The Cycle Of Chaos

Which of the following plagues will the democrats visit next upon America?

  • A continental EMP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A zombie apocalypse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A plague of man-eating bedbugs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A dirty bomb

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Chinese Invasion (think Invasion USA, Chuck Norris style)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Drop an asteroid from orbit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Summon the Devil, open the gates of hell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A can of snakes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let me write in my own idea

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This sucks, I can't take any more of it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elvis has definitely left the building . . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
**Much of the following message is speculation. However, it is born of rational, logical, common sense reasoning and deduction and is derived from the same.

In the beginning of his presidency Donald J. Trump was a very proactive Commander-in-Chief who, largely without the aid of Congress or his own cabinet members or the courts or the justice system over which he presides, achieved many positive accomplishments for the American people and in the service of promoting the survival of our great nation. He waged an unprecedented war against child pornography and child and human trafficking. He engaged many of the leaders of historic enemies of our nation in person, man to man. He waged a one man war against ISIS/ISIL. He cracked down on illegal immigration, narco-terrorism and international murder gang violence like no other POTUS before him. He forced big Pharma, at the local hospital level, to divulge their cryptic drug pricing to the individual, everyday consumer.

Further, he is one of the only Presidents in history to actually speak to the American people on a daily basis. But all of that changed with the coming onslaught of repeated attempts to remove him from office. Because of this onslaught, Donald J. Trump had no choice but to become an almost exclusively reactive President.

The democrats began their ceaseless four-year onslaught against Donald J. Trump with a plan they were certain would wear down every aspect of his mind and body and resolve to remain POTUS over time: the Russia Collusion narrative. In the meantime, as the Russian Collusion narrative was gaining momentum with a federal investigation into our sitting President, the democrats hit Donald J. Trump with such personal attacks as the Stormy Daniels porn star scandal (which did not stick), the Charlotte Incident, which in truth was no more than a young man fleeing from a radical leftist mob, for his very life. But that didn't stick either, nor did the associated accusations of racism and white supremacy that came along with it.

Next up the democrats accused DJT of embodying "white" nationalism, which they mistook for pure patriotism. Because Donald Trump was and is among the most patriotic Presidents we've ever had, patriotism—by concept and definition, was made by the democrats to be synonymous with "evil" and "devil" and "Nazi". What followed were both the Kavanaugh hearings swarmed by angry mobs stirred up and/or hired by the democrats, and a new Congressional investigation into a phone call DJT had with the Ukrainian President, which ultimately led to the impeachment of our sitting President—and his exoneration. And yet, throughout this onslaught of lies and attempted coups, Donald John Trump remained proactive, pro-American, pro-human life, pro-civilization.

And now for the speculation part of this post.

Up until around January or February 2020 every indirect democrat attempt to depose our sitting President had failed. Believing they had no other choice left but to take direct action against the Trump administration I believe that the democrats weighed their remaining options for getting rid of Trump once and for all and came up with a "final" solution, and another contingency or two beyond that, fail-safe measures, just in case "the big one" they had planned did not do the trick, did not bring Trump down like a wounded Cape Buffalo.

I believe the democrats' final solution to the "Trump Problem" was two-fold. Phase one: the democrats went round the Pentagon and threatened or bribed (doesn't really matter how) top civilian and military defense officials to publicly speak out against President Trump and/or directly defy his orders when the time came. With enough DoD officials, military officers and functionaries on board, they then proceeded to phase two. Phase two: the democrats hired China to unleash two strains of the same novel virus, one weaponized and lethal, the second a naturally occurring and less than lethal but nearly identical one. But here's the rub. The democrats must have known that if novel coronavirus only appeared in the USA their phase two plan would be quickly exposed and fail miserably like all of their previous attempts to depose Trump. So they went to the WHO and made an agreement to spread the virus globally. That way, any pandemonium the two viruses caused within the continental US could not be specifically blamed on either them or the Chinese government. In that way, any damage done to both US infrastructure and the US Presidency could be summed up as coincidental or collateral.

And what a treasure trove of political power gain and anti-Trump propaganda the novel coronavirus has proved out to be. From top to bottom, from day one of coronavirus landfall here in the US, and from the first US casualty of the virus, the COVID-19 pandemic has paid out in the democrats' favor on every possible political and even cultural level. Suddenly all those people who were diehard Donald John Trump fanatics found themselves either confined to their homes, out of work, no longer able to move freely about the country or all three and immersed in even more hardships than that. Also suddenly, Donald Trump saw his monolithic economic boom bleed out overnight. Phase two of the democrats' final solution had succeeded in spades as from that moment forward DJT had little choice but to become an almost exclusively reactive President.

The only problem left in democratic party fantasy land? Donald John Trump did not come down with the China Virus and he was still President of these United States. So the democrats pulled the trigger on the first one of their ultimate fail-safe anti-Trump contingencies: they started a race war between White and African Americans, with the very likely engineered death of one George Floyd. The resulting nationwide race riots again put Donald J. Trump on the defense, forcing him to react endlessly to mobs of radical leftists tearing our country apart. And now the democrat engineered race war has devolved into open insurrection and communist revolution, all cheered on by the democrats.

But Donald Trump is still President of these United States as of July 11, 2020. The democrats failed again.

So, what will be the democrats' second ultimate anti-Trump fail-safe? A literal nuclear option? More than anything else the trials and tribulations our brave President has faced remind me of the Twelve Labors of Heracles. I only wonder which of those twelve mythical labors we and our President is up to next.

The cycle of chaos continues . . .

Buckle up.
**Much of the following message is speculation. However, it is born of rational, logical, common sense reasoning and deduction and is derived from the same.

In the beginning of his presidency Donald J. Trump was a very proactive Commander-in-Chief who, largely without the aid of Congress or his own cabinet members or the courts or the justice system over which he presides, achieved many positive accomplishments for the American people and in the service of promoting the survival of our great nation. He waged an unprecedented war against child pornography and child and human trafficking. He engaged many of the leaders of historic enemies of our nation in person, man to man. He waged a one man war against ISIS/ISIL. He cracked down on illegal immigration, narco-terrorism and international murder gang violence like no other POTUS before him. He forced big Pharma, at the local hospital level, to divulge their cryptic drug pricing to the individual, everyday consumer.

Further, he is one of the only Presidents in history to actually speak to the American people on a daily basis. But all of that changed with the coming onslaught of repeated attempts to remove him from office. Because of this onslaught, Donald J. Trump had no choice but to become an almost exclusively reactive President.

The democrats began their ceaseless four-year onslaught against Donald J. Trump with a plan they were certain would wear down every aspect of his mind and body and resolve to remain POTUS over time: the Russia Collusion narrative. In the meantime, as the Russian Collusion narrative was gaining momentum with a federal investigation into our sitting President, the democrats hit Donald J. Trump with such personal attacks as the Stormy Daniels porn star scandal (which did not stick), the Charlotte Incident, which in truth was no more than a young man fleeing from a radical leftist mob, for his very life. But that didn't stick either, nor did the associated accusations of racism and white supremacy that came along with it.

Next up the democrats accused DJT of embodying "white" nationalism, which they mistook for pure patriotism. Because Donald Trump was and is among the most patriotic Presidents we've ever had, patriotism—by concept and definition, was made by the democrats to be synonymous with "evil" and "devil" and "Nazi". What followed were both the Kavanaugh hearings swarmed by angry mobs stirred up and/or hired by the democrats, and a new Congressional investigation into a phone call DJT had with the Ukrainian President, which ultimately led to the impeachment of our sitting President—and his exoneration. And yet, throughout this onslaught of lies and attempted coups, Donald John Trump remained proactive, pro-American, pro-human life, pro-civilization.

And now for the speculation part of this post.

Up until around January or February 2020 every indirect democrat attempt to depose our sitting President had failed. Believing they had no other choice left but to take direct action against the Trump administration I believe that the democrats weighed their remaining options for getting rid of Trump once and for all and came up with a "final" solution, and another contingency or two beyond that, fail-safe measures, just in case "the big one" they had planned did not do the trick, did not bring Trump down like a wounded Cape Buffalo.

I believe the democrats' final solution to the "Trump Problem" was two-fold. Phase one: the democrats went round the Pentagon and threatened or bribed (doesn't really matter how) top civilian and military defense officials to publicly speak out against President Trump and/or directly defy his orders when the time came. With enough DoD officials, military officers and functionaries on board, they then proceeded to phase two. Phase two: the democrats hired China to unleash two strains of the same novel virus, one weaponized and lethal, the second a naturally occurring and less than lethal but nearly identical one. But here's the rub. The democrats must have known that if novel coronavirus only appeared in the USA their phase two plan would be quickly exposed and fail miserably like all of their previous attempts to depose Trump. So they went to the WHO and made an agreement to spread the virus globally. That way, any pandemonium the two viruses caused within the continental US could not be specifically blamed on either them or the Chinese government. In that way, any damage done to both US infrastructure and the US Presidency could be summed up as coincidental or collateral.

And what a treasure trove of political power gain and anti-Trump propaganda the novel coronavirus has proved out to be. From top to bottom, from day one of coronavirus landfall here in the US, and from the first US casualty of the virus, the COVID-19 pandemic has paid out in the democrats' favor on every possible political and even cultural level. Suddenly all those people who were diehard Donald John Trump fanatics found themselves either confined to their homes, out of work, no longer able to move freely about the country or all three and immersed in even more hardships than that. Also suddenly, Donald Trump saw his monolithic economic boom bleed out overnight. Phase two of the democrats' final solution had succeeded in spades as from that moment forward DJT had little choice but to become an almost exclusively reactive President.

The only problem left in democratic party fantasy land? Donald John Trump did not come down with the China Virus and he was still President of these United States. So the democrats pulled the trigger on the first one of their ultimate fail-safe anti-Trump contingencies: they started a race war between White and African Americans, with the very likely engineered death of one George Floyd. The resulting nationwide race riots again put Donald J. Trump on the defense, forcing him to react endlessly to mobs of radical leftists tearing our country apart. And now the democrat engineered race war has devolved into open insurrection and communist revolution, all cheered on by the democrats.

But Donald Trump is still President of these United States as of July 11, 2020. The democrats failed again.

So, what will be the democrats' second ultimate anti-Trump fail-safe? A literal nuclear option? More than anything else the trials and tribulations our brave President has faced remind me of the Twelve Labors of Heracles. I only wonder which of those twelve mythical labors we and our President is up to next.

The cycle of chaos continues . . .

Buckle up.

Sigh...Hercules performed the Twelve Labors.
Wow, torpedoed your entire post on the second to last sentence.

Let me make this easy for you. The cycle of chaos ends in November when Trump and a lot of Republicans are swept out of office.
See? Nice and short post.

EDIT - Sorry about the miffed historical reference. I just remember the original story from grade school days.
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