The Deep State Tapestry of Deceit is Beginning to Unravel


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Deep State Tapestry of Deceit is Beginning to Unravel
27 Jan 2020 ~ By Brian C. Joondeph
Deep state players in the Obama administration wove an elaborate tapestry of collusion, subterfuge, and electoral chicanery. While better suited for a Robert Ludlum novel, it played out in real time over the past four years. Stars of the drama include familiar names such as James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. Supporting actors played an unwitting role, namely Carter Page and George Papadopoulos. The victim was then candidate Donald Trump. Heroes of the saga include Attorney General William Barr, U.S. Attorney John Durham, and a mysterious group simply called Q. The plot was simple. The Obama administration, in 2016 and before, wanted to preordain the 2016 electoral outcome. What better way to do this than to spy on the rival presidential campaign? Since spying is illegal, a pretense was needed. That’s where the Steele Dossier came in. The DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and top Obama administration officials colluded with multiple foreign...
Yet the media and their Democrat allies are upset over Trump doing his job investigating corruption, and exercising his prerogative to remove ambassadors, just as Obama did before he even assumed office. This is what Barr and Durham are investigating, pulling on the thread, unraveling the elaborately constructed tapestry, revealing a group of hateful partisans engaged in a seditious conspiracy to overturn a legitimate government. Hopefully their reckoning awaits. Along with well-deserved pain.

As I post this article Pam Bondi is speaking exactly about this issue. Something the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists led by Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler refuse to admit or even acknowledge while attempting to frame the 45th president of the United States.
It's amazing what lengths the PMS/DSA Left have gone too, to cover for the Obama administration and Biden's despotic corruption. Here we have a president being impeached for presumably illegally withholding aid to an ally to investigate a political opponent. Indeed, the cover up perpetrated by corruption of the former administration is astounding. We now know that there were many questions regarding a despotic, devious and criminally corrupt previous administration.
If the House managers are allowed to call Bolton and others, surely people like Hunter Biden, his father, the Whistleblower and Schiff pertinent witnesses for the defense to call in this impeachment case
Simply, a criminal gas company (Burisma) paying the vice president's son millions of dollars (even though he is a drug addict and knows nothing about gas company's operation) to prevent an investigation by the Ukrainian government and Joe Biden responds by holding billions of dollars from the Ukrainians and getting the prosecutor fired was not criminal?
There is one thing that is certain the come November elections will sweep this Congress of those who have brought this partisan witch from doing so again.
IMHO, the only "Justice" that will teach these criminals a lesson they will never forget is for the top echelon to be indicted, prosecuted, convicted and pay for what they have done. Nothing else will suffice to deter these new age American Communists from attempting a coup d'etat like this again.
Deep State? LOL. A figment much the same as UFOs, Bigfoot and fiscal conservatives.
Joe Biden defense of his son's overseas business deals conflicts with public evidence
Documents tie Hunter Biden to Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina and a $3.5 million payment despite Joe Biden's denial.​

5 Oct 2020 ~~ By John Solomon
During one of the many sharp exchanges at last week's presidential debate, Joe Biden flat out denied his son Hunter had any business relationship with the Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, the billionaire wife of the late Moscow mayor.
"Why is it, just out of curiosity, the mayor of Moscow's wife gave your son three and a half million dollars?" President Trump asked during one flash point.
"That is not true," Biden answered.
"Oh really, he didn't get three and a half million?" Trump persisted a few second later.
"It's totally discredited," the former vice president snapped back. "Totally discredited."
In fact, Biden's answer directly conflicts with evidence that the U.S. Senate, the FBI and the U.S. Treasury Department have all gathered.
In their most recent investigative report on Ukraine corruption, the Senate Finance and Homeland Security committees disclosed that Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) that the Treasury Department turned over to Senate investigators show a direct link between Hunter Biden and Baturina.
"Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow," the Senate report declared, identifying a firm that the younger Biden and his business partner Devon Archer had created in 2013 as the recipient of the 2014 payment.
"On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) bank account for a 'Consultancy Agreement DD12.02.2014.'" the Senate report said. "Rosemont Seneca Thornton is an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden that was incorporated on May 28, 2013 in Wilmington, Del. According to The Financial Times, Rosemont Seneca Thornton is a consortium that consists of Rosemont Seneca Partners and the Thornton Group, a Massachusetts-based firm."
The consulting payment was not only flagged because of its source. Its timing was also suspicious for its proximity to unfolding events in Eastern Europe.
The payment was made four days before the Maidan revolution successfully ousted Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine's Russian-friendly president, and less than two weeks before Vladimir Putin sent Russian forces to invade Ukraine's Crimea region and annex it.
Whatever the case, Joe Biden's outright denial of a financial relationship between his son's company and Baturina flies directly in the face of documentary evidence, which by the way was gathered by federal agencies during the Obama-Biden era.

China Joey Xi can protest, dodge and claim it's been discredited as much as he wants. This ain't goinging away soon.
Yet, you have to hand it to the Deep State and the MSM. Somehow, they have avoided any damage during the nearly 4 yrs of Trump. The rule of law in the USA is dead, only the enemies of the Deep State are subject to the rule of law. That is covering the top of the Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftists all the way down to the street criminals. Meanwhile our president has been impeached, and a seventeen year old Kyle Rittenhouse sits in jail for murder.
The payment to Hunter is well documented. If it’s legitimate, it should be easy to explain by JoeyXi..
No more Clinton like, “never proven”. A factual statement at the time as it had never been investigated and documented. Comey isn't there to save him like he did Hilary, then again the jury is still out on Christopher Wray.
The strange part of all this is that the vidence is coming from the Obama administration files.

If I were Trump I would hit Joey Xi once more with this fact at the next Debate (Town Hall Event).....then ask him if he would concede the election when he loses badly?
WTF are Barr and Durham doing?
Why can't they issue an "interim report" outlining the investigation findings before the election?
After the election may be too late.

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