The Democrats have formed a coalition of everyone who is disgruntled and has a chip on his shoulder

Truth, logic and reason is on the side of the Christian and conservative.

That is why the opposition resorts to lies, insults and ridicule,

They can't win if they stick to truth, logic, or reason.

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to insist on ordering the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to insist on a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the US?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to conclude that Mexico is sending us their 'rapists and theives' (though some are good people, right)?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to conclude that a real estate developer best known for his affairs and firing Gary Busey from Celebrity apprecentice knows more about ISIS than the generals do?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to gobble down the batshit birther conspiracy?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to insinuate that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy Assassination?

I can do this all night. And no, none of that is 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'. But laughable, batshit nonsense that the GOP bought whole and now use to lead their party.

You own all of that shit now.
Truth, logic and reason is on the side of the Christian and conservative.

That is why the opposition resorts to lies, insults and ridicule,

They can't win if they stick to truth, logic, or reason.

Your threads and posts and that of other conservatives are nothing but faulty reasoning and logical fallacies – this very thread is proof of that.

Conservatives for the most part disdain critical thinking and blindly reject facts and the truth which conflict with errant, wrongheaded rightwing dogma.
The Democrats have formed a coalition of everyone who is disgruntled and has a chip on his shoulder.

God knows how they put aside their differences and get along.

The coalition includes both Jews and Muslims, who hate each other.

The coalition includes union workers but also Wall Street bankers, Silicon Valley technical workers and the Hampton country club set. I have no idea what these people supposedly have in common.

There's a strong anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ sentiment, and yet they get blacks and Hispanics, who are very religious to overlook that and vote for them.

All pro-life people have been jettisoned or shut down. Governor Casey of Pennslyvania was the last prominent pro-lifer in the Democrat party, and he was denied the opportunity to speak at the Democratic National Convention.

Democrats impulsively hate guns, even though millions of Democrats use guns on a regular basis to commit crimes.

Democrats say they love the environment, but what that means to them is shutting down private enterprise and putting people out of work, not actually saving the environment.

Democrats say they want to stop global warming, but don't actually have a workable plan to stop it, other than shut down every factory in the world and taking away everyone's automobile.

The Democrat love of abortion is odd. Mostly, they are killing future Democratic voters.

The Democrat love for homosexuality and transsexualism is based on their hatred of God, hatred of God's divine plan, and hatred of all that God wanted for men and women to get married in loving relationships, remain faithful to one another, and provide loving homes for their children so they can grow up to be normal, law-abiding citizens.

And that is because normal, law-abiding, God-fearing, country-loving people almost always vote Republican, so Democrats hate them.

Democrats hate Christians, conservatives and Republicans more than they hate first-degree murderers, more than they hate Islamic terrorists, and more than they hate Communists who commit genocide.

A liberal who finds out his friend on Facebook or Twitter is a Christian, a conservative or a Republican will likely respond by blocking his messages and "unfriending" him.

Liberals hate, and are completely intolerant of, conservatives and Christians.

This can be seen in the liberal-controlled universities, the media, and Hollywood, where Christians and conservatives must stay in hiding if they want to continue their careers.

So let me get this right? The largest and most influential religion in the United actually a vast collection of helpless victims that must remain in hiding?

Um, dude.....have you been outside lately? Christian churches are *everywhere*. And they advertise. If they're trying to hide, they're doing the worst job since David Copperfield tried to make the moon disappear.
I did not say Christians have to hide EVERYWHERE, you are lying about what I said.

But Christians do have to hide in places where liberals have control:

* Universities

* The media

* Hollywood and the music industry

* Silicon Valley companies

My brother works at a major tech company you've heard of, and his policy is to never discuss religion or politics with anyone. If he did, he could lose his job for violating the company's "culture."
Another ridiculous lie.

Christians don’t have to ‘hide’ anywhere.

And again, the vast majority of liberals and democrats are Christian, rendering your ‘argument’ as idiotic as it is wrong.
I am waiting for the day that even one liberal or Democrat on this forum defend Christ against the attacks of his fellow liberals and Democrats on this forum. I haven't seen it yet.
Truth, logic and reason is on the side of the Christian and conservative.

That is why the opposition resorts to lies, insults and ridicule,

They can't win if they stick to truth, logic, or reason.

Your threads and posts and that of other conservatives are nothing but faulty reasoning and logical fallacies – this very thread is proof of that.

Conservatives for the most part disdain critical thinking and blindly reject facts and the truth which conflict with errant, wrongheaded rightwing dogma.
He's just another keyboard commando here to say rude things that would get him beat down in the real world.
This is an outstanding post and a worthy effort to do the impossible--Understand Liberals.

No matter how you come at it, excellent analysis such as above, or using various disciplines...Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, or just simple common sense.....the only conclusion anybody ever comes to is that they are Bat-Shit Crazy.

But, if you insist on looking for a thread amidst the incongruous maze, look at Jealousy, Lust for Control, and manipulating the Love of Free Stuff, including Membership in a Public Employee Union.

There is a whiff of Guilt operating with some of these Loons. If your Daddy fixed it to where you have the leisure to feel sorry for the very poor and the very lazy...and feel Guilt enough to conclude you will allow your taxes to be raised, as long as it is not more than the smuck husband & and wife both working to raise a few kids and own a house. Not too many of these Kinds of Liberals but they are the most loathsome because they are by far the worst hypocrites.


Laughing..its just adorable to watch white guys try to cover themselves in sack cloth and ashes, lamenting about how hard their lives are, how they have to remain in hiding, and how they are almost universally persecuted.

Apparently you're trying the old 'make-me piss-myself-laughing-so-I-have-to-lose-my-spot-in-the-voting-line-because-I-have-to-back-and-change' strategy for winning the White House.

And surprisingly....its probably the best chance you have.
Again, you are lying about what I said. I did not say Christians and conservatives have to hide EVERYWHERE, only certain places that liberals control.

And I've noticed liberals lie every time they speak or type on a keyboard.

Liberals seem convinced that if they tell the truth, and only the truth, they cannot possibly win an argument.

So they resort to lies at the beginning of an argument, before even thinking of telling the truth.

Dude, you're just giving us a front row seat into the Right Wing Echo Chamber......letting us see the crazy that fringe conservatives tell each other.

Revealing yourself. And telling us next to nothing about 'liberals', 'the media', 'universities', or anything else.

And your view of yourself as the Victim Patient Zero is just hysterically funny. I remember Heston waving guns and muttering 'Cold Dead Hand!' And from that your ilk have been reduced to your novella sized pity party.

When did conservatives become such whiny little pussies?
You can't win if you meet me head on the field of combat and fight me like a man.

So you fight like a coward, with insults and ridiculous comments.

You are beneath my contempt.

The field of combat? What video game do you think you're playing, kiddo?

You obviously defend your argument by its merit. So much for 'Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'. All you've got left are vague, thuggish babble about 'combat'.

But hey...I'll be in San Marcos Texas tonight. Meet me at the Railyard tonight at 8 and I'll be happy to tell you to your face everything I've said here.
Truth, logic and reason is on the side of the Christian and conservative.

That is why the opposition resorts to lies, insults and ridicule,

They can't win if they stick to truth, logic, or reason.

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to insist on ordering the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to insist on a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the US?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to conclude that Mexico is sending us their 'rapists and theives' (though some are good people, right)?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to conclude that a real estate developer best known for his affairs and firing Gary Busey from Celebrity apprecentice knows more about ISIS than the generals do?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to gobble down the batshit birther conspiracy?

Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason' to insinuate that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy Assassination?

I can do this all night. And no, none of that is 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'. But laughable, batshit nonsense that the GOP bought whole and now use to lead their party.

You own all of that shit now.
I'm sorry, but if you were paying even the slightest fuck amount of attention, you would know that I've started as many anti-Trump threads as anyone, so I don't OWN any of that shit, fuckwad.
This is an outstanding post and a worthy effort to do the impossible--Understand Liberals.

No matter how you come at it, excellent analysis such as above, or using various disciplines...Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, or just simple common sense.....the only conclusion anybody ever comes to is that they are Bat-Shit Crazy.

But, if you insist on looking for a thread amidst the incongruous maze, look at Jealousy, Lust for Control, and manipulating the Love of Free Stuff, including Membership in a Public Employee Union.

There is a whiff of Guilt operating with some of these Loons. If your Daddy fixed it to where you have the leisure to feel sorry for the very poor and the very lazy...and feel Guilt enough to conclude you will allow your taxes to be raised, as long as it is not more than the smuck husband & and wife both working to raise a few kids and own a house. Not too many of these Kinds of Liberals but they are the most loathsome because they are by far the worst hypocrites.


Laughing..its just adorable to watch white guys try to cover themselves in sack cloth and ashes, lamenting about how hard their lives are, how they have to remain in hiding, and how they are almost universally persecuted.

Apparently you're trying the old 'make-me piss-myself-laughing-so-I-have-to-lose-my-spot-in-the-voting-line-because-I-have-to-back-and-change' strategy for winning the White House.

And surprisingly....its probably the best chance you have.
Again, you are lying about what I said. I did not say Christians and conservatives have to hide EVERYWHERE, only certain places that liberals control.

And I've noticed liberals lie every time they speak or type on a keyboard.

Liberals seem convinced that if they tell the truth, and only the truth, they cannot possibly win an argument.

So they resort to lies at the beginning of an argument, before even thinking of telling the truth.

Dude, you're just giving us a front row seat into the Right Wing Echo Chamber......letting us see the crazy that fringe conservatives tell each other.

Revealing yourself. And telling us next to nothing about 'liberals', 'the media', 'universities', or anything else.

And your view of yourself as the Victim Patient Zero is just hysterically funny. I remember Heston waving guns and muttering 'Cold Dead Hand!' And from that your ilk have been reduced to your novella sized pity party.

When did conservatives become such whiny little pussies?
You can't win if you meet me head on the field of combat and fight me like a man.

So you fight like a coward, with insults and ridiculous comments.

You are beneath my contempt.

The field of combat? What video game do you think you're playing, kiddo?

You obviously defend your argument by its merit. So much for 'Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'are Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'.

But hey...I'll be in San Marcos Texas tonight. Meet me at the Railyard tonight at 8 and I'll be happy to tell you to your face everything I've said here.
You're a fucking coward. If I actually showed up, you'd piss your pants and run.
You have to be angry to be a democrat and the DNC does their best to keep democrats angry to the point of anarchy. You almost gotta laugh that Hillary gets away with angry campaigning against the last 7 1/2 years even though she is Obama in drag.
The Democrats have formed a coalition of everyone who is disgruntled and has a chip on his shoulder.

God knows how they put aside their differences and get along.

The coalition includes both Jews and Muslims, who hate each other.

The coalition includes union workers but also Wall Street bankers, Silicon Valley technical workers and the Hampton country club set. I have no idea what these people supposedly have in common.

There's a strong anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ sentiment, and yet they get blacks and Hispanics, who are very religious to overlook that and vote for them.

All pro-life people have been jettisoned or shut down. Governor Casey of Pennslyvania was the last prominent pro-lifer in the Democrat party, and he was denied the opportunity to speak at the Democratic National Convention.

Democrats impulsively hate guns, even though millions of Democrats use guns on a regular basis to commit crimes.

Democrats say they love the environment, but what that means to them is shutting down private enterprise and putting people out of work, not actually saving the environment.

Democrats say they want to stop global warming, but don't actually have a workable plan to stop it, other than shut down every factory in the world and taking away everyone's automobile.

The Democrat love of abortion is odd. Mostly, they are killing future Democratic voters.

The Democrat love for homosexuality and transsexualism is based on their hatred of God, hatred of God's divine plan, and hatred of all that God wanted for men and women to get married in loving relationships, remain faithful to one another, and provide loving homes for their children so they can grow up to be normal, law-abiding citizens.

And that is because normal, law-abiding, God-fearing, country-loving people almost always vote Republican, so Democrats hate them.

Democrats hate Christians, conservatives and Republicans more than they hate first-degree murderers, more than they hate Islamic terrorists, and more than they hate Communists who commit genocide.

A liberal who finds out his friend on Facebook or Twitter is a Christian, a conservative or a Republican will likely respond by blocking his messages and "unfriending" him.

Liberals hate, and are completely intolerant of, conservatives and Christians.

This can be seen in the liberal-controlled universities, the media, and Hollywood, where Christians and conservatives must stay in hiding if they want to continue their careers.

So let me get this right? The largest and most influential religion in the United actually a vast collection of helpless victims that must remain in hiding?

Um, dude.....have you been outside lately? Christian churches are *everywhere*. And they advertise. If they're trying to hide, they're doing the worst job since David Copperfield tried to make the moon disappear.
I did not say Christians have to hide EVERYWHERE, you are lying about what I said.

But Christians do have to hide in places where liberals have control:

* Universities

* The media

* Hollywood and the music industry

* Silicon Valley companies

My brother works at a major tech company you've heard of, and his policy is to never discuss religion or politics with anyone. If he did, he could lose his job for violating the company's "culture."
Another ridiculous lie.

Christians don’t have to ‘hide’ anywhere.

And again, the vast majority of liberals and democrats are Christian, rendering your ‘argument’ as idiotic as it is wrong.
I am waiting for the day that even one liberal or Democrat on this forum defend Christ against the attacks of his fellow liberals and Democrats on this forum. I haven't seen it yet.
Your fucked up Jesus fan club that has traded the bible for the republican platform as it's basis has nothing to do with Jesus or anything he stood for. The Christian qualities of love, acceptance, brotherhood, forgiveness, grace, charity etc. is absent from your diatribes.
Laughing..its just adorable to watch white guys try to cover themselves in sack cloth and ashes, lamenting about how hard their lives are, how they have to remain in hiding, and how they are almost universally persecuted.

Apparently you're trying the old 'make-me piss-myself-laughing-so-I-have-to-lose-my-spot-in-the-voting-line-because-I-have-to-back-and-change' strategy for winning the White House.

And surprisingly....its probably the best chance you have.
Again, you are lying about what I said. I did not say Christians and conservatives have to hide EVERYWHERE, only certain places that liberals control.

And I've noticed liberals lie every time they speak or type on a keyboard.

Liberals seem convinced that if they tell the truth, and only the truth, they cannot possibly win an argument.

So they resort to lies at the beginning of an argument, before even thinking of telling the truth.

Dude, you're just giving us a front row seat into the Right Wing Echo Chamber......letting us see the crazy that fringe conservatives tell each other.

Revealing yourself. And telling us next to nothing about 'liberals', 'the media', 'universities', or anything else.

And your view of yourself as the Victim Patient Zero is just hysterically funny. I remember Heston waving guns and muttering 'Cold Dead Hand!' And from that your ilk have been reduced to your novella sized pity party.

When did conservatives become such whiny little pussies?
You can't win if you meet me head on the field of combat and fight me like a man.

So you fight like a coward, with insults and ridiculous comments.

You are beneath my contempt.

The field of combat? What video game do you think you're playing, kiddo?

You obviously defend your argument by its merit. So much for 'Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'are Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'.

But hey...I'll be in San Marcos Texas tonight. Meet me at the Railyard tonight at 8 and I'll be happy to tell you to your face everything I've said here.
You're a fucking coward. If I actually showed up, you'd piss your pants and run.

Laughing.....excuses why you won't be there? How did I know that was coming.

Like I can't carry your argument on its merit. And you certainly don't have the balls to back up your vague threats of violence.

So your new nick name on this board is "Excuses".

See you at 8, Excuses. The first Shiner Bock is on me.
The Democrats have formed a coalition of everyone who is disgruntled and has a chip on his shoulder.

God knows how they put aside their differences and get along.

The coalition includes both Jews and Muslims, who hate each other.

The coalition includes union workers but also Wall Street bankers, Silicon Valley technical workers and the Hampton country club set. I have no idea what these people supposedly have in common.

There's a strong anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ sentiment, and yet they get blacks and Hispanics, who are very religious to overlook that and vote for them.

All pro-life people have been jettisoned or shut down. Governor Casey of Pennslyvania was the last prominent pro-lifer in the Democrat party, and he was denied the opportunity to speak at the Democratic National Convention.

Democrats impulsively hate guns, even though millions of Democrats use guns on a regular basis to commit crimes.

Democrats say they love the environment, but what that means to them is shutting down private enterprise and putting people out of work, not actually saving the environment.

Democrats say they want to stop global warming, but don't actually have a workable plan to stop it, other than shut down every factory in the world and taking away everyone's automobile.

The Democrat love of abortion is odd. Mostly, they are killing future Democratic voters.

The Democrat love for homosexuality and transsexualism is based on their hatred of God, hatred of God's divine plan, and hatred of all that God wanted for men and women to get married in loving relationships, remain faithful to one another, and provide loving homes for their children so they can grow up to be normal, law-abiding citizens.

And that is because normal, law-abiding, God-fearing, country-loving people almost always vote Republican, so Democrats hate them.

Democrats hate Christians, conservatives and Republicans more than they hate first-degree murderers, more than they hate Islamic terrorists, and more than they hate Communists who commit genocide.

A liberal who finds out his friend on Facebook or Twitter is a Christian, a conservative or a Republican will likely respond by blocking his messages and "unfriending" him.

Liberals hate, and are completely intolerant of, conservatives and Christians.

This can be seen in the liberal-controlled universities, the media, and Hollywood, where Christians and conservatives must stay in hiding if they want to continue their careers.

So let me get this right? The largest and most influential religion in the United actually a vast collection of helpless victims that must remain in hiding?

Um, dude.....have you been outside lately? Christian churches are *everywhere*. And they advertise. If they're trying to hide, they're doing the worst job since David Copperfield tried to make the moon disappear.
I did not say Christians have to hide EVERYWHERE, you are lying about what I said.

But Christians do have to hide in places where liberals have control:

* Universities

* The media

* Hollywood and the music industry

* Silicon Valley companies

My brother works at a major tech company you've heard of, and his policy is to never discuss religion or politics with anyone. If he did, he could lose his job for violating the company's "culture."
Another ridiculous lie.

Christians don’t have to ‘hide’ anywhere.

And again, the vast majority of liberals and democrats are Christian, rendering your ‘argument’ as idiotic as it is wrong.
I am waiting for the day that even one liberal or Democrat on this forum defend Christ against the attacks of his fellow liberals and Democrats on this forum. I haven't seen it yet.
Your fucked up Jesus fan club that has traded the bible for the republican platform as it's basis has nothing to do with Jesus or anything he stood for. The Christian qualities of love, acceptance, brotherhood, forgiveness, grace, charity etc. is absent from your diatribes.

Yeah, but at least they have revenge killings of children, banning of Muslims, 'Trump Walls', birther conspiracy theories, and hero worship of Vladimir Putin to use in their place.
So let me get this right? The largest and most influential religion in the United actually a vast collection of helpless victims that must remain in hiding?

Um, dude.....have you been outside lately? Christian churches are *everywhere*. And they advertise. If they're trying to hide, they're doing the worst job since David Copperfield tried to make the moon disappear.
I did not say Christians have to hide EVERYWHERE, you are lying about what I said.

But Christians do have to hide in places where liberals have control:

* Universities

* The media

* Hollywood and the music industry

* Silicon Valley companies

My brother works at a major tech company you've heard of, and his policy is to never discuss religion or politics with anyone. If he did, he could lose his job for violating the company's "culture."
Another ridiculous lie.

Christians don’t have to ‘hide’ anywhere.

And again, the vast majority of liberals and democrats are Christian, rendering your ‘argument’ as idiotic as it is wrong.
I am waiting for the day that even one liberal or Democrat on this forum defend Christ against the attacks of his fellow liberals and Democrats on this forum. I haven't seen it yet.
Your fucked up Jesus fan club that has traded the bible for the republican platform as it's basis has nothing to do with Jesus or anything he stood for. The Christian qualities of love, acceptance, brotherhood, forgiveness, grace, charity etc. is absent from your diatribes.

Yeah, but at least they have revenge killings of children, banning of Muslims, 'Trump Walls', birther conspiracy theories, and hero worship of Vladimir Putin to use in their place.
These new right wing Christians obsess over his death on the cross and gloss over all the inconvenient things he said and did all the other days of his life that it seems to me they nail him up again every Sunday to shut him up, just like the religious conservatives did 2000 years ago.
I did not say Christians have to hide EVERYWHERE, you are lying about what I said.

But Christians do have to hide in places where liberals have control:

* Universities

* The media

* Hollywood and the music industry

* Silicon Valley companies

My brother works at a major tech company you've heard of, and his policy is to never discuss religion or politics with anyone. If he did, he could lose his job for violating the company's "culture."
Another ridiculous lie.

Christians don’t have to ‘hide’ anywhere.

And again, the vast majority of liberals and democrats are Christian, rendering your ‘argument’ as idiotic as it is wrong.
I am waiting for the day that even one liberal or Democrat on this forum defend Christ against the attacks of his fellow liberals and Democrats on this forum. I haven't seen it yet.
Your fucked up Jesus fan club that has traded the bible for the republican platform as it's basis has nothing to do with Jesus or anything he stood for. The Christian qualities of love, acceptance, brotherhood, forgiveness, grace, charity etc. is absent from your diatribes.

Yeah, but at least they have revenge killings of children, banning of Muslims, 'Trump Walls', birther conspiracy theories, and hero worship of Vladimir Putin to use in their place.
These new right wing Christians obsess over his death on the cross and gloss over all the inconvenient things he said and did all the other days of his life that it seems to me they nail him up again every Sunday to shut him up, just like the religious conservatives did 2000 years ago.

I call them 'Old Testament' Christians.
The Democrats have formed a coalition of everyone who is disgruntled and has a chip on his shoulder.

God knows how they put aside their differences and get along.

The coalition includes both Jews and Muslims, who hate each other.

The coalition includes union workers but also Wall Street bankers, Silicon Valley technical workers and the Hampton country club set. I have no idea what these people supposedly have in common.

There's a strong anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ sentiment, and yet they get blacks and Hispanics, who are very religious to overlook that and vote for them.

All pro-life people have been jettisoned or shut down. Governor Casey of Pennslyvania was the last prominent pro-lifer in the Democrat party, and he was denied the opportunity to speak at the Democratic National Convention.

Democrats impulsively hate guns, even though millions of Democrats use guns on a regular basis to commit crimes.

Democrats say they love the environment, but what that means to them is shutting down private enterprise and putting people out of work, not actually saving the environment.

Democrats say they want to stop global warming, but don't actually have a workable plan to stop it, other than shut down every factory in the world and taking away everyone's automobile.

The Democrat love of abortion is odd. Mostly, they are killing future Democratic voters.

The Democrat love for homosexuality and transsexualism is based on their hatred of God, hatred of God's divine plan, and hatred of all that God wanted for men and women to get married in loving relationships, remain faithful to one another, and provide loving homes for their children so they can grow up to be normal, law-abiding citizens.

And that is because normal, law-abiding, God-fearing, country-loving people almost always vote Republican, so Democrats hate them.

Democrats hate Christians, conservatives and Republicans more than they hate first-degree murderers, more than they hate Islamic terrorists, and more than they hate Communists who commit genocide.

A liberal who finds out his friend on Facebook or Twitter is a Christian, a conservative or a Republican will likely respond by blocking his messages and "unfriending" him.

Liberals hate, and are completely intolerant of, conservatives and Christians.

This can be seen in the liberal-controlled universities, the media, and Hollywood, where Christians and conservatives must stay in hiding if they want to continue their careers.

Typical trumpster getting it all backward. The disgruntled ones are the angry white uneducated males who form the bulk of the trumpsters. If everyone else seems to have formed a coalition it's because trump comes off like a bigoted fascist loon to the bulk of the country.

He should have done the pivot
The Democrats have formed a coalition of everyone who is disgruntled and has a chip on his shoulder.

God knows how they put aside their differences and get along.

The coalition includes both Jews and Muslims, who hate each other.

The coalition includes union workers but also Wall Street bankers, Silicon Valley technical workers and the Hampton country club set. I have no idea what these people supposedly have in common.

There's a strong anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ sentiment, and yet they get blacks and Hispanics, who are very religious to overlook that and vote for them.

All pro-life people have been jettisoned or shut down. Governor Casey of Pennslyvania was the last prominent pro-lifer in the Democrat party, and he was denied the opportunity to speak at the Democratic National Convention.

Democrats impulsively hate guns, even though millions of Democrats use guns on a regular basis to commit crimes.

Democrats say they love the environment, but what that means to them is shutting down private enterprise and putting people out of work, not actually saving the environment.

Democrats say they want to stop global warming, but don't actually have a workable plan to stop it, other than shut down every factory in the world and taking away everyone's automobile.

The Democrat love of abortion is odd. Mostly, they are killing future Democratic voters.

The Democrat love for homosexuality and transsexualism is based on their hatred of God, hatred of God's divine plan, and hatred of all that God wanted for men and women to get married in loving relationships, remain faithful to one another, and provide loving homes for their children so they can grow up to be normal, law-abiding citizens.

And that is because normal, law-abiding, God-fearing, country-loving people almost always vote Republican, so Democrats hate them.

Democrats hate Christians, conservatives and Republicans more than they hate first-degree murderers, more than they hate Islamic terrorists, and more than they hate Communists who commit genocide.

A liberal who finds out his friend on Facebook or Twitter is a Christian, a conservative or a Republican will likely respond by blocking his messages and "unfriending" him.

Liberals hate, and are completely intolerant of, conservatives and Christians.

This can be seen in the liberal-controlled universities, the media, and Hollywood, where Christians and conservatives must stay in hiding if they want to continue their careers.

Typical trumpster getting it all backward. The disgruntled ones are the angry white uneducated males who form the bulk of the trumpsters. If everyone else seems to have formed a coalition it's because trump comes off like a bigoted fascist loon to the bulk of the country.

He should have done the pivot

He couldn't have done the pivot. The man lacks any discipline. He's just going to offer us the same stream of consciousness nonsense he always does.

For crying out loud, the RNC chairman was following the man around for almost a week, handing him pictures to talk about at his rallies. And even then Trump could barely looked interested.
The Democrats have formed a coalition of everyone who is disgruntled and has a chip on his shoulder.

God knows how they put aside their differences and get along.

The coalition includes both Jews and Muslims, who hate each other.

The coalition includes union workers but also Wall Street bankers, Silicon Valley technical workers and the Hampton country club set. I have no idea what these people supposedly have in common.

There's a strong anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ sentiment, and yet they get blacks and Hispanics, who are very religious to overlook that and vote for them.

All pro-life people have been jettisoned or shut down. Governor Casey of Pennslyvania was the last prominent pro-lifer in the Democrat party, and he was denied the opportunity to speak at the Democratic National Convention.

Democrats impulsively hate guns, even though millions of Democrats use guns on a regular basis to commit crimes.

Democrats say they love the environment, but what that means to them is shutting down private enterprise and putting people out of work, not actually saving the environment.

Democrats say they want to stop global warming, but don't actually have a workable plan to stop it, other than shut down every factory in the world and taking away everyone's automobile.

The Democrat love of abortion is odd. Mostly, they are killing future Democratic voters.

The Democrat love for homosexuality and transsexualism is based on their hatred of God, hatred of God's divine plan, and hatred of all that God wanted for men and women to get married in loving relationships, remain faithful to one another, and provide loving homes for their children so they can grow up to be normal, law-abiding citizens.

And that is because normal, law-abiding, God-fearing, country-loving people almost always vote Republican, so Democrats hate them.

Democrats hate Christians, conservatives and Republicans more than they hate first-degree murderers, more than they hate Islamic terrorists, and more than they hate Communists who commit genocide.

A liberal who finds out his friend on Facebook or Twitter is a Christian, a conservative or a Republican will likely respond by blocking his messages and "unfriending" him.

Liberals hate, and are completely intolerant of, conservatives and Christians.

This can be seen in the liberal-controlled universities, the media, and Hollywood, where Christians and conservatives must stay in hiding if they want to continue their careers.

Typical trumpster getting it all backward. The disgruntled ones are the angry white uneducated males who form the bulk of the trumpsters. If everyone else seems to have formed a coalition it's because trump comes off like a bigoted fascist loon to the bulk of the country.

He should have done the pivot

He couldn't have done the pivot. The man lacks any discipline. He's just going to offer us the same stream of consciousness nonsense he always does.

For crying out loud, the RNC chairman was following the man around for almost a week, handing him pictures to talk about at his rallies. And even then Trump could barely looked interested.

Oh I agree. But I was speaking hypothetically -- you know, if they actually wanted to win. Picking the crud from breitbart probably isn't comforting to the GOP
My brother works at a major tech company you've heard of, and his policy is to never discuss religion or politics with anyone. If he did, he could lose his job for violating the company's "culture."

LOL- you are so out of it.

That is the policy at virtually every major company.

Why? Because it protects Christians and Jews and Muslims and Atheists all the same.

And the company from law suits by Christians and Jews and Muslims who believe their rights are being violated.

Silly bitter, ignorant old white dude.
Laughing..its just adorable to watch white guys try to cover themselves in sack cloth and ashes, lamenting about how hard their lives are, how they have to remain in hiding, and how they are almost universally persecuted.

Apparently you're trying the old 'make-me piss-myself-laughing-so-I-have-to-lose-my-spot-in-the-voting-line-because-I-have-to-back-and-change' strategy for winning the White House.

And surprisingly....its probably the best chance you have.
Again, you are lying about what I said. I did not say Christians and conservatives have to hide EVERYWHERE, only certain places that liberals control.

And I've noticed liberals lie every time they speak or type on a keyboard.

Liberals seem convinced that if they tell the truth, and only the truth, they cannot possibly win an argument.

So they resort to lies at the beginning of an argument, before even thinking of telling the truth.

Dude, you're just giving us a front row seat into the Right Wing Echo Chamber......letting us see the crazy that fringe conservatives tell each other.

Revealing yourself. And telling us next to nothing about 'liberals', 'the media', 'universities', or anything else.

And your view of yourself as the Victim Patient Zero is just hysterically funny. I remember Heston waving guns and muttering 'Cold Dead Hand!' And from that your ilk have been reduced to your novella sized pity party.

When did conservatives become such whiny little pussies?
You can't win if you meet me head on the field of combat and fight me like a man.

So you fight like a coward, with insults and ridiculous comments.

You are beneath my contempt.

The field of combat? What video game do you think you're playing, kiddo?

You obviously defend your argument by its merit. So much for 'Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'are Its 'truth', 'logic' and 'reason'.

But hey...I'll be in San Marcos Texas tonight. Meet me at the Railyard tonight at 8 and I'll be happy to tell you to your face everything I've said here.
You're a fucking coward. If I actually showed up, you'd piss your pants and run.
Oh I doubt you are that ugly.

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