The Crackpots and Loons in Public Life Who Love Trump


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
One really has to wonder what is going on when we consider some of the crackpots and loons in public life who support and worship Trump!!

Case in point:

Jim Bakker: Making Fun Of Trump Is The 'Spirit Of The Antichrist' | HuffPost

The “spirit of the Antichrist” is alive and well and living inside people who dare to mock President Donald Trump, disgraced televangelist Jim Bakker said.

Bakker now sells survivalist food and gear to doomsday preppers on his “Jim Bakker Show.” In a clip from Thursday that was posted online by Right Wing Watch, he claimed there was a “hatred among peoples and this is satanic.”

Then he went full “Sleepy Hollow” on his audience:
“This is the White Horse of the Apocalypse. The White Horse of the Apocalypse is the first horse. It’s a horse of speech. It’s a horse of spirit. And the spirit of Antichrist is out now. This is what you’re seeing. You want to know what the Antichrist spirit looks like? That’s what’s going on in America. These people mocking the president, the words they use, the speech they use, that’s the spirit of Antichrist. That’s the spirit of hatred.”

No, not the white horse of the apocalypse.......It the white HOUSE of the apocalypse. This sort of thing also speaks volumes about who his "base" is and what the average Trump voter believes. Here is more:

‘Prophets’ Say Trump Knows God Got Him Elected, Pray To Expose Leakers | Right Wing Watch

Frank Amedia, the Trump-supporting “prophet” who hosted the POTUS Shield gathering in Ohio earlier this month, told participants that President Trump acknowledged to him that God is responsible for his election:

I said to the man’s own face, ‘If you didn’t see God got you elected, with all the mistakes you made, and how you should have lost this election 50 times, then you will never see God.’ And he said, ‘I know it was God.’

And finally, one more.... for now:

Tony Perkins: Trump Is ‘God-Given Opportunity To Reshape America In His Image’ | Right Wing Watch
The letter from FRC Action President Tony Perkins warns of “five ways the ‘Progressives’ have intensified the war on your values and freedoms”:
1. Igniting an explosion of propaganda sold to Americans as “news.”
2. Destroying public trust and spreading confusion by spreading “fake news.”
3. Unleashing lawless radicals in the streets and town meetings.
4. Maintaining a shadow government working against the American government.
5. Coordinating and unifying the falsehood and disruption.

Yes I know. I will be accused of being hateful and spreading fear and loathing. But folks, I'm not making this stuff up and anyone who does not think that these people are batshit crazy has to have a few screws loose themselves.
To be a Trump supporter means one of two things

1) You are in the 1% and stand to directly benefit from his policies
2) You're not smart

That's it.
Jim Bakker is a loon and crackpot.

Water is wet, fire is hot

Welcome to reality
Only they have a point. HATRED and intolerance and violence are all coming from the Godless Atheistic Agnostic Left.

This seething venomous hatred has even infected beauty pageants.

Conservative New Miss USA Rejects Feminism, Says Health Care Is Not a Right
I see. Any criticism of someone coming from the left is automatically "hatred' and, of course, the right never is critical of anyone .....Horseshit!
Only they have a point. HATRED and intolerance and violence are all coming from the Godless Atheistic Agnostic Left.

This seething venomous hatred has even infected beauty pageants.

Conservative New Miss USA Rejects Feminism, Says Health Care Is Not a Right
I see. Any criticism of someone coming from the left is automatically "hatred' and, of course, the right never is critical of anyone .....Horseshit!


'Any criticism of someone coming from the RIGHT is automatically "hatred' and, of course, the LEFT never is critical of anyone.

Yup, works that way as well
if people didn't foolishly Vote against their own best interests, conservatives would only receive 1%.
if people didn't foolishly Vote against their own best interests, conservatives would only receive 1%.
Just because they are voting against YOUR best interests, doesn't mean they are voting against their own.
To be a Trump supporter means one of two things

1) You are in the 1% and stand to directly benefit from his policies
2) You're not smart

That's it.
fk, i didn't know that 65 million was only 1% of the population. hmmmmmmm you sure about that 1% figure?
Go Learn Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, and Political Science, dittoheads.

conservatives only help the 1%.
To be a Trump supporter means one of two things

1) You are in the 1% and stand to directly benefit from his policies
2) You're not smart

That's it.
fk, i didn't know that 65 million was only 1% of the population. hmmmmmmm you sure about that 1% figure?

You sure you have basic reading comprehension skills?

I guess we all know which group you're in.

You idiots make this too easy.
Go Learn Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, and Political Science, dittoheads.

conservatives only help the 1%.

and supporting a criminal like trumpi is NOT smart.
To be a Trump supporter means one of two things

1) You are in the 1% and stand to directly benefit from his policies
2) You're not smart

That's it.
fk, i didn't know that 65 million was only 1% of the population. hmmmmmmm you sure about that 1% figure?

You sure you have basic reading comprehension skills?

I guess we all know which group you're in.

You idiots make this too easy.
hey, I'm not the one that wrote 1%. you didn't answer the question i asked, why not? limited ability to answer such question cause you know you got had?
Go Learn Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, and Political Science, dittoheads.

conservatives only help the 1%.

and supporting a criminal like trumpi is NOT smart.
and supporting a criminal like trumpi is NOT smart.

Neither was supporting a criminal like Hillary..

The country had few real choices last year
Go Learn Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, and Political Science, dittoheads.

conservatives only help the 1%.

and supporting a criminal like trumpi is NOT smart.
but dude, 40% of the people voted for trump so not sure how you get to that 1% thingy still. explain what the fk you're trying to say. cause the 40% wanted his policies, not the 1%ers.
To be a Trump supporter means one of two things

1) You are in the 1% and stand to directly benefit from his policies
2) You're not smart

That's it.
fk, i didn't know that 65 million was only 1% of the population. hmmmmmmm you sure about that 1% figure?

You sure you have basic reading comprehension skills?

I guess we all know which group you're in.

You idiots make this too easy.
hey, I'm not the one that wrote 1%. you didn't answer the question i asked, why not? limited ability to answer such question cause you know you got had?

Your question illustrates that you didn't understand what I wrote.

Hence, you're an idiot and fall in to group #2.
Progressive liberals will burn in hell so eventually I'll get my revenge on them.

That's right, "God" is going to banish people to eternal pits of fire for wanting healthcare for everyone.

The mental gymnastics you simpletons do on a daily basis is Olympic level quality.
Progressive liberals will burn in hell so eventually I'll get my revenge on them.

That's right, "God" is going to banish people to eternal pits of fire for wanting healthcare for everyone.

The mental gymnastics you simpletons do on a daily basis is Olympic level quality.

The Godless heathen baby mutilating left will get theirs. That will teach them to rip the limbs off helpless human babies in the womb.

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