The Democratic Party has won the culture war

It depends on what their disagreement is based. But when they say things like "He's Kenyan" or "he's a Muslim" or "He's not my President", I think it reeks of racism.

Let's look at one one of your examples: "He's not my President"

This phrase has been used by both the left and the right. Liberals said this when Trump won and conservatives said this both when Obama and Biden won. I think it's safe to assume that it happened prior to that as well, but I honestly can't remember if it was or not so let's just stick with the last 3 presidents where it definitely happened.

I think it's stupid for this claim to be made in all three instances. He is your president regardless of if you support him or not. But there has been comparatively very little accusations of racism when it's against both Trump and Biden. Why is that?

The motive behind some of those claims very well might be due to racism. But they also may not be. Rather than painting them all with the broad brush of "racism", I think it would be more constructive for people to call them what they are rather than what they think they might be.

Let's just call all these people ignorant instead of calling them racist. We know they're ignorant, and we don't necessarily know that they're racist.
For the record, Biden is my really our president. That is how this works.

Try it English this time please!
Biden is my, really our President. That is how it works. I need to spell it out properly for idiots. I hope this helped.
The officer that pulled someone over for having a "wide set nose" would not have been charged with that but it was racist all the same.
Please explain how what you said and this :

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Correlate in any possible way

If you can't understand how race figures into pulling someone over for having a "wide set nose" I can't help you.
Race doesnt mean racism.
You obviously do not know what either term means. Ands thats after i posted the def for racism... smh
For the record, liberals did not say "He's not my President" in reference to Trump.

I remember it differently.



the greatest nation on the planet

wake up, dolt

our greatness was gifted up by two oceans that kept our infrastructure intact when the rest of developed world's was destroyed.
That is your American exceptionalism, location, location, location.
The officer that pulled someone over for having a "wide set nose" would not have been charged with that but it was racist all the same.
Please explain how what you said and this :

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Correlate in any possible way

If you can't understand how race figures into pulling someone over for having a "wide set nose" I can't help you.
Race doesnt mean racism.
You obviously do not know what either term means. Ands thats after i posted the def for racism... smh

It did in this case.
The officer that pulled someone over for having a "wide set nose" would not have been charged with that but it was racist all the same.
Please explain how what you said and this :

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Correlate in any possible way

If you can't understand how race figures into pulling someone over for having a "wide set nose" I can't help you.
Race doesnt mean racism.
You obviously do not know what either term means. Ands thats after i posted the def for racism... smh

It did in this case.
You said it was because of nose shape. That doesnt imply that person believes one race is superior over the other.
You just want it to because that is your typical police rhetoric.
the greatest nation on the planet

wake up, dolt

our greatness was gifted up by two oceans that kept our infrastructure intact when the rest of developed world's was destroyed.
That is your American exceptionalism, location, location, location.
Yeah yeah...go with that DaShawn....but all sane folks know it is the PEOPLE who make a nation...geography has nothing to do with it.
The officer that pulled someone over for having a "wide set nose" would not have been charged with that but it was racist all the same.
Please explain how what you said and this :

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Correlate in any possible way

If you can't understand how race figures into pulling someone over for having a "wide set nose" I can't help you.
Race doesnt mean racism.
You obviously do not know what either term means. Ands thats after i posted the def for racism... smh

It did in this case.
You said it was because of nose shape. That doesnt imply that person believes one race is superior over the other.
You just want it to because that is your typical police rhetoric.

You can try and twist and turn "racism" to fit some incredible small definition but it's not reality.

But I didn't say that is why he was pulled over. The cop did.
The officer that pulled someone over for having a "wide set nose" would not have been charged with that but it was racist all the same.
Please explain how what you said and this :

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Correlate in any possible way

If you can't understand how race figures into pulling someone over for having a "wide set nose" I can't help you.
Race doesnt mean racism.
You obviously do not know what either term means. Ands thats after i posted the def for racism... smh

It did in this case.
You said it was because of nose shape. That doesnt imply that person believes one race is superior over the other.
You just want it to because that is your typical police rhetoric.

You can try and twist and turn "racism" to fit some incredible small definition but it's not reality.

But I didn't say that is why he was pulled over. The cop did.
So we shouldnt go by the meanings of words and just make them out to mean whatever we want? lol ok boomer
the greatest nation on the planet

wake up, dolt

our greatness was gifted up by two oceans that kept our infrastructure intact when the rest of developed world's was destroyed.
That is your American exceptionalism, location, location, location.
Yeah yeah...go with that DaShawn....but all sane folks know it is the PEOPLE who make a nation...geography has nothing to do with it.

You really are a dope.

A TRumpist through and through.
the greatest nation on the planet

wake up, dolt

our greatness was gifted up by two oceans that kept our infrastructure intact when the rest of developed world's was destroyed.
That is your American exceptionalism, location, location, location.

The neo-Colonialism that followed was also a big factor.

We would not have had this option had our economy been collapsed also.

What is amazing about our little Trumpet friends is that they have no clue how all these things benefited us and wanted it all torn down under Trump.

They are as stupid as the day is long.
Last edited:
For the record, liberals did not say "He's not my President" in reference to Trump.

I remember it differently.

View attachment 455529

View attachment 455530

Maybe it was just me that was saying "I can't believe that that f*cking idiot is my President"!

I can't speak for all liberals...sorry....

I was saying the same thing as you.

I remember being very frustrated with the protestors right after the election. They took to the streets chanting "not my president". So many of them and so energized. WHERE WAS THAT ENERGY ON ELECTION DAY??? We had one day to show up, one day where it counted, and we missed it. I wondered how many of the people out there chanting didn't bother to show up on election day.

In my opinion, there was nothing to protest. We lost.
For the record, liberals did not say "He's not my President" in reference to Trump.

I remember it differently.

View attachment 455529

View attachment 455530

Maybe it was just me that was saying "I can't believe that that f*cking idiot is my President"!

I can't speak for all liberals...sorry....

I was saying the same thing as you.

I remember being very frustrated with the protestors right after the election. They took to the streets chanting "not my president". So many of them and so energized. WHERE WAS THAT ENERGY ON ELECTION DAY??? We had one day to show up, one day where it counted, and we missed it. I wondered how many of the people out there chanting didn't bother to show up on election day.

In my opinion, there was nothing to protest. We lost.

I agreed people should always give any new President the benefit of the doubt when they first take office - and support them. The first protests against Trump were premature.

However, it was obvious that Trump was a complete idiot and that his Presidency would be void of American values and a total disaster.

I guess a lot of people got really scared - for good reason.
the greatest nation on the planet

wake up, dolt

our greatness was gifted up by two oceans that kept our infrastructure intact when the rest of developed world's was destroyed.
That is your American exceptionalism, location, location, location.

The neo-Colonialism that followed was also a big factor.

We would not have had this option had our economy been collapsed also.

What is amazing about our little Trumpet friends is that they have no clue how all these things benefited us and wanted it all torn down under Trump.

They are as stupid as the day is long.

Just know, it is Loons like yourself and Richard-H who would tell Jeff Bezos that he’s doing it all wrong. Nobody even half sane takes you whacks seriously.
the greatest nation on the planet

wake up, dolt

our greatness was gifted up by two oceans that kept our infrastructure intact when the rest of developed world's was destroyed.
That is your American exceptionalism, location, location, location.

The neo-Colonialism that followed was also a big factor.

We would not have had this option had our economy been collapsed also.

What is amazing about our little Trumpet friends is that they have no clue how all these things benefited us and wanted it all torn down under Trump.

They are as stupid as the day is long.

Just know, it is Loons like yourself and Richard-H who would tell Jeff Bezos that he’s doing it all wrong. Nobody even half sane takes you whacks seriously.

Yes, loons like us and just about every economic or history professor in the world.
the greatest nation on the planet

wake up, dolt

our greatness was gifted up by two oceans that kept our infrastructure intact when the rest of developed world's was destroyed.
That is your American exceptionalism, location, location, location.
And we are supposed to keep the nation up for our posterity. We are shipping it out to others. We are getting weaker. And that means the two oceans will not make much of a difference when wars start breaking out in this hemisphere. And they will.

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