The Democrats Last Gasp! The Race Card!


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
As I am watching the Race Card be played in all the democrat cities across the US and the civil unrest in just democrat controlled shit holes across our nation I wondered why is it just those regions? The thought occurred to me that democrats are grasping at any straw that might change the narrative from Trumps massive rebound in the economy as we open up and the falling numbers of COVID deaths and hospitalizations this summer. Both items they were counting on happening the other way and against Trump are not doing as they had hoped. The outrage over the mans death is contrived and being fanned by democrats. As information comes out we are finding out that this man had health problems and was most likely a sudden in-custody death, which was avoidable. (please note I am not absolving the officers conduct because it was wrong!)

Trumps proclamation of ANTIFA as a "terrorist organization" is about to change the narrative again from the race card. This will now allow the federal government to deal with the fire bombing and destruction going on in democrat shit holes and without needing to involve local officials.

Trump out plays the democrats once again and the shift in narrative is going to be stunning. Democrats are grasping at straws.. This straw man is about to burn out...
As I am watching the Race Card be played in all the democrat cities across the US and the civil unrest in just democrat controlled shit holes across our nation I wondered why is it just those regions?

My guess is that these rioters, looters, and instigators were all orchestrated. It was well planned ever since the protesting itself started. So, they wanted to capitalize on it and make it more than what it was originally tended for. Just like the Ferguson riots, and the Los Angeles riots in 1992.
These groups of people from either outside the cities or states, came in to do just one thing...throw more fuel to the fire. They were the true flame-throwers of the entire protests. Even though, the past 3 nights was anything but protesting.
These groups were bent on starting a Race war.
As I am watching the Race Card be played in all the democrat cities across the US and the civil unrest in just democrat controlled shit holes across our nation I wondered why is it just those regions? The thought occurred to me that democrats are grasping at any straw that might change the narrative from Trumps massive rebound in the economy as we open up and the falling numbers of COVID deaths and hospitalizations this summer. Both items they were counting on happening the other way and against Trump are not doing as they had hoped. The outrage over the mans death is contrived and being fanned by democrats. As information comes out we are finding out that this man had health problems and was most likely a sudden in-custody death, which was avoidable. (please note I am not absolving the officers conduct because it was wrong!)

Trumps proclamation of ANTIFA as a "terrorist organization" is about to change the narrative again from the race card. This will now allow the federal government to deal with the fire bombing and destruction going on in democrat shit holes and without needing to involve local officials.

Trump out plays the democrats once again and the shift in narrative is going to be stunning. Democrats are grasping at straws.. This straw man is about to burn out...
Fantastic post, thank you. And with the Dim Dems, it always does come back around to race, and accusing others of being racist. Simply dreadful.
As I am watching the Race Card be played in all the democrat cities across the US and the civil unrest in just democrat controlled shit holes across our nation I wondered why is it just those regions?

My guess is that these rioters, looters, and instigators were all orchestrated. It was well planned ever since the protesting itself started. So, they wanted to capitalize on it and make it more than what it was originally tended for. Just like the Ferguson riots, and the Los Angeles riots in 1992.
These groups of people from either outside the cities or states, came in to do just one thing...throw more fuel to the fire. They were the true flame-throwers of the entire protests. Even though, the past 3 nights was anything but protesting.
These groups were bent on starting a Race war.
Yep, very nicely stated.
I am watching the Race Card be played in all the democrat cities across the US and the civil unrest in just democrat controlled shit holes across our nation I wondered why is it just those regions?
The black slaves only have 3/5 vote in those regions according to the Constitution, (under a clause without which the Democrats refused to ratify,) and slaves are required to vote according to the will of their white male masters and owners.

So a white Democrat male has one full vote plus 3/5 vote for every black or minority slave he owns.
The riots should be worse today because of the successful resurrection of the space program. Dependent on Russia no more. Thanks Trump.
The riots should be worse today because of the successful resurrection of the space program. Dependent on Russia no more. Thanks Trump.
That space shot was needed. And of course the Progs and their "Les Miserable" agendas with the perpetual suffering of the humanity mantra while many live like royalty, interfered with some of that luster. It feels good to see some American know how despite those traitors.
As I am watching the Race Card be played in all the democrat cities across the US and the civil unrest in just democrat controlled shit holes across our nation I wondered why is it just those regions?

My guess is that these rioters, looters, and instigators were all orchestrated. It was well planned ever since the protesting itself started. So, they wanted to capitalize on it and make it more than what it was originally tended for. Just like the Ferguson riots, and the Los Angeles riots in 1992.
These groups of people from either outside the cities or states, came in to do just one thing...throw more fuel to the fire. They were the true flame-throwers of the entire protests. Even though, the past 3 nights was anything but protesting.
These groups were bent on starting a Race war.
And they could only happen where dimocrats are in control. All other places would put this crap down in very short order.. Now Trump, TRUMPS the dimocrat shit hole control by making the engine they are using to foment violence a terrorist orginization.. Gawd I love it when dimocrats get hooked by their own plans..
Who murders somebody when they KNOW they're being recorded by 10 people?

You wouldn't...unless you WANTED it recorded to start a race war.

Mr. Floyd was murdered to intentionally start a race war...and do you know what comes next?

The murderer (cop) will walk free. now THAT is when things get really interesting!
Democrat filth desperately want mail-in voting so they can cheat all the more in november.

They murder a black man & make sure it's recorded for all to see.

The ensuing riots spread the rona...the numbers of newly infected is called "the second wave"...democrats scream for mail in voting because going to the polls is not safe!

Check out the EMT's in the video...they don't even look for a pulse on george floyd. I don't even think they are EMT's...just cops with vests on.
The murderer (cop) will walk free.
With the democrat controlled courts in that city it is a very real possibility and one that would ensure a fire across the US. This would be done on purpose just to cause such a fire so democrats could win the elections. With The Fed now stepping in to prosecute this case that can no longer happen as this case will be heard in a safe location away from that city.
This would be done on purpose just to cause such a fire so democrats could win the elections.

And what will they burn first? The polling stations! (we MUST have mail-in voting).

The stage is already being set...the preliminary autopsy states george did not die of asphyxiation or a broken neck...he died of a heart attack brought on by hypertension and coronary artery disease. I'm sure the toxicology report will add to that (when it comes out)!

Even the fed is going to have a tough time getting around that one.
This would be done on purpose just to cause such a fire so democrats could win the elections.

And what will they burn first? The polling stations! (we MUST have mail-in voting).

The stage is already being set...the preliminary autopsy states george did not die of asphyxiation or a broken neck...he died of a heart attack brought on by hypertension and coronary artery disease. I'm sure the toxicology report will add to that (when it comes out)!

Even the fed is going to have a tough time getting around that one.
Actually NO, it wont.

IF you know how acidosis progresses in the human body you would realize that his restricted airway would have caused this very rapidly. Once the level of acidosis reaches 6.9Ph the heart begins to have arrhythmia and in persons who already have heart conditions it is lethal. It will be very easily shown how the officers knee on his neck was the direct cause of his heart attack. This problem is well known and has been in trainnning manuals for over 20 years. This is why they no longer "hog tie" individuals and those who are obese are never left on their stomachs handcuffed.
IF you know how acidosis progresses in the human body you would realize that his restricted airway would have caused this very rapidly.

OK...but what kind of charge could they get?

3rd degree Murder by acidosis? I don't thunk so. Proving in court beyond a reasonable doubt is far different than watching a video.

Either that or they will epstein him & the rioters will still not get their blood lust fulfilled. That will start rioting round 2 and it will probably happen a few weeks before the election.
IF you know how acidosis progresses in the human body you would realize that his restricted airway would have caused this very rapidly.

OK...but what kind of charge could they get?

3rd degree Murder by acidosis? I don't thunk so. Proving in court beyond a reasonable doubt is far different than watching a video.

Either that or they will epstein him & the rioters will still not get their blood lust fulfilled. That will start rioting round 2 and it will probably happen a few weeks before the election.
Negligent Homicide.
As I am watching the Race Card be played in all the democrat cities across the US and the civil unrest in just democrat controlled shit holes across our nation I wondered why is it just those regions?

My guess is that these rioters, looters, and instigators were all orchestrated. It was well planned ever since the protesting itself started. So, they wanted to capitalize on it and make it more than what it was originally tended for. Just like the Ferguson riots, and the Los Angeles riots in 1992.
These groups of people from either outside the cities or states, came in to do just one thing...throw more fuel to the fire. They were the true flame-throwers of the entire protests. Even though, the past 3 nights was anything but protesting.
These groups were bent on starting a Race war.
Negligent Homicide.

I'm not trying to argue...I'm just saying this was well planned out & it ain't over yet.

From making sure it was recorded to knowing there would be protests to bussing in violent infiltrators into those protests...Not to mention getting protests going in all the leftist cities.

This was well orchestrated...but it didn't yet get the left what they there will be more to come.
Negligent Homicide.

I'm not trying to argue...I'm just saying this was well planned out & it ain't over yet.

From making sure it was recorded to knowing there would be protests to bussing in violent infiltrators into those protests...Not to mention getting protests going in all the leftist cities.

This was well orchestrated...but it didn't yet get the left what they there will be more to come.
Probably a true statement...

As Trump has now labeled their number one tool ANTIFA, a terrorist organization, it has now become the vehicle to destroy the democrats who are supplying it with money and directing its operations. Now is when the fun begins as democrats are unmasked and dealt with under FISA.

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