The Daily Beast: "Every Day, Biden Smells Like More of a Loser"


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And he stinks to high heaven. His radical agenda that is being forced on the American people, must be stopped!

With a hint of confusion in his eyes and a whiff of failure in the air around him, Joe Biden is watching his approval ratings continue to plummet to the point where just 42 percent of Americans approve of his job performance.

Which makes sense, since at least so far Biden really doesn’t seem very good at this whole being president thing despite dreaming of and preparing for it for decades. With his staff trying to hide him from the press, and his penchant for saying confusing things, Biden isn’t rhetorically equipped to talk himself out of this mess. He was elected on a simple mandate to not be Trump, but after promising not to do Trump things, doing his own thing has proven more difficult.

To some degree, he put himself in this corner. By governing as he campaigned (as a competent centrist), Biden might have locked in a governing majority of alienated center-right Americans along with his extant Democratic coalition. However, Biden chose to abandon efforts to transcend the current political paradigm, choosing instead to appease his base. Talk about a tragic plot twist.

And he stinks to high heaven. His radical agenda that is being forced on the American people, must be stopped!

Biden doesn't know what week or month or day he's standing in, let alone understand the basics of his job. A part of me is certain the Deep State installed him just to see how terrible and broken a leader half the country would tolerate. I bet they had one hell of a grand time wagering on that one.
And he stinks to high heaven. His radical agenda that is being forced on the American people, must be stopped!

I am NOT stinking up for prez Biden anymore than I would be sticking up for prez Obama or prez Bushwhacker jr, but one MUST remember that...

"The voting constituency is but a mirrored image of the elected Representatives".
You just know everyone but the really crazy are seeing a train wreck when a far left publication like the daily beast is criticizing it.

Has even one of the leftoids that litter this board turned on Biden? I haven't seen one, meaning they are either paid shills or the dumbest of the dumb.
Another 50,000 migrants are heading our way. Ready to crash through our border. And this worthless asshole Biden is doing NOTHING to defend our country against these invaders.

All he can think about is playing Santa Claus to a bunch of losers who keep dropping little welfare recipients they cannot support without getting on the public dole.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't want the tax dollars the government extorts from me going to support other people's kids. If you want to have kids, fine, but get a fucking job or two so you can support them yourself.
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Put a fork in him.....The Cretin who stole this election is done.
Election NOT stolen. Proof by many FAILED attempts in court.
Stop the Steal. LLLOOLOL...... no proof what so ever, but Russia, Russia, Russia is somehow ...
Fast forward to 3:22 for some "Let's Go Brandon" on the Capitol floor.
That's awesome......We have a (R) member of Congress, saying....."Fuck Joe Biden."
And somehow you cheer this.
Election NOT stolen. Proof by many FAILED attempts in court.
Stop the Steal. LLLOOLOL...... no proof what so ever, but Russia, Russia, Russia is somehow ...

That's awesome......We have a (R) member of Congress, saying....."Fuck Joe Biden."
And somehow you cheer this.
Toffeenut Baconsmuggler What exactly do u dislike?

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