The Donald is Pwning the MSM Right Now, Again, Live Action

My God, The Donald fucking pwnd the MSM douchebags big time. Folks, this is the reason the Kenyan faggot in the White House is such a douche, he is afraid to deal with The Donald mano y mano.

Yeah! Let's kill off the press. Donald Trump just hates them, hates being scrutinized, hates questions and likes to keep his affairs private. Who the fuck are these people who deign to think he should show transparency after his pronouncements?
That's the kind of guy you want in the Oval Office. You think Obama is a dictator? Hold on to your fat ass, you ain't seen nothing yet, Otis.
When Stephen Hawkins was asked to explain the political rise of Trump, he said, "I can't. He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator." Trump supporters are authoritarians. They want a leader that will kick ass, that won't be stopped by the courts, laws, or congress. People try to over analyze the Trump phenomenon. He's a bully and that is exactly what a lot of people want as a leader.

Hawkins may be a brilliant scientist, but here he is utterly clueless... it's not about any of that.
That is exactly what it's about. Trump supporters don't see America as a great nation. They see our government as a failure that requires radical change. Listen to Trump. The more radical he is, the more support he gets.
My God, The Donald fucking pwnd the MSM douchebags big time. Folks, this is the reason the Kenyan faggot in the White House is such a douche, he is afraid to deal with The Donald mano y mano.

Yeah! Let's kill off the press. Donald Trump just hates them, hates being scrutinized, hates questions and likes to keep his affairs private. Who the fuck are these people who deign to think he should show transparency after his pronouncements?
That's the kind of guy you want in the Oval Office. You think Obama is a dictator? Hold on to your fat ass, you ain't seen nothing yet, Otis.
When Stephen Hawkins was asked to explain the political rise of Trump, he said, "I can't. He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator." Trump supporters are authoritarians. They want a leader that will kick ass, that won't be stopped by the courts, laws, or congress. People try to over analyze the Trump phenomenon. He's a bully and that is exactly what a lot of people want as a leader.

Hawkins may be a brilliant scientist, but here he is utterly clueless... it's not about any of that.
That is exactly what it's about. Trump supporters don't see America as a great nation. They see our government as a failure that requires radical change. Listen to Trump. The more radical he is, the more support he gets.

$20 trillion dollar debt with nothing to show for it, now THAT'S radical. Lying corrupt politicians who have gamed the elections process and are aided by a lying corrupt press, if cleaning up that mess is 'radical' then I'm radical.

It was on FOX, CNBC, CNN...The Donald was not taking prisoners. There were one or two MSM guys he said were cool, but the rest, he laid them the fuck out. IMO, he gained democrat voters who were like, "This dude is fucking badass."
What was he pissed off about? The veterans contributions that didn't happen?

You didn't watch the press conference, did you?
No. You haven't got a link, do you?
My God, The Donald fucking pwnd the MSM douchebags big time. Folks, this is the reason the Kenyan faggot in the White House is such a douche, he is afraid to deal with The Donald mano y mano.

Yeah! Let's kill off the press. Donald Trump just hates them, hates being scrutinized, hates questions and likes to keep his affairs private. Who the fuck are these people who deign to think he should show transparency after his pronouncements?
That's the kind of guy you want in the Oval Office. You think Obama is a dictator? Hold on to your fat ass, you ain't seen nothing yet, Otis.
When Stephen Hawkins was asked to explain the political rise of Trump, he said, "I can't. He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator." Trump supporters are authoritarians. They want a leader that will kick ass, that won't be stopped by the courts, laws, or congress. People try to over analyze the Trump phenomenon. He's a bully and that is exactly what a lot of people want as a leader.

Hawkings is wrong. Simply wrong on all counts.

It was on FOX, CNBC, CNN...The Donald was not taking prisoners. There were one or two MSM guys he said were cool, but the rest, he laid them the fuck out. IMO, he gained democrat voters who were like, "This dude is fucking badass."
What was he pissed off about? The veterans contributions that didn't happen?

You didn't watch the press conference, did you?
No. You haven't got a link, do you?

It was on FOX, CNBC, CNN...The Donald was not taking prisoners. There were one or two MSM guys he said were cool, but the rest, he laid them the fuck out. IMO, he gained democrat voters who were like, "This dude is fucking badass."
What was he pissed off about? The veterans contributions that didn't happen?

He proved that the media was lying about the contributions not happening. He had representatives from vet groups that verified that the money was received.

The media was lying, and so are you.
Today McConnell came right out and said he was for free trade and wasn't changing his mind.

Trump is all for free trade, but fair trade not deals where the USA gets fucked in the ass.
McConnell also said Trump isn't changing the gop.

Define "the gop".
Ask McConnell. He decides what the senate votes on.

Trump bitch slapped the shit out of McConnell and his GOP establishment pals thus far. If Trump wins McConnell will play ball or be destroyed.
Yet, it is the establishment in Congress that would determine Trump's success or failure. Congress can override ever Trump elective order, tie up every piece of Trump legislation in committee, block any appointments, and if necessary, remove him from office. A coalition of Democrats and Republicans in congress against a President Trump would certainly be a possibility.
Trump is all for free trade, but fair trade not deals where the USA gets fucked in the ass.
McConnell also said Trump isn't changing the gop.

Define "the gop".
Ask McConnell. He decides what the senate votes on.

Trump bitch slapped the shit out of McConnell and his GOP establishment pals thus far. If Trump wins McConnell will play ball or be destroyed.
Yet, it is the establishment in Congress that would determine Trump's success or failure. Congress can override ever Trump elective order, tie up every piece of Trump legislation in committee, block any appointments, and if necessary, remove him from office. A coalition of Democrats and Republicans in congress against a President Trump would certainly be a possibility.

He is tearing down their power syndrome, and that scares the shit out of them. The people will support bringing the corrupt establishment in both parties to their knees.
That is exactly what it's about. Trump supporters don't see America as a great nation. They see our government as a failure that requires radical change. Listen to Trump. The more radical he is, the more support he gets.

Others Have Noticed and Endorse
North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'
The two share a similar style in dealing with inconvenient questions ...

McConnell also said Trump isn't changing the gop.

Define "the gop".
Ask McConnell. He decides what the senate votes on.

Trump bitch slapped the shit out of McConnell and his GOP establishment pals thus far. If Trump wins McConnell will play ball or be destroyed.
Yet, it is the establishment in Congress that would determine Trump's success or failure. Congress can override ever Trump elective order, tie up every piece of Trump legislation in committee, block any appointments, and if necessary, remove him from office. A coalition of Democrats and Republicans in congress against a President Trump would certainly be a possibility.

He is tearing down their power syndrome, and that scares the shit out of them. The people will support bringing the corrupt establishment in both parties to their knees.
It's a Revolution against the Establishment.
My God, The Donald fucking pwnd the MSM douchebags big time. Folks, this is the reason the Kenyan faggot in the White House is such a douche, he is afraid to deal with The Donald mano y mano.

Yeah! Let's kill off the press. Donald Trump just hates them, hates being scrutinized, hates questions and likes to keep his affairs private. Who the fuck are these people who deign to think he should show transparency after his pronouncements?
That's the kind of guy you want in the Oval Office. You think Obama is a dictator? Hold on to your fat ass, you ain't seen nothing yet, Otis.
When Stephen Hawkins was asked to explain the political rise of Trump, he said, "I can't. He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator." Trump supporters are authoritarians. They want a leader that will kick ass, that won't be stopped by the courts, laws, or congress. People try to over analyze the Trump phenomenon. He's a bully and that is exactly what a lot of people want as a leader.

Hawkins may be a brilliant scientist, but here he is utterly clueless... it's not about any of that.
That is exactly what it's about. Trump supporters don't see America as a great nation. They see our government as a failure that requires radical change. Listen to Trump. The more radical he is, the more support he gets.

$20 trillion dollar debt with nothing to show for it, now THAT'S radical. Lying corrupt politicians who have gamed the elections process and are aided by a lying corrupt press, if cleaning up that mess is 'radical' then I'm radical.
You think Trump is going to reduce the debt. Get serious. He's threatening a trade war with two of our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, massive defense spending, expanded military intervention, a trillion dollar solution to our illegal immigration problem, and a tax plan that would lead to huge deficits.
You think Trump is going to reduce the debt. Get serious. He's threatening a trade war with two of our largest trading partners, Mexico and China, massive defense spending, expanded military intervention, a trillion dollar solution to our illegal immigration problem, and a tax plan that would lead to huge deficits.
and if you ask him question he will say "you are sleaze" and start calling you "buckwheat" if you are a Black reporter

Trump does not seem to understand its going to be 24/7 of this scrutiny for the next 5 months LOL

Here is GOP "sweet Trump Baboo" crying because he is being asked questions..why is Trump crying like that ?

Trump goes Cry Baby :ack-1:

Throughout the press conference, Trump railed against the press for looking into the details of his fundraiser.

"The press should be ashamed of themselves," he said, telling reporters, "You make me look very bad."

How dare you look into my public promises and report on what you find!

The job of the press is to make Donald Trump look good, and when the press fails at that, they should be ashamed of themselves! :2up::2up::2up:
Define "the gop".
Ask McConnell. He decides what the senate votes on.

Trump bitch slapped the shit out of McConnell and his GOP establishment pals thus far. If Trump wins McConnell will play ball or be destroyed.
Yet, it is the establishment in Congress that would determine Trump's success or failure. Congress can override ever Trump elective order, tie up every piece of Trump legislation in committee, block any appointments, and if necessary, remove him from office. A coalition of Democrats and Republicans in congress against a President Trump would certainly be a possibility.

He is tearing down their power syndrome, and that scares the shit out of them. The people will support bringing the corrupt establishment in both parties to their knees.
It's a Revolution against the Establishment.
Seriously guys, I was channeling Bernie. LOL

McConnell would bitch slap the Donald in Washington. LOL
So Trump acts like a clown, and the Trumpswabs lap it up.

Meanwhile, everyone else laughs.

This is not the tactic Trump should be using. He shouldn't be playing to the loony Republican base any more. He needs to appeal to normal people, instead of driving them away with stunts like this. As things stand, his 40% of the voters will be quite fanatical, but you need the most votes to win elections, not the most fanatical voters.

He's their Mess-iah.
But I've seen 8-year-olds who have more maturity and patience than this fat-assed gasbag.
Watch one of the biggest Hillary ass lickers, Mika on MSNBC respond to more of Hillary's lies.

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