The DOJ sued DISH network for $3.3 billion but dismissed the suit after its chair donated to Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The DOJ sued DISH network for $3.3 billion but dismissed the suit after its chair donated to Biden

23 Mar 2-24 ~~ By Andrea Widberg

Two sayings are pertinent to this essay. The first is that correlation does not imply causation. Just because two events seem connected doesn’t mean they are. The second is that timing is everything. Think about both as you consider the Department of Justice’s decision to dismiss a massive corporate fraud lawsuit a short time after the corporation’s founder made a sizable donation to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
DISH Network is an American satellite network. In 2015, the DOJ sued DISH under the False Claims Act. The suit was based on Whistleblower Vermont National Telephone Company, Inc.’s allegation that DISH and its affiliates were allegedly using fraud to get small business discounts for wireless spectrum licenses. As recently as November 2023, a federal judge kept the case alive in the face of DISH’s motion for a judgment on the pleadings (i.e., DISH contended that the DOJ’s complaint contained within it the seeds of its own destruction).
On December 15, 2023, less than one month after the federal court refused to dismiss the DOJ’s suit, one of DISH’s founders, Charlie Ergen, along with his wife, Candy, donated a total of $113,200 to keep Biden in the White House… and, inevitably, to keep his currently constituted Department of Justice in power.
But as always, timing is everything, and the appearance of impropriety can be just as powerful as actual impropriety. We’ve long known that Garland’s DOJ is driven by politics, not principle. Now, we have the strong suggestion that it can be bought, too.

Color me "NOT SHOCKED"!.
Another for the Dept.of “Just Us” Merricl Garland now part of corporate blackmail scheme.
Just the appearance of impropriety....along with secure White House records showing up in a Delaware garage....etc, etc...a lot of impropriety goin' around lately.....may be a Wuhan virus.
Undoubtedly, the "Big Guy" got he usual 10% cut off the top.
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