The cost of police corruption.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
People who admit there is corruption, but deny the severity argue that the cop isn't lying, planting evidence, or stealing every time. The problem is, you can't prove he didn't any other time once the cop has been identified as corrupt. Then every single case that cop worked on is suspect. Hundreds of guilty go free, because the cop lied, and was caught, only once.

Two More Drug Cases Dismissed in Police Corruption Probe

Everyone who was arrested, or involved in a case by the now disgraced cop in Chicago is filing for a new trial arguing that they were set up, and the prosecutors have no choice but to basically agree, and drop the charges.

I've always argued that once is enough. One lie is enough to label the cop a perjurer. One planted evidence is enough to bring every single case into question, and obviously my view is shared by the Defense, and the Prosecutors.

It was just one time. The old saying is absolutely true. One aw shit wipes out thousands of good job pats on the back. In this case, getting caught and exposing years of the code of silence running rampant in the police has rather far reaching consequences. Dozens of people have their convictions overturned, they'll sue and get money from the city, county, and state. Who knows how many more will be set free, convictions overturned, and cash paid because of a corrupt cop that the others ignored.

Several thousand were set free because of a lab that lied about the tests they conducted. When you lie, even once, then every statement you have made is now suspect. The Prosecutors are not going to stand before a jury and say yes, these cops were liars, and they planted evidence, and they stole money and stuff. But in this one case, they told the truth, I swear to god they told the truth.

The asinine argument that the police have to do this because Liberals have screwed up the system with all the restrictions and that sort of thing is laid bare. The cops know how to do the job right, but they choose not to, because they are lazy. They don't want to do it the right way. They don't want to do the hard job, they want to have fun driving around fast, chasing people, and tackling people. They want to beat on non resisting people, and scream insults and shout at folks to stop resisting.

The bad cops got caught, which is unusual. The result is predictable. Everyone that cop busted is going to go free. Everyone will have their convictions overturned. Everyone will get paid by the state for false arrest/prosecution. Those other cops who turned their heads so they wouldn't see, they are just as responsible as the bad one. But they won't be punished, instead they'll complain about how awful it is that people don't trust them.

Why the hell would people trust the police? Let's ask Justine Damond about that. Justine? Justine? Oh, never mind.
People who admit there is corruption, but deny the severity argue that the cop isn't lying, planting evidence, or stealing every time. The problem is, you can't prove he didn't any other time once the cop has been identified as corrupt. Then every single case that cop worked on is suspect. Hundreds of guilty go free, because the cop lied, and was caught, only once.

Two More Drug Cases Dismissed in Police Corruption Probe

Everyone who was arrested, or involved in a case by the now disgraced cop in Chicago is filing for a new trial arguing that they were set up, and the prosecutors have no choice but to basically agree, and drop the charges.

I've always argued that once is enough. One lie is enough to label the cop a perjurer. One planted evidence is enough to bring every single case into question, and obviously my view is shared by the Defense, and the Prosecutors.

It was just one time. The old saying is absolutely true. One aw shit wipes out thousands of good job pats on the back. In this case, getting caught and exposing years of the code of silence running rampant in the police has rather far reaching consequences. Dozens of people have their convictions overturned, they'll sue and get money from the city, county, and state. Who knows how many more will be set free, convictions overturned, and cash paid because of a corrupt cop that the others ignored.

Several thousand were set free because of a lab that lied about the tests they conducted. When you lie, even once, then every statement you have made is now suspect. The Prosecutors are not going to stand before a jury and say yes, these cops were liars, and they planted evidence, and they stole money and stuff. But in this one case, they told the truth, I swear to god they told the truth.

The asinine argument that the police have to do this because Liberals have screwed up the system with all the restrictions and that sort of thing is laid bare. The cops know how to do the job right, but they choose not to, because they are lazy. They don't want to do it the right way. They don't want to do the hard job, they want to have fun driving around fast, chasing people, and tackling people. They want to beat on non resisting people, and scream insults and shout at folks to stop resisting.

The bad cops got caught, which is unusual. The result is predictable. Everyone that cop busted is going to go free. Everyone will have their convictions overturned. Everyone will get paid by the state for false arrest/prosecution. Those other cops who turned their heads so they wouldn't see, they are just as responsible as the bad one. But they won't be punished, instead they'll complain about how awful it is that people don't trust them.

Why the hell would people trust the police? Let's ask Justine Damond about that. Justine? Justine? Oh, never mind.
When someone breaks into your house, are you going to call 911 or try to defend yourself? Just wondering if you trust the person on the other line to make sure they send someone who will help you out?
People who admit there is corruption, but deny the severity argue that the cop isn't lying, planting evidence, or stealing every time. The problem is, you can't prove he didn't any other time once the cop has been identified as corrupt. Then every single case that cop worked on is suspect. Hundreds of guilty go free, because the cop lied, and was caught, only once.

Two More Drug Cases Dismissed in Police Corruption Probe

Everyone who was arrested, or involved in a case by the now disgraced cop in Chicago is filing for a new trial arguing that they were set up, and the prosecutors have no choice but to basically agree, and drop the charges.

I've always argued that once is enough. One lie is enough to label the cop a perjurer. One planted evidence is enough to bring every single case into question, and obviously my view is shared by the Defense, and the Prosecutors.

It was just one time. The old saying is absolutely true. One aw shit wipes out thousands of good job pats on the back. In this case, getting caught and exposing years of the code of silence running rampant in the police has rather far reaching consequences. Dozens of people have their convictions overturned, they'll sue and get money from the city, county, and state. Who knows how many more will be set free, convictions overturned, and cash paid because of a corrupt cop that the others ignored.

Several thousand were set free because of a lab that lied about the tests they conducted. When you lie, even once, then every statement you have made is now suspect. The Prosecutors are not going to stand before a jury and say yes, these cops were liars, and they planted evidence, and they stole money and stuff. But in this one case, they told the truth, I swear to god they told the truth.

The asinine argument that the police have to do this because Liberals have screwed up the system with all the restrictions and that sort of thing is laid bare. The cops know how to do the job right, but they choose not to, because they are lazy. They don't want to do it the right way. They don't want to do the hard job, they want to have fun driving around fast, chasing people, and tackling people. They want to beat on non resisting people, and scream insults and shout at folks to stop resisting.

The bad cops got caught, which is unusual. The result is predictable. Everyone that cop busted is going to go free. Everyone will have their convictions overturned. Everyone will get paid by the state for false arrest/prosecution. Those other cops who turned their heads so they wouldn't see, they are just as responsible as the bad one. But they won't be punished, instead they'll complain about how awful it is that people don't trust them.

Why the hell would people trust the police? Let's ask Justine Damond about that. Justine? Justine? Oh, never mind.
When someone breaks into your house, are you going to call 911 or try to defend yourself? Just wondering if you trust the person on the other line to make sure they send someone who will help you out?

Personally, I like THIS approach:

People who admit there is corruption, but deny the severity argue that the cop isn't lying, planting evidence, or stealing every time. The problem is, you can't prove he didn't any other time once the cop has been identified as corrupt. Then every single case that cop worked on is suspect. Hundreds of guilty go free, because the cop lied, and was caught, only once.

Two More Drug Cases Dismissed in Police Corruption Probe

Everyone who was arrested, or involved in a case by the now disgraced cop in Chicago is filing for a new trial arguing that they were set up, and the prosecutors have no choice but to basically agree, and drop the charges.

I've always argued that once is enough. One lie is enough to label the cop a perjurer. One planted evidence is enough to bring every single case into question, and obviously my view is shared by the Defense, and the Prosecutors.

It was just one time. The old saying is absolutely true. One aw shit wipes out thousands of good job pats on the back. In this case, getting caught and exposing years of the code of silence running rampant in the police has rather far reaching consequences. Dozens of people have their convictions overturned, they'll sue and get money from the city, county, and state. Who knows how many more will be set free, convictions overturned, and cash paid because of a corrupt cop that the others ignored.

Several thousand were set free because of a lab that lied about the tests they conducted. When you lie, even once, then every statement you have made is now suspect. The Prosecutors are not going to stand before a jury and say yes, these cops were liars, and they planted evidence, and they stole money and stuff. But in this one case, they told the truth, I swear to god they told the truth.

The asinine argument that the police have to do this because Liberals have screwed up the system with all the restrictions and that sort of thing is laid bare. The cops know how to do the job right, but they choose not to, because they are lazy. They don't want to do it the right way. They don't want to do the hard job, they want to have fun driving around fast, chasing people, and tackling people. They want to beat on non resisting people, and scream insults and shout at folks to stop resisting.

The bad cops got caught, which is unusual. The result is predictable. Everyone that cop busted is going to go free. Everyone will have their convictions overturned. Everyone will get paid by the state for false arrest/prosecution. Those other cops who turned their heads so they wouldn't see, they are just as responsible as the bad one. But they won't be punished, instead they'll complain about how awful it is that people don't trust them.

Why the hell would people trust the police? Let's ask Justine Damond about that. Justine? Justine? Oh, never mind.
When someone breaks into your house, are you going to call 911 or try to defend yourself? Just wondering if you trust the person on the other line to make sure they send someone who will help you out?

I have said this before. I live in rural Georgia. The response for police is more than thirty minutes. There isn't anyone but me.

In the situation you describe the call to 911 will be after I call a lawyer. The lawyer can talk to the cops while they remove the intruder. I guess you figured me for a wimp because I am opposed to police corruption.

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