The Democrats’ Big Court Packing Plan Just Got Blown to Pieces

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

We knew this would happen.

There are several democratic senators who are not that stupid.

From the article:

As I’ve written before, even if Democrats have a wave election and manage to garner a 51 or 52 seat majority in the Senate, the idea that they would have the votes to court pack has always been suspect. Joe Manchin would be expected to be a hard no, and he’s confirmed that now. Diane Feinstein has also said she wouldn’t support a move despite her fairly liberal demeanor as a Senator from California. Overall, pretty much any red-state Democrat would be very tempted to not go that direction as it would jeopardize their re-election chances.

So, no court packing.

Now what ?
Wrong, you are dealing with far left liberal traitors bank on them trying to pack the court and if they have to force Feinstein and Manchin out of the way they will. I continue to be surprised that so many people don't know the radical group of liberal zealots they are dealing with. The old guard in the Dem party has lost control.
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Wrong, you are dealing with far left liberal traitors bank on them trying to pack the court and if they have to force Feinstein and Manchin out of the way they will. I continue to be surprised that so many people don't know the radical group of liberal zealots they are dealing with. The old guard in the Dem party has lost control.

That will take time.

In the meantime, several of their members will be ousted all the same.
Wrong, you are dealing with far left liberal traitors bank on them trying to pack the court and if they have to force Feinstein and Manchin out of the way they will. I continue to be surprised that so many people don't know the radical group of liberal zealots they are dealing with. The old guard in the Dem party has lost control.

That will take time.

In the meantime, several of their members will be ousted all the same.

(giant headache) Look how many times do these Dems have to stab us in the back before people understand who they are. After Kavanaugh I don't trust one word coming out of lying Feinsteins filthy mouth.
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Wrong, you are dealing with far left liberal traitors bank on them trying to pack the court and if they have to force Feinstein and Manchin out of the way they will. I continue to be surprised that so many people don't know the radical group of liberal zealots they are dealing with. The old guard in the Dem party has lost control.

That will take time.

In the meantime, several of their members will be ousted all the same.

(giant headache) Look how many times do these Dems have to stab us in the back before people understand who they are. After Kavanaugh I don't trust one word coming out of lying Feinsteins filthy mouth.

Even they know what happens here.

Biden himself (when is brain wasn't fried) said it.

They pack the court and when we are back in power, we pack the court.

SCOTUS is no longer independent.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:
Packing the court refers to adding to the number of justices so you can appoint more of them without waiting on someone to die. The Republicans are not packing the court, they are taking advantage of a justice dying to replace her with one more to their liking. Big difference.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

The Left leadership has BRAZENLY said they would do this.

What the hell is wrong with you???

In response to the right wings BRAZEN, deliberate attempt at stacking the court.
I'm sorry, what the hell is wrong with you??
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:
Packing the court refers to adding to the number of justices so you can appoint more of them without waiting on someone to die. The Republicans are not packing the court, they are taking advantage of a justice dying to replace her with one more to their liking. Big difference.

Swell. Splitting hairs. LOL. You checked on Thomas lately? :)
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg: mean appoint like every other President you butthurt assholes that need the court to pass your know if the court is conservative (for the first time in like 60+ years), you'll actually have to have congress pass real immigration reform....and the one you have done the ACA, was so bad, you immediately lost congress in the next election......Republicans have had to deal with a liberal court all that YOU get to deal with a court that will toss all your queer gender bullshit out the window.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg: mean appoint like every other President you butthurt assholes that need the court to pass your know if the court is conservative (for the first time in like 60+ years), you'll actually have to have congress pass real immigration reform....and the one you have done the ACA, was so bad, you immediately lost congress in the next election......Republicans have had to deal with a liberal court all that YOU get to deal with a court that will toss all your queer gender bullshit out the window.

Wah, wah, wah ,wah. Immigration??..present day Republicans won't even touch that..why? because it doesn't suit their narrative. ACA? Shouldn't even be in the courts. But...Republicans don't want to talk..or even discuss it. Why? won't play to the base.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg: mean appoint like every other President you butthurt assholes that need the court to pass your know if the court is conservative (for the first time in like 60+ years), you'll actually have to have congress pass real immigration reform....and the one you have done the ACA, was so bad, you immediately lost congress in the next election......Republicans have had to deal with a liberal court all that YOU get to deal with a court that will toss all your queer gender bullshit out the window.

Wah, wah, wah ,wah. Immigration??..present day Republicans won't even touch that..why? because it doesn't suit their narrative. ACA? Shouldn't even be in the courts. But...Republicans don't want to talk..or even discuss it. Why? won't play to the base.
Like I said, you have to do shit....

Republicans will talk immigration, ONCE the border is secure....until then it's pointless......stop the water from coming in before discussing permanent repairs

The ACA is trash, just run health insurance like car insurance.....
remove the restrictions on what the states can offer for health plans
And what they need to change is have the employeer give you a voucher for insurance and you pick it
Health Insurance is so expensive because the client (you) have no idea about the cost of any of the procedures.....make people responsible for that and costs go waaaaaaaaay down.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.
Oh a religion slight....yes I love people who believe the universe started Just Cuz.......and noone thinks individual choice is bad except lefties

they hate meat, they hate snacks, they hate colas, they hate internal combustion engines, so when you say you're for choice, you are completely full of shit
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg: mean appoint like every other President you butthurt assholes that need the court to pass your know if the court is conservative (for the first time in like 60+ years), you'll actually have to have congress pass real immigration reform....and the one you have done the ACA, was so bad, you immediately lost congress in the next election......Republicans have had to deal with a liberal court all that YOU get to deal with a court that will toss all your queer gender bullshit out the window.

Wah, wah, wah ,wah. Immigration??..present day Republicans won't even touch that..why? because it doesn't suit their narrative. ACA? Shouldn't even be in the courts. But...Republicans don't want to talk..or even discuss it. Why? won't play to the base.
Like I said, you have to do shit....

Republicans will talk immigration, ONCE the border is secure....until then it's pointless......stop the water from coming in before discussing permanent repairs

The ACA is trash, just run health insurance like car insurance.....
remove the restrictions on what the states can offer for health plans
And what they need to change is have the employeer give you a voucher for insurance and you pick it
Health Insurance is so expensive because the client (you) have no idea about the cost of any of the procedures.....make people responsible for that and costs go waaaaaaaaay down.

Seriously?? Conditions need to be in place for any Republican to put forth their views?? :)
I have been dealing with the health insurance policy inner workings and companies longer than you've been alive. LOL.
Vouchers?? Really?? we're heading in the education direction? Yikes. No hope.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.
Oh a religion slight....yes I love people who believe the universe started Just Cuz.......and noone thinks individual choice is bad except lefties

they hate meat, they hate snacks, they hate colas, they hate internal combustion engines, so when you say you're for choice, you are completely full of shit

C'mon sweetie. Show me you have something other than this alt-right BS. Democrats invented choice. Republicans??...would love to take it away.

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