The Culture of Rape


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
There are those who believe there is no culture of rape, just as they believe there is no war on women (or their rights over their own bodies). If you believe there is no culture of rape, I would like to discuss that with you.

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Yes, there is a culture of rape but its not limited to culture.

While its true that men can be raped, its almost always a man who rapes a woman. And, as is well known, its always about hate and power.

That's also why it has always been weapon of war.
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So what are you asking here boop?

If someone believes that no such culture of rape exists, I want to hear the logic that goes into that mindset.

i would be more apt to say there is a culture of violence..... rape only an extension of that.

rape is not about is about power, brought about by violence.

That is a logical point. I hope after I have had more coffee I can actually discuss it, rather than just saying I agree.
If someone believes that no such culture of rape exists, I want to hear the logic that goes into that mindset.

i would be more apt to say there is a culture of violence..... rape only an extension of that.

rape is not about is about power, brought about by violence.

That is a logical point. I hope after I have had more coffee I can actually discuss it, rather than just saying I agree.

which is why i asked you what you were getting at.... and it truly is the only point.
What is the “Rape Culture?”

Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety.

Rape Culture | Women's Center

I do see some instances of "rape culture" mentality in the media where the victim is blamed for being raped.

I don't think rape is limited to women only, and so not sure about this websites definition of it, because it excludes the idea that men can be stigmatized and shamed or silenced to not speak out if they have experienced rape.
What is the “Rape Culture?”

Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety.

Rape Culture | Women's Center

I do see some instances of "rape culture" mentality in the media where the victim is blamed for being raped.

I don't think rape is limited to women only, and so not sure about this websites definition of it, because it excludes the idea that men can be stigmatized and shamed or silenced to not speak out if they have experienced rape.

sorry.... their definition of "rape culture" does not work for me.

rape is not "prevalent" here.

I do agree that there is problem with trying to blame a woman for being raped by what she was wearing, was she drinking, where she was, was no really no....ect...

but that has nothing to do with the rape..... nor is it about "rape culture"
There are those who believe there is no culture of rape, just as they believe there is no war on women (or their rights over their own bodies). If you believe there is no culture of rape, I would like to discuss that with you.

The question has to be clarified. Are you talking about easy to figure out, violent rape, or the fuzzy, I'm drunk, she's drunk and in the morning one of the parties isn't happy about it "rape"

Of course the 2nd one has to be quantified with any form of spiking, and maybe even if the male isn't drunk. The spiking makes it 100% a crime, the not being drunk I am not so sure.

If there a "culture" of rape, if you consider the I'm drunk, you're drunk interaction "rape" then maybe there is. of course we brought this upon ourselves with the loosening of sexual restrictions, which while were never really effective, at least made promiscuity a taboo topic, and men were at least trained to be respectful to women.

But that may be another debate.
At one time rape was about power. It's moving away from that into being about rights. If there is a right to have sex, rape becomes a method of exercising that right. Otherwise sex is merely a privilege permitted only at the whim of another.
If someone believes that no such culture of rape exists, I want to hear the logic that goes into that mindset.

No culture of rape exists.
In fact, our culture imprisons people that perform sexual rape. Quite the opposite of what you are implying.

Unless they are in the military, apparently.

Last I looked, the military also imprisons people for rape.
Nice try at moving the goalposts, but you failed.
Two U.S. servicemen imprisoned for rape in Japan -
Soldier rapist jailed
Soldiers jailed for mass rape as Congo finally acts on abuse - Africa - World - The Independent
IDF officer jailed for 3 years for raping woman soldier in his unit Israel News | Haaretz

See how fun this is? You said "Military", so I took the liberty of including military from other countries, not just the US. They prosecute their rapists just as the US does.
It's a cultural thing, cultures prosecute and imprison rapists.
I'm right, you're mistaken.
There are those who believe there is no culture of rape, just as they believe there is no war on women (or their rights over their own bodies). If you believe there is no culture of rape, I would like to discuss that with you.

The question has to be clarified. Are you talking about easy to figure out, violent rape, or the fuzzy, I'm drunk, she's drunk and in the morning one of the parties isn't happy about it "rape"

Of course the 2nd one has to be quantified with any form of spiking, and maybe even if the male isn't drunk. The spiking makes it 100% a crime, the not being drunk I am not so sure.

If there a "culture" of rape, if you consider the I'm drunk, you're drunk interaction "rape" then maybe there is. of course we brought this upon ourselves with the loosening of sexual restrictions, which while were never really effective, at least made promiscuity a taboo topic, and men were at least trained to be respectful to women.

But that may be another debate.

You're right, the 'he said/she said' can do a lot of damage to a poor sod who thinks he just had a drunken revelry, that is absolutely true. This thread is about societal excusing of rape when it clearly happened. But how she was dressed apparently forgives it, or 'she had it coming,' or this entire military mess.

How can rape possibly be excused or justified? Yet it is.

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