The democrat Womens KKK

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Wow even democrat women are in the KKK.who would of thought?


It is difficult to compare the political practices of the women's and men's Klans, as both varied considerably across the nation and over time but the national agendas of each organization give some indication of the differences. The political agenda of the men's Klan ranged from infiltration into legislative and judicial politics on the state, municipal, and county level to acts of violence and terroristic intimidation against Jews, Catholics, and blacks. Many Klansmen, though, used the KKK as primarily a male fraternity, a social club of like-minded white Protestants.

The women's Klan similarly showed a range of activities and purposes. On a national level, the women's Klan worked to legitimate the violence and terrorism of the men's order. It published and distributed a detailed guide to the proper display of the American flag and circulated a card reminding Protestants to attend church faithfully (see photograph 5); each item prominently displayed the WKKK logo. The WKKK involved itself in national legislative politics, although without much success. It actively supported the creation of a federal Department of Education to bolster public schools and undermine parochial education and opposed U.S. membership in the World Court. Although it claimed to be interested in safeguarding white Protestant children and the home, the WKKK opposed a 1914 bill outlawing child labor on the grounds that it was "a Communistic, Bolchevistic scheme." That same year Klanswomen were active in blocking an attempt by antiKlan forces to introduce a plank in the national Democratic party platform condemning the Ku Klux Klan.

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