The Destructive Effects of Government

Which means in a free market, anything one cannot afford one does not receive (subject to the whims of charity).

That includes food, shelter, heat, water, education, and healthcare.

What country ever got better by such a system?

The USA until the socialists took over 50 years ago.

You think the us became socialist in 1960s? Try backing that up like 100yrs.

Those were progressives who's children turned to socialism in the 50's.

The us was already socialist before that . How can u become socialists shout some socialists in gov?

No it wasn't.

So the people who objected to Social Security calling it socialist were wrong?
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency treatment isn't comprehensive healthcare.

It is healthcare.

Everyone has it, thanks to the finest President in 100 years.
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.

Pay the fine, then if the worst happens other taxpayers will pay for your medical care and you will get a bill which you can refuse to pay and thus have your credit score drop.

Having health insurance is all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!!

[something real conservatives always preach about]
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.

Pay the fine, then if the worst happens other taxpayers will pay for your medical care and you will get a bill which you can refuse to pay and thus have your credit score drop.

Having health insurance is all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!!

[something real conservatives always preach about]

I have health insurance.
No one in this country should be forced to pay a fine for health care.
Especially our young people just starting out in life.
How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.

Pay the fine, then if the worst happens other taxpayers will pay for your medical care and you will get a bill which you can refuse to pay and thus have your credit score drop.

Having health insurance is all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!!

[something real conservatives always preach about]

I have health insurance.
No one in this country should be forced to pay a fine for health care.
Especially our young people just starting out in life.

You aren't paying a fine. You're losing a tax break.
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency treatment isn't comprehensive healthcare.

It is healthcare.

Everyone has it, thanks to the finest President in 100 years.

Yes it was nice of Reagan to save Social Security, the program you believe is unconstitutional and should therefore be abolished.
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency treatment isn't comprehensive healthcare.

It is healthcare.

Everyone has it, thanks to the finest President in 100 years.

Then how is it that people can die from not being able to afford treatment?
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That would be Reagan's own attempt at socialized medicine, huh!

You do well at establishing false equivalences, Chica!

Reagan saved Social Security and supported Medicare and Medicaid, three programs PC considers unconstitutional.
How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.

Pay the fine, then if the worst happens other taxpayers will pay for your medical care and you will get a bill which you can refuse to pay and thus have your credit score drop.

Having health insurance is all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!!

[something real conservatives always preach about]

I have health insurance.
No one in this country should be forced to pay a fine for health care.
Especially our young people just starting out in life.

Then why don't you and all your 'charitable' friends who think charity can solve everything pay their 'fines'?
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency treatment isn't comprehensive healthcare.

It is healthcare.

Everyone has it, thanks to the finest President in 100 years.
The president you are now praising had to be a communist to put in place a socialist, liberal-progressive commie program like ReaganCare. He must have been a liberal progressive communistic scum bag. So you must be infected with the same taint to publicly praise that Commie pig Reagan!
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That would be Reagan's own attempt at socialized medicine, huh!

You do well at establishing false equivalences, Chica!

Reagan saved Social Security and supported Medicare and Medicaid, three programs PC considers unconstitutional.
Yeah, I know. She condemns 'stuff' out of one side of her maw when it fits her design of the moment, but takes another tack when taken to task for her lies and distortions. Or goes with moving the goal posts by producing mounds of off topic buffalo crap or going to her old standby, Sir Ad Hominem!
How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.

Pay the fine, then if the worst happens other taxpayers will pay for your medical care and you will get a bill which you can refuse to pay and thus have your credit score drop.

Having health insurance is all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!!

[something real conservatives always preach about]

I have health insurance.
No one in this country should be forced to pay a fine for health care.
Especially our young people just starting out in life.

Obamacare raised the rate to keep adult children up to age 26; do you support that? Also, it provides those who couldn't get health insurance because of a preexisting condition the ability to obtain a policy. How do you feel about that? What's the big deal with forcing a scofflaw to do the right thing, that is, exercise personal responsibility?

We have in the past forced people to enter military service and risk their life, for years many not even old enough to vote.
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency treatment isn't comprehensive healthcare.

It is healthcare.

Everyone has it, thanks to the finest President in 100 years.

Tell us where in the Constitution it says the government can force hospitals to treat patients?
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency treatment isn't comprehensive healthcare.

It is healthcare.

Everyone has it, thanks to the finest President in 100 years.

Tell us where in the Constitution it says the government can force hospitals to treat patients?

In case you don't know already the beauty of the above post, it's because PoliticalChic, not that long ago,

said this:

"...find the part of the enumerated powers of the federal government that gives it authority to write insurance for its citizens.

Or...admit that Liberal governance is lawless governance."

I wonder why she doesn't bitch at Reagan's ghost about his lawless governance, but instead makes it part of the reason she believes Reagan was the finest president in the last 100 years (which, btw, would make him the finest president since Woodrow Wilson lolol.

Eh? Cat got your tongue, Granny?
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency treatment isn't comprehensive healthcare.

It is healthcare.

Everyone has it, thanks to the finest President in 100 years.

Oh , so forcing people to provide health care "at the point of a gun" is perfectly fine wh you because Reagan approved ?
Chic ,

"Losses of economic freedoms" is an opinion .

Health care isn't.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986...."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency treatment isn't comprehensive healthcare.

It is healthcare.

Everyone has it, thanks to the finest President in 100 years.

Oh , so forcing people to provide health care "at the point of a gun" is perfectly fine wh you because Reagan approved ?

She's a bit dense. Reagan good. Obama bad. Have you seen my baseball?
1. "Wal-Mart announced Jan. 15 it will close 269 stores globally, including 154 locations in the United States—affecting about 10,000 associates across the nation.
“The minimum wage in the city of Oakland played a factor, was one of the factors, they considered in closing the stores,” Oakland City Councilman Larry Reidtoldthe San Francisco Chronicle.

... this store has been very successful for Wal-mart.”

So Wal Mart is closing 269 store globally, including 115 outside the united States, because ONE CITY raised its minimum wage? Really?

You do realize that WalMart has a history of opening stores in town, driving all the local business out of business, and then closing up shop after they've become the only alternative, right?


You can provide some proof for this assertion ?

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