The Democrats Are In Deep Shit

If the worst Democratic candidate in memory can get 3 million more votes than Trump, then anyone any better than that is going to beat him by far more votes, and that electoral college thing will not overcome that.
Not if the Democrats keep thinking the reason they lost was the Russians or comey ...
The Democrats don't think Hillary lost because of the Russians or Comey - that's just the False Narrative they are pushing to distract from

- Hillary was the worst candidate in US history

- Hillary was the 1st candidate under multiple FBI investigations - later to be declares guilty of breaking laws - who was allowed to remain in the race.

- Their own DNC Chairwoman hired the 3 Pakistanis spies - to whom she gave access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords - who leaked quite a bit of their e-mails the DNC claimed was stolen by the Russians...and Seth Rich 'hacked' and gave Assange the rest of it.

The Russia Narrative - supported by ZERO Evidence - is just the ruse / tactic they are using against Trump...and they know it.
The '80s were supposed to be the Al Franken Decade, but maybe it'll be the 20s.

The '80s were supposed to be the Al Franken Decade, but maybe it'll be the 20s.

Franken is an 'SNL Refugee'. 'Stewart Smalley' will not win the WH. Franken is NOT 'good enough', is NOT 'smart enough', and most people do NOT like him.
I don't think we should be celebrating a weak Democratic party, on the contrary, a strong, Democratic party based on pro-American principles would be invaluable. Both parties should at least be pulling the same cart with some passion, I just worry about the new generation who are outright socialists and naive to world history.

Those of us who were kids in the 1980's understand the clear dangers of some ideologies, others do not. It has seeped into the Democratic party, and THAT is scary.

Hey, as much as I didn't like Clintons activities which I believe were at best borderline illegal, she would have been better than Bernie and his supporters who wanted a socialist America. That would begin the end of individual liberty all around the world.
I don't think we should be celebrating a weak Democratic party, on the contrary, a strong, Democratic party based on pro-American principles would be invaluable. Both parties should at least be pulling the same cart with some passion, I just worry about the new generation who are outright socialists and naive to world history.

We should not be celebrating a weak Democratic party, but we should be tolerant of a Democratic party that calls for military coups, assassinations, makes false accusations without evidence, and commits Felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt?

Both parties should accept the people's choice for President and rally around the President to help him be the most successful for the COUNTRY (not any 1 party) he can possibly be, not seditiously attempting to overthrow the govt.
Who does the Democrat Party have to run for president?


Their scam is over.

The NSA, CIA, FBI, NIS, and Treasury Department all stated unequivocally that there was zero evidence of collusion between Russia and The Trump team in the election.

Now when this is again confirmed by the Special Council they will have nothing to run on in 2018, and after being humiliated and hated for their constant brow beating of The President and for Embarrassing The Country, they will get slaughtered in 2018.

What needs to be done here is to send people to jail who had anything to do with illegal surveillance, illegal unmasking and illegal leaking of classified information to the Media, and yes certain members of the media too should be prosecuted.
The '80s were supposed to be the Al Franken Decade, but maybe it'll be the 20s.

Franken is an 'SNL Refugee'. 'Stewart Smalley' will not win the WH. Franken is NOT 'good enough', is NOT 'smart enough', and most people do NOT like him.
Isn't that what said about Trump?
I know HE said he was smart enough, HE said he was good enough and HE said everyone likes him, but that's turned out to be just so much campaign BS.
Liberals are so obsessed with getting rid of Trump no matter what it takes they have tunnel vision and can not see past that 1 goal.
Tim Kaine came off as a real moron.
Bernie Sanders will be to old.
Warren will be their first round pick.
And my off the chart out of left field runner?

Maxine watters

Nah, I'm predicting the younger black guy that's retarded.
Cory Booker? The Muslim?
So the DNC's top candidates so far are a Fake 'WooWoo' and an America-hating, racist Muslim?
Y'all sure sound like you're whistling past the graveyard.


Who does the Democrat Party have to run for president?


Their scam is over.

The NSA, CIA, FBI, NIS, and Treasury Department all stated unequivocally that there was zero evidence of collusion between Russia and The Trump team in the election.

Now when this is again confirmed by the Special Council they will have nothing to run on in 2018, and after being humiliated and hated for their constant brow beating of The President and for Embarrassing The Country, they will get slaughtered in 2018.

What needs to be done here is to send people to jail who had anything to do with illegal surveillance, illegal unmasking and illegal leaking of classified information to the Media, and yes certain members of the media too should be prosecuted.

Hillary - Prosecute for crimes committed, according to FBI Director Comey

Obama - Impeach for facilitating Felony Espionage by his loyalists

Rice - Prosecute for releasing 'Protected Classified Personal Information' that had NO INTEL Value to 16 Intel Agencies for political Benefit / unmasking Americans

Farkas & Others - Prosecute for the crimes of Felony Espionage, as per the FBI and NSA, for illegally releasing Protected Classified Personal Information for Political Reasons.
Liberals are so obsessed with getting rid of Trump no matter what it takes they have tunnel vision and can not see past that 1 goal.
Tim Kaine came off as a real moron.
Bernie Sanders will be to old.
Warren will be their first round pick.
And my off the chart out of left field runner?

Maxine watters

Nah, I'm predicting the younger black guy that's retarded.
Cory Booker? The Muslim?
So the DNC's top candidates so far are a Fake 'WooWoo' and an America-hating, racist Muslim?
Y'all sure sound like you're whistling past the graveyard.
I was thinking the same's like they've conceded that trump is going in the trash but looking at the Democrats going "Oh yeah!? So who you got?"
The '80s were supposed to be the Al Franken Decade, but maybe it'll be the 20s.

Franken is an 'SNL Refugee'. 'Stewart Smalley' will not win the WH. Franken is NOT 'good enough', is NOT 'smart enough', and most people do NOT like him.
Isn't that what said about Trump?
I know HE said he was smart enough, HE said he was good enough and HE said everyone likes him, but that's turned out to be just so much campaign BS.
No, the claims that he isn't and that he has committed come crime is nothing but DNC and Liberal All-In Fake News media propaganda.

Konrad, do us a favor - make history - be the 1st to provide any evidence against Trump. :p
The '80s were supposed to be the Al Franken Decade, but maybe it'll be the 20s.

Franken is an 'SNL Refugee'. 'Stewart Smalley' will not win the WH. Franken is NOT 'good enough', is NOT 'smart enough', and most people do NOT like him.
Isn't that what said about Trump?
I know HE said he was smart enough, HE said he was good enough and HE said everyone likes him, but that's turned out to be just so much campaign BS.
No, the claims that he isn't and that he has committed come crime is nothing but DNC and Liberal All-In Fake News media propaganda. Konrad, do us a favor - make history - be the 1st to provide any evidence against Trump.
That's Comey et al.'s job, if the Republicans have the balls to call them to testify.
yes, the democrats are in deep shit. they get nothing done, despite controlling all three branches of government.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
So the Democrats, campaigning for 2018, have a resume that consists of

Riots, looting, arson, assault, 100% commitment to Obstructionism and overthrowing the newly elected govt no matter what it takes - even Felony Espionage and false claims backed by zero evidence. They did not stand for anything except what was best for their Party and spent all their time trying to undermine / attack the President.

Who could resist a resume like that?

well, evidently that resume has been rejected more than 1,000 times ... and counting... :p
Franken is an 'SNL Refugee'. 'Stewart Smalley' will not win the WH. Franken is NOT 'good enough', is NOT 'smart enough', and most people do NOT like him.
Isn't that what said about Trump?
I know HE said he was smart enough, HE said he was good enough and HE said everyone likes him, but that's turned out to be just so much campaign BS.
No, the claims that he isn't and that he has committed come crime is nothing but DNC and Liberal All-In Fake News media propaganda. Konrad, do us a favor - make history - be the 1st to provide any evidence against Trump.
That's Comey et al.'s job, if the Republicans have the balls to call them to testify.
No, that's not Comey's job anymore. Comey is a CITIZEN now. He had his chance to indict a criminal but testified he chose not to do his job.

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