on Trump and all the worship they lay on the jug head who brought us to this point.
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.
We are so unprepared it is unbelievable.......both hardening our infrastructure as well as our missile defense systems.......thanks a whole bunch Obastardo.....
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.

From the little reading I've done on the subject, there are a whole lot of variables involved in the potential effects of an EMP. The size of the device is a big one, as is the altitude at which it is detonated (although that is dependent on the device size to a large extent). A megaton yield weapon, for example, might be able to cause a large amount of EMP damage when detonated anywhere from 40-400 kms up, while a kiloton yield weapon would need to be detonated in a much smaller altitude window to be very effective, perhaps from 25-35 kms up.

I'm not saying EMP is a threat that should be dismissed, just that your scenario of a single EMP destroying the entire nation's infrastructure would require certain conditions which may not be likely at the moment.

Is there a specific part of my comments you disagree with? If so, why? Or are you just going to stick to memes? :p
anything within our border is a bullseye ... I just wouldnt want to be the poor sob that goes to the pay window and tries to collect for doing it.

I keep telling myself surely Un isnt that goddamn dumb, but I'm pretty sure he is.
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.
We are so unprepared it is unbelievable.......both hardening our infrastructure as well as our missile defense systems.......thanks a whole bunch Obastardo.....

The missile defense system plans were laid back in 1985. It has nothing to do with Obama.
Look people, please think. I understand millennial s won't get this because they through no fault of their own, weren't properly educated.

This is not our first ICBM rodeo. I'm old enough to remember when the big scare was that communist Russia and communist china could drop a nuke on all of our cities in one synchronous launch. Does anyone REALLY believe that we can't knock his meager stores of missiles out of the sky shortly after launch? REALLY?

Come in people jeeezz
The only real threat this country faces from nukes is a bunch of ISIS fighters come into this country disguised as say....refugees and they manage to smuggle in materials to make a nuke or a dirty bomb. No ICBM is a threat to this country or Russia or China. Probably even most of Europe and Israel too.

That shit is ancient technology.
Look people, please think. I understand millennial s won't get this because they through no fault of their own, weren't properly educated.

This is not our first ICBM rodeo. I'm old enough to remember when the big scare was that communist Russia and communist china could drop a nuke on all of our cities in one synchronous launch. Does anyone REALLY believe that we can't knock his meager stores of missiles out of the sky shortly after launch? REALLY?

Come in people jeeezz
We can I think, but the bigger question is what happens after that?
Is DPRK easier to type than N.K.? Don't forget that it was liberal icon Harry Truman who screwed up the mission in the first place and Bill Clinton who sold the technology and hardware
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

A megaton yield weapon, for example, might be able to cause a large amount of EMP damage when detonated anywhere from 40-400 kms up

I wasn't going down that road, so to speak, just yet, but since you have, yes, that too seems to obviate the need for the DPRK's nukes to be particularly accurate and for that matter to survive reentry before producing a nuclear explosion on any specific target smaller than the whole US of A. Indeed, in light of the asymmetric nature of U.S. military might and that of the DPRK (or any other "penny ante" despot or opponent who might obtain/launch a nuclear-tipped ICBM), a space detonation is among the most likely and effective actions such a vastly smaller and less powerful opponent might effect in an armed conflict with the U.S.

From the "Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack":

EMP is one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences. EMP will cover the wide geographic region within line of sight to the nuclear weapon. It has the capability to produce significant damage to critical infrastructures and thus to the very fabric of US society, as well as to the ability of the United States and Western nations to project influence and military power.

The common element that can produce such an impact from EMP is primarily electronics, so pervasive in all aspects of our society and military, coupled through critical infrastructures. Our vulnerability is increasing daily as our use of and dependence on electronics continues to grow. The impact of EMP is asymmetric in relation to potential protagonists who are not as dependent on modern electronics.

The current vulnerability of our critical infrastructures can both invite and reward attack if not corrected. Correction is feasible and well within the Nation's means and resources to accomplish​

If KJU does explode a nuke in space over the U.S., what's Trump going to say? Who knew he'd do that instead of try to hit a city on the ground? Of course, after a space EMP, very few of people in the U.S. will hear him say it or whatever other inane remark he'll make. That in and of itself probably isn't a bad thing, but the circumstance that will prevent "everyone" from hearing his remarks are, as you've both noted, will be devastating.
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.
You've read too many survivalist novels. :)
You've read too many survivalist novels. :)
The electronic banking went down here for three days. There was a mild panic and few fights. We still had gas and electricity. That was only for three days. You, like most libs are deluded.
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.
We are so unprepared it is unbelievable.......both hardening our infrastructure as well as our missile defense systems.......thanks a whole bunch Obastardo.....

In all fairness, for decades we've been kicking this can down the road.. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr.... the only one that took it serious was Reagan, and look what they did to him.. dubbed him "Ronnie Raygun".
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.
We are so unprepared it is unbelievable.......both hardening our infrastructure as well as our missile defense systems.......thanks a whole bunch Obastardo.....

In all fairness, for decades we've been kicking this can down the road.. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr.... the only one that took it serious was Reagan, and look what they did to him.. dubbed him "Ronnie Raygun".
If one thing is certain, liberals deserve what's coming.
You've read too many survivalist novels. :)
The electronic banking went down here for three days. There was a mild panic and few fights. We still had gas and electricity. That was only for three days. You, like most libs are deluded.
You had an EMP pulse in Texas? Was it from a Trump tweet?

Three days? Not a whole year?
Agreed, a single EMP pulse in space, high over the continental US will destroy the infrastructure of the entire nation for months, maybe even a year, tens of millions of lives will be lost due to loss of infrastructure, setting us back decades, causing an economic disaster multiple time worse than the great depression.

Folks will starve, the crops will wither and die, the hospitals won't function, power will be lost, water won't run, airlines won't run, anything that runs on computers, power, cars. . . imagine us being sent back to civil war technology w/o the infrastructure of that era.
We are so unprepared it is unbelievable.......both hardening our infrastructure as well as our missile defense systems.......thanks a whole bunch Obastardo.....

The missile defense system plans were laid back in 1985. It has nothing to do with Obama.

We have fallen behind the times because BO did nada....

"President Obama’s missile defense policy shifts cost the nation precious time and capabilities at a time when adversaries are succeeding in advancing their own ballistic missile programs. The next President must avoid such missile defense policy weaknesses, fund missile defense programs adequately, and deploy a comprehensive layered missile defense architecture, including interceptors in space."

President Obama’s Missile Defense Policy: A Misguided Legacy

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