The democrats see your retirement money...and they want all of it....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an opening move to get to your 401(k) and take all that money for the government/democrat party.....

California wants to force people to save for mandating anyone without a private pension plan must give money to a California, government controlled retirement plan.....

What could go wrong?

Jerry Brown May Force You to Save for Retirement - Breitbart

The so-called “public option” retirement plan is a mandatory savings program designed to make sure workers have some assets when they retire.

However, critics have panned the program. The Wall Street Journal devoted a lead editorial to criticizing the plan last week:

A board comprised of Democrats and their nominees—namely, union reps and attorneys—has been charged with fleshing out the program’s details …

The legislation gives the board carte blanche to design and manage the state IRAs. One of the few rules is that the employee contribution must start between 2% and 5% of wages and can only escalate by one percentage point annually up to 10%. Administrative costs after six years are capped at 1% of program assets, which is greater than the operating expenses charged by 90% of IRA equity mutual funds.

The board could invest workers’ money however it chooses, so politicians would be able to direct billions toward their favorite causes.

A legislative analysis notes that “the fiscal impact of this bill is subject to considerable uncertainty.” No kidding. If more workers opt out or contribute less than the board projects, administrative costs could exceed the 1% limit. Taxpayers might have to pick up the difference.

The Journal also warns that other large Democrat-dominated states intend to follow California’s example — and that despite heavy federal intervention in the private finance industry, consumers cannot expect government-run plans to be subject to the same scrutiny.

How many of you want democrats in control of a mandatory retirement you really think your money will exist after they get done with it?
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Oh if it were only all on the left, it would all be so utterly simple. Oh wait, Breitbart, nevermind.
The government managing pension funds? California is already billions in debt over this shit
The government managing pension funds? California is already billions in debt over this shit
Oh, c'mon now. Estimates of CAs unfunded pension and other liabilities are only somewhere between 50 and 100 BILLION dollars. But I'm sure they'll find money somewhere to pay for it all. Oh, wait a minute...

Bbbbut the loons swear California has a great economy and is fiscal solvent....effin dopes
This is an opening move to get to your 401(k) and take all that money for the government/democrat party.....

California wants to force people to save for mandating anyone without a private pension plan must give money to a California, government controlled retirement plan.....

What could go wrong?

Jerry Brown May Force You to Save for Retirement - Breitbart

The so-called “public option” retirement plan is a mandatory savings program designed to make sure workers have some assets when they retire.

However, critics have panned the program. The Wall Street Journal devoted a lead editorial to criticizing the plan last week:

A board comprised of Democrats and their nominees—namely, union reps and attorneys—has been charged with fleshing out the program’s details …

The legislation gives the board carte blanche to design and manage the state IRAs. One of the few rules is that the employee contribution must start between 2% and 5% of wages and can only escalate by one percentage point annually up to 10%. Administrative costs after six years are capped at 1% of program assets, which is greater than the operating expenses charged by 90% of IRA equity mutual funds.

The board could invest workers’ money however it chooses, so politicians would be able to direct billions toward their favorite causes.

A legislative analysis notes that “the fiscal impact of this bill is subject to considerable uncertainty.” No kidding. If more workers opt out or contribute less than the board projects, administrative costs could exceed the 1% limit. Taxpayers might have to pick up the difference.

The Journal also warns that other large Democrat-dominated states intend to follow California’s example — and that despite heavy federal intervention in the private finance industry, consumers cannot expect government-run plans to be subject to the same scrutiny.

How many of you want democrats in control of a mandatory retirement you really think your money will exist after they get done with it?

The board could invest workers’ money however it chooses, so politicians would be able to direct billions toward their favorite causes.

They can invest the worker money in a high speed choo-choo.
Workers will make trillions!!!
Isn't that what social security is for? Clearly the government has done a great job of managing that fund. They don't need to force us to do more.
This is just a dry run for taking your guns
Isn't that what social security is for? Clearly the government has done a great job of managing that fund. They don't need to force us to do more.

There is no "fund" with social security, just a bunch of IOU's owned by the General Fund of the Federal Government.
This is an opening move to get to your 401(k) and take all that money for the government/democrat party.....

California wants to force people to save for mandating anyone without a private pension plan must give money to a California, government controlled retirement plan.....

What could go wrong?

Jerry Brown May Force You to Save for Retirement - Breitbart

The so-called “public option” retirement plan is a mandatory savings program designed to make sure workers have some assets when they retire.

However, critics have panned the program. The Wall Street Journal devoted a lead editorial to criticizing the plan last week:

A board comprised of Democrats and their nominees—namely, union reps and attorneys—has been charged with fleshing out the program’s details …

The legislation gives the board carte blanche to design and manage the state IRAs. One of the few rules is that the employee contribution must start between 2% and 5% of wages and can only escalate by one percentage point annually up to 10%. Administrative costs after six years are capped at 1% of program assets, which is greater than the operating expenses charged by 90% of IRA equity mutual funds.

The board could invest workers’ money however it chooses, so politicians would be able to direct billions toward their favorite causes.

A legislative analysis notes that “the fiscal impact of this bill is subject to considerable uncertainty.” No kidding. If more workers opt out or contribute less than the board projects, administrative costs could exceed the 1% limit. Taxpayers might have to pick up the difference.

The Journal also warns that other large Democrat-dominated states intend to follow California’s example — and that despite heavy federal intervention in the private finance industry, consumers cannot expect government-run plans to be subject to the same scrutiny.

How many of you want democrats in control of a mandatory retirement you really think your money will exist after they get done with it?

I have had my retirement fund in a Government managed fund for 25 years, It has performed as well or better than private funds and has low overhead

For some reason, nobody has tried to "take" my money
Isn't that what social security is for? Clearly the government has done a great job of managing that fund. They don't need to force us to do more.

There is no "fund" with social security, just a bunch of IOU's owned by the General Fund of the Federal Government.
Yup, the social security check someone gets next month came from my tax bill this month.
Quite the sham we've gotten ourselves into.
Isn't that what social security is for? Clearly the government has done a great job of managing that fund. They don't need to force us to do more.

There is no "fund" with social security, just a bunch of IOU's owned by the General Fund of the Federal Government.
Yup, the social security check someone gets next month came from my tax bill this month.
Quite the sham we've gotten ourselves into.

It would have kept working except for the increase in life span, the decrease in birth rate, and a few other conditions.

Or maybe they could have actually invested the surpluses instead of using it to prop up the general fund.

Crazy ideas, I know.
The government managing pension funds? California is already billions in debt over this shit
Oh, c'mon now. Estimates of CAs unfunded pension and other liabilities are only somewhere between 50 and 100 BILLION dollars. But I'm sure they'll find money somewhere to pay for it all. Oh, wait a minute...

Bbbbut the loons swear California has a great economy and is fiscal solvent....effin dopes
It would have kept working except for the increase in life span, the decrease in birth rate, and a few other conditions.

Or maybe they could have actually invested the surpluses instead of using it to prop up the general fund.

Crazy ideas, I know.

Cheney/Bush had the opportunity to put the surplus into the Social Security fund but no, instead they decided to send us all those nifty $300 checks.

What a guy!
It would have kept working except for the increase in life span, the decrease in birth rate, and a few other conditions.

Or maybe they could have actually invested the surpluses instead of using it to prop up the general fund.

Crazy ideas, I know.

Cheney/Bush had the opportunity to put the surplus into the Social Security fund but no, instead they decided to send us all those nifty $300 checks.

What a guy!

What fund? It would have been just more IOU's from the General Account.

When SS has a surplus, it goes into the goes into the general account. when it has a shortfall, they cash in some of the IOU's and the $$ comes from the General Account.

There is no "fund". No investments, no earned interest. nothing.
Breitbart ,the website trusted by conspiracy theorists, homophobes, bigots, and rwnj's for over a decade!

Moron...Breitbart is linking to a story by the Wall Street you think before you post.....?

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