The debate is OVER

Can't even read his own writing, let alone anyone else's....

Go ahead liberals - do what you do best and start with your lies, cries, and excuses. When Walker took over in 2010, the state was ($6 billion?) in debt. They now have a surplus of almost $1 trillion. And it was done with stone-cold conservative policy across the board.

What a jackwagon. But then -- it's "what he does best".
Go ahead liberals - do what you do best and start with your lies, cries, and excuses. When Walker took over in 2010, the state was ($6 billion?) in debt. They now have a surplus of almost $1 trillion. And it was done with stone-cold conservative policy across the board.

The debate is over. Detroit proved that Dumbocrat policy collapses cities just as it does nations (Cuba, U.S.S.R., Greece, etc.) and Wisconsin proves that free-market conservative capitalism creates wealth and prosperity just as it does with nations (America before the rise of the cancer known as liberalism, Russia after they turned to it to rebuild from the former U.S.S.R., etc.).

You understand a state is different than a city, right?

Milwaukee is just as much a miserable place as Detroit is, for the same reason. A one industry city that now has to compete with everyplace else having that industry.

And I'm not even sure whre you are getting this "one trillion" in surplus from. Since Wisconsin has only 6 million residents, that would mean that each one of them would have to pay $166,666.00 in taxes above and beyond what the state needs to operate.
Go ahead liberals - do what you do best and start with your lies, cries, and excuses. When Walker took over in 2010, the state was ($6 billion?) in debt. They now have a surplus of almost $1 trillion. And it was done with stone-cold conservative policy across the board.

The debate is over. Detroit proved that Dumbocrat policy collapses cities just as it does nations (Cuba, U.S.S.R., Greece, etc.) and Wisconsin proves that free-market conservative capitalism creates wealth and prosperity just as it does with nations (America before the rise of the cancer known as liberalism, Russia after they turned to it to rebuild from the former U.S.S.R., etc.).

You understand a state is different than a city, right?

Milwaukee is just as much a miserable place as Detroit is, for the same reason. A one industry city that now has to compete with everyplace else having that industry.

And I'm not even sure whre you are getting this "one trillion" in surplus from. Since Wisconsin has only 6 million residents, that would mean that each one of them would have to pay $166,666.00 in taxes above and beyond what the state needs to operate.

Milwaukee is a burned out bankrupt wreck? Who knew??
Milwaukee's population has declined from a high of 741,000 in 1960 to only 594,000. Much as Detroit is filled with closed auto plants, Milwaukee is filled with closed breweries.

While not hit as hard as Cleveland and Detroit, it has the same problem all our major industrial cities have- the jobs have gone overseas.
Go ahead liberals - do what you do best and start with your lies, cries, and excuses. When Walker took over in 2010, the state was ($6 billion?) in debt. They now have a surplus of almost $1 trillion. And it was done with stone-cold conservative policy across the board.

The debate is over. Detroit proved that Dumbocrat policy collapses cities just as it does nations (Cuba, U.S.S.R., Greece, etc.) and Wisconsin proves that free-market conservative capitalism creates wealth and prosperity just as it does with nations (America before the rise of the cancer known as liberalism, Russia after they turned to it to rebuild from the former U.S.S.R., etc.).

You understand a state is different than a city, right?

Milwaukee is just as much a miserable place as Detroit is, for the same reason. A one industry city that now has to compete with everyplace else having that industry.

And I'm not even sure whre you are getting this "one trillion" in surplus from. Since Wisconsin has only 6 million residents, that would mean that each one of them would have to pay $166,666.00 in taxes above and beyond what the state needs to operate.

Milwaukee is a burned out bankrupt wreck? Who knew??

Isn't that comical? I have a friend up there right now who has lived all over America and she is raving about Milwaukee. Says it is the cleanest city she has ever lived in (nobody has EVER said that about Detroit) and the city is thriving.

This article proves that Pogo is a lying piece of shit who makes stuff up:

Detroit collapses under weight of debt, Milwaukee doing well |
my neice went to college in Milwaukee. She had to come back here afterwards because there were no job oppurtunities up there.

Tell that to my friend who just landed a huge job up there. I'm sure your niece was there in the 70's or 80's - right? Of had some obscure useless left-wing college degree like "art history". In any case, your niece doesn't top reality:

MILWAUKEE (WITI) – As Detroit struggles with the fiscal fallout from its bankruptcy filing, collapsing under the weight of its debt, Milwaukee is at the other end of the spectrum. The city has one of the best-funded pension systems in the nation due to fiscal discipline and good planning.

Detroit collapses under weight of debt, Milwaukee doing well |
my neice went to college in Milwaukee. She had to come back here afterwards because there were no job oppurtunities up there.

Tell that to my friend who just landed a huge job up there. I'm sure your niece was there in the 70's or 80's - right? Of had some obscure useless left-wing college degree like "art history". In any case, your niece doesn't top reality:

MILWAUKEE (WITI) – As Detroit struggles with the fiscal fallout from its bankruptcy filing, collapsing under the weight of its debt, Milwaukee is at the other end of the spectrum. The city has one of the best-funded pension systems in the nation due to fiscal discipline and good planning.

Nope, she was there last year.

Milwaukee is a shit city, I usually avoid it when driving to my summer place in Wisconsin. sadly, Walker is extending the shit to the whole state.
my neice went to college in Milwaukee. She had to come back here afterwards because there were no job oppurtunities up there.

Tell that to my friend who just landed a huge job up there. I'm sure your niece was there in the 70's or 80's - right? Of had some obscure useless left-wing college degree like "art history". In any case, your niece doesn't top reality:

MILWAUKEE (WITI) – As Detroit struggles with the fiscal fallout from its bankruptcy filing, collapsing under the weight of its debt, Milwaukee is at the other end of the spectrum. The city has one of the best-funded pension systems in the nation due to fiscal discipline and good planning.

Nope, she was there last year.

Milwaukee is a shit city, I usually avoid it when driving to my summer place in Wisconsin. sadly, Walker is extending the shit to the whole state.

Again, you're making shit up. Milwaukee is thriving and Wisconsin has been rescued thanks to Scott Walker and conservative policy. From billions in debt to nearly $1 billion in surplus.

You're just pissed that Wisconsin proves you're ideology is ignorant and failed. What you want (no work and everything provided for you) creates Detroit and Cuba.
Tell that to my friend who just landed a huge job up there. I'm sure your niece was there in the 70's or 80's - right? Of had some obscure useless left-wing college degree like "art history". In any case, your niece doesn't top reality:

MILWAUKEE (WITI) – As Detroit struggles with the fiscal fallout from its bankruptcy filing, collapsing under the weight of its debt, Milwaukee is at the other end of the spectrum. The city has one of the best-funded pension systems in the nation due to fiscal discipline and good planning.

Nope, she was there last year.

Milwaukee is a shit city, I usually avoid it when driving to my summer place in Wisconsin. sadly, Walker is extending the shit to the whole state.

Again, you're making shit up. Milwaukee is thriving and Wisconsin has been rescued thanks to Scott Walker and conservative policy. From billions in debt to nearly $1 billion in surplus.

You're just pissed that Wisconsin proves you're ideology is ignorant and failed. What you want (no work and everything provided for you) creates Detroit and Cuba.

I find it comical that Pogo and Joe never add a source to back up their outrageous claims (then again, it's difficult to find sources for FALSE information).

Again, you're making shit up. Milwaukee is thriving and Wisconsin has been rescued thanks to Scott Walker and conservative policy. From billions in debt to nearly $1 billion in surplus.

You're just pissed that Wisconsin proves you're ideology is ignorant and failed. What you want (no work and everything provided for you) creates Detroit and Cuba.

Guy, half the state hates him. I go to Wisconsin twice a year, I doubt you've ever been there once.

Again, you're making shit up. Milwaukee is thriving and Wisconsin has been rescued thanks to Scott Walker and conservative policy. From billions in debt to nearly $1 billion in surplus.

You're just pissed that Wisconsin proves you're ideology is ignorant and failed. What you want (no work and everything provided for you) creates Detroit and Cuba.

Guy, half the state hates him. I go to Wisconsin twice a year, I doubt you've ever been there once.

Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:

Again, you're making shit up. Milwaukee is thriving and Wisconsin has been rescued thanks to Scott Walker and conservative policy. From billions in debt to nearly $1 billion in surplus.

You're just pissed that Wisconsin proves you're ideology is ignorant and failed. What you want (no work and everything provided for you) creates Detroit and Cuba.

Guy, half the state hates him. I go to Wisconsin twice a year, I doubt you've ever been there once.

Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:

Hey pea brain, did you forget already? It has NOTHING to do with 'conservative policy'.

All Walker's voodoo scheme will create is DEFICITS and DEBT down the road.

Let's get to the REAL truth...

Deficit turned surplus*

In January 2014, the nonpartisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau projected the state would have a $1 billion surplus at the end of the two-year budget period covering July 2013 to July 2015 -- almost all of it because tax collections are rising faster than expected. That helped back up a frequent Walker boast that he has turned state finances around.

But there is arguably an asterisk to the boast.

Also in January 2014, the Wisconsin Democratic Party stated: "The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation, including Wisconsin."

We rated the statement True.
State budget watchers confirmed a widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states as the nation continues to edge out of the Great Recession.
Guy, half the state hates him. I go to Wisconsin twice a year, I doubt you've ever been there once.

Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:

Hey pea brain, did you forget already? It has NOTHING to do with 'conservative policy'.

All Walker's voodoo scheme will create is DEFICITS and DEBT down the road.

Let's get to the REAL truth...

Deficit turned surplus*

In January 2014, the nonpartisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau projected the state would have a $1 billion surplus at the end of the two-year budget period covering July 2013 to July 2015 -- almost all of it because tax collections are rising faster than expected. That helped back up a frequent Walker boast that he has turned state finances around.

But there is arguably an asterisk to the boast.

Also in January 2014, the Wisconsin Democratic Party stated: "The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation, including Wisconsin."

We rated the statement True.
State budget watchers confirmed a widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states as the nation continues to edge out of the Great Recession.

National economic recovery....WTF! There has been no such thing, but then lying pols always lie and some are so gullible as to believe the lies.
Tell that to my friend who just landed a huge job up there. I'm sure your niece was there in the 70's or 80's - right? Of had some obscure useless left-wing college degree like "art history". In any case, your niece doesn't top reality:

MILWAUKEE (WITI) – As Detroit struggles with the fiscal fallout from its bankruptcy filing, collapsing under the weight of its debt, Milwaukee is at the other end of the spectrum. The city has one of the best-funded pension systems in the nation due to fiscal discipline and good planning.

Nope, she was there last year.

Milwaukee is a shit city, I usually avoid it when driving to my summer place in Wisconsin. sadly, Walker is extending the shit to the whole state.

Again, you're making shit up. Milwaukee is thriving and Wisconsin has been rescued thanks to Scott Walker and conservative policy. From billions in debt to nearly $1 billion in surplus.

You're just pissed that Wisconsin proves you're ideology is ignorant and failed. What you want (no work and everything provided for you) creates Detroit and Cuba.
From billions in debt to billions MORE in debt, you mean. Wisconsin is 47 billion in debt and the debt is rising as I post!

State of Wisconsin Debt Clock

Again, you're making shit up. Milwaukee is thriving and Wisconsin has been rescued thanks to Scott Walker and conservative policy. From billions in debt to nearly $1 billion in surplus.

You're just pissed that Wisconsin proves you're ideology is ignorant and failed. What you want (no work and everything provided for you) creates Detroit and Cuba.

Guy, half the state hates him. I go to Wisconsin twice a year, I doubt you've ever been there once.

Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:
Wisconsin is $47+ billion in debt right now. Its debt has INCREASED every year under Walker and is INCREASING as I post this.

State of Wisconsin Debt Clock
Guy, half the state hates him. I go to Wisconsin twice a year, I doubt you've ever been there once.

Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:

Hey pea brain, did you forget already? It has NOTHING to do with 'conservative policy'.

All Walker's voodoo scheme will create is DEFICITS and DEBT down the road.

Let's get to the REAL truth...

Deficit turned surplus*

In January 2014, the nonpartisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau projected the state would have a $1 billion surplus at the end of the two-year budget period covering July 2013 to July 2015 -- almost all of it because tax collections are rising faster than expected. That helped back up a frequent Walker boast that he has turned state finances around.

But there is arguably an asterisk to the boast.

Also in January 2014, the Wisconsin Democratic Party stated: "The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation, including Wisconsin."

We rated the statement True.
State budget watchers confirmed a widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states as the nation continues to edge out of the Great Recession.

Of course they stated that stupid, they are desperate to cover up the success of conservative policy out of fear that they might have to actually get up off of their lazy asses and contribute to society.

It is fall down hilarious that the Wisconsin Dumbocrat Party states something and you swallow it down as fast as they feed it to you. Who cares what they say? They are bunch of buffoons who spent Wisconsin $6 billion into debt and now they are trying to cover up their failed policies.
Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:

Hey pea brain, did you forget already? It has NOTHING to do with 'conservative policy'.

All Walker's voodoo scheme will create is DEFICITS and DEBT down the road.

Let's get to the REAL truth...

Deficit turned surplus*

In January 2014, the nonpartisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau projected the state would have a $1 billion surplus at the end of the two-year budget period covering July 2013 to July 2015 -- almost all of it because tax collections are rising faster than expected. That helped back up a frequent Walker boast that he has turned state finances around.

But there is arguably an asterisk to the boast.

Also in January 2014, the Wisconsin Democratic Party stated: "The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation, including Wisconsin."

We rated the statement True.
State budget watchers confirmed a widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states as the nation continues to edge out of the Great Recession.

Of course they stated that stupid, they are desperate to cover up the success of conservative policy out of fear that they might have to actually get up off of their lazy asses and contribute to society.

It is fall down hilarious that the Wisconsin Dumbocrat Party states something and you swallow it down as fast as they feed it to you. Who cares what they say? They are bunch of buffoons who spent Wisconsin $6 billion into debt and now they are trying to cover up their failed policies.

You are right, who cares what the Democrats say... the FACTS are THIS:

In January 2014, the nonpartisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau projected the state would have a $1 billion surplus at the end of the two-year budget period covering July 2013 to July 2015 -- almost all of it because tax collections are rising faster than expected. That helped back up a frequent Walker boast that he has turned state finances around.

State budget watchers confirmed a widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states as the nation continues to edge out of the Great Recession.

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