The Democrats Are In Deep Shit

Isn't that what said about Trump?
I know HE said he was smart enough, HE said he was good enough and HE said everyone likes him, but that's turned out to be just so much campaign BS.
No, the claims that he isn't and that he has committed come crime is nothing but DNC and Liberal All-In Fake News media propaganda. Konrad, do us a favor - make history - be the 1st to provide any evidence against Trump.
That's Comey et al.'s job, if the Republicans have the balls to call them to testify.
No, that's not Comey's job anymore. Comey is a CITIZEN now. He had his chance to indict a criminal but testified he chose not to do his job.
So you're saying they're not going to be interested in his memos? Keep dreaming! :laugh2:
I know HE said he was smart enough, HE said he was good enough and HE said everyone likes him, but that's turned out to be just so much campaign BS.
No, the claims that he isn't and that he has committed come crime is nothing but DNC and Liberal All-In Fake News media propaganda. Konrad, do us a favor - make history - be the 1st to provide any evidence against Trump.
That's Comey et al.'s job, if the Republicans have the balls to call them to testify.
No, that's not Comey's job anymore. Comey is a CITIZEN now. He had his chance to indict a criminal but testified he chose not to do his job.
So you're saying they're not going to be interested in his memos? Keep dreaming! :laugh2:

They may be interested that his memos contradict what he testified to under oath.
The '80s were supposed to be the Al Franken Decade, but maybe it'll be the 20s.

Franken is an 'SNL Refugee'. 'Stewart Smalley' will not win the WH. Franken is NOT 'good enough', is NOT 'smart enough', and most people do NOT like him.
Frankenstein makes Trump look like Mother Theresa.
Isn't that what said about Trump?
I know HE said he was smart enough, HE said he was good enough and HE said everyone likes him, but that's turned out to be just so much campaign BS.
No, the claims that he isn't and that he has committed come crime is nothing but DNC and Liberal All-In Fake News media propaganda. Konrad, do us a favor - make history - be the 1st to provide any evidence against Trump.
That's Comey et al.'s job, if the Republicans have the balls to call them to testify.
No, that's not Comey's job anymore. Comey is a CITIZEN now. He had his chance to indict a criminal but testified he chose not to do his job.
Lets be clear...Comey had a chance (you say, not being a lawman) to indict someone Trump (who else said it?) called a criminal for forwarding questionable Emails and cleaning out her files of ...what? (spam? whatever..there is no proof. Do you keep your spam or outdated files?). I hate it when the other side, including my own, refers to a similar occasion in the opposition, but it seems appropriate here. The possibility of Hillary's personal server being hacked opposed to actual factual blabbing (Blabbergate?) data given in confidence (up close and personal, verbally) to a known enemy ain't exactly the same thing. But you condemn one and minimize the other as "Aw, shucks! It ain't so bad."
Tim Kaine came off as a real moron.
Bernie Sanders will be to old.
Warren will be their first round pick.
And my off the chart out of left field runner?

Maxine watters

Nah, I'm predicting the younger black guy that's retarded.
Cory Booker? The Muslim?
So the DNC's top candidates so far are a Fake 'WooWoo' and an America-hating, racist Muslim?
Y'all sure sound like you're whistling past the graveyard.
I was thinking the same's like they've conceded that trump is going in the trash but looking at the Democrats going "Oh yeah!? So who you got?"
bodecea, the real power will be in who takes the mid-terms. Right now Republican pols are getting their heads handed to them back home by John Q. Public. If they listen and show it, they will lose some but probably gain more. Hope lives!
Thanks to the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM democrats are able to maintain some sort of psychotic bubble even though the party has lost everything within the last decade and is virtually leaderless and plumb out of ideas and agenda. Pretty soon it will all come crashing down when Hillary is perp walked into federal prison.
Thanks to the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM democrats are able to maintain some sort of psychotic bubble even though the party has lost everything within the last decade and is virtually leaderless and plumb out of ideas and agenda. Pretty soon it will all come crashing down when Hillary is perp walked into federal prison.
Whitehall, your propaganda is straight from Trump's mouth. And we'll see who does the perp walk. Wait for it..
Trump at 39% approval. Dems lead GOP by 7 points on the generic poll for Congress. Ossoff and Handel tied in Georgia.

Not exactly a scenario calling for describing the Democrats as in 'deep shit'.
They'll likely have to run a Fake Indian, or an old nutter promising the lazy Snowflakes endless Freebies. They know they have nothing. Hence the endless witch hunts against Trump. They desperately need to undermine and weaken his Presidency. That way they can claim 'Anyone's better than Trump.' This Democrat sabotage is a well-planned strategy. That's fact.
Who does the Democrat Party have to run for president?



You seem really into this particular basement-dwellers YouTube videos.

Is that you?

As a mod you know you're supposed to refrain from the offhanded remarks and stick to the topic of the thread.
I've been warned about this a couple of times. I know, it kind of defeats some of the fun of posting here and I support your doing so nonetheless.
So please, go ahead and keep breaking the rules, bro.
They don't really have jack. Who did they have this time, Hillary? Bernie? Now who is left, Pocahontas? They only dig themselves in deeper and deeper. Besides Trump, the GOP still has maybe 13 or 14 good people out of the 16 who ran with Trump. Who shall step out into the ranks of the democrats---- maybe Pelosi , Schumer or Waters? If they are not ripped for want, they are stupid with delusion!
Who does the Democrat Party have to run for president?


Who is this aspy weirdo that so many of you rubes keep linking to?

Somebody who's obviously smarter than your dumb ass.

Somebody who wears an unbuttoned leather jacket without a t-shirt is not smarter than anybody.

Sorry, but I don't give a flying-fuck what someone looks like or the clothes they wear if they have a solid point to make.

However, you believe who you are or even worse what you look like matters more than whether or not you are informed and eloquent.

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