The democrats are in real trouble long term, they keep repeating the same fallacy...

So, I'm watching CNN and I hear this often touted opinion about Trump, this time applied to his latest EO regarding the travel ban. This coming from a democratic politician:

"he can keep doing this, and he will find he will create a divide which may work for his base but it will damage his support from the largest growing segments of the population".

Of course, this is the usual identity politics they used before and during the election. Been using it for some time, this time unsuccessfully. What so many of these people refuse to get through their heads is that the election confirmed what America wants. He won 33 states, a massive number of districts. Up and down the ballot Democrats lost and lost again. They've been shedding national support up and down the ticket since 2008, yet, they somehow believe, because California and New York are heavily Democratic, that the entire country MUST be moving towards harming the GOP...even months after a large EC loss.

This un-American attitude is not healthy for American democracy, but it makes for great politics, even if it's only make-believe...

This is a nation of laws, not of men. And Trump thinks it is just the reverse. But the laws came long before he did. And he is justifiably getting his fat ass kicked.

I think this post is a good one to address the gulf which currently divides America....the worst since the years leading up to the Civil War.

The Majority in the Majority of States elected the president...just as is clearly mandated in the Constitution; Loons and the Grievance Groups they supposedly represent are pissed off, and are throwing Hissy Fit after Hissy Fit; and Trump is honoring too high a percentage of his Campaign Promises too ever be Trusted in Washington.

So, here is the meat of the above post:

"he {Trump} can keep doing this, and he will find he will create a divide which may work for his base but it will damage his support from the largest growing segments of the population".


This pretty much sums up the liberal (Bolsheviks-in-Training) Philosophy, or really, their Last Hope.

Translated, it is:

Hold on Loons! White Boys are dying off faster than the number we are bringing in from The Middle-East, Africa, and Mexico.


Its not much of a plan for America, but the Democratic Party think it works for them.


In all fairness to the speaker of the quote, he suggested specifically college educated and millenials. So it wasn't really a race based argument he was making though it might be his intention beyond what he stated.

As I see it, this is about California and New York vs the rest of the country. There are seemingly more alt-left, socialists there than anywhere in the country. Not that I can prove this empirically but anecdotally it appears this way. There just seems to be more of an "us vs them" attitude in certain states. Whereas the Liberals in other states are comfortably reasonable and left of center, they aren't far left wingers who are intolerant as some places appear to be.

It's not even something to cheer, it's sad. There are ideals of all political views that have merit, it's the extremie, anti-American, communist views that scare the hell out of me quite frankly.
Whatever my opinion or belief in how he conducted this EO, surely you have to believe the President of the United States and the Federal Government has domain over immigration, at least in regards to what nations can or cannot be allowed to enter. Especially considering it was only a temporary ban.

His team most certainly probably wishes they rolled it out differently, but ultimately he campaigned on this to some degree. If this position is questioned, than what will the judges argue against deporting illegal immigrants. You have borders and rules for a reason...seems some want America to be borderless and unenforceable. Again, putting aside this particular EO.

The constitution bans a religious test. Sorry you don't even understand the simplest of things about the United States

The Constitution doesn't apply to foreigners on foreign soil child. And the test was if the home governments have adequate records to properly vet the people coming in. They don't.
So, I'm watching CNN and I hear this often touted opinion about Trump, this time applied to his latest EO regarding the travel ban. This coming from a democratic politician:

"he can keep doing this, and he will find he will create a divide which may work for his base but it will damage his support from the largest growing segments of the population".

Of course, this is the usual identity politics they used before and during the election. Been using it for some time, this time unsuccessfully. What so many of these people refuse to get through their heads is that the election confirmed what America wants. He won 33 states, a massive number of districts. Up and down the ballot Democrats lost and lost again. They've been shedding national support up and down the ticket since 2008, yet, they somehow believe, because California and New York are heavily Democratic, that the entire country MUST be moving towards harming the GOP...even months after a large EC loss.

This un-American attitude is not healthy for American democracy, but it makes for great politics, even if it's only make-believe...
only white people voted for trump

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