The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

Democrats: 42 blacks
Republicans: 1 black

By that standard, the NBA is one of the most racist organizations in the nation.
Yeah, the NBA is just like candidates for office and people who are elected by democratic vote and given political power in Congress.

If you're going to use representation as proof of racism, be prepared to have your argument destroyed. Democrats pretend to support minorities, but that support disappears faster than Lindsey Lohan when the cops show up if any minority person dares to stray from the party plantation.
You didn't blow away any argument. All you did was throw out a false analogy. Unlike electing blacks to Congress, which is represented by all voters, the NBA is represented by a handful of owners.
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But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white.

You know how stupid your argument is? It parallels this argument:

A male burn victim, with severe burns to his face, is never seen dating beautiful women even though he asks beautiful women out on dates all the time.

Conclusion: That man hates beautiful women and we know this because he doesn't ever date beautiful women.​
That is one of the stupidest analogies I have ever read.
Less than 1% of delegates to the GOP convention were minorities, 44% at the Dems'. Figure that out, hater dupes lol.

Breaking: Southern conservatives tend to be racists. Actually, any conservatives.
But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white.

You know how stupid your argument is? It parallels this argument:

A male burn victim, with severe burns to his face, is never seen dating beautiful women even though he asks beautiful women out on dates all the time.

Conclusion: That man hates beautiful women and we know this because he doesn't ever date beautiful women.​
That is one of the stupidest analogies I have ever read.

It's harsh looking at the your stupidity when it's shot back at you, I get it.

If black voters don't vote for Republicans because the Republicans don't bribe them like the Democrats, the fault doesn't lie with Republicans being anti-racist, the fault of Republicans not having many minority supporters lies with voters who don't like the Republican anti-racist messaging.

Blaming Republicans is like blaming the burn victim when beautiful women don't want to date him.
Less than 1% of delegates to the GOP convention were minorities, 44% at the Dems'. Figure that out, hater dupes lol.

Breaking: Southern conservatives tend to be racists. Actually, any conservatives.

What are you talking about? The racists are those white liberals who flee from blacks and chose to live in Lilly-White Portland and Vermont where the closest they come to seeing a black person is when they watch a Will Smith movie.
Rik, read this again: "But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white."

Either we start reaching out to the minorities, or the Dems will crush us forever, and we should be if the party membership thinks it is destined rule the majority.

I like your performance art. It's subtle and refreshingly bizarre.
If you want to know which party is more racist, look no further than the U.S. Congress...

Democrats: 42 blacks
Republicans: 1 black
Wow, that's proves everything.

We can go home now folks.

Fauns' shown us all how racist the GOP really is. Hardly any blacks want to be one.

Or could be just that running as a Democrat is easier because they own the mainstream media?
Nah, plenty of blacks want to be one. It's the racist right who won't elect them.
Rik, read this again: "But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white."

Either we start reaching out to the minorities, or the Dems will crush us forever, and we should be if the party membership thinks it is destined rule the majority.

I like your performance art. It's subtle and refreshingly bizarre.

The history books will report the GOP demise to be the result of the absolute refusal of the far right wingers in the party to understand the demographic shift in America. Your picture will be that of the poster child of stupidity.
Rik, read this again: "But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white."

Either we start reaching out to the minorities, or the Dems will crush us forever, and we should be if the party membership thinks it is destined rule the majority.

I like your performance art. It's subtle and refreshingly bizarre.

The history books will report the GOP demise to be the result of the absolute refusal of the far right wingers in the party to understand the demographic shift in America. Your picture will be that of the poster child of stupidity.

Should we give them reparations Jake?
Rik, read this again: "But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white."

Either we start reaching out to the minorities, or the Dems will crush us forever, and we should be if the party membership thinks it is destined rule the majority.

I like your performance art. It's subtle and refreshingly bizarre.

The history books will report the GOP demise to be the result of the absolute refusal of the far right wingers in the party to understand the demographic shift in America. Your picture will be that of the poster child of stupidity.

Should we give them reparations Jake?

I'd support a $50,000 payout for every black who decided that life elsewhere was better than here and left to live their life free of American oppression.
But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white.

You know how stupid your argument is? It parallels this argument:

A male burn victim, with severe burns to his face, is never seen dating beautiful women even though he asks beautiful women out on dates all the time.

Conclusion: That man hates beautiful women and we know this because he doesn't ever date beautiful women.​
That is one of the stupidest analogies I have ever read.

It's harsh looking at the your stupidity when it's shot back at you, I get it.

If black voters don't vote for Republicans because the Republicans don't bribe them like the Democrats, the fault doesn't lie with Republicans being anti-racist, the fault of Republicans not having many minority supporters lies with voters who don't like the Republican anti-racist messaging.

Blaming Republicans is like blaming the burn victim when beautiful women don't want to date him.
Umm, we're talking about racist white Conservatives and Republicans. They're the ones who very rarely elect blacks.
Comparing the GOP party voters unwillingness to give political power to black Republicans to a male burn victim and a beautiful woman.


This is just too rich. What a fucking gem.

You are submitting the GOP are these ugly male burn victims (love it!) who somehow keep going up to the "beautiful women" (African American voters) with proposals to date, and just keep getting turned down.

So we can't blame to ugly burn victim, right?

He's too ...burnt...or ugly, Or something.

Geeze man, you took that to crazy land. Tell us what kind of "proposals to date" were made. You know there were none.There was no wanting to date, there wasn't even a flittering of the eyes.

The "burn victim" (GOP) pretty much said to the "beautiful woman" (African American voters) -- "Screw you, we don't want you.
You're on welfare, bitch - Fuck you, cause you're too stupid to know any better than to vote democrat. And Stop sneering at me and Pick Up My Luggage!"
But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white.

You know how stupid your argument is? It parallels this argument:

A male burn victim, with severe burns to his face, is never seen dating beautiful women even though he asks beautiful women out on dates all the time.

Conclusion: That man hates beautiful women and we know this because he doesn't ever date beautiful women.​
That is one of the stupidest analogies I have ever read.

It's harsh looking at the your stupidity when it's shot back at you, I get it.

If black voters don't vote for Republicans because the Republicans don't bribe them like the Democrats, the fault doesn't lie with Republicans being anti-racist, the fault of Republicans not having many minority supporters lies with voters who don't like the Republican anti-racist messaging.

Blaming Republicans is like blaming the burn victim when beautiful women don't want to date him.
Umm, we're talking about racist white Conservatives and Republicans. They're the ones who very rarely elect blacks.
Gary Franks, J.C. Watts, Tim Scott, Allen West were all black Republicans elected by white voters.

Name 4 black Democrats elected from majority white districts.

Pointing to black democrats elected from majority black districts tells us NOTHING about racist white liberals who shoo blacks into gerrymandered districts so that they can continue to live apart from them.
In what cities are blacks most miserable, most poor, most subject to violence? Which party runs virtually all of those cities and has for a generation?
There's the answer right there. Democrats are the real racists. Look at their reactions whenever they get somewhere who wanders off message and preaches self reliance and independence.
Rik, read this again: "But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white."

Either we start reaching out to the minorities, or the Dems will crush us forever, and we should be if the party membership thinks it is destined rule the majority.

I like your performance art. It's subtle and refreshingly bizarre.

The history books will report the GOP demise to be the result of the absolute refusal of the far right wingers in the party to understand the demographic shift in America. Your picture will be that of the poster child of stupidity.

Should we give them reparations Jake?

I'd support a $50,000 payout for every black who decided that life elsewhere was better than here and left to live their life free of American oppression.

Rik, read this again: "But a new book about America's political divisions notes that the 99 percent of all Republican legislators across the country and in Congress are white."

Either we start reaching out to the minorities, or the Dems will crush us forever, and we should be if the party membership thinks it is destined rule the majority.

I like your performance art. It's subtle and refreshingly bizarre.

The history books will report the GOP demise to be the result of the absolute refusal of the far right wingers in the party to understand the demographic shift in America. Your picture will be that of the poster child of stupidity.

Should we give them reparations Jake?

I'd support a $50,000 payout for every black who decided that life elsewhere was better than here and left to live their life free of American oppression.
Nobody will take refugees from stupid racist GOP discrimination and bs, hater dupe. Well, now you've gone through every ridiculous GOP argument, racist functional moron. BTW, racism means believing a certain race is inferior, not whatever your idiotic new GOP bs is lol.
Politico is represented every morning on MSNBC. Can't get out of 1960's.

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