The day the Taliban was ready to negotiate surrender terms and we said no.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Taliban fighters brandished Kalashnikovs and shook their fists in the air after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, defying American warnings that if they did not hand over Osama Bin Laden, their country would be bombed to smithereens.
The bravado faded once American bombs began to fall. Within a few weeks, many of the Taliban had fled the Afghan capital, terrified by the low whine of approaching B-52 aircraft. Soon, they were a spent force, on the run across the arid mountain-scape of Afghanistan.

As one of the journalists who covered them in the early days of the war, I saw their uncertainty and loss of control firsthand.

It was in the waning days of November 2001 that Taliban leaders began to reach out to Hamid Karzai, who would soon become the interim president of Afghanistan: They wanted to make a deal.

“The Taliban were completely defeated, they had no demands, except amnesty,” recalled Barnett Rubin, who worked with the United Nations’ political team in Afghanistan at the time.

Messengers shuttled back and forth between Mr. Karzai and the headquarters of the Taliban leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, in Kandahar. Mr. Karzai envisioned a Taliban surrender that would keep the militants from playing any significant role in the country’s future.

But Washington, confident that the Taliban would be wiped out forever, was in no mood for a deal.

“The United States is not inclined to negotiate surrenders,” Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said in a news conference at the time, adding that the Americans had no interest in leaving Mullah Omar to live out his days anywhere in Afghanistan. The United States wanted him captured or dead."

Of course twenty years later it was the US that effectively gave up the fight to the Taliban under a deal reached by the Trump Administration and implemented by the Biden Administration.

The purpose of this thread is not to place blame on either Trump or Biden but on the neo-cons in the Bush Administration, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Bush himself for not seizing the opportunity to end the war quickly.

Would the Taliban have just faded away if we negotiated a surrender?

Maybe or Maybe not, but it was an opportunity missed. Rather the Taliban regrouped to fight another day, not without an insignificant amount of help from Pakistan.

Just another failure of the George W. Bush Administration we will live with for years to come.
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Taliban fighters brandished Kalashnikovs and shook their fists in the air after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, defying American warnings that if they did not hand over Osama Bin Laden, their country would be bombed to smithereens.
The bravado faded once American bombs began to fall. Within a few weeks, many of the Taliban had fled the Afghan capital, terrified by the low whine of approaching B-52 aircraft. Soon, they were a spent force, on the run across the arid mountain-scape of Afghanistan.

As one of the journalists who covered them in the early days of the war, I saw their uncertainty and loss of control firsthand.

It was in the waning days of November 2001 that Taliban leaders began to reach out to Hamid Karzai, who would soon become the interim president of Afghanistan: They wanted to make a deal.

“The Taliban were completely defeated, they had no demands, except amnesty,” recalled Barnett Rubin, who worked with the United Nations’ political team in Afghanistan at the time.

Messengers shuttled back and forth between Mr. Karzai and the headquarters of the Taliban leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, in Kandahar. Mr. Karzai envisioned a Taliban surrender that would keep the militants from playing any significant role in the country’s future.

But Washington, confident that the Taliban would be wiped out forever, was in no mood for a deal.

“The United States is not inclined to negotiate surrenders,” Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said in a news conference at the time, adding that the Americans had no interest in leaving Mullah Omar to live out his days anywhere in Afghanistan. The United States wanted him captured or dead."

Of course twenty years later it was the US that effectively surrendered to the Taliban under a deal reached by the Trump Administration and implemented by the Biden Administration.

The purpose of this thread is not to place blame on either Trump or Biden but on the neo-cons in the Bush Administration, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Bush himself for not seizing the opportunity to end the war quickly.

Would the Taliban have just faded away if we negotiated a surrender?

Maybe or Maybe not, but it was an opportunity missed. Rather the Taliban regrouped to fight another day, not without an insignificant amount of help from Pakistan.

Just another failure of the George W. Bush Administration we will live with for years to come.
Are you trying to tell right wingers George Bush was a Deep State Globalist trying to fuck us all over, just like Obama and Biden?

We already knew. Quite a long time ago
LOLOL...............What a pathetic excuse of a human being you are rat shit

Haven't seen ya since this started.................Took that long to come out from hiding

Epic Thread Fail
Of course the first response is from Sloppy proving once again why he is among the biggest morons on this board.
Taliban fighters brandished Kalashnikovs and shook their fists in the air after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, defying American warnings that if they did not hand over Osama Bin Laden, their country would be bombed to smithereens.
The bravado faded once American bombs began to fall. Within a few weeks, many of the Taliban had fled the Afghan capital, terrified by the low whine of approaching B-52 aircraft. Soon, they were a spent force, on the run across the arid mountain-scape of Afghanistan.

As one of the journalists who covered them in the early days of the war, I saw their uncertainty and loss of control firsthand.

It was in the waning days of November 2001 that Taliban leaders began to reach out to Hamid Karzai, who would soon become the interim president of Afghanistan: They wanted to make a deal.

“The Taliban were completely defeated, they had no demands, except amnesty,” recalled Barnett Rubin, who worked with the United Nations’ political team in Afghanistan at the time.

Messengers shuttled back and forth between Mr. Karzai and the headquarters of the Taliban leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, in Kandahar. Mr. Karzai envisioned a Taliban surrender that would keep the militants from playing any significant role in the country’s future.

But Washington, confident that the Taliban would be wiped out forever, was in no mood for a deal.

“The United States is not inclined to negotiate surrenders,” Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said in a news conference at the time, adding that the Americans had no interest in leaving Mullah Omar to live out his days anywhere in Afghanistan. The United States wanted him captured or dead."

Of course twenty years later it was the US that effectively surrendered to the Taliban under a deal reached by the Trump Administration and implemented by the Biden Administration.

The purpose of this thread is not to place blame on either Trump or Biden but on the neo-cons in the Bush Administration, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Bush himself for not seizing the opportunity to end the war quickly.

Would the Taliban have just faded away if we negotiated a surrender?

Maybe or Maybe not, but it was an opportunity missed. Rather the Taliban regrouped to fight another day, not without an insignificant amount of help from Pakistan.

Just another failure of the George W. Bush Administration we will live with for years to come.
Sure bit Biden in the ass, eh?
LOLOL...............What a pathetic excuse of a human being you are rat shit

Haven't seen ya since this started.................Took that long to come out from hiding

Epic Thread Fail

Every step the US made with Afghanistan has been wrong. Bush wanted revenge because he didn't get his gas pipeline across Afghanistan to Dabhol.
Thank for proving that you have the attention span of a 5 year old.
You cut and pasted idiocy from the Voice of the Reich in a flaccid attempt to deflect from the abject failure of Quid Pro. Yet you can't come up with a single word to defend the irrelevant shit you posted, instead running to the only thing you know, ad hom.

The unsurpassed folly of "W" and his Bush league has been unfailingly continued under successive administrators of the duopoly's bidding.

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